Why do you even care?

It's a live-action remake of an animated Disney movie. It's nothing but a manipulative cash-grab meant to make money off your nostalgia. It's going to be filled with "realistic" muted colors and only-kinda-realistic CGI effects lacking any of the original's charm. It'll be made by people who only sort of remember watching the movie as a kid and filled in the gaps in their memory with that stereotype of Disney Princesses that all the feminists believe in, so they'll be trying to fix problems that the animated movie never actually had. And you know they'll be making the new Ariel out to be a powerful role model for little girls, when all she'll really be is an empty emotionless husk for all the millennials the movie was actually made for to project themselves onto.

It doesn't make a lick of difference what color of person they cast as the new Ariel, the movie was going to be terrible anyway, just like all the other live-action Disney remakes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Why do you even care?
I don't.
It will flop anyways.

>Why do you even care?

I don't. Accurate casting or inaccurate casting, like they elected to go for, it never mattered to me because I was never going to see it. It's a movie for young girls between 4 to 12 years old. As a man in his 30s, I was never the intended demographic no matter what they had cast as the lead.

Good day, user.

Because I wanted to see a hot redhead, not a niggerfish.

>Why do you even care? It's a live-action remake of an animated Disney movie. It's nothing but a manipulative cash-grab meant to make money off your nostalgia.
That's why it bothers me, this is what they are doing instead of making 2d films or even good 3d films, they are just disgracing the original works. And not because she's black or whatever

I wish it would.

Based as always

I don't. It will probably be one of the top 10 grossing movies of the year, because people who aren't me will see it. I don't watch Disney live-action cartoons. It doesn't bother me that other people do watch them.

I like red heads.

That being said, I'm more irked they will end up changing the story to be more about Ariel escaping her overbearing father than her being wet for some human she saw from afar for 2 minutes. Expect Triton to be 8 times the dick he was in the original and Ursula being more sympathetic.

They aren't doing this instead of animated movies. It's a separate division within Disney pumping these out. They're still soulless and you shouldn't watch them, but they're not exactly taking resources away from the animation department.

People get this idea that Disney cranks out 24+ movies a year like WB or Universal or even Fox used to. Even after absorbing Fox I wonder if they will ever make more than 10-12 movies a year.

Are we just going to have this thread every day for a year?

>thinking anything from Disney will flop

As long as shills keep plaguing Yea Forums, there will always be threads of "How dare you not like us butchering your nostalgia" threads.

>hasn't seen the review score for Lion King

White people are being replaced demographically so it only makes sense they'd be replaced in media as well. What are you gonna do? Keep having white characters when there's no white people left?

>so they'll be trying to fix problems that the animated movie never actually had.

Like being white ?

Everybody's gonna be a strong, empowered black woman and you're gonna like it!

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I'm not, I don't care about their distractions

Attached: Disney.png (323x465, 378K)

My problem with changing the race of characters is that it’s crealy done for diversity’s sake
How about creating NEW characters instead of changing already established ones?
Do they think new black characters aren’t appealing so they have to change characters who are already loved?

It's not like the race matters when it comes to white characters like it matters to non-white characters.

Does Nutcracker still count?

>inb4 "we need more niggers as traditionally white characters."
Give the black mermaid from the series a small role. That would have been perfectly fine, but they didn't have to make Ariel fucking black.

Attached: mernigger.jpg (640x320, 22K)

If it were just this one thibg, okay. But it's part of a systematic program of redhead replacement. It's disgusting and hateful. The people who control the media should be ashamed of themselves.

Yikes. I would rather have Lazenby returning then this shit happening

They didn't "make" Ariel Black. Ariel isn't real. Ariel wasn't ever White either.

Fun fact.
The Little Mermaid is based on a book by Hans Christian Anderson published in 1837 where "Ariel" has her tongue ripped out in exchange for feet. ( That bleed every time she's on land) She comes onto land to try and win the Prince's love in order to steal his soul ( Mermaids don't have souls , maybe that's why they made her a ginger in the old cartoon) She ultimately fails and the Prince marries someone else. She contemplates killing him in his bed, but can't bring herself to do it. She dies in the end melting into sea foam.

Oh and her skin was GREEN.

My question is why did Disney feel the need to bastardize that into some shitty musical with Jamaican crabs?

So would you be fine with them whitewashing Tiana in a live action Princess And The Frog movie? After all, being black isn't really central to her character. There were plenty of poor, hard-working white girls in 1912 New Orleans who dreamed of opening their own restaurant. Hell, make her a poor Cajun girl trying to make it in the big city.

Attached: 886282_052715-cc-patf-2-img.jpg (1300x732, 657K)

For finally getting rid of redheads? Fuck, we should be praising them for it. Redhead characters were the diversity replacements before diversity replacements were a thing.

>They didn't "make" Ariel Black.
>Ariel wasn't ever White either.
The original movie from 1989 would say otherwise, unless you're blind and are finding this out for the first time, Mr. Magoo.
>Ariel isn't real.
No shit, Sherlock.

>So would you be fine with them whitewashing Tiana in a live action Princess And The Frog movie?

The original source that the shitty 1989 movie was based on her Skin is Green

No, because Tiana was made as a Black princess. Please show the original design document where Ariel was designed as a White princess.
Please show me a single line from the movie where Ariel is mentioned to be White.

>Redhead characters were the diversity replacements before diversity replacements were a thing.

I don't really see the difference.

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Gingers are subhuman. Only reason you think otherwise is because Hollywood and American media has been brainwashing you since before you were even born to think otherwise.

>show the original design document where Ariel was designed as a White princess

Attached: 9781539701613_p0_v1_s550x406.jpg (270x406, 17K)

Imagine if people would actually sit down for a minute and take time to realize that they are grown men sperging out about a fictional mermaid. Do you faggots argue over your Barbie dolls too?

Not seeing any mention of "White" there.

>No, because Tiana was made as a Black princess. Please show the original design document where Ariel was designed as a White princess.

As I said, being black is not IMPORTANT to Tiana's character. There's, like, no depiction of racial politics or segregation in the movie at all. She's got a fucking rich white best friend who hangs out with her a lot, that would have been almost unheard of in the turn of the century South. The movie is completely devoid of racial considerations because Disney didn't want to stir up any shit; but, as a result of that, being black is not IMPORTANT to Tiana's character.

>As I said, being black is not IMPORTANT to Tiana's character
It is in the meta-narrative.

Drawing done seventy years after the story was published by an artist born eight years after the author died. Try again.

>Traditional Danish Fairy tale stars a black princess instead of a European one

I forgot Denmark was in Africa.

But please, tell me more about how the original
storyteller of Anansi the spider intended for him to be a Blonde, blue-eyed swede.

>>Traditional Danish Fairy tale stars a black princess instead of a European one
Why would it not? Black people can be Danish. Why so segregationist?

>parental figure bad
>evil villain (sorta) good


And South Africa belongs to the Boer.



The lack of self awareness in this thread amazes me.

what do you know, they finally managed to kill bond.

>a place belongs to its colonizers and oppressors of the natives
Ah, you're one of those people. Sigh.
The whole point of Tiana is that she's a Black princess. And no, you can't make a character whose entire point is being a White princess.

>It's not like the race matters when it comes to white characters like it matters to non-white characters.
faggot. either race matters or race doesn't matter. you can't have it both fucking ways.

>new james bond but with a BLACK WOMAN
Back the fuck up, why call it james bond

No he's in the movie. She's just 007. LEARN2READ

based and qualitypilled

atlantica is in the middle of the atlantic ocean. hence the name.

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White Static Shock movie when?

Because Ariel was one of my first waifus and I wanted to see her beauty realized as close as possible. But she won't so I don't give a shit. Hopefully the soundtrack is good.

When race matters to non-whites, it results in them freeing themselves from oppressors and slavery. When race matters to whites, millions are killed and tens of millions are enslaved. So yes, we can have it both ways.

Because she isn't James Bond you speedreading faggot

thats the thing though...you're not the target audience because you're not a small girl. disney doesn't care what your cock wants and arguably never did

>Ah, you're one of those people. Sigh.
The same can be said of you. At least we're not being hypocrites while you're going all:
>"nigga princesses can only be niggas, but whitey's all ours"

is it bad i'm having trouble telling if this is trolling or if this user is really this fucking retarded?

Never, because race matters to that character, and is an important part of their identity.

uff, imagine the live-action about Mulan.

>ay begora, tis another patata famin!!!

I bet it'll flop. No one outside of the US will care about the black Ariel, just imagine how China will react to it for example.
This is not Black Panther, people don't have any outside reasons to care.

>At least we're not being hypocrites while you're going all:
There's nothing hypocritical about my position. Whites don't get to claim characters while PoC can. This is an internally consistent position.

Burton's Dumbo, senpai

Don't remind me...

>no mushu
>no shang
>no soundtrack
>just a straight up period piece.
Sounds like it's actually gonna be different from it's animated counterpart. Sign me the fuck up.

>Caring about China

Do you live there? If not maybe shut the fuck up about what China cares about.

>storyteller of Anansi the spider intended for him to be a Blonde, blue-eyed swede
I honestly think black panther should have been played by a white Afrikaner.

Please show the original design document, or press release, saying that Ariel is explicitly a white princess.

"The fate of black Disney princesses staying black could lead to millions of people being genocided."
Do you even think before you type?

>The whole point of Tiana is that she's a Black princess. And no, you can't make a character whose entire point is being a White princess.
what's it like being a racist?

How could he when in the book she was a green soulless creature?

Because i'll be going to Disneyland next year and don't want a picture with NuAriel.

>Why do you even care?

Attached: GingerGenocide.jpg (567x1200, 708K)

>When race matters to whites, millions are killed and tens of millions are enslaved.
i'm honestly not seeing a down side to that at this point, user.

Racism is power+privilege.
Pretending to miss the point being made doesn't make you look clever or right.

Genuinely, legitimately, who fucking cares.

>Whites don't get to claim characters while PoC can. This is an internally consistent position.
You're literally too stupid to insult.

wow, actual proof that black people have an IQ of 68.
thanks user.

And nothing of value is lost. I keep my money, they get to make...less than what they would if the lead was more aesthetically pleasing. Here's hoping she can sing, though. I am curious to see what Part Of Your World is going to sound like. If I like it it might bring me around to a ticket. Who the fuck knows?

/pol/ cares. That's what makes it funny

That commenter is just a pissed off ginger who, after 30 years of ginger pandering, is just realizing that they're just a white person in potato skins.

holy shit, we got ourselves an entire ghetto...

And what if I do?
China is far too big of a player, they can't be ignored by big corp like Disney. Hence why Mulan looks like it's going to be MORE faithful to the original story than the cartoon.
And Chinese really don't like black people.

You mean its founders right?

Before the Dutch came in the only African tribe indigenous to the area was the Khoisan and they didn't really like socializing. Once evil colonialism began a multitude of other tribes came from very far away looking for work and to be oppressed, obviously.

But really, White people who've been there for about say 300 years are just as African, if not more so than the people who've been there since the dawn of time. Checkmate bigot >:)

Please take your "I don't see race" ignorance back to the 90s.

Should Ariel still be White when there's no White people left?

Says the neckbeard getting mad over a live action remake of a cartoon for little girls.

This image keeps getting larger every time I see it.
It's creepy.
Why do (((they))) hate redheads so much?

uh huh...and who has the power to erase a character's race and replace it with their own?

Because I like redheads, and my daughter is a redhead too. So either use white redheads like my wife or like my daughter use mixed redheads.

And again I ask, who cares? Disney isn't paying me and I don't live in China.

Everyone hates redheads. Anyone who doesn't hate redheads should hate redheads.

The real question is; who in this thread isn't an elaborate troll basing their persona in this thread on various internet personality stereotypes?

What color skin to the owners of Disney have?

>Black people can be Danish
And Ethiopians can be White. I bet you wouldn't run to the defense of a White Black Panther.

>hating the hottest hair color
Let me guess, you're into morbidly obese gorilla people.

Well, they're jewish, so who knows under the bodysuits.

>Please take your "I don't see race" ignorance back to the 90s.

Would you prefer if I called you "a spear-chucking purple drank drinking, gang-banging nigger" instead?"

>Should Ariel still be White when there's no White people left?

So you admit to proving /pol/ right?

And expect Triton to apologize to Ariel like hes the one that needs to learn and not her.

>And Ethiopians can be White.
No they can't. White people have shown they don't deserve to have an exclusive identity because they can't be trusted with it.

I don't, but
>race swapping all whites with blacks
>no vice versa
if you don't see a trend here you don't want to, but that's most of /tumblr/ anyway

Everybody. Money is the only objective way to measure success in this industry. As long as it makes money, it will continue. If this movie crashes financially, that will send quite a few signals to Disney. They won't do this racebait again.

>Liking beastiality
Yep, (((they've))) really indoctrinated you bad.

Nigga, redheads are great. I am married to one.

Bro I don't know how to tell you this but she's wearing a weave

Maybe media representation is just matching changing populations? White people aren't going to be here in 100 years, every other race will be. It's called long-term planning.

>White people have shown they don't deserve to have an exclusive identity because they can't be trusted with it.
Yeah, and ''we're'' the racists.

Attached: black-hitler.gif (280x200, 3.66M)

I do see a trend, I just don't care this time. I've become desensitized to most of the terrible reboots and live-action Disney remakes (except Mulan, fuck that).

At least you be honest. I rather you hate me to my face, than talk shit behind my back.

>Why do you even care?
I don't. I wasn't going to see the movie anyway, I only like complaining about things online.

He's right-wing, of course he's honest. You should try it sometime.

>they don't deserve to have an exclusive identity

It's funny you say that because the Chinese currently colonizing literally all of Africa feel the same way about your people.

>B-but nobody could get away with completely eradicating an entire ethnic group like those darn nazis! Not in the 21st century!

The Uyghur muslims would like a word with you.

Maybe you should have thought about this before oppressing the ruining the entire planet? Climate change? That's on you as well.

She white. But my little girl, who is also a redhead might, as she has curly hair like me.

But you don't get a cent of whatever they make. So don't be concerned.

>your people
Dude, I'm White.

*hand rubbing intensifies*

I see words on the screen, but you're not saying anything.


>I'm white
>I fucking hate white people so goddamn much though grrrr


Name one reason I shouldn't hate Whiteness and being White. That you're turning a children's cartoon into a statement of racial supremacy is not an argument in your favor.

To be fair, a lot of liberals get brainwashed into thinking this way.

>Why do you even care?

ProTip: No real person in real life cares. No matter how many people I ask nobody gives a shit. These Disney live action remakes are shit and people all see them and give them money, but know and don't care they're utter garbage. They're just to get their kids to shut up. When shit like LA Dumbo fails it's because no one gives a shit about the original and that's all. When people see Lion King and shit it's only because of the decades old original and that's all.

Two people who pretend to care:

1. /pol/ astroturfers and foreign bots to stir "discord" or some shit. They're not real people. They're tweny 10-year-olds pretending to be thousands of people with sockpuppets and bots.

2. Disney outrage asroturf psyops marketing. Probably doesn't help as much as some nepotism M.B.A. sells to the board.

Hint, hint" It's not real. No real people care.

Disney live actions remakes are univerally shit and horrible. Now fuck off Bannon and Disney astroturfers.

The computer you're using to shitpost on faggot.

no, you know what, you're absolutely right. you should hate being white and your whiteness. your very existence is an insult and oppression to every non-white. you should do the right thing and kill yourself so you don't oppress anyone ever again.

Lion King Flopped
Dumbo flopped

This bullshit will flop too.

>Ariel is tired of living in her community
>Becomes curious with an outside world of people who aren't like her
>Has a collection of stolen/lost trinkets from that world
>Her father forbids her from seeing that outside world to the point that he destroys her collection in a fit of rage
>Ariel gives up her voice to change who she is to be like the people who aren't like her
Are you sure this is the story you want with Ariel being black?

Attached: askyourmom.png (410x453, 208K)

>Disney live action remakes are shit
That's literally the whole point of OP's post

No, no they don't/ They're astroturfers from here and a few other places. It's been really blatant and out in the open for the past 5-7 years though it was obvious even before that you retarded faggots.

It was funny at first but I'm fucking sick of it now, the "culture war" is a fucking scam by some companies, the most retarded and faggy cuck politicians with no real idea or competence to sell, attention whore thos, autistic pyschopaths and other garbage people. Just ignore it, it's the very bottom of the barrel of humanity trying to seem relevant.

If you're a genuine oldfag you know this already and aren't fucking dumb enough to be tricked like a credulous retard.

>Maybe you should have thought about this before oppressing the ruining the entire planet?
Lolwut? I'm not gonna claim stuff I wasn't responsible for under the basis that most of the most horrific things in mankind happened before any of our grandparents were out of diapers.

>Climate change? That's on you as well.
Oh, it's ''my'' fault leftist retards don't want to adopt nuclear energy to help ween the country off of oil.

Probably wise not to care any time. But I agree, just Hollywood trying to get ez $

I care because I'm against race mixing

Attached: quadroon mulatto girl racemix.jpg (508x768, 47K)

It's racebending they're doing here with the new ariel.

Yes, and OP is right. You have to be a cocksucking basedboy cuck retard to actually get mad that she's Nigerian or Mexican or Japanese or from Easter Island or any fucking shit. These films are garbage. If you want to be respectable don't fucking give them any money. If they made Tiana white or Mulan white the same fucking thing. It's like arguing that The Room isn't playing in your Imax theatre, it's fucking terrible and not "art" or "entertainment." It's an obligation for faggot whores.

Do you have any self awareness? Like even a little?

No you don't you false-flagging paid shill piece of shit. Go suck Walt's rotting cock.

I mean to be fair....White people are pretty lame. I mean look at /pol/, and the President and this thread. I wonder if an entire race could have autism

Not that user but using anti-matter is more safe that fucking nuclear energy. Just one fuck up and half of the planet can be poisoned.

Do you?

>Ariel is a black girl who steals shit all the time
>her father is an angry, controling black man who destroys everything she stole
>she runs off and gets super thirsty for a white boy, makes a deal with an evil witch so she can get bleached.com
when you look at it like that...

Attached: 1553193840156.gif (350x268, 843K)

>I'll answer his question with the same question! That'll get em, hyuk hyuk

So I googled this Halle Bailey person and a side by side with Halle Berry comes up.
Holy shit this Halle Bailey is ugly. She looks weird as fuck as a stand alone, but put her side by side with someone else and her fucked up face really stands out.
I swear people over at Disney are doing this for a laugh. The girl looks like some kind of cartoon fish. Disney is literally throwing money at making this movie as a joke.
Halle Bailey looks like when you have been drawing a face for a while, then you flip the canvas to spot mistakes and FUCKING YIKES.

>cartoon fish
Maybe that's why they casted her, they thought it'd be more realistic if they picked someone who already looked fish-like. Now all she has to do is deliver the trademark live-action Disney heroine performance: imitate a plank of wood for the whole movie.

that...actually makes me think of something. I thought I heard a while back that the reason disney is suddenly making all these live actions isn't just a cash grab, it actually has something to do with copyright and licenses or something like that. Anyone else hear that?

Somehow I'm fine with this. So long as it's an Englishwoman.

It's not the 70s anymore. Copyright lasts for the lifetime of the creator, plus 95 years. Disney made sure of that.

>come back to thread
>everyone's still acting like This
Wow. Committed actors. You should go and try out for the Disney live action production of Toy Story.

>he thinks only white people enslaved other people

Read a book tranny

Use that logic with islam and see what happens.

>Implying the Abeeds will ever question Arabs for over 13 centuries of slavery.

>Not that user but using anti-matter is more safe that fucking nuclear energy
Nigger how stupid are you? Anti matter doesn't occur naturally and It costs more energy to produce anti matter than we'd get back. Plus it has a nasty habit of eradicating matter.

It was a exageration. Nuclear energy can posion a big chunk of the earth for thousands of years, that was the point, if you really want to say fuck you to muslim oil you need solar and wind.

Her being black doesn't bother me. I just need to understand why they chose someone, whose eyes are so fucking spread apart.

They wanted someone who looked like a fish.

>if you really want to say fuck you to muslim oil you need solar and wind.
So you are retarded

you answered him seriously first and he got you.






Attached: 1taa2m3ssoa31.png (2160x3840, 1.14M)

Actually a black women can be a better spy on middle east and african shitholes

No, I'm not a nuclear shill.

Because animation in the United States is dead and Yea Forums can't cope.

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Naw just a retarded renewable shill.

The prince's clothes look pretty Arabic.

This just means Bond is retired at the start of the film and they gave his 007 number to someone else.

Very funny, South Park meme lemming.

Disney sure cares about what China thinks

Just bury your country with your radioactive country inside tons and tons of concrete and I will stop caring

enjoying your pathetic white-guilt?
This user confirms it for me, it's finally time for me to leave this board. it is infested.

Naw, we'll just add thorium and run that shit over again as fuel. We've developed quite a bit since Chernobyl and Three Mile Island Hippy

>climate change is white people's fault
imagine being this dense and ignorant

Ariel never had a 'race', mermaids are mythological creatures. Most of her color scheme wasn't chosen to give any implication of identity to her, they were chosen because they were easier to shade during the underwater scenes. Animators of TLM have outright stated this.

A young black girl (with a gorgeous singing voice that far outdoes the original's voice lmao) got a role in a bland remake of a Disney classic playing a mythical sea creature, and you cunts are calling her 'ugly' and 'nigger', what the fuck is wrong with you?


God I miss when /pol/shit was actually banned on this board

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The Fairy tale in itself also featured the titular mermaid basically turning into foam for a technically limited time, but actually eternal, time (everytime a child cries, she gets time added to her punishment), all because she doesn't have a soul like humans do.

Given how the Disney adaptation went, it'd be like bitching that the original Disney Pinocchio looks more Tyrolese than Tuscany/Italian at this point.

Because Ariel isn’t a nigger. And she should never be a nigger. She’s as white as her author and the country of her author’s people are. Fuck all this double standard comparison regression to pilpul bullshit, she’s not a fucking nigger. A nigger! The utmost worst of mankind made a heroine? Niggers can’t even spell the word without jonesing for a fix. Niggers make me mad. I hate how they look, I hate how they act and I HATE how they smell, and I know damn well the rest of the world agrees. Niggers are psychopathic gorillas ready to stab a family for a swisha or a chicken dinner, and rape the corpses too. If I had my way, every nignogs and jigaboo went jigaboom, and fucking blew up with every crack den and mall they’re squatting in and make the world IQ jump 20 points with them gone! And instead I gotta watch it try to fuck white men? The work and brood of the kike, foul and fetid, the only thing worse than a nigger’s a kike!

Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
Fuck jannies
And fuck Disney!

Kill all the niggers with an AR15!!!

Jew get off my board

>Jews, Jews everywhere.

>That girl

I take it all back, if i'd known we were debating whether or not she could play the role of a deep one I would have never bothered complaining. I'll gladly pay to watch Disney's Shadow over Innsmouth.

Attached: Deep_Ones_&_Dagon.jpg (1024x610, 225K)

Ask (((((them)))) why I should care. Some say they are doing it to be woke, and come off as progressive. Some say Disney is doing it for the free press like this thread. Some say Disney is trying to make up for The Princess Frog since the black princess spent half the movie as a bloody frog, and not as a human. Some say Hollywood jews hates gingers with a passion because they are the whitest white people on earth, and because redheads used to be royalty throughout the ancient world including ancient egypt. Some say the new future middle class will be black people and Disney is attempting to keep their characters relevant in the future?

Some wanna argue that Disney's 1989 version of Hans Christian Andersen's story took place in the Caribbean, it has a bunch of Caribbean songs so therefore the characters should be black?? Some say mermaids aren't real so they can be whatever race Disney wants them to be, HOWEVER in reality if mermaids were real it would be impossible for them to be black because mermaids live deep under the sea where it's very dark, and therefore their skin wouldn't get much sunlight which would make their skin color borderline albino white.

Me personally I just wanted to see a high budget live action movie of the Little Mermaid with a girl that looked like the cartoon. We've all been cheated.
>image very relate.

Attached: RIP.jpg (1080x1080, 59K)

I highly doubt China gives two shits about the 'race' of mermaids.

(((small))) (((white))) (((penis)))

Nah, I'll stay. And I'll keep making fun of you mongoloid ethnonationalists all I like, because your movement has already doomed itself to global irrelevance outside of the havens of website forums and comment sections. You fuckers couldn't keep your redpill tourettes quiet for long enough to accomplish anything before the normies got too resistant to your shit, and now you're riding out the loud death rattle of anything you hoped to accomplish in the only places that you can still safely spout it. A bang, and then silence, soon enough
Did you have fun at the straight pride parade? Maybe next year ten people will still show up, just like they did at charlottestown lmao.

I didn't use the word beautiful, I said her voice was 'gorgeous'. I thought niggers were supposed to be the ones that were illiterate?
Her voice makes the original's sound like dogshit rofl

Attached: 1531964314496.jpg (1500x1000, 889K)

She is physically unattractive and African-American. This place tends to be a bit crude, hence 'ugly' and 'nigger'. It's not nice, but neither is replacing all redheads out of some sick racial vendetta.

Okay then. Go join the West Africans conspiracy theorists, they will probably share some insights with you... maybe.

>It was a exageration. Nuclear energy can posion a big chunk of the earth for thousands of years,
yeah, but anti-matter will LITERALLY remove the equivalent mass FROM EXISTENCE. Like sure, nuclear will poison an entire are for thousands of years, but you're advocating something that would remove it for all time.

>hating redheads
(((They))) are historically associated with red hair.

Fuck off you tool!

>and you cunts are calling her 'ugly' and 'nigger', what the fuck is wrong with you?
sure, but neither of those statements is actually false. she is ugly, and she is a nigger.

>Paying money to watch an ugly girl's movie.

No thanks i'll stick to anime.

The only thing that matters is if it'll be good. Which, going by all the other films, it won't be.

Other than that it's stupid to freak.

but it's also fair to point out that if the opposite happened and a black character was turned white people would be trying to throw bricks into Disney's front windows.

>now you're riding out the loud death rattle of anything you hoped to accomplish in the only places that you can still safely spout it
Like the office of the US president?

Attached: Trump_Tweet_progressive_congresswomen__683036.nbcnews-fp-1200-630.jpg (1200x630, 101K)

It's not dead yet... but it is on life support.

Jew get off my board

>Only posts 6 examples of redhead characters being replaced.
I'm afraid the list is much longer than that, user.

Attached: z lo_0289_Chloe-x-Halle_uj.jpg (592x1200, 267K)

>Being this booty-blasted that Cheeto Hitler is gonna get a second term.

It's more like dumb Mussolini.

>Look on social media, white SJWs are praising the black mermaid decision
>Look on Youtube, based black men are calling it out for being pandering bullshit





Clown world, indeed

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>it's /pol/ waggles thier small white dicks on another board thread

Fun Fact: The sick little girl who inspired his character didn't even live long enough to see her come to life.

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>It's another brown far-left extremists vs brown far-right extremists episode.

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They aren't being replaced. Ariel's 'race' was convenient happenstance for animators, not an identity marker. But I guess the droves of famous white princesses in pop culture aren't enough for a racially ambiguous sea creature to be anything but what the 90's adaptation portrayed her as. She's gotta be white, so you can still feel 'represented', in a film for little girls.
You stink of racial insecurity, and no race needs a pussy like you sticking up for it. It's a bland remake of what was arguably a bland film to begin with. Get fucked

Go back to Yea Forums with the rest of your unwashed friends

Enjoy Iraq 2.0! I bet war with Iran is gonna be great. You stupid nigger.


Trump probably won't win 2020, but I'll be ambivalent if he does, because he's already done nothing but further serve Israel. Oh, but keep clapping like braindead seals, because he reposted your frog memes, and pays lip service to the alt-lite.

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>It's must be the white /pol/ Boogeyman

Nice deflection bro, but this is the actual sad reality ...

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>it's another faggot posting frogs as his reaction image like the tool he is

>reality is a few cherry-picked outliers
Nah, fuck off cunt.

Disney should celebrate African culture instead of just placing black people in European fairy tales. When making a black Disney princess, instead of taking from real black folklore, they just took a European one and made her black in a white setting. Blacks have their own princess tales, and folk lore like this story my black teacher used to love sharing with us back in the day.

I personally don't think it's right. Truth is Hollywood really don't care about them. They don't see people but money bags.

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>being this obsessed with white dicks
we know you thirsty, but you still ain't getting any.

>being this new
i'd say lurk moar, but honestly i'd rather you go and stay go.

like you not got any pussy, enjoy your virginity forever loser