How would they do in the Marvel Universe?
How would they do in the Marvel Universe?
Pretty well, despite a heavier output of street-level heroes.
If anything the worst thing they'd have to fear is psychos like Electro ruining it for them
Sandman would be all in though
Assuming they're still midwestern no-one important in Marvel gives a shit about events that aren't happening in New York or space. I don't think the GLA or the Fifty States Initiative are quite on their power level. They could probably make off with half of the Great Plains before anyone even noticed them.
whos the strongest marvel hero they could beat?
They could probably beat Iron Man consistently
Spider-Man and the rest of the street level guys could never catch Mirror Master but everyone above could brute force it
Snart would never willingly put them in a situation where they're an Avengers level problem
>Spider-Man and the rest of the street level guys could never catch Mirror Master but everyone above could brute force it
I mean hes beaten The Spot
Mirror Master can also do a lot more than Spot.
The Spot is canonically a dumbass.
the rogues having to deal with some marvel villains trying to move in on their territory would be a fun story. I'd imagine the wrecking crew would try and pick a fight with them
Mirror Master is way stronger
Most of them wouldn't get past Spider-Man
Could Kadabra be a good villain for Strange?
>A group of top level united and coordinated villains who stick to mostly non lethal street crime
They are unstoppable outside of NYC.
What are you even talking about? The heroes move from NY all the times with afew exceptions, not counting the teams and organizations that works outside of NY and USA.
>The heroes in NY move to California
Such a big change!
Rogues vs Sinister Six when?
That's why they always work as a team idiot.
>i dunno what i'm talking about but i'll do it anyway!
I bet you think Batman saving the multiverse alone is the apex of writing.
>Rogues run into Pietro
>Pietro is an ass per usual and is constantly talking shit.
>Rogues go and kick his ass.
Snart: "Well that was disappointing, guess the speedsters on this Earth are all bark, no bite."
Wow is this so personaly to you little whiny bitch? They are the villian of a guy who got his ass kicked by Catwoman, they fucking suck.
>character jobs in a shit story while under mind control
that means almost nothing
You're right, the Avengers and the X-Men definitely hang out and patrol the Midwest and give a shit about any areas outside of NY or LA!!
Spidey has trouble fighting a poacher who takes drugs and an old man that wears a flying harness.