They broke the three movie rule for a solo character...Not for Iron Man. Not for Captain America.
For this.
They broke the three movie rule for a solo character...Not for Iron Man. Not for Captain America
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When did they ever make a rule?
Captain America has had 5 movies dumbass
Infinity War was more a THOR movie
They didn't, Hemsworth is just the only one crazy enough to still say yes when they show up with a script and a briefcase full of money.
You could argue that Endgame was a Captain America movie, but not Infinity War. Cap was barely in it.
RDJ was in 9 MCU movies
Age of Ultron was more of a Captain America move then either IW or EG
Yeah but her wasn't the star after IM3, it was all ensemble casts or side characters
Age of ultron was an Ironman movie
I mean it's not like Evans is too great an actor to play that role again. He's not much of a director and much as he was perfect as Cap, he won't be playing Hamlet or Macbeth any time soon.
I get that it's hard as fuck to keep that amount of muscles, but I could see him reprising the role in a few years.
EG was, that mjolner scene and the final dance it ended on
MCU is Kevin Feige's playground.
He does not care about character evolution
Just wants to put his gay and transgender agenda
until marvel comics is not based like that anymore
Endgame was a Nebula movie
Hemsworth has nowhere to go, OP. Cut him some slack.
>Thor becomes depressed and overweight because his entire family along with most of his friends are dead and he failed to get any kind of closure.
>Its the gay agenda I tells y'all
Lol, it weirdly was.
>implying Thor 4 won't be his bear adventures
good post
he's done other things. i think he would be in demand.
Ragnarok might as well be a new Thor 1.
Iron Man was already the protagonist of 8 marvel movies
Evans has been looking to hang the shield since the first time he played Cap
he doesn't have a love interest right now
if you're going to gay a character he'd probably be a better choice than most
I honestly wasn't expecting a Thor 4. I thought he'd be in Guardians 3 and that'd be it.
Sure, Ike, whatever you say.
Make sure to flush so no one steals your DNA.
Will he stay fat?
None of his non-THor movies have been a success.
>hating on Boomer Thor
not epic user, not epic at all.
I doubt Gunn wants to make a movie with Thor forced on him, GOTG are his little slice of "friends are the family you can choose" terapeuthic flicks
The avengers had 4 movies first
Paul Bettany was in seven AND a tv series.
Probably, just because Waititi is the kind of guy who would love making a movie about a fat out of shape super hero
Probably just get fit enough where he doesn't have to wear a fat suit, but he also doesn't have to keep bulked up to max at all times. It'll probably be everyday Hemsworth from now on.
I think GotG3 is after Thor 4...maybe instead of Thor appearing in their movie, they'll briefly appear in his
Feige made a 10 years old multibillionaire cinematic universe out of hetero-white male centric stories, he's not a retarded
I wished that wasn;t so true, but maybe since it will be sometime before he actually starts on the movie we can slowly persuade him to include Thor in the script...he already wrote a while ago.
Gonna have to take him to a good restaurant...anyone know the nearest applebees to Gunns house, also loan me money to go to applebees.
Everyday Hensworth is fit as fuck, check his instagram, the guy became a gym junkie
He is the star of all of the Avengers films.
That would had the oposite reaction, remember Nova? Gunn won't ever use a character he doesn't want, I expect Thor written off with the Guardians mentioning leaving him on some space bar with a one liner quip in the movie first scene
Of course.
MCU Thor has aged like the finest of Asgardian wines. He's become possibly the most likable character in the franchise, and I particularly like that his arc has made him more and more like the actual Thor of Norse mythology - a fat, kinda goofy, kinda dim slob, but one with a big heart and a natural tendency for heroism. He's gone from the least interesting to the most interesting MCU character.
I would encourage thinking of Thor as less a solo project and more of a placeholder. Thor3 wasn't really a Thor movie, it was Thor/Hulk. Not that dissimilar to Civil War being less a Cap solo movie and more an Avengers film.
Thor4 will probably be Asgardians of the Galaxy and you know it.
This needs a third panel with Snyder as the scientist like "I'm not Kevin Feige" or "Batman could get raped in prison, that could happen in my movie."
Better yet, everytime someone mentions Thor, just say he's passed out in the back. Then you don't even have to show his face. and the stinger is him stumbling drunkenly out of a cabin asking if he missed anything
Thor and Spider-Man are characters that were definitely going to get more movies than just a trilogy
Endgame was Ant-Man 3
>Thor4 will probably be Asgardians of the Galaxy and you know it.
No problems here
*Gives you paper clip money*
Be the change you want to see
I hope Cavill ends up in the mcu as Kraven or Hyperion or whatever
Sorry that hurts your autism.
is he shoving bananas up his ass now?
The fuck am I gonna do with paper clips?
Me too, he seems likeable
The other two guys were good on the first try. They realized what's the appeal of Thor just around his third movie and goddamn they're going to use it.
Wish they did it earlier. What the fuck was that Masters of the Universe Reverse Isekai bullshit in the first one?
>. It'll probably be everyday Hemsworth from now on.
Practically his form in Thor 3.
>Cavill Kraven
ooooh yes. I want that.
Thor was never comedy you MCUck. Stop acting like you know shit.
reddit spacing trannies
It's nice that someone realizes that Marvel built a fucking empire with garbage. I don't think anyone can question that the Avengers were strictly B-list compared to Spider-man and the X-men.
It really makes Warner's failures even worse in comparison.
god hes perfect
I wouldn't be surprised if they introduced Hercules simple to screw DC over again.
rumors are that he's in Eternals.
wait what if he's the MCU Enkidu as well as Herc?!
They took their time. Avengers, but also IW and Endgame would not have worked without the previous films. The JL had immense potential but doing things so fast was pointless.
Fuck off with the spacing kid
"Iron Man and his bullshit for which he never really payed", to be precise
even with flop of Shazam first DCEU movies made more than first MCU movies.
And both Iron Man and Hulk had cartoons in 90's. B tier my ass.
there's no reason to act this paranoid and autistic
Whoa, dude.
Chill out.
Attack of drones
Hello MODS!!!
Outside of Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlett Johansson and Evangeline Lilly, most predominate female MCU characters are ugly.
Yes, it will be gay.
Welcome to the true policy of Mr Feige and the Mr Mouse
He's literally the main character of the entire Thanos arc.
anyone say trannies?
shut up tumblrfaggot
things we'll never see in the mcu
does he do drag cuz it looks like he does drag
Karen Gillan, Mantis
anyone say tumblrfaggot?
Dark World doesn't count, we get a do-over
That's because it took 3 movies to get it right for the first time, so the first two don't even count
you could argue that RDJ was literally the star of the MCU up until this point and carrying the franchise on his back
You know who else had a cartoon in the 90s?
The first Captain America is the most underrated MCU movie. I love that 1940's shit.
>Betty Brant canonically wants to fuck Thor
Would Thor fuck her?
Do asgardians care about the midgard age of consent?
>Thor4 will probably be Asgardians of the Galaxy and you know it.
nah, it'll have Beta Ray Bill
>it was Thor/Hulk
It still had Thor as the obvious Protagonist.
He is still starring in a lot of films.
She went from wanting Thor to taking Ned
If it’s for teh gay thing Black Mask and Renee Montoya in Birds of Prey are both gay.
Well, maybe they should have thought of that before being called Iron Man and Captain America so they could have had a hilarious title like Thour.
he never got fat to begin with, that was clearly a body suit. Only Christian Bale has the integrity of a true actor.
Is this just click bait or were there seriously no other gay Marvel chatacters in the past?
>first DCEU movies made more than first MCU movies.
I love this argument like there was a noticeable gap and shift between those movies
>And both Iron Man and Hulk had cartoons in 90's. B tier my ass.
Those cartoons were not remembered at all when their movies came out, at least compared to X-Men's cartoon
That's Nebula's actress?
She's cute!
I mean, I thought she was cute in her makeup too, but you get what I mean.
Yeah because everybody loves Thor now. He's the best.
>Thor3 wasn't really a Thor movie, it was Thor/Hulk
Hulk was barely in the movie compared to Thor. It was still all about him (and Loki) with bonus Bruce and Valkyrie.
>Thor4 will probably be Asgardians of the Galaxy and you know it.
That's a cool idea but I doubt Taika will touch on the GOTG for too long
Ragnarok wasn't a solo movie, it has hulk in it
Men in Black bombed hard, so Hemsworth needs something safe that might make him money. Also, since most MCU fans are underage retards who like quips, they know it’s easy money. Also it’s cheaper than RDJ and Evans
That's not how that works.
10 if you count the post credits appearance in The Incredible Hulk.
I only see two, Cap 1 and The Winter Soldier. The other three are solidly Iron Man movies.
Does it really break the "rule"if the first movie was so bad it's practically forgotten?
this fat fuck saved the movie for me. That whole shit was garbage but I would love to seea spin off of fat thor building the new asgard and setting up the fish monger town.
I'm still bothered by the fact that Thor's emotional closure moment was kinda played as a joke and Rocket didn't get any if I recall correctly
Waititi, Gunn and the Russos all seem big on bathos.
Cap only got 2 solo movies so they already broke the rule.
People really need to stop replying to cleavagefag, so he doesn't get encouraged in his bullshit.
My post doesn't count because I'm only adding to the pile at this point.
Dark World doesn't count.
>Cavill as Hyperion in a Squadron Supreme movie
I didn't know I could get this hard.
>more than the first MCU movies
Yeah no shit. When Iron Man came out in 2008, it wasn't common for superhero movies to make a ton of money. Iron Man was a MAJOR success, even with Dark Knight cracking a billion that same year.
Iron Man was the #8 movie of 2008.
Man of Steel was the #9 movie of 2013, despite having made $100m+ more.
You're comparing shit from two different times.
>thinks Karen Gillen is ugly
>he thinks Pom is ugly
>he uses Gwenpool reaction pics
That makes sense.
And now she's moved on from that conquest.
She's ready for Thor.
You stupid retard, there is no "rule", it's called a contract. If Evans or RDJ wanted to sign another contract, they would have.
>femcels angry their thunderhead god was fat for a little while
chubby guys are way more appealing ngl. i haven't seen the movie though.
Infinity War was a Guardians of the Galaxy movie.
why is his face not fat?
Add Ghost to that list too
Fresh OC hot off the presses I don't want to see this on cucksheddit or 9gag for no less than three months you degenerates
>Infinity War
>when 4/5 of those are about Endgame
Ant man wasn't even in Infinity War dude
make him homolust for bill
Damn, Kymellians look like THAT?
Why wouldn't Herc be gay? Or Bi? He's a Greek God, after all; they fuck anyone and anything...just like Loki.
Oh, god damn it I meant to put Endgame. Fuck me I'm retarded. Please, someone, end my life.
>Infinity War
10 minutes of screentime.
He originally wasn't even going to appear until he saves Vision in Wakanda, but they were rightfully told that idea was fucking insane.
Thor 4 will be Siege.
All of the Asgardians are on Earth. Shit will pop off. They can even have Norman Osborn introduced here. At the end of it, the ugly negress will become femThor.
>he never got fat to begin with, that was clearly a body suit. Only Christian Bale has the integrity of a true actor.
That's because everyone else knows how fucking dangerous losing alot of weight and then gaining it back in a short period of time is to your body.
>That's Nebula's actress?
>She's cute!
You should really check out Doctor Who series 5-7 if you want to see her before she became famous.
MAX Hyperion
why's Hemsworth in so many godawful action movie revivals?
Red Dawn
Men In Black
Snow White and the Huntsman
12 Strong
Star Trek
>Not that dissimilar to Civil War being less a Cap solo movie and more an Avengers film.
i'm still fucking mad about this
No, he'll get fatter.
Me too. It bugs me they treated it like a cap film too. It was a general avengers movie almost top to bottom.
>put his gay and transgender agenda
Did I miss something important?
We aren't that lucky user
Reminder Thor's third movie wasn't a solo film.
He wasn't in Civil Wars so that's fair.
There's gona be a gay superhero in Eternals but it isn't Herc.
Muh nigga!
>not the star all the goddamn time even in other character's movies
Dude had as much screentime as Cap in civil war.
You can also see more of her in Jumanji.