Why is tumblr bitching about this again? Isn't this what (((((They))))) wanted? Lol. What a bunch of ungrateful man-babies.
Why is tumblr bitching about this again? Isn't this what (((((They))))) wanted? Lol...
it's shit
Who is that Tumblr-haired fag
This picture makes me sick
Stop posting it
They are upset that it reinforces the idea that bisexuals are sluts. Which is true but they don't want to admit it.
Weissman decided to make Violet a dyke foe no reason even though she is straight and has a boyfriend
Even the blue haired girl haz a boyfriend, so this scene made no sense at all
Looks like Weissman is an incel faggot who thinks girls irl act like in his porn films
I was foolish tonthink weissman was above all of this sjw faggotry, he's just anotjer dyke sucking cuck like the rest
Boys next please
Didn't realize I was on coulda' sworn I clicked the right board.
How's that meme progress again? We start saying that bisexuality is a cover for closet gays and attention seeking straights, right?
Yeah, I think that's how it went.
Oh yeah, we definitely needed another thread for this.
How do people care so much about tumblr? What power does tumblr have over them?
The episode also had Kid Flash being such a whore his boyfriend had to join the superteam to keep him from sucking everyone's dicks all the time.
>How do people care so much about tumblr? What power does tumblr have over them?
They're literally from tumblr, so of course what's on tumblr specifically bothers them. As opposed to normal people that just ignore that garbage
What? It's just a cute Muslim and her bf kissing.
This is progress. The show didn't have any LGBTQ characters.
>This is progress
>Tumblr going ape shit for demonstrating that bisexuality is literally being a slut
Heh... Sure user, sure.
Is a not Muslim, not lesbian girl, wearing a veil and kissing another woman.
Who even cares about Tumblr these days?
Am talking about the show itself.
Bisexuality is about discovery of oneself.
Besides, let's face the HaloxBrion ship was never going to sustain itself. The couple didn't had any kind of chemistry at all.
>Bisexuality is about discovery of oneself.
If that's what bisluts want to believe, sure whatever, but most people call that being a whore.
Bisexuality is about being the primary vector for STD transmission.
This. The rates for HIV would be much much lower in the straight community if these freaks didn't exist. Thanks for making us normies suffer, faggots.
Found the virgin incels.
Found the bislut tranny with AIDS. Go Dilate.
I love how you think those insults sting. You are on a board for fucking cartoons.
They did it while being drunk
It came out of nowhere
They were cheating on their boyfriends
That's why they dont like it
Me being a whore has jackshit to do with me being bisexual.
Do you make out with your male friends when you're drunk ?
how many FUCKING threads are you going to make about this shit today
Zehra, her VA just Kissed Herself. Weissman you're a Asshole Monster.
Depends. When are (((they))) going to cut this shit out in my animated childrens cartoons?
go cry about it on tumblr
user, people makes ahitstorms for a Scooby Doo movie.
Yea Forums is like /mlp/ in drama related issues, we just have more topics to sperg about.
She is just doing lashing out because she has like a couple of months to live
>Harper Row
Is this Snyder's worse OC?
Since when do people on the verge of death become gay ?
Leave him alone. 4channel is a charitable website that lets social rejects get some attention from trolling, because people avoid them in real life.
Okay but Return to Zombie Island is CERTIFIED BULLSHIT
She was drinking because of that. Harper kissed her and Violet didn’t reciprocate.
Maybe she blames the Brion's dick for her premature death.
See what I mean user?
As long as they don't touch Ghoul School am okay, it was a matter of time until they bastardize their material even more, at least it's not another Wrestlemania crossover.
If she didn't reciprocate why didn't she just push her ?
>Why is tumblr bitching about this again?
I don't know, why don't you go ask them?
Why is that guy kissing that nun? THAT'S FORBIDDEN LOVE!!!
There is no pleasing anyone anymore. Fuck man.
this! Fucking yuricuck
They are upset because Greg portrayed bisexuals as angry and uncontrollable sluts, which is true. Tumblr hates the truth.
Does this episode even show that really? Like what did they want honestly? Someone explain what they want out of this fucking cartoon already?
Does this episode even show that really?
And I don't know, but man I'm enjoying it. Halo is actually interesting and could care less about their opinion.
>Harper is bi or a lesbian
>She's also a poorly-behaved girl with daddy issues, a broken home, has no morals and and is violent
>A Biyalian ambassador asks why there's no Biyalian superhero on the League
>Someone says that they just produce criminals
>Everbody laughs at the ambassador
>The two notable black guys are left single
>All the other guys find girlfriends or boyfriends
This show is very political.
Miss brown version of Kenny is interesting? How so? All she does is die constantly and get new powers
I meant right now. Not previously. I'm a sucker for self destructive characters.
>Why is tumblr bitching about this again? Isn't this what (((((They))))) wanted?
see, they want race mixing, but they want colored male on white female because it humiliates white men. this is a white man getting a colored girl, which by their own logic proves the dominance of the white male and his superiority, because he has gotten the girl and he gets to be happy. So they hate it.
That's about it. Can't wait to cheat on everyone, apparently.
>white man
That's a fucking dyke and tumblr loves Harper Row. Dumb casual /pol/tard. They are upset because Greg is being honest that bisexuals are raging horndog who constantly need sex and it doesn't matter who it is.
Say what now? Fuck people pervs.
Racelet poltard.
Which they are apparently. Also, fuck I need to watch this for myself to see what the fuss is about. Honestly, is that what people got from the episode?
>Honestly, is that what people got from the episode?
I mean the retarded tumblr ones. I was more focused on the Klarion/Zatanna/Fate subplot.
Muslim girl already was getting BLEACHED this is just extra
They're young and relationships are complicated. Gotta make the boys kiss now, though. Equal opportunity and all that.
I can only pray that Greg screws it up too.
oy vey, what is this antisemitism i'm reading!
I'm just glad I'm done watching cable it's brainwashing western cartoons.
user from pointed out weissman think females IRL act like porn stars.
Kill yourself, autist.
You’re just made I fucked your girlfriend or you, hard to feel the difference between pussies sometimes.
welcome to Yea Forums, our slogan is bitch and whine everyday until you like it
Thanks for proving his point, dumbass.
Why'd the cut back from three episodes a weak to one?