How do we save THOR?

Taika started this ruination of the character. The Russos finished what?

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Keep him fat, that was a good change, but let him mature on his own route

theyre both hot

Keep letting Taika make Thor movies so OP gets pissed off again.

maybe shirtless fat Thor isn't so hot but he looks good with the armour

Reminder Argardians were not snapped. They were killed

How did he get into that fat suit? I can see where it cuts off at his hand, but is there a zip or something? Or is it like a sweater?

I'd still want to be fucked by fat Thor.

Beta Ray Bill.

There ya go.

This, the Hulk snap didn't bring anyone back for Thor. It would be cheap to have him just reset to being /fit/ again at the beginning of the next movie.

There's an obvious solution that Taika would love, of course.

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Posting thor

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Are you a couple of retards? This was confirmed long ago by the russos that while yes thanos killed half of the ppl on the ship, the snap dusted half of who were left. Pay attention morons. This shit aint hard to fucking follow

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stop watching mcu

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Make him FATTER I’m not kidding.

Since Thor made Valkyrie the Queen of Asgard, and rejected himself as king. Then where is Thor to go? He can't progress into being King Thor with one eye, daughters, and slug it out with Galactus.

All he can do is pass Stormbreak to Bill and die.

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The guy lost his parents, then his home, then his brother, and then a majority of his people. Honestly, I would have been pissed if he didn't show signs of severe depression, not even a good should go through that much and still be fine. And it's not like one movie indicates a permanent change, it will be interesting to see in futures movies how he moves on from this part of his life.

Please cite sources if the Russos were actually this incompetent. The destruction of Asgard was a necessary plot point of Ragnarok; aside from others who ghosted like Valkyrie, the only Asgardians left were on the ship.

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Yeah but like natty fat like the guy who played Mac from Always Sunny. Just get super fat on purpose then have your Hollywood trainers beat it out of you afterwards.

people who hated fat thor are the smoothest of brainlets

he had a kino survivor's guilt arc. now it's over, MCU passes in real time, he'll be back to jacked thor again and you worrying fags are eating a big fat fucking nothing burger

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It was played for laughs. He’s gonna be fit in the next one.

Didn't Thanos just kill half of the remaining Asgardians? Granted the ship was pretty fucked but its not inconceivable to think at least some escaped. If half of the survivors were snapped that would still leave an extremely small population of Asgardians which is exactly what we saw in Endgame.

Long hair?

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>Then where is Thor to go?

Fortnite 2

Or short?

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he was pissed in endgame dude did you not see it?

My point was that Thor wouldn't be getting any BFFs for life back from the snap, they would have been Asgardians who had abandoned Asgard either before Hela's return or by not joining them on the ship. He had to watch Thanos manually slaughter half his true people.

You can be both angry and depressed.

>Nope. Half of them die again.


>he still wants beta ray bill in the MCU

Did Hulk fuck him?

So a quarter of the original total were snapped and blipped back. Sorry I don't hang on Anthony and Joe's every word.

That article is exactly what I said. Half escaped the ship and then half of the survivors were snapped.

This! OP, you want that to end? Follow this dude's advice. It's over.

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Thor's a jock who's lost the Championship based on a screw up.

Glued and then covered with make-up.

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Short hair > Fat Thor w/ armor >>>>>>> Normal Thor

Steve's a jock that quit the sport in order to achieve personal happiness.

Tony is the jock that decided to play through a concussion and died.

You’re boring

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>Tony is the jock that decided to play through a concussion winning the game for his team but dying to do it.

Fixed that for you fool

Sleeveless looks so much better than sleeved

what was he the god of again?


Strength and Fertility. The Aesir God closest to the common man.

He should have channeled it into a battle fury of suicidal rage like what would have happened to quill had he survived

He did. And once there was no fight left to fight he gave up

I want to go back in time to Thor 1 and tell people that this would be the only main Avenger to get 4 (maybe more) solo movies



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In comics he simply resurrected them
Did not stay crying like an idiot
And this is the big problem of these MCU writers
The fucking THOR is 2,000 years old, they're not a 30 year old playboy.
The guy has to have maturity and intelligence
They write Thor as if he were the Hulk, Cap or Iron Man
The guy has 2,000 years the best step was to resurrect all the Asgardians on Earth with new actors to replace Heimdall, Fandral,
Volstagg and others
This happenimg in comics
but Disney prefers to turn his back on all the good things in comics and rewrite his own MCU

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>now what?
Bald Thor next

a naked man!!!!!
But leotards on women is strictly prohibited

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>In comics he simply resurrected them
Uh, that's obviously not going to happen here?

What’s wrong with crying?

missing eyes you are, young padawan

Everyone in Asgard also lives long as fuck so he wouldn't be so okay with dying

The Russos ruined Thor.

Apparently no
with the new Asgard on Earth they have lost the oportunity to have New Asgard in THOR 4
Resurrecting who died
As many have said, Endgame was a disaster for the original Avengers

Kind of makes his depression more justified in my opinion. He lived the same exact idyllic life for thousands of years, then in the span of a few years had absolutely everything taken from him. He experienced events far worse than anything he could have imagined just a decade earlier.

Infinity War is the best Thor

Captain America picking up the hammer and instantly becoming stronger than thor killed Thor, a fight between Thor and cpt marvel or sentry or Adam Warlock , with Thor winning (barely for movie suspence) could revive him

Your posting style betrays you every single time. Jesus christ you're predictable.

Don't Jinx it !

Taika rescued a shit film and revived interest in cosmic marvel
You should be thanking him for making Thor relevant after the two trainwrecks that were his previous films

There's a strong Ultimate Thor vibe in this scene.

Also Taika just quit "Akira" (putting the production of the movie on hold indefinitely) to focus on Thor 4, so what would you like to see, plot-wise? Keep in mind this movie would be taking place before GOTG3, so yes, they're going to drop him off somewhere before they take their leave, so don't bother including them in your fanfic.

Me? I'd like them to do this arc (a Celestials saga kinda thing), maybe bring Beta Ray Bill along too.

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Beta Ray Bill will replace Loki as the brother and rival, this time with a much more friendly relationship. A bromance between God and horse-man.

So we are probably going to have Mommy Gaea (her brother is rumoured to be the main villain in WandaVision) replace Odin as the mentor/parental figure for Thor.

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I wish he had kept the eyepatch.

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Do you see the history and the spectacular style of art?
Yes, this is before Disney

>The single most interesting thing that's happened to the character in decades


Hey, remember how the last THREE main events involving Thor were literally
>Hey, what if Thor wasn't Thor?
Doesn't it feel great to get away from that?

I mean it's obvious if you watch the movie. I genuinely worry that they are going to dumb down movies even more in the future to make sure people like this can follow along.

When the JMS run came out, I remember a lot of people bitching about the more traditional medieval style and how it wasn't all sci-fi Kirbyesque, it certainly wasn't "history" at the time of release. People always complain at every interpretation of Thor, classic or not.

Keep him fat. Maybe it'll help lower the national roastie's standards they seem to harp about with themselves.

Disney has got to follow the money.

One thing we can all agree on is the fact that Aaron's Thor is absolute shit and needs to be retcon.

Godbomb was dope

At this point it's very unlikely I'm afraid, a lot of people ONLY know Aaron's Thor (along them Cates, clearly), so it's his stuff the ones that gets referenced anymore. I don't think most have heard of JMS, DeFalco or Simonson beyond "oh yeah, they existed I guess".

Godbomb was shit. As was anything to do with Gorr.

We could get Sif back maybe?


Never since she is currently the star of a tv series where she is a hybrid of Captain America, Winter Soldier and Black Widow.

It is all about execution. The low hanging fat/ loser comedy that went on for about an hour too long was just awful and provided tons of unintentional cringe. You can tell they were like "Ragnarok was goofy and fun, so we should do that too!" but the Russos aren't funny in that respect and not self aware enough to reign it in reasonably.

James Gun set the tone for how the cosmic universe should be handled. It's goofy, but tastefully goofy and self aware. Taika followed suit, and has the mindset to play in that realm, thus Ragnarok was a very fun film.

Endgame Thor was fucking awful, a pale copy of a copy. The rest of the film was decent enough to good, because the Russos stayed in their wheelhouse of being action heavy and riding on Whedon's coattails.

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>In comics
who cares about that nerd

The problem with these movies is they lack any gravitas. Endgame is supposed to be the grand finale where they save the universe but for half the movie they’re dicking around in the past like a bunch of morons. Even Thor’s lament is treated as a fucking joke. The only well written characters in that movie were Nebula and Stark

long hair, miss having my wife run her hands through my hair

Daily reminder

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Daily reminder: Hemsworth is why Thor became a fucking joke.

Hemsworth was ready to bail on the franchise. He HATED the straight laced Thor in Thor 1-2. He WANTED Thor to become a comedy relief figure. Because Hemsworth wants to be known as a comedy actor because he's getting older and thinks moving to comedy roles will give his career an extra couple of years.

Almost everybody I know who didn't care for Thor liked Ragnarok and said it was the best Thor movie and one of the better Marvel movies even. I frequently see it in top 5 lists for the MCU.

No idea what Yea Forums's beef with this movie is. Then again Yea Forums seems to be super contrarian about everything related to the MCU.

Why is Heimdall white?

Thor is great, and glad he get his hair back

Of course long. Only faggots have short hair

He should definitely get a sidecut now.

Makes me wonder if Thor wanted to do the snap so he could bring back more than just the snapped peoples. He could have tried to bring back his family and home.


I don't even know what the point of Thor 4 even is now. His ENTIRE supporting cast was either killed off, or written out other than Valkyrie. He's got no mission or reason for adventure anymore.

There's the Guardians, but he's gonna just pal around with them still it's not a Thor movie but a Guardians one.

there are women out there that still find this arousing.

passing the torch to Beta Ray Bill

It'll be Jane Foster's great comeback.
Or more seriously, they could adapt one of the many stories featuring the Celestials with him, from an epic saga kinda approach, palling around with BRB.