Twelve Forever


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So what happened, anyway?
Was he not gay enough?

he looks pretty gay to me.

Are white males being oppressed

He will live on in the pilot and hopefully in more porn

>pure perfect bf material for me
>gets shafted for diversety points
my life is suffering

If you are not glad he is gone and think it is anything but the best idea any has ever had, then you are a racist MAGA hat wearing alt-right nazi.

Oh fuck off sjwfag, the cheeto tinted fucktard has got nothing to do with studios pandering to this excessive wave of pc culture that's plaguing Yea Forums media

Hey there new guy, reread that post you just responded to and let me know if it smells vaguely of fish

I don't get it. What happened now?

He's not in the show anymore
They seem to have split the role between two new characters

Main character is gay.
Her best friend is a gay boy.
Instead of gay boy, they gave her a black friend and a fantasy purple white friend.

>fantasy purple white friend
he is brown

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Is Matt Berry still involved? He was literally the only interesting thing from the pilot


good bait, user, you got one

It's okay for Shane to be white.

Why is he sitting in a puddle of pee though?

do we know purple boy's name? For all we know, he could be shane

Reggie was sitting on his lap and her spiro made her leak all over him.

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He's brown as a human being, and turns purple in fantasy land. Her friends names are given as Todd and Esther. The black is a girl, so the brown guy is Todd. Shane is gone, he's been genocided for excessive whiteness.

I think Todd looks alright. He's manly and it's refreshing seeing guys like that in cartoons these days. He just needs a 12 year old moustache to make it complete.
but I will always miss Shane. He was delightfully sensible and gangly and awkward

But now we have potential bro/sis incest shipping so it balances out.

Only the animated ones.

>He just needs a 12 year old moustache
Seems to be a normal thing for latino kids

I can't wait to see her be miserable and cute

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Delicious Reggie Midriff and Feet

but he's a douche
i would have liked it if they'd repurposed shane into the bro, but then I guess she'd have a lot less conflict.
I said in the last thread I'm getting a strong Rule 63 Doug vibe, her brother seems like a total Judy.
it was a normal thing for me, and i'm some kind of english french german jew mutt

eh, he was the least good part about the short honestly, milquetoast as fuck.
even if he's nothing but a bunch ethnic retreads, it's still more interesting than proto-shane

Look how they massacred my boy...

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Yeah, he went from a nerdy twink to someone capabile of producing testosterone.

Wait wait wait where are the girls big sleeves? Where are the big cute sleeves???

Where’s everybody getting the screenshots? We finally get a trailer drop?

>beaner twink
he's a ladyboy in the making

Yeah, like yesterday, look on the archives or netflix's official site

The white male is also the villain now

>School scene changes to birthday scene at home

It's for the better.

It's not a cold day, I suppose.

Looks like her "main" outfit may have changed but the OG shirt is still around somewhere

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>body looks exactly the same; skinny with no musculature
>but now he's brown so he must have high testosterone
The media really did a number on your brain, huh?

Why do I have a feeling Shane was assigned the wrong race by Life?

>one of the things i liked about the pilot was the chemistry between Reggie and Shane
>Shane is now gone

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I liked how the pilot gave them rectangular but distorted shapes, the series makes the boys head too blockish.

A fan of NTR I see:^)

I refuse to support the show now. I'll pirate it but I'm not watching it with my Netflix account.

I'm surprised they didnt just make him asian

Shane was best boy and Milf, he will be missed.

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Its also his square head and lack of glasses, he just looks worse that Shane.

I love shane, but I gotta say this guy looks better. better hairstyle, nice square jaw (poor black girl has one too), nice deep tan, brown hair instead of black.

He looked like a young Rebecca Sugar. At least now, he looks more male.

yeah he looked like he was in the process of growing his hair out nice and awesome, but was still in that awkward stage, and it was fighting him a bit.

Except this probably is the exact mindset of the character designers when inventing the new character.

Julia is actually relatively based.

too bad she apparently can't keep her goddamn hands to herself

>Even the doll got wok'd


If I worked in that kinda office I'd be happy to just become the lightning rod for that.

No, but they are being shit on for no good reason. If these people could get away with it, they would.

oppressed isn't the word
more like ostracized, excluded, prejudged, and discriminated against

I feel like at this rate there will soon be more forced minority characters than real life minorities.

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the people in charge of this shit have come out and say it has nothing to do with majority/minority, it's about power.
and since they have the power, they claim white people and men have the power, so they will NOT be getting any rights back, or equal treatment. I can show you someone flat-out saying that white people don't deserve equal treatment and I don't even have to look far.

Et tu, 1980s redheaded tomboy archetype?

>reggie was BLACKED
What the hell, Yea Forums?
You sad redheads were going extinct?

Why would a guy like that hang out with some annoying autistic tranny? The pasty white boy was spot on.

Big sleeves are too hard to animate.

What the fuck are you rambling about

it's all just bait dude, and it worked

More like Yikes Forever.

if this show wasn't already DOA, I'd suggest getting the tumblry sorts on it with some kind of hashentag movement 'justice for shane' or something

Now I need to see reggie and the brown kids stabbing shane while dressed like roman senators

Is he sitting in a puddle of his own piss?

>speds can’t recognize a fucking shadow

what are shitty jokes

I want to see Reggie without clothes on.

Is Netflix going to SDCC?

isn't that over?
oh wait I'm thinking of E3.

>inb4 Shane is brought back to the show.
>Turns out Shane is the homo route for Todd

I'm fucking calling it, we're gonna get bamboozled hard.

This isn't Golan the Insatiable

Well he wasn't a ginger so it's not genocide

Yeah, it's Twelve Forever, so yeah, things are slated to get in a specific weirder direction than thought.

desu recent history shows you dont do well when in charge.

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hey i'm all for going back and making the middle east the center of civilization again.

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THERE it is. I knew i'd seen that picture somewhere.
they basically just retooled shane

No, they're being cut down to size. About time, too.

Nerdy twinks are the best twinks, where am I going to get my fix now?!

I expect show to be something like terrabitia bridge, where monster dwell and I slay giants. About authistic kid escaping to fantasy world, while his/her life is falling apart. You know, ee didn't saw Reggie dad anywhere around

user are you drunk, foreign, or both?

I think that's Captain Malibu's archnemesis HEATHER BOA

Who will give all the gibs once whites are gone? It will be a massive jungle and Darwinism will be the way of life in the mob chaos.

Think carefully about your future.

more to the point, who's gonna shovel your snow
keep us polar bears around, we're useful at least half the year in some parts.

Why were they going to put Pidge in this show?

Came here to mention this. If that isn't indicative of what kind of show this has turned into, I don't know what is.

>square jaw
>not a simpering soft looking faggot
Nah he's not Shane.

adulthood is realizing general zodd was right

Netflix should've picked up Starship Goldfish instead of this.

New rules state that no show can't have more than one white person in it. It is 2019, yo.

Sweet lord! He's literally a blockhead!

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Jesus he looks like a Fan OC that someone of Deviantart edited into the show

Do you think they possibly split him up into two characters personality wise? The black girl's his nerdy/rational feminine side and the brown guy's his playful/chill side that likes hanging out with Reggie?

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no, look

>black girl

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This dress so isn't her.
Try a Jessica Rabbit or a cute skirt

Representation gives you the middle finger.

Is it the block head? They should've just given her this design. They already have similar clothes

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Where are people getting these screencaps from?

There's a trailer on netflix

Media hates white males.

go read a history book.

white people are the main villain on earth

In the same sense that Dr Robotnik is being oppressed

*tips fedora*

At least they left the redhead alone this time.

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user's foreign, at the very least
He was referring to Bridge to Terabithia, Where the Wild Things Are and I Kill Giants
I guess all of those have autistic kids escaping to imagined fantasy worlds to get away from their crappy real lives

Only because they were stronger than everyone else.

that shit is so asinine, it's just "theheee I wrote this when I was a teen and saaaaaaaad now I can make a show and it's totally different than all those teenage fanfic shows because it's meeeeee"


I hope he at least makes an appearance in the show as a recurring character
he's too damn cute for them to just completely scrap him like that it's not fucking fair

>but he's a douche
The male tsun only makes it better.

Shame that Shane was removed from the actual show, but I'm thinking his personality was split between Reggie's two new friends, plus one of them kinda looks like Shane a bit.

Where Reggie was impulsive and immature, Shane was reserved and mature. But while he was more mature, Reggie was imaginative and actually *did* shit, while he was more passive.
They worked prefectly as a pair and Shane seemed to really appreciate Reggie's imaginative, I assumed the series would be about Reggie learning to appreciate the benefits of maturity, without making either take a full 180 personality wise.
I don't know how this would work with 3 characters but it seems to me like they detracted from an original, excellent premise.

Soul vs Soulless

>nice square jaw
It's not square jaw, it's a square head, shit taste user.

>implying non-white didn't do terrible shit either
Whites just had the technology to do their shit.

Fuck this gay earth

user, look they just changed Shane's color
