Given that trans acceptance has been on the rise...

Given that trans acceptance has been on the rise, how long before we see a cartoon that revolves around a trap character? I mean actual full on hrt, name changed, amab trap. None of that half assed ambiguous safe shit that's meant to thwart controversy. Would you watch it?

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>Given that trans acceptance has been on the rise
It hasn't. The opposite seems true, in fact, because instead of simply not knowing about them, now people are aware that these abominations exist and hate them more than ever.

Probably just a couple of years before the collapse of Western civilisation.

Bugs Bunny, 1940's.

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>Would you watch it?
no because i'm not a fag

Japan made an anime about it nearly a decade ago.

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Men acting like women is one of humanity's oldest jokes. Transbominations who unironically want you to treat them like their pretend gender will never be taken seriously.

I'd like to see a cartoon or a comic or something about a guy who crossdresses to work as a waitress in a restaurant or something, but doesn't know that all the other waitresses are also crossdressing men who had the exact same idea as him.

Japan has probably already done it.

truly, Yea Forums is a bubble

>I mean actual full on hrt, name changed, amab trap.
That's not a trap, a trap is just a crossdresser. You're thinking of trannies.

>Would you watch it?
not if its made by westerners

Traps are not trannies.

yeah trannies are serious

What do you mean?


Twinks > Femboys > Traps > Trannies

First off, Trap=/=Trans.
Secondly, more and more people are growing to hate all the LGBTQP shit.

You're kidding right? In the real world nobody cares that much and at worst will just gossip behind the person's back. I worked at a casino and we had a lot of trannies and crossdressers (most of them Samoan). There were even a few that were not only passable but actually attractive (not talking about the Samoans). Not even lowering your standards you would be surprised.

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>Would you watch it?
if it's good, yes.
i watch things based on genre and quality, so if there is a good adventure cartoon with a trans character, i will watch it. if it is some high school dramedy bullshit i won't.

there are good disabled characters, good nonwhite characters, good gay characters, i don't see why a trans character couldn't be good so long as the writer doesn't have their GLAAD acceptance speech pre-written

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>trap is now synonymous with trans girl
I hate zoomers

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im sorry hon

>Implying this hasn't been a thing long before zoomers

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>haha trust me im a chaser everyone loves trannies
Literally nobody likes trannies.
The LGB movement hates them.
Even the most radical liberals only tolerate them as far as "could you please go be trans somewhere else".
Normal people are disgusted by them, or at best think they're a joke.
Not even trannies accept trannies, which is why they 40% themselves.

>still trying to split the LGBT movement
it's not going to work, cletus.

Stop basing your beliefs on stuff you read on the internet. It's really obvious and just as embarrassing.

By this point, im pretty sure trannies have held back the LGB movement more than any number of religious groups could ever hope to accomplish.

The only acceptance for trannies is to accept they are mentally challenged people who should be on therapy and drugs.

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>trans acceptance

It was all over when you started castrating 4yo boys and putting them in dressed for gay pedophiles to gawk at, like that abomination Desmond. The only thing preventing the general public from executing you on the streets is the military power of the state, and this shit isn't even ideological. I think many libshits are utterly disgusted by all of this as well.

Shezow will need a complete redesing. But it may work.

Stop using the internet so much you sheltered normies

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shazam is about crossdressing, the joke is that Guy is not trans and he finds that shit uncomfortable

No, Shazam is about age proggression.

Project harder, tranny. Nobody outside of your discord group likes you.

what makes you think that trans acceptance will lead to the collapse of western civilisation? genuine question.

It'll happen when people stop being overly offended.

There is no writing a good trans character
if you have a trans character, people who don't like trannies will hate it anyway
if your trans character 'fits' too well, then people will complain that it lacks trans qualities
if your trans character doesn't fit enough, then people will complain that its demeaning.

Theres no winning unless it's an anime about a crossdresser getting his boipussy blasted.

It's not a cause, just an incredibly obvious sign.

How is it a sign?

traps do it for fun
trannies do it for life

>Given that trans acceptance has been on the rise

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The animation gods continue to shit on America.

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What healthy society would celebrate a kid dressing up like a girl and dancing for grown men at a strip club while they throw money at him?

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>the joke is that Guy is not trans and he finds that shit uncomfortable
Over time though he becomes more comfortable with it though. Still not trans because Guy is still a guy, he's just more in touch with his feminine side and starts to give less of a shit about it.
Not a bad takeaway, but ruined by the SHEer amount of puns, among other things.

The Tranny Phantom remake we've all been waiting for?

Well, I wish. Twinks, traps, femboys and generally "pretty" dudes get no love in Western media. So, it'd be nice if someone decided to change that. I just really love beautiful guys and it's a shame that, if I want eye candy, I'm pretty much exclusively pushed towards Japanese stuff.

Capeshit would be a lot more tolerable with some femboys in spandex, y'know?

There's a bit of a stigma when it comes to male femininity in the West though. So, I guess that's just how it is.

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Actually they do care however the jews have filled the world with draconian laws that will get you fired and possibly sued for everything you're worth if you speak ill of their contamination they put into white society.

That's not a trans...that's a travesti.

Well, nobody's perfect.

Am still trying figure out why transsexual is actually about, i thought they just wanted to be opposite gender, but once that happen there longer trans.

Unironically true

It's primarily about falling for the "transition" meme, trying to convince as many other people as possible to transition, eventually realize you can't actually change from one gender to the other and that you're now a mutilated freak, and then kill yourself. If you've successfully managed to dupe anyone else into taking the tranny pill, they'll continue this cycle anew, until it's their turn to 40%.

hartman is a crazy fundie christian so it would never happen

once they are in target gendre they are happy, which is the point
unless they were never trans and they made a mistake, in which case they detransition and run weird tumblr hate blogs

The future is now, old man.

>Stop motion
>Key and Peele
Trans kino incoming.

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>Trans kino incoming
Not unless they have the balls to show the little faggot lynch himself

Maybe it the loud minority, but a character from Catharine had person who fully transition get lot crap from trans people, include a moment when they show them before transitioning in single ending.

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>once they are in target gendre they are happy, which is the point
I thought the point is that they'll never be "in target gendre", which is why they kill themselves once they finally realize when they've done to their bodies.

i bet you get laid a lot and dont wish a cute transgirl took your greasy virginity

Calm down, spastic. It's a cartoon.

fuck off jethro

That's fucking stupid. Mutilating yourself, chemically castrating yourself, & giving into a mental illness is not something to be seen as serious/admirable.

those ones were going to kill themselves anyway. doing that to their bodies gave them more time on this earth. i've never known a trans kill themselves solely over 'making a mistake'

i hope this doesn't make trans voice actors a necessity for trans characters. most of them will, by dint of low numbers numbers, be shit.

>giving into a mental illness
Repression doesn't work, senpai.

The last time it was meant to refer to trans girls only was because of transphobia. Trap got it's positive/fetish connotations when it became a genre of amateur gay porn performed by cross dressing femboys. Trannies were doing porn at the time too of course, but they were called Shemales or Lady Boys back then. Unfortunately /r9k/ and Yea Forums really liked feminine males of both varieties too and were so afraid of being considered gay for liking cute boys jacking off in nylon pantyhose that they lumped them together and pushed this stupid idea that any boy in a dress on the internet must want to be a girl. (and therefor it isn't gay to want to fuck them) This position that used to be ridiculed less than a decade ago now is accepted and pushed by obnoxious discord trannies and closeted incels onto the brainless philistine masses who the original appeal of traps is all but lost upon. So fuck you Yea Forums, it's still gay.

Yeah where there are 4 trans women and the only trans guy said, 'Eh I don't wanna be a boy anymore'

Fucking ass anime




>I mean actual full on hrt, name changed, amab trap

What about Nightwing?

There's a tank with trap tourist guides who lead horny groups of women to sexy locations where they fuck the customers and each other.
Don't ask me what it's called.

Why do people blame everything on the jews instead of feminists and other ultra liberal self righteous fucks?

>"Given that trans acceptance has been on the rise..."
>He doesn't know.
and actually have a point, GLADD did a survey on LGBTQIABBBQBYOBB+ tolerance in the 18-34 age group and it has actually been decreasing in recent years.

How many fucking times must you newfags be told? Trans and Trap are not the same thing. They are not interchangeable terms.

Nightwing is never drawn cute. Not in an actual comic or anything. There's plenty of fanart that draws him all cute and lithe and twink-ish.

There's hardly any active comic artists that can draw ladies in the Western scene, let alone femboys and twinks and stuff.

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>"trannies and traps are the same thing"

>call everyone crazy who thought it might be a slippery slope
>undeniably turned out to be a slippery slope
"wtf why is LGBRAAAAAAPPP tolerance going down??"



since we're promoting mental illness now why ISNT there more representation for main characters with full on schizophrenia? Where's the positive encouragement for schizos?

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Why don't you go and dialiate some more.

Thom Kallor got to co-star in Justice League VS The Fatal Five. But, he jobbed hard and got sidelined to Jessica Cruz could star.

Nah, that's what trannies do.

a trap isn't a tranny you retard

Why aren't you angry at autism acceptance, or Down's acceptance, but this gets you mad? Why do you care? Did a tranny rape you or something? You /pol/tards are so retarded. You rant about all sorts of arbitrary things no normal person cares about. How the fuck did Yea Forums get infested with social busybodies?

>How the fuck did Yea Forums get infested with social busybodies?
Gamergate and the election brought in a bunch of normalfags dumb enough to fall for /pol/ bullshit.

Not him but a big issue with the trans shit is that people are starting to force kids into becoming transgender and its accepted as being a good thing.

Frankly I think that we should just get rid of /pol/.
All the hardcore ideologists think that just because they're welcome to shill their absurd political beliefs in one board that suddenly means it's acceptable to do it everywhere.

This counts as a trap?

>/pol/ gets deleted
>they just go to other boards making the political shit worse
nice job dumbass

Can i fap with this?

Traps are not trannies
Traps are just weirdo crossdressers and are possibly, but not necessarily, homersexuals. Cloud dressing as a woman to trick Don Corneo in FF7 doesn't mean that he also wants to invert his dick into a fake vagene.

>trans acceptance
>trap character
Don't say that. Nobody is trying to trick anyone.
>Would you watch it?

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To be fair he’s a white nigger slav shit so his words are probably true in his 3rd world country.

The only Good such series. Would have the protagonist have its genitals exposed, and everyone stands around laughing as the truth is revealed. And after that, everyone calls to it with references to the genital it has.

LGB should have let T attach themselves like like a leech. They will drag us down until it’s accepted to murder us on the streets again.

I wanna see Shezow as a big titty shemale

>/pol/ gets deleted
>tumblr trannies finally realize they've been posting on a /pol/ website this whole time, and thats just what people on Yea Forums are like

I don't think they had a choice.

>a trap is just a crossdresser
That passes. If no one is fooled, no one falls for the trap.

Pick an issue of the sort conservatives like to claim is leading to the downfall of society. Any issue. Look up the people who founded / pushed the movement, and who sponsored legislation relating to it. Like feminism, since you mentioned it.

That's what followed the breakdown of traditional gender roles every previous time it's happened.

It works a lot better than encouraging delusions and acting them out with social approval and institutional support. Maybe actual treatment would be better, but researching that isn't politically correct in current year. Or even legal in certain countries.

You're a dumbass. That's like saying that if you destroy a hornet nest in your shed, the hornets will just move into your house. This is the retarded logic Yea Forums mods have and it made this site much worse:
>there are some retarded political extremists on Yea Forums
>wat do
>make /pol/
>you have successfully multiplied the amount of retards on your site by a factor of 100 or so and now they are spilling into other boards making the problem much worse than it ever was in the first place
>bonus: you also attracted a fuckload of newfags who are tanking post quality all across the site

/pol/lack are a bunch newfags and moralfags, they are NOT "what Yea Forums is like". They are just fucking bizarro tumblr. The only difference is that they whine about and get outraged by different but equally retarded non-issues.

/pol/ was made due to events on /n/, not Yea Forums. Anyway, if you doubt the effectiveness of containment boards, what do you think would happen if /mlp/ were deleted?

Would you watch a cartoon that deals with irritable bowel syndrome in explicit and gruesome medical detail instead of playing it safe with fart jokes? Trying to inflict an impending sense of discomfort on Yea Forums is inherently stupid, go make a dilate meme thread on /pol/ if you need to seethe.

What's up with Samoans?

>"trannies and traps aren't the same thing"
Except that the word "trap" was popularized by trans porn actresses, on this site, no less. Wapanese also adopted it to talk about otokonoko in their cartoons.
But, anyway, "trap" is not an identity, it's a fetish (basically determined by passing + leading to a surprise), so trap is not necessarily otokonolo or a crossdresser, if anything, most "traps" are tranny porn actresses.

The problem is you tumblrcunts don't even know what "/pol/" is.
I don't know why you bother, you've been at this for years, and have only made everyone "more /pol/". Yea Forums is never going to be your progressive SJW cuckshed.

>just get rid of /pol/.
>Still have Daily Stormer, Breitbart, reddit, Fortnite, and other chans to deal with

This cancer has already spread too far.

Here's your gf bro

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Because having a "female brain" or whatever the fuck pseudoscience they're pushing these days is not a disorder they were born with, but some dumb bullshit they chose.
Its like the difference between being paralyzed from the waist down and needing a wheelchair, and some morbidly obese SJW who made themselves so fat that they can no longer walk.

Containment boards don't exist for (You)r feefees, they're meant to make things easier for mods and jannies. Getting rid of /mlp/ won't evict horsefuckers, it'll mean Yea Forums jannies will have more shit to clean up on Yea Forums. Seething incels trying to spread /pol/ bullshit outside /pol/ eventually catch on that no one else on the site wants to put up with their shit.

0/10, bulge too small, would not reacharound while assfucking.

Honestly surprised no one has posted She Zow art yet.

Fuck off faggot, they dont even pretend to enforce the rules, all they do is delete all on-topic content that causes them to dilate.

as far as I know, incels are on /r9k/, not /pol/

Not him, but the difference is that /mlp/ is dying as the show fizzles out so there wouldn't be too much mess, especially since it's Yea Forums-related. But /pol/ is bigger than ever with all the recent events, trump, race relations in the media, etc. /pol/mosexuals would flood Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums if their dumpster was torn down.

>implying the majority of people ITT don't have /pol/ open in another tab

I know that whenever you mention that /pol/ is shit some whiny cunt like you comes crawling out of the woodwork to defend it. Just that tells me that it's a shithole full of newfags for whom board culture is an illusive and mysterious term. No one has become "more /pol/", there's just more of you cancerous newfags around, spilling over from your edgy redpill hugbox. Are you fucking delusional? Are you arguing with some imaginary opponent? What part of me not wanting you retarded whiny niggers stepping outside of your retardation containment area "progressive"? Fuck off back to your cesspit, you crossboarding nigger.

>implying projection isn't a symptom of autism

>Accepting mental illness,
Keep that away, I don't want my or any children to see it.

I believe it.

why are you engaging dumb nuts

I can't speak for Yea Forumsmblr trannies who only come to Yea Forums to complain about toxic racism or whatever the fuck, but /pol/ is the most popular board here, especially because everyone visits /pol/ in addition to other interests.

The only thing a trans character is good for is porn.

This. Keep your disorders out of cartoons.

The point being that, like people interested in /mlp/ content, people interested in /pol/ content are interested whether or not they have a topical board. In current year, politics is a rather common topic of conversation in many contexts.

this has to be bait, it's too ridiculous

Yep, they have a foothold in some boards, but it's not as bad as it would be if they didn't have a home board.

Oh really? Well pseudoscience is just bad. Now which reputable research centers have published studies proving that it's not a real disorder?

>they have a foothold in some boards
Darn 4channers are invading our Yea Forums!

Give me the fucking SOURCE

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Literal reddit post.

>a retard who doesn't even know what "literal" means

That could have been He-ra, but they were nothing but a bunch of pussies in the end.

That's kaya/kayaru.
He got a shitty personality but also a huge ass to compensate it.

This. There's no such thing as a containment board. "Containment boards" are practically a welcome sign for retards. Put your foot down and tell them to fuck off and start range banning them if they try to fight you.

>shitting on BRAAAAAAPPPs
>in current year
When will the hate speech against braps end?

Who the fuck do you think implanted those ideas in the first place to cause internal strife within the white community? Think for once in your life it could do you wonders.

>brazilian trans woman
I knew what to expect looking her up but it's still a shame. Her face is undeniably male in . She could have made a cute femboy.

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