An exec tells you this rat must become an official avenger. How do you do it?

An exec tells you this rat must become an official avenger. How do you do it?

Attached: avengers_rat_poster_by_bryanzap_dd65ht6-pre.jpg (753x1062, 129K)

Give it an infinity gem

Force it into every other scene and make it do "wicked" things that soibois everywhere gawk about.

He received a dose of quantum energy and Pym particles, and can become giant and smart.

I’ll suck his cock until he changes his mind

I would unironically love that. The idea of the Ant Man movies having just Doc Rat hanging out eating cheese and arguing with Pym sounds great


Ant-Man looks at security footage and sees it was a rat that freed him, he finds the rat and straps a doohickey to it that gives it intelligence and the ability to speak. Rat-Boy becomes Ant-Man's sidekick and thus an Avenger.

wait what did the rat have on his mind to begin with

Unironically this

Have a bit of the reality stone leak some its essence giving the rat super intelligence and knowledge of the mystical arts, basically being a rodent Doctor Strange

And have him enlist the help of a frog that got hit by a shard of mjolnir

Attached: throg.jpg (360x554, 62K)

Decide which Jewish actor im going to cast.

Just do the same thing they did with Groot, Strange's cape, Porgs and Carol's cat: have the media aggressively shill it as THE NEXT ADORABLE ICON YOU NEED TO COLLECT ALL THE PLUSHES OF, the money will follow.

Attached: 1561180340250.png (256x192, 2K)

Admiral Whiskers-tier!

>Look at these calculations. You could easily increase the collection rate by 50%.
>Oh that can't be... by God, he's right.

Dr. Rat flips off Pym and pours an entire bag of Cheetos down his throat in celebration.

Who voices him

kek that rat is the new Goose

Have it foil the plans of Dick Dastardly Richards.

danny devito

Niel P Harris?

And lemme tell you something, clerk! If you as so as move a muscle... I'll, make sure you stay buried in that ground there.

Funny, you know? This rat/mouse could actually be Mickey Mouse; which means Disney brought hope back to the Marvel Universe.

That road leads to him demanding weird shit just so you’ll suck his cock.

I will mourn everyday that this will never happen

Thank you user, I'm sure nobody would've gotten the reference without you

He was a Rat that lived with Tony Stark and learned how to code and fight kung fu by watching videos Jarvis showed him.

I think thats a win for both fags

The rat was the ex-mascot of Stark Industries, and it became evil.

Turn her into a magical Ratgirl

Attached: Rat.jpg (480x544, 31K)

We will be the Brotherhood of... Dangerous Animals!

Attached: brotherhood of da.jpg (800x419, 52K)

I don't remember Strange's Cape as a guy who doesn't watch movies, and I saw all the other ones you mentioned up the ass

Make a Flowers for Algernon reference.

give strange's cape googy eyes and i might accept this premise

The rat is Alice Warner in disguise, also Alice Warner is working for shield now...

His name is Roadster Rat. He gained intelligence in an experiment and is foul mouthed and violent. Him and Rocket HATE each other.

He's Man-Rat!
Once an ordinary rat, Rat was bitten by a radioactive human while scrounging for food in a medical waste bin. He now has the power to communicate with humans, the strength of a human and opposable thumbs of one as well. By night he is ordinary garbage eating Rat, but by day he is the crime fighting billionaire playboy Man-Rat! Name drop him a few times in the next Thor movie then give him an Origin story movie.

Wasn't there Disney movie about crime fighting rats just say he's from there

He stumbles onto an experimental Iron Man suit that is piloted via brainwaves and uses it to fly around and collect sunflower seeds (and fights villains in the process through a series of contrived misunderstandings). Nobody is aware of his true identity, even among the other Avengers

When Real!Mandarin shows up in IM4, he believes the new Iron Man must be somebody close to Stark so he goes around kidnapping Pepper, Rhodey, the kid from IM3, etc (unaware that it's just a fucking rat in a suit the entire time)

Better yet, instead of becoming an Avenger, the rat gets sucked into the Quantum Realm after an adventure with the Ant crew and ends up in an alternate dimension.
Thus begins the Redwall cinematic universe.

Or Charlie day for thematic purposes, but Devito would work better

Does he make all of the rules?

He said Avengers movie, not anime movie.

>Rat becomes Scott's pet and he tries fucking around with Pym's ant communication tech to try and transfix it onto rats
>Once he perfects the tech, he can summon entire swarms of rats
>Small scale fight where Ant-Man is on the ropes fighting an equally small enemy and calls in his rat for backup
>Giant rat
I really like this idea.

He went into space like Cosmo in GotG.

Get it bitten by a radioactive man and pair him with Iron Boy