The villain is an incel

>the villain is an incel
based dreamworks

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There is literally nothing wrong being an incel

Such an incel thing to say

Actually, the film is
good incel managing to crawl out of the pit vs bad incel spiralling down into expressive angst.

If all you have to hold over someones head is that you've had sex and they haven't, you're equally a betacuck as the faggots on /r9k/ going gay for crossdressers.

>There is nothing wrong with constantly blaming everyone for your petty problems

why is schaffrilas popular

That exactly what an incel would say. Good thing you're not an incel right?

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such a typical thing for the society to say

incel just means you can't get sex retard

What so great about sex that incels would write entire essays about women suck because they can't get it?

The society calls me incel. The society calls me insane. The society says that i am a bad guy.

and you know what? Yes i am an incel and yes i am fucking insane. More further society drives me insane more closer the are to see just how bad guy i can really be.

>he doesnt know

because quirky reviewers are popular in general

You should focus on bettering yourself for your own sake, rather than wallowing in the misery of society’s perception of you.

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Great film. Still wish the Megamind fan librarian got more acknowledgement. Felt that was a weird plot hole.

True. My only issue with the plot/message is the fact that Megamind had to disguise himself as a fresh slate in order to get the date, as he had a negative paint before then.

>This attitude simply because he can’t put his dick in a vagina.
Kill yourself.

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Jesus christ this place will defend anything. You don’t even know what cuck means at this point

>Stops caring about THOTs after it doesn't work out and only becomes a villain once goaded into it

Okay incel

Validation and Affection.

He's right though. Bragging about having had sex is as pathetic as complaining about never having it. A truly chad individual would simply be comfortable with where they are while simultaneously working to better themselves, not to impress anybody but because they find it fulfilling.

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just legalize prostitution allready

just make a grindr profile, get fucked or fuck someone, bam
never an incel again


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