Yet another female self-insert character being crammed into an already popular series where male characters and...

yet another female self-insert character being crammed into an already popular series where male characters and creators have done all the hard work gaining a reputation which will now be cannibalized in an attempt to sustain a character incapable of being successful on their own.
It's all so tiring.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why don't you read other comics if it wrings your panties so much

that doesnt look very female

>Reminder that Jennika was created by Ross/Sophie Campbell who based them off his/her self-insert OC from a DeviantArt webcomic they'd made before they went pro.

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but this does !

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Why is that bad?

Ah, a female ninja turtle. That usually ends well.

>Why is that bad?

Nothing personnel, kid!

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Because it’s trash. Why do they need a female ninja turtle? Didn’t they learn their lesson with Venus? Besides all the turtles are named after famous Renaissance artists. What’s a famous female Renaissance artist?

>Let's up the ante on complaining about this side character who will be forgotten as quickly as all the other female fifth turtles with some tranny panic!

Venus existed

>at last, after many long years, I have built my tree house where I can hang out away from the judgemental scorn of the normie who mock my autistic hobbies
>hey nice tree house let us in and get out
>what no fuck off
I wish that discord thot slayer hadn't an heroed. His work was clearly not done.

Is Jennika a Renaissance artist?

I don't get it, shouldn't she be named after a famous painter also, like Rosalba Carriera or Sonia Delaunay?

She's gonna go the same way Venus did. Everyone will talk about her for a few months and she'll forgotten in year and will be remembered as a joke.

What about Georgia O’Keefe? Or Anne Geddes?

But wasn't there already a female turtle? Why do they do this shit where they act like it's not been done before, when it has?

What the fuck are you referencing Kim Jong Un with in that filename, OP?

Yes, triggered incels whining about women all day are so tiresome.

Coldsteel in IDW Sonic when?

Honestly a female turtle should be named after the Mona Lisa to keep the theme somewhat intact

>sophie, formerly ross

Statistically unlikely

Would you?

Attached: Sophie_Campbell_2.png (1112x1600, 2.5M)

Because it's fun? Opens for new and crazier stories with her.

Artemisia Gentileschi

This is your fault, Yea Forums.


Do you realize how sad you sound? Turtles have had three decades of comics already anyway, why shouldn't they shake things up a bit?

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I'm not mad that she's a woman, I'm mad because adding a fifth turtle kind of breaks up the dynamic of a team that really doesn't need a fifth member.

Especially one that's not a relative of the Turtles, the fact of which they are a family is important.

Not with somebody else's dick. That ice cream is pretty good though.

You didn’t build anything, you’re not a writer for comic books

She looks pretty cool bit I do hope they change her name to something more consistent like what they did with venus. Like it or not it made some sense.

Fucking hell, this is beyond embarassing.

Lavinia Fontana? Sofonisba Anguissola?

No, and this immediate kills the character looking like anything other than a Doughnut Steel OC.

you didnt build anything you got into a treehouse someone else built nd are now upset at a new piece of furniture

All you did was buy shit and read it. Other people created the comics. Shut the fuck up retard.

Slash was a proper member in this series for a while.

What artist is she named after? The name sounds like some stupid ghetto chick’s

The book has been operating with a very extensive and heavily featured supporting cast for years. Pretending like somehow the dynamic is now fundamentally different with one long term character turning into a turtle is downright pathetic and hysterical.

Are those names or should we call an ambulance?

Not him but aren’t there a bunch of strong female characters in the turtles? Why not just push them more rather than pushing a forgettable turtle who “uses multiple weapons” and “doesn’t afraid of anything”. I’m assuming the end of her first arc is going to be her saving the brothers using all of their weapons to defeat someone alone they couldn’t together

>female ninja turtle
>not called frida
0/10 into the garbage bin it goes

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Not a part of the main family. Slash gets shunted off to the mutanimals for a reason.

Slash was not a fifth member of the team, Slash was their special needs friend who went off and did his own thing when he was a genius, and then used a meat puppet.

None of those members are permanent, this seems like a perma-addition to the team. It's not like I hate Jennika, but she's such a non character that I'm wondering what the point even is. What is she there to offer beyond 'female turtle'?

Or Venus, you know give us a better one.

no. that's a man.

>this seems like a perma-addition to the team.

Yeah, just like Slash, right?

the only part that is bad about it is the name, but it shows they have no respect for theming which is 90% what the turtles are about, even in all its wackyness

Slash is already a pre-existing character that we all know would never become a permanent member of the team.

Jennika is an entirely new creation, where we go from here is anyone's guess.

>Deviantart OC
>formerly Ross

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>multiple weapons
You can't do that. That's cheating.

>putting in the work to get onto the title to make your OC ideas canon
Atta girl (formerly boy).
Living the dream of every fanfiction writer.

So, how is she going to be pushed in? They aren't going to retcon anything right?

See that makes her cooler.

pre-op or post-op?

she was an ally and working under splinter leading the foot. but she got hurt by karai trying to pull a coup and they gave her mutagen and a blood transfusion from leo to help her live and it made her a turtle

Personally I would have made her some kind of other mutated animal, like a pet gecko or something, and have her be a Gambit style unofficial ally who does their own thing but teams up with the main crew often

She's a preexisting bland human character that gets injured to raise the states in the current city at war arc when Karai stabs her (this being the first time she's mattered at all in ever) and despite much more liked characters (Slash) dying already, she desperately needs to be saved so they give her a blood transfusion from Leonardo, which mutates her into a turtle.

Because if you're going to go full creative bankruptcy, why not just steal She hulk's origin while you're at it.

>Slash is already a pre-existing character
Slash was, by all means, an OC Dunot Steel. He was no different than this new one.
He even lacks the artist's name.

>multiple weapons
Why though?

>work hard, get a job on your favorite comic
>put your original the characters in the official source material

Living the fucking dream. Good for them.

Mental illness

slash they didnt have a chance to save. he pulled an iron giant and sacrificed himself before he exploded

My OC has to have all the powers.

You can enjoy things without letting others judge you, you know. Talk about rent-free.

I would buttpregnate her ass-pussy.

She is a human that got turned into a turtle mutant? Then why is she being pushed like she is an original part of the family? I mean there's fucking mutagen in the series. Anyone can become a mutant turtle.

How is Jennika not a pre-existing character at this point?

Why would she change her name? Are you autistic?

>Then why is she being pushed like she is an original part of the family?

Nobody but you own bleeding asshole is saying that.

>the new female TMNT

are you assuming what women should look like you incel nazi capitalist?

Jennika was made for the IDW comic, Slash has existed since the 1980s and been in multiple adaptions of the TMNT.

Coukd you cool it with your man vagina tears? It's literally cringe worthy seeing you seething like a little child.

I mean, would it really stand out?

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I guess you can see it that way, but still way to ruin the theming.
I thought Artemisia (for Artemisia Gentileschi) could work as an "official" name, since the local feminist at my art campus like to wank her when talking about painters. Famous painting is Judith slaying Holofernes

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typical response.

"You already have so much, GIMMIE"

As if that didn't apply to Slash when he debuted.

Venus at least was a mutated turtle. Jennika is like Bebop and Rocksteady, some human pretending to be one of the turtles. That's garbage.

Also it really doesn't help that Jennika is one UGLY shitty looking mannish twat with a boring personality. And I doubt the mutation will actually "magically" give her a good personality. The mutation is just a cosmetic change, the actual character within is still the same uninteresting trash that she ALWAYS was. Come on, how come none of you talk about this? That Jennika is a boring shit character who is UN-interesting and as such no one cares about?

If you’re going to make her a member of the family wouldn’t it make sense to stay within the naming conventions? I honestly didn’t know about any female renaissance artists and this seems like a fun way to push their names onto kids (or at least onto the thirty year olds who buy Tmnt comics still)

Ah yes, the famous painter/sculptor Jennika.

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>Not even named after a artist.
Fuck this.

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Man, i really want to drink a monster now.

I'd actually be okay with this if it were April or Karai tho.
The thing is Jennika hasn't *done* anything in the comic up until now. She's basically just existed to watch the kids (literally) when Splinter has to go do something important.

The true test of the name would be if it fits in the rap

You have no idea who this chat ter is, do you?

what about the light blue girl?

Lovingly, for days.

>Also it really doesn't help that Jennika is one UGLY shitty looking mannish twat with a boring personality

So it's literally because she's not hot enough.

Nobody is saying that ya idjit.

The lack of an artist name should be part of a clue.

only if she draws more wet moon so I can get hard enough to fuck her by seeing chubby goth dykes

In this canon, the turtles and Splinter were humans too.

She's not part of the family though. She's their friend and ally.

She's Foot Chunin right now. This may cause her to split and join Clan Hamato, but we don't know yet.

Try reading the fucking comic man.

Nobody does. Jennika was probably the least important character in the comic (that's not even a knock against her, there's just a *lot* of heavy hitters). This is moving her star up to top tier importance inorganically fast.

I miss old Yea Forums

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They were and they weren't.
They've got human souls because reincarnation, but in this life they were born turtles and a rat.

Are we really pretending this arc isn't going to end with Karai taking over the foot? That's kind of her job.,

i have nothing against a female turtle so long they don't come up again with a long-lost but never mentioned sister. why not tell that shredder build his on mutant ninja team, like if you want to beat turtles you must have you own, and one becomes a defector.

>formerly Ross

If they remember their past selves, it doesn't change much. To them, they were human.

It may be the right speed. She's obviously important being Chunin, we know her past, and her temperament. And now here we go for the meat and potatoes as far as her character.

I'm not talking about the arc, bit who Jennika is to the cast right now.

They only remember whisps and hints.

user didnt build the tree house. People with similar interests to user built the tree house. The house was essentially made for user, in a time when everyone else looked down on user's hobby and interests. The tree house was self-sustaining for decades with just user and people similar to user like you and me. We kept the house alive by visiting often and having fun there. We kept it alive. Do you know who NEVER contributed to the tree house? Everyone else. But now they all want a piece of the pie. And if we don't like it? Then we're looked down on just like before. We're belittled, just like before. We're told that we're scum and that there's no place for us.

Now the tree house is falling apart. The people who kicked user out aren't doing anything to keep it alive, in fact, they're CELEBRATING the death of the tree house. Meanwhile, shitposters like you are defending THEM instead of your own kind. But yeah, let's just keep separating people based on skin color and gender. Everyone loves that shit.

>This is moving her star up to top tier importance inorganically fast.

How is it inorganic? If she had turned into any other animal you literally wouldn't be whining. You're upset that it's a woman turtle, fess up.

Holy shit nobody bitching has any clue about this comic.

Jennika is Foot Chunin under Splinter. She's been around for about 30 issues.

>She's obviously important being Chunin,
Not really? I mean, she's the third chuunin. The previous two were Karai and Leo. It's kinda a step down from there, you have to admit.

Also I'm kind of positive we're gonna get the "I'm no longer human" angst and probably some really stupid shipping because now the turtles have a viable breeding partner and it's all just so predictable and exhausting

>as a straight white man im the real victim here

She's a fucking turtle you degenerate.

Give it up. We're talking about the same people who defended pic related, they are far too entrenched in ideology to be persuaded.

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Gotta love how the internet works

Nah, I'd still be whining.
Jennika's done all of two things in the comic up until this point. Get ship teased with Casey when he was on a break with April and be a seat filler for the role of "foot chunin" which honestly just seems to amount to babysitting since the actual clan leaders are the ones making the moves.

>your own kind
Wow. This is some next level shit.

>Jennika is Foot Chunin under Splinter. She's been around for about 30 issues.
Quality, not quantity. She's not done anything of note in that time.
Most of those 30 issues weren't even spent following foot clan stuff, it's all been about utroms and the EDF.

He has me blocked on twitter
Lol I never even spoke to the guy

The previous two are key heroes and villains and you don't think it's important? You don't think it's telling about the other characters trust in Jennika's character and skill?

And yeah, I'm not against this move as is, but I do share tour worry that it'll get cliche.

>Yea Forums is bitching about something they're entirely ignorant of

Big fucking surprise, this board is nothing but casuals and crossboarders looking for the next thing to get outraged at

>It's kinda a step down from there, you have to admit.

No? Being Chuunin is a pretty big job, you don't just give it to anyone.

Spotted the Latin American!

Joke aside, wasn't Shun originally dealing with the idea of his own masculinity or something? I never got a proper chance to read Sanctuary and beyond.

Jennika is just another Poochie

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>She's not done anything of note in that time.

She's been an entirely solid, well written smaller supporting character all this time. You're making up arbitrary quantifies in order to complain about a character getting more prominence in the title.

>The previous two are key heroes and villains and you don't think it's important? You don't think it's telling about the other characters trust in Jennika's character and skill?
I think you've put into words exactly what my problem is. Everyone else in that position is a key hero/villain that's been trained from birth and is capable of leading a clan on their own. Karai and Leo both are from these pretty epic ninja dynasties.
Jennika isn't. Nor has she demonstrated any character or skill to justify that title. You're *assuming* she's a good fit for the role because she has it, whereas with Karai and Leo it was the other way around, it kinda felt like chuunin was less than they deserved given their level of badass, not more.

This book has a cast of probably about 40 characters. She's had pretty decent development considering.

She almost assassinated Splinter, killed Darius, learned to loosen up, and we saw her past in Universe. Frankly, that's fine and you're bitching to bitch.

>She's been an entirely solid, well written smaller supporting character all this time
Compared to who?
Fucking Harold contributes more.
Apparently, yes, you do. If Jennika didn't even expect the double cross.

I'm not white.

Are we not, as Yea Forums, as 4channelers, of a similar kind of people with similar interests?

I miss him bros

Why not just Venus de Milo?

Raphael is the hothead tough-guy, Donatello is the nerd, Michelangelo is the carefree devil-may-care one, and Leonardo is the straight-man of the group

Jennika is _________ ?

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Because that was a work of art not an artist

he's a tranny. there's literally a tranny's self-insert mary sue token girl turtle joining the TMNT and ruining the whole four brother dynamic, and you ask why it's bad. get it together, Yea Forumsmblr.

A tranny

>Compared to who?
Compared to no one, she's fine on her own. What do you expect?
>Apparently, yes, you do. If Jennika didn't even expect the double cross.
They did expect something. It just went worse then they feared. That's why they were all there and immediatly admitting fault to Splinter.

ROSS Campbell. A MAN!

Fuck of/pol/ scum. Go twist history on your own shithole of a board.

What are you doing in a tree house at your age,faggot ?

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I meant her human self. Jennika is an ugly mannish human.

Why dont these faggots get it out of their system and make some all-female TMNT comic already..
if they think its such a great thing

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Leo wouldn't have been stabbed, just sayin.

You trash doesnt represent me in the slightest

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Chinin is second in command. What more could they get? The fuck?

...are these shoops?

No one cares about your wall of text, fag!

She's a statuesque blonde in battle gear who happens to have short hair. If she had long hair and a bikini you'd
D be sobbing as you masturbated over her.

Jesus, look at this she(formerly he)mae defending a deviant art oc. Must really have a hard on for her eh?

>muh tree house
I would have posted the Berenstain Bears but someone already posted it

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Chunin. Fucking hell I'm a retard for phone posting at work.

Libcuck seething

Jounin Oyabun.
Like I said. Leo and Karai are basically in charge of their own clans and have been for a while. What leadership abilities has Jennika demonstrated? DO know that this isn't just some new turtle right? It's a previously introduced character that was dying and needed a blood transfusion, so the Turtles did it and she mutated as a result.
>Jennika is an entirely new creation,
She's literally been around for like 40 goddamn issues at this point.

Why the fuck does nobody actually read the comic before bitching and moaning?
Fuck I bet half of you didn't even realize she's dating Casey.

Yeah, back in the good old days people would just jump at the chance for more porn. Now everyone's too busy going on about political messages and other boring garbage to even care.

There's nothing wrong with a female turtle but
Come the fuck on. There was already a female turtle called Mona Lisa. If you don't want to reuse Mona Lisa, there is still a shit ton to pick from

>that doesnt look very female

C'mon man, you're acting like if no one told you that this was a female that you would've thought that was a male

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Good point.There is so much comic book but you cant keep track of them all.Thanks for giving us the facts,user bub

She is literally a human that got Mutagen'd into a fucking turtle, she was pre-existing, this isn't some long lost sister bullshit!

A decent archtype is the nervous rookie who is unsure of themselves learning the ropes.

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I genuinely had no idea that was a thing that happened, they should still change the name though

At least the furries keep her alive

Mona Lisa isn't a turtle. You don't know shit about dick.

Why do they have to emphasise on the trannie thing, no one gives a shit.

>fucking memeclaws
>fucking full clothes when all the turtles barely wear a mask and a belt
I'd rather see Venus be canon holy shit

Why would they? You really are being autistic.

>They should still change the name though
No, they shouldn't. This isn't some bullshit where the brothers grew up for a bit being called after the artists before mutating, this is a person who has always been called Jenni and just because she grew a shell and lost four toes doesn't merit a name change.

>Michaela (or Angela)

She's not a new turtle. A new turtle would've been preferable. This is an OC that they're desperarately trying to make interesting so why not go full self insert with it.

Do you think people back in the day hated Bat-girl as much as we hate the female insert character today?

I want Jenni and Venus to team up

>A new turtle would've been preferable
>Instead this is an OC
My brain fucking hurts.

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>i wrote these comics
>no you didn't

Yea Forums is a very small sub-culture among all fandoms.
I guarantee there were idiots who hated Bat-Girl, but the majority of the fucking world liked her because they were getting more characters and mythos and lore and shit.

I meant to say "human" OC. Does that help your brain?

He forgot to tell you it should have been a new turtle (male)

why doesn't the name fit within the scheme of the other turtles?

What's she actually done as chunin other than date casey?

>multiple weapons
>Why though?
For the same reason she has a name that doesn't match the TMNT renaissance theme, same reason SHE wears pants and the TMNT are nude, the same reason she doesn't have a distinct personality, for the same she couldn't just be a turtle that exists within the Universe but has to be jammed into the TMNT brothers,
same reason shes a 'hero'. Same reason shes as androgynous as the creator.

It's Deviantart OC. The shit that we make fun off

Pre-existing human poochie being mutated in order to justify their existence.

The turtles are trained in multiple weapons.

>nervous rookie who is unsure of themselves

Campbell didn't create her you jackass. The writers liked Campbell's fifth turtle oc canary and used it for Jennika.

What are some famous female renaissance painters???

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At this point people are complaining about OC's as if every writer/artist that comes onto an existing property hasn't done this to hell and back.
Pretty much been Splinter's anchor into not going full Warlord. Splinter in turn helped her move on from being just generic background ninja.
Also thank fucking christ Casey isn't dating April because she's been boring as fuck for the last fifty issues.
Basically she's a Foot Clan soldier that isn't Karai and isn't getting shipped with Leo and I am so fucking thankful for that.
Oh fuck off she's a trained fucking ninja why the fuck wouldn't she use multiple weapons? For that matter why are the turtles only using one type of weapon? Learn to fucking step outside your comfort zone fuck.

>It's not an OC they just used an OC
When I see the defense force I can't blame the writers to go for that low hanging fruit, even if it's full of worms and aids

they literally could've named the human anything.
here's 10;

Google search gives me-
Fuuuuck that's ugly looking.

>the only part that is bad about it is the name
Seriously. I mean, I googled "Jennika artist", there IS someone named like that, bu she is literally from this decade.
Are there no famous female artists with memorable names? How about Frida? Literally had a movie about her, starring Selma Hayek.
Is Jennika the artist's deviantart buddy that against all odds made it semi-big in the real world and that's why the turtle named after her?

>I don't like OC's! I hate that!
>So you want there to never be any new characters?
>Ugh, no retard I just don't want OC's to be shoved in!
>But then how are new characters supposed to be introduced?
>Just don't use OC's duh!
I fucking pity you.

>Pretty much been Splinter's anchor into not going full Warlord.
The christmas issue did a more memorable job of this to be honest.
(Also great job. Getting stabbed and needing a venging surely isn't going to cause Splinter to go full warlord, right?)
Splinter in turn helped her move on from being just generic background ninja.
Real talk, I respect you for admitting she was that at some point. That's more than a lot of the anons defending this move are willing to do. We may disagree if she's graduated from that point yet but at least you're willing to admit she was there to start.
>Basically she's a Foot Clan soldier that isn't Karai and isn't getting shipped with Leo
Well, they're the same species now so....

> For that matter why are the turtles only using one type of weapon?
They're personality based.

Splinter just used names from his favorite artists. If he liked a girl artist the time period would be irrelevant.

no I mean it as in, it would be nice if they gave her an art code name in some kind of ritual as in accepting her into the brotherhood
jesus you guys just want to be mad, I'm chill, I'm not saying its obligatory, I just would like that
I mean, that's more noteworthy than any female character in the series aside from april and karai lol

They probably would've named her after an artist were this the plan all along and not a last minute decision.

Surely they must have thought of doing the female turtle thing months in advance maybe even a years worth, and this is the best they can do?

You are the clown of this site, you know. The pitty of a shit eating retard has no power

yup. this seems to be the consensus, let's call her frida

Doesn't make it had.

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All of this is valid criticism. The character design is crap and makes no sense. This is also valid Just because they have shoved her down our throats for 40 some odd issues doesn't mean she has shown any kind of growth, or done anything of actual importance. Her entire design is sloppy.

It's kind of pathetic to try to deflect all this valid criticism as just straight sexist complaining.

None of your logic makes any sense at all. I fear you have actual psychological problems.

nothing more dated than using a meymey artist of the year that only got relevant because of recent hashtags

Honestly after all the shit Karai did to fuck up the very easy and peaceful solution of Splinter passing on the Foot Clan to her, she deserves to get Hamato Yoshi'd.
And...okay I can see the weapons being part of their personality.
I'm just tired of people having not read the comics complaining about Jenni.
user I want to let you in on a secret.
We're all retards.

Ex-man of the group.

See Yea Forums, this is why IP ownership for manga goes to the creators and not the company.

I hate that people completely forgot about this series while it was still good and now all they want to talk about is some shitty OC that will be the focus of 1 or 2 arcs and then be forgotten like everyone else.
Can we talk about how Shredder in hell is 10 times better than whatever the fuck IDW has been doing in the main book?

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>makes any sense at all.
You are the one ordering people to celebrate an OC because it's an OC from someone else. You are going fucking ballistic at this point.

She's getting a bandana. No name change because that's utterly pointless. They're not codenames, they're just names. But in two issues she gets a yellow bandana in some official way. So I guess she joins Clan Hamato for some reason.

TMNT wasn't made popular by its creators.

>as if every writer/artist that comes onto an existing property hasn't done this to hell and back.
The difference between the OC donut steels of yesterday and the donut steels of today is identity politics, and how the media treats these OCs. You will never see this type of media attention for a straight white male OC unless it's to complain about him being straight white and male (Star Wars Fallen Order). When the OC is female, she's "stunning and brave" no matter what wrongs she does. When the OC is black or some other ethnicity, it's "important and socially aware". It's "diverse and powerful". All of this identity-based praise, as if these attributes have any meaning on their own.

>b-b-but the character looks like me so it's good!
Is the go-to defense. These OCs aren't just poorly written OCs anymore. They're virtue signals. They're twitter backpats. They're fuel for journalist clickbait. They're fuel for more shitpost threads. They do more damage to the hobby in current year than they ever did before.

But the creators owned the property they sold it off willingly, your logic doesnt apply here

Ocs are fine, tranny self insert deviant art ocs are cringe. If you're incapable of distinguishing the 2 you might have the 'tism.

Fontana, Nelli or Sirani would've been fine

Male or Female adding another turtle to the original 4 TMNT squad is a shit idea

I did no such thing. You really are incapable of comprehending what toy read.

>this strawman
When did children start writing comic books? I mean besides JJ Abrams' son.

I'm still waiting for him to run into Godzilla down there.
Jenni was a straight white blonde and blue eyed female before she got Mutagen'd.
Like I don't understand how people are going to go "VIRTUE SIGNALING!" when she isn't any of the sort. She's an old OC that they decided to dredge up, re-imagine, and use as a plot point to move the story forward a bit.
There's nothing crazy about this.

All comic artists start on Deviantart now you retard.

>I mean, that's more noteworthy than any female character in the series aside from april and karai lol
Angela's basically Iron Man.
Libby just pulled an Alien.
Are we not counting the mutants? Because I actually really like Koya. Even if the magic wings don't make a lot of sense.
Then there's that pantheon. Kitsune's probably still a big deal. Aka just showed up for the christmas issue less than a year ago.

You're the one giving it crazy attention. The articles are just saying fifth turtle, and you're writing a manifesto on how this is bad for your peepee.

>Would you?
No, I wouldn't willingly eat at a place named Big Gay Ice Cream Shop; it sounds memey and pretentious.

Shhh, we can't talk about how there are other female OC's, the anons complaining don't actually read the comics so they'll get confused.

>Eve cloned from the rib of Adam, the image of the creator God; the evil Satan uses her to tempt him
>Smurfette created by the evil Gargamel to tempt the Smurfs
>Arcee created as an experiment by the evil Jhiaxus
>First human woman, Babs, created by the Terrible Thunderlizards to tempt and trap the first two men, Bill and Scooter
>Venus de Milo named after a creation, not a creator like the other turtles
I'm sensing a pattern, here.

The problem is if they did do an all-female reboot version it wouldn't be the fun romp with waifu turtles you're imagining, it'd just be a bunch of preaching and lame rehashing like every female reboot

Hell, Null and her agents are also female

Depends how much she paid for that waffle cone. I have limits.

I just want them to make a super cute one in Rise, where they program in the jiggle physics... Come on, you're totally copying TRIGGER's style, may as well do it.

Attached: Leonardo_R63.png (1106x740, 357K)

I like Sally Pride's attitude.

I really want an arc or mini about Alopex and Angel doing what they do.

>I'm just tired of people having not read the comics complaining about Jenni.
With some due respect I do think you're blowing that out of proportion. I read the comics and I dislike this decision. I don't think Jennika is particularly interesting and if this is the way they're trying to fix that it reeks of desperation.
Because, when you get right down to it, a fifth turtle is huge. Slash simply existing was a Big Fucking Deal. A female turtle doubly so. If that's a trigger you're gonna pull, either do it from the start or hand that off to one of the most popular and storied characters, not one that's still, even after 40 issues, just barely out of being a background character trying to find their feet.
Hell, turn her into another animal if she HAS to be mutated but making her the fifth turtle is a bit much.

Null being gender flipped is perhaps the only sjw thing in the whole ring so far.

>Jenni was a straight white blonde and blue eyed female before she got Mutagen'd.
Straightness and whiteness are generally ignored when the character is female. Just look at Captain Marvel.

>Like I don't understand how people are going to go "VIRTUE SIGNALING!" when she isn't any of the sort. She's an old OC that they decided to dredge up, re-imagine
It's a virtue signal by virtue of identity. More female heroes means "And That's a Good Thing" articles and twitter posts. I'm not being a tinfoil hat here. You've seen the clickbait, I've seen the clickbait. These kinds of status quo changes are intentional.

The one with pupils actually does look female

There are too many spinoff comics so I don't actually know enough about Null to make an informed comment about her.
i know she\'s a red devil lady and mass producing mutants but what the fuck is her actual deal? What is she?

>Adding a new turtle humanoid to the TMNT universe, specifically a female
Good idea

>Male or Female adding another turtle to the original 4 TMNT squad
Bad idea

Attached: Its time to for another.png (814x574, 380K)

You've seen the clickbait because the idiots who focus entirely on that thing are, gasp, focusing entirely on it.
Also if you go looking for shit you're gonna' find it eventually.
Her going turtle at least made some sense I guess if it's a blood transfusion from one of the brothers.
But yeah I wanted her to be a frog. Ninja frogs are cool.

Attached: dial8.png (225x225, 4K)

Not fully revealed, she's created most of the mutanimals outside of Hob and slash R.I.P, and is planning some shit with Baxter Stockman in the newest issue though her full motivations are unclear

>three toes

This is some rookie level character design decisions

Attached: 701.jpg (400x562, 37K)

Posts like yours always imply that developments like this are isolated incidents. This goes beyond just turtle comics, my latte-sipping friend. This is an industry-wide, media-wide phenomenon.

You can call me an incel or whatever all you want, but you know I'm right.

>I mean, that's more noteworthy than any female character in the series aside from april and karai lol
I would actually consider Lindsey to be pretty noteworthy if only because she's the token human on Hob's team and Hob seems to be pretty one track mind about killing all humans.
That's kind of also why I want to see Ravenwood brought into the main story. An EPF agent that isn't instantly "Destroy all the mutants" and wants to understand them is interesting.

Meh, and Nightcrawler was thought up as a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes but the writer used him in X-Men instead. Writers have ideas that come from all sorts of places.

You're just looking for a reason to be mad at the tranny.

>Straightness and whiteness are generally ignored when the character is female. Just look at Captain Marvel.
Not really. That's why it's Carol instead of Monika. White women are higher up on the progressive stack.

>The problem is if they did do an all-female reboot version it wouldn't be the fun romp with waifu turtles you're imagining, it'd just be a bunch of preaching and lame rehashing like every female reboot

That's fine. As long as they get it all out of their system and let the sales numbers speak for themselves.

Female characters literally make you paranoid that there's some vast conspiracy. You are legitemitly disturbed

>Also if you go looking for shit you're gonna' find it eventually.
This shit exists within social circles of the people within the industry. They look for it and share it with each other. They retweet it and comment on it. They absorb it and project it. That's their lifestyle, their world. And they're the ones writing and drawing the books they expect us to pay full price for.

How many point of connection d you need before it stops being a coincidence? Because 3 is enough for me, personally.

Because faggots hated easier.

It's not a conspiracy. It's a trend. But you keep pretending it doesn't happen. It's like if mullets came back in style, and you keep getting butthurt at others calling out the hairstyle as silly.

Again, ocs are fine so long as they aren't self inserts. Unless you're already a professional artist, 99.9% of ocs on deviant art are self inserts or love interests designed for their self inserts.
>everyone does it
Isnt a good enough reason for crappy characters. Or an excuse to self insert. Its tacky, obvious and bad. not all artists are good authors. These ate in fact 2 different skills.

Why is it an all-male team always has crybabies demanding they add a female member, but men never give a shit about shoehorning a man into female groups?

Gender treatment only goes one way. The belief is that all (white) male characters have had power for too long, so it's time that power was handed to the poor women and coloreds.

Some of it is agenda pushing sure. Without a doubt. But you're acting like evry female character ever is an attempt to brainwash you into... something. It's paranoid and lacks any logic or nuance.

>Venus existed
redo her origin and bring her back

Which artist/inventor/man of science is that?

This isn't a self insert though. The fuck gives you that idea? It's an oc character being retooled inspired by a different artists old canary. It's not Campbell's pie OC.

>but men never give a shit about shoehorning a man into female groups?

I find the comparisson between Campbell's OC and Jennika odd because what little personalitty Jennika has is too draticlly different from the OC it feels more like an excuse to reuse the design since it had already been made.
It was a pre existing character, so the name stayed, we don't know if she'll get a new name

Inventor of peanut butter

>Yellow bandana
>Claw weapon

That's literally all Jennika Haha in common with the old OC. She's not an OC at all, just reusing ideas. Much like Alopex reused Ninjara ideas

>Not the name of a Renaissance female like Clara Peeters, or Sofonisba Anguissola
>It's fucking Jennika
I should be mad, but I'm just disappointed.

The OC used a bow and arrow not a claw

what's wrong with more turtle waifus?

>same reason SHE wears pants and the TMNT are nude

Almost every other mutant wears pants. Especially human mutants wear them. This is a moronic complaint.

Hopefully a better writer and designer steps in and fix all Jennikas faults

Attached: download.png (590x842, 267K)

You're disappointed because you're a retard who doesn't read the comic.b some fan you are.

Arrows like in ?

she doesn't even have turtle boobs, that's what's wrong

General point stands.

>any tmnt post Shredder arc

Why would a turtle even have boobs?

Lol good troll sir.

There has been a female turtle for like 2 decades you faggot.

>So I guess she joins Clan Hamato for some reason.

What reason could it possibly be when there's a giant battle over who rules the Foot clan and she just nearly got murdered in the conflict.

i need to jam my dick between something, might as well be pillowy soft, yet leathery turtle boobs

>not giving the reptile in a shell tits is feminist propaganda

based fantard

not the same

Attached: 1562637357476.jpg (840x835, 131K)

Stay tuned to find out.

That's not the OC, that's concept art of Jennika
The OC is the bottom right of this twitter post, see the bow and arrow?

>acting like every female character
Nice strawman, please point anywhere in the entire thread someone said every female character ever.

she has a turtle cloaca though

But user, it's Shredder again, and drawn by Santolouco let me have some hope he'll come back to the main book so we have some decent art again.

Your entire paranoid attitude dipshit.

Ross is a man's name?

Never heard any guys ask for male members of the main team for any group, Winx, WITCH, LoliRock, etc.

Boy, you sure are upset about cartoons.

>That's not the OC, that's concept art of Jennika
That's the joke, my dude.
Campbell creates an OC Do Not Steal Yellow Female Fifth Turtle with Arrows.
Then the comic introduces as yellow female fifth turtle with arrows
And people are going "It's a coincidence!"

She's trans. Invented the Artemiswhatever OC before coming out.

Why is Jennika the tallest turtle?
Why does Jennika wear pants?
Why does Jennika have three toes?
Why does Jennika have the same amount of muscle mass as the males?

No one is saying it's a coincidence. Do you know how to read? People are saying the two are very different in personality and origin

Why would a turtle walk on 2 legs, have teeth, talk, practice ninjitsu, etc? They're turtle-human mutant hybrids; they're allowed to have some human features.

Lol, there you go again with your assumptions. Do you think I am the same user or only 1 person is arguing with you?
Now that is arrogance.

I get that the guy was hyperbolic but this is happening with everything everywhere

Attached: 1563213884065.jpg (2404x1260, 827K)

It would be harder for the tranny to self-insert as the female character if it had to have human female characteristics.

>Then the comic introduces as yellow female fifth turtle with arrows
>And people are going "It's a coincidence!"
anything to defeat their opponents
fuck sales and fuck 'fans'

Because she's a mutated human adult while the others are mutated turtle teenagers

what artist is she named after?

>anything to defeat their opponents
What the fuck does that even mean?

>BIG GAY Ice cream
>it's pretty good

Attached: tumblr_inline_n327sfUDU01r3x7o0.jpg (320x220, 10K)

>muh unibrow commie

So you continued on a retards argument as your own?

... always somehow getting tied up?

Santolouco will come back and save the comic, don't worry guys haha

Attached: 5th turtle is a 5th wheel.png (663x179, 21K)

Wow that's literally what a Mary Sue is, and not just the bastardized Yea Forums definition of the word. If she ends up smarter than Leo & braver than Raphael that is.

>where male characters and creators have done all the hard work gaining a reputation
April is the most developed character in almost every adaptation of Ninja Turtles. Prove me wrong.

And it always has been

Why is Jennika the tallest turtle?
Why does Jennika wear pants?
Why does Jennika have the same amount of muscle mass as the males?
feminine traits

Sophie Campbell used to identify as male and use the name Ross. She now identifies as female and uses the name Sophie.

Gender is fluid. This is not complicated.

More like I agreed with their opinions and found you to be an insufferable cunt. Your arguments are:
>only one person could possibly disagree with me
>everyone who disagrees with me is retarded
>deviantart tier ocs are a ok
>legitimate criticism is sexist
Which makes me think you are a sub 80 IQ libshit from an aids riddled city who likes to say things like "yaaaaas queen". I would say keys, but there's a 40% chance you'll do if anyways.

>Wow that's literally what a Mary Sue is
No it fucking isn't you fucking idiot. This is a Mary Sue (technically a Gary Stu).

Attached: Nerdist_UmbrellaAcademy_TheSeance_022419-e1551120926348.png (707x364, 381K)

Why don't they understand that it's not female or diverse characters being included that's the problem? It's the arbitrary or virtue signalling and badly written self inserts that nobody wants.

Whenever I play an RPG I feel cringy as fuck thinking about making a self insert character so I always give them their own story and background.

It's only a Mary Sue if she's the best at everything. And she got stabbed, so clearly she isn't.

She has three toes because she's a mutated human not a mutated turtle

You aren't a fucking functional person. Try to have a point without meme arrows and tired accusations you licked up from other people.

..... Hey awesome, another person who hasn't read the comic.

It is.

>And she got stabbed, so clearly she isn't.
Mary Sues can get injured and even die (albeit it's rare). They just have to be both unnaturally and undeservedly talented and generally have shit go their way and generally come across as god (the writer) loves them best.

Like if Michelangelo dicked around all the fucking time but was still a better fighter than all his brothers put together for no good reason besides natural talent and nothing and nobody ever put him in his place for dicking around without the situation blowing up in their face for deigning to try, then he would be a Gary Stu. But that'd never happen.

Men in dresses aren't women.

How is this an acceptable line of reasoning for toes but not tits?

Attached: genderbent tmnt.jpg (736x613, 111K)

>Multiple weapons
oh boy.


She's already mastered all 4 weapons that each individual Turtle has mastered, so I'd say she's fast on her way.

>And she got stabbed, so clearly she isn't.
>Mary Sues can get injured and even die (albeit it's rare). They just have to be both unnaturally and undeservedly talented and generally have shit go their way and generally come across as god (the writer) loves them best.

You cant change the definition of Mary Sue on the fly like that and think people wont notice

The turtles using multiple weapons isn't something new.

Not bad

you forget, a Stu also HAS to be loved almost unconditionally by everyone, except by villains

He thinks Mary Sue means 'new character I don't like'

>Like if Michelangelo dicked around all the fucking time but was still a better fighter than all his brothers put together for no good reason besides natural talent

This here is stupidity so profound it's art.

pic related
Not an element of the meaning

Attached: Untitled.png (941x215, 12K)

the irony of this desperate act of defense is off the charts.

Honestly I'm digging the pants and wish the other turtles had some

Attached: 1554694872527.jpg (640x640, 78K)

Yeah she has nice tits

>read the comic
Yes because IDW made the decision to create a female turtle just yesterday and not like a year or more FUCKING IDIOT

So, you wont address your own arguments used against others and how shallow they are? Once again you are just going to throw names around? Pathetic.

>for no fucking reason the same exact TGRI formula that transformed the turtles can actually transform other turtles in the same exact origin method


You're not making any point yourself. Just tired bullshit memetic lines of nonsense seen all over chans. Big fuck like I care about that sad shit.

That there is the summation of 2003 Mikey. And he wasn't even at his full potential, because of the aforementioned dicking around all the time, despite being the champion of the god damn multiverse.

>The OC is the bottom right of this twitter post

She's also in the top right. The fact that you couldn't discern the OC from the "real" character proves user's point. The OC was repurposed for the "real" character and they're virtually indistinguishable.


>Yea Forums whiteknighting tranny self insert OCs

Attached: 1534667360324.png (650x650, 13K)

Not Yea Forums just the literal man in a dress himself.

...... ho-Lee-shit read the comic.

Holy shit, imagine the entitlement to actually believe that something you enjoyed as a younger person was literally made for you and people like you exclusively. You have no excuse for this insane level of entitlement. If you don't like the changes, don't buy the comics. If you buy the comics anyway, and you don't like them, then by all means complain about it. But if all it takes to trigger you fucking retards is a new character, which you know next to nothing about, then I'm going to say shut the fuck up and deal with it.

Art doesn't exist because of you nor should an artist be obligated to defend their work just because you're an "old school" or "loyal" fan. Fuck off and die.

I didn't say this character is a Mary Sue. She isn't. But they can get injured and die. It just has to be a planned heroic sacrifice or they have to get better.


>fishnet fingerless gloves
what the fuck

>IDW made the decision
Campbell made it. Burnow and Waltz are cucks who obey.

Attached: sexyhotfemale.jpg (500x338, 75K)

>The entitlement
You mean the "sense of entitlement". Entitlement would mean they are in fact entitled to what it is you're claiming they feel a sense of entitlement to.

I'm sick of you estrogen-deluded faggots not knowing the difference. It's like someone trying to tell you how to eat while calling food healthy rather than healthful. They're obviously retarded and can be ignored. Much like you.

>But if all it takes to trigger you fucking retards is a new character, which you know next to nothing about, then I'm going to say shut the fuck up and deal with it.
If all it takes to trigger you is a post online just go ahead and off yourself.

Why are clickbait threads allowed?

fucking really?

Not an argument.

This is /vr/, just replace the girls and dudebros with Yea Forumsirgins who don't actually want to discuss or play videogames. You can see the progression, just go back in the archives to about 2015 or so when they changed the rules to appease a spammer.

>have a wig to hide her feminine baldness

Attached: big op.png (320x160, 103K)

You can't speak English and were told to kill your self if posts online trigger you.

You decided to not provide and argument.


formerly Chuck's

I have made many, many you have chosen to ignore. All you have done is generalize, attack and attempt to demoralize and shame people without actually making a single reasonable argument in your favor. Stay salty. Can't wait for this character to fail and fail hard.

Attached: 1524847071280.jpg (960x942, 85K)

who cares

>check artist
>literally who, who's done a bunch of no-name shit for Oni, Image, and Mirage
Just a sign of how desperate IDW is for new talent if they will grab someone like this, and let them insert OC's into franchises.

>myspace angles, a wig, and filters
>these were the ingredients chosen to make a tranny
>but something went wrong
>so so wrong

This entire analogy hinges on the idea that Sophie is someone outside of the comics and not someone that has been in comics for almost 2 decades and cares so much about Ninja Turtles they wrote a fan comic for years.


>Why are clickbait threads allowed?
This is the only way to get people hyped about IDWs TMNT.

the hundred or so people in this thread, apparently.

>fucking really?
Part of Jennika's origin is that she was a Foot Assassin first trained by Shredder, then trained by Splinter, so she knows everything that the two greatest Foot masters know, hence why she's ahead of the Turtles in skill.

And now she's a turtle herself.

Oops looks like you made a typo there kid better luck next time.jpg.

Also, it's adorable that you think that me telling you to fuck off, something you undoubtedly experience daily by your friends and family members, makes me triggered. Classic projection. You literally cannot handle the fact that no one likes your autistic ass so much, that you feel the need to grind your axe 24/7. It's not going to get any better, you'll be alone and miserable until you die.

No no, you see she's hated the Turtles her whole life and this was a decades long con to trick the writer into retooling an old OC she made to piss off white male nerds into a character in the real comic to miss them off even more. It's ten steps beyond 4d chess it's so intricate and smart.

Fucking hell Yea Forumsmblrites have to be some the most disingenuous retard out on Yea Forums, and thats saying something

>I doubt the mutation will actually "magically" give her a good personality. The mutation is just a cosmetic change, the actual character within is still the same uninteresting trash that she ALWAYS was. Come on, how come none of you talk about this? That Jennika is a boring shit character who is UN-interesting and as such no one cares about?

You're not supposed to say that. Here's some Power Rangers TMNT crossover have fun with that.

Attached: Power Rangers TMNT crossover.jpg (800x1345, 336K)

We have no idea what she's mastered. Yeah she must be really good, but so are three of the four turtles too. Christ Mikey soloed Splinter a few months back.

What's taking the mods so long to delete the picture of this disgusting literal tranny? They already deleted the other one in record time.

>they wrote a fancomic for years
So did Chris-chan, does that mean he should be able to dictate where Sonic goes?
>been in comics for 2 decades
>did indy shit no one cared about for two decades
>did two pictures for TMNT prior to 2012
>did art for less than 10 issues of IDW's TMNT
I don't care how much shit is in your DA account, that doesn't give you the right to shove Coldsteel OC's into the franchise.

They only delete it if it's transphobic or cissexist.

Jennika isn't a Mary S..

Yeah but she was in the comics industry for a decade before she started her fan comic. You're apples and oranging this. Sophie makes good comics and I'm sure this will be just as good.

you guys are getting pretty riled up for a Poochie

>She's already mastered all 4 weapons that each individual Turtle has mastered,

How do you know shes mastered them?

>The tree house of fandom must be refreshed from time to time..

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u1.jpg (509x550, 67K)

Go back to Technodrome forums to lick HIS ass

>Vagina bad,distract proud boy
Fucking incel,jump off a cliff already

>Part of Jennika's origin is that she was a Foot Assassin first trained by Shredder, then trained by Splinter, so she knows everything that the two greatest Foot masters know, hence why she's ahead of the Turtles in skill.

Holy fucking shit and people are defending this character?

Jesus christ,that's not even funny when i cant tell if you're memeing or not.I mean,now that you retards ahve started shooting mosques and synagogues,i can easily imagine of you tardos shooting a Comic Con over a female characte or some shit

Attached: Chanboardsofpeace.jpg (636x382, 77K)

what happened to Venus?

Well that's bullshit, so no, nobody is defending that.

She does good work user, you should check out Glory and Jem and the Holograms

also, why would she be called Jennika when the 4 main have the name of 4 Renaissance painters?

>Formerly Ross
Is Sneed becoming reality

Attached: 1563232071487.gif (361x150, 1.86M)

It's Venus de Milo all over again

>Sophie (formely Ross)
Holy shit, they're unironically doing the girl (male) meme in real life now. Also:
>Weapon is fucking Wolverine claws
>Adding new turtles now when 4 turtles is how it's been for the past 35 years

Attached: 1478186887225.jpg (551x491, 164K)

She was an existing character that mutated like Rocksteady and Bebop. Please read comics if you are going to feign outrage, it will help sell your lie

I liked Venus because it properly captured how men are artists and women are objects.

Attached: 1464994547318.jpg (1285x1015, 115K)

Why are you acting like that backstory is somehow an actual real life event and not just something someone decided to write?

>A decent archtype is the nervous rookie who is unsure of themselves learning the ropes.
But she mastered multiple weapons

Wht, why wouldnt his parents call him Chuck?

Why are you acting like adding a fifth Renaissance Turtle would be anything but cheap PC horse shit and there's something wrong about it being an existing character instead?

>People don't care about my boring ass pet character, Jennika!?
>But I made her strong and androgynous! What's not to like!?
>I'll turn her into a turtle, then EVERYONE will love her!

Go fuck yourself, Waltz, you fucking hack.

I'm not? How did you get that from what I typed

user that's a man. How can you not see this?

Block bots, more than likely means you follow someone they don't like and are now autoblocked because of it

>fucking memeclaws
>fucking full clothes when all the turtles barely wear a mask and a belt
>I'd rather see Venus be canon holy shit

Imagine someone brings her back fixing her backstory and her design in the process. Imagine the tranny salt and jelly

Lol and yet men in dresses will never be women.

I miss when Laird owned the turtles.


Fucking mutts are at it again. Come to think of it Amerimutt shithole really lacks middle contents. Every mutt always talks only about AAA or old popular stuff and they all get sjwd LMAOOOO

The series turned to shit long before Jennika showed up.

Too bad he no more cares about tmnt now.

fuck campbell, allor, and waltz, bunch of cunts trying to turn the series into a big GURL POWER manifesto. the tmnt are backseat characters in their own book. meanwhile sally, jennika, april, etc can do literally anything perfectly

>The series turned to shit long before Jennika showed up.
But she's been around since issue #52! How long has it been shit!?

All the Mutants that used to be humans wear clothes. Rocksteady, Bebop, Mondo Gecko, etc.

Based and femcels btfo

It was meant as a joke poking fun at the more extreme reactions here, sorry if it upset you.


It hasn't. It's one of the best and most consistent books on the shelves. Needs a better artist though.

>direct evidence that the people complaining don't read comics
Thanks user.

>Multiple weapons
Why, every fucking time. Make female characters fucking NORMAL

You complained about an user asking why they didn't name her after a painter with your reason being that she had a different fictional backstory. Which is nonsensical because they could have just named her after a painter without using that backstory. It wasn't a real life event, the backstory was an arbitray decison someone made with a fictional story.

Attached: helper.jpg (498x573, 49K)

Reading comics != reading your preferred shit nu-comic you absolute mongoloid.

They are just MLP characters.

Once again anons getting mad about a comic they don't read and giving a thread more replies than a typical thread discussing the actual comic.

Attached: 1307767588022.jpg (360x202, 61K)

Wicked rebuttal, bro.

But it's not a back story, it's actual story. She's been an existting character in the comic for years. Why would some random character have the name of a Renaissance painter? It wouldn't make sense within the fiction.

>giving a thread more replies than a typical thread discussing the actual comic
Which is EXACTLY how it should be with a garbage comic. Fuck off with your bad taste and "they don't read my comic" crying.

Attached: 1515881711935s.jpg (250x140, 5K)

No bro the women have to be special snowflakes

I think its cute. Porn when?

You can kill yourself anytime.

>let me eat shit alone, you don't like the stories llike I do you must KILL YOURSELF
this is really fucking pathetic.

That was never said, no. He had a problem with all the killing and stuff because he was a good boy, but sexuality never comes up.

>But it's not a back story, it's actual story.
Yeah, that's what I said about you to begin with. You're treating a fictional plot point like a real event instead of an arbitary decision.
>She's been an existting character in the comic for years.
There is no reason why she had to become a new turtle. Arbitrary fictional plot point.
>Why would some random character have the name of a Renaissance painter?
Why have a new turtle at all? But to answer your question, you're not trying very hard to use your imagination. There are literally infinite possible ways to explain why a new turtle would have a painter name.

>i'm going to go into a thread about a comic ive never read and complain because i don't know anything about it

What's your better female turtle idea?

>The only way people would think Jennika is boring and hasn't relaly done anything is if they don't read comics.
Don't be that guy. She's just Z tier.

Our love for the Ninja Turtles is exactly why we don't read your garbage IDW tranny comic, user.

So you were just too fucking stupid to take in the message? No problem, call more people "incels" and what you kids these days like to spew around, maybe that makes your parents love you.

How do you explain Hob?
Also when did Mondo mutate? I thought the IDW version was an animal to start with.


You've never read a single Turtle comic in your life.

Make it AU. She was a normal turtle like the others. She has a renaissance painter's name. She has a personality beyond "strong independent badass butt kicker woman"

Again, it wouldn't make sense within the narrative for her to have a Renaissance name. She was a human that mutated into a turtle. Why aren't all the other mutants named after outdated genres of music?

Attached: venus.jpg (600x480, 77K)

Did they not learn their shit with Venus

Jennika? Does that fit the naming scheme?

There's nothing to know. It's a retarded decision by "Sophie (formelerly Ross)" to force a female ninja turtle.
All of know ninja turtles without needing to read your crap nu-turtle literature and nobody is impressed you can point out irrelevant plot trivia from it that the rest of us neither know about nor want to know about. You aren't actually trying to clarify the topic, you're just looking to take pedantic pot shots by "proving" someone doesn't know how this trash character mutated from a human in issue X of nobody cares.

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This, and also make her a guest star not an actual long-term member. Brothers only.

I feel like with Alopex, her story should have ended with her just staying in Alaska after the Kitsune incident.

>How do you explain Hob?
Hob was trying to pass as human to panhandle.

Why do you have a problem with this method?

>She was a human that mutated into a turtle.
And she didn't need to be you retard. What aren't you getting here? Nobody was forced to take a human character and have her mutate into the turtle character.

>All of know ninja turtles
Eastern-European trash, please go and stay go.

>as her (formerly his).

Where the fuck do these people keep coming from.

Doesn't Eastman still write these and have a say on the series?
Why are you bitching if he okayed it?

>fucking full clothes when all the turtles barely wear a mask and a belt
I mean she was human, it isn't like Bebop and Rocksteady run around naked.

I don't. I have a problem with acting like the other user made a mistake by suggesting a painter name. It's not a mistake and it could have been done just as much as what they did with mutsting an existing human character instead.

>canonising your old deviantart oc
Living the fucking dream right there.

Next mutation was fucking shit, so they need to try again with a more liked series. You can't be sure everyone hated Venus for being woman or because of the show

Eastman was always the yesman hack of the two.
He's fine with everything as long as a check is involved.

Leaving out a word isn't a sign of ESL if that's what you're getting at. I'm phoneposting and live in Dallas.

I'm gonna need two hands for this one

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the four turtles don't look male though?

>Turtle turned mutant turtle
>Has mammalia traits
>Human turned mutant turtle
>Doesn't have Mammalia traits

I find that kind of funny.

She should be either dead or delegated to "oh yeah she exists and pops up sparingly" inside of 30 issues.

If a human showed up with a Renisance painters name 1) It wouldn't make any fucking sense within the narrative and 2) It would instantly give away that she was going to be a mutant
>And she didn't need to be you retard
Nothing needs to happen in stories you dummy, the writer wanted to do it so it happened.

So what that they did tou whinetbsad bitch?

Female TMNT designs are hard to do

Attached: female tmnt.jpg (976x848, 247K)

>but men never give a shit about shoehorning a man into female groups?
I've accepted that those men tend to be worst written than any female in a men's group.

What word did you leave out because it doesn't make any sense unless you also rearrange the words.

Those all look great and obviously female.

Overly designed horseshit.

Shes not even hot as a human whats the point?

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We're saying she could have been a turtle that mutated into a humanoid. Writers choice.

>If a human showed up with a Renisance painters name
For the last time: You can have a turtle character without it needing to come from a human getting mutated. Holy shit.
>Nothing needs to happen in stories
So why are you complainig about that user suggesting they should have done.a new turtle character with a painter name? How are you this dense?

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That's a man

It's literally the same ooze in leo's blood.

Get woke go broke

Although nobody gives a fuck about this franchise

>What word did you leave out
"Us," as in "All of us know ninja turtles..."

>sally, jennika, april,
Literally all three hasn't done shit.

Hell, Casey hasn't done shit in a while.

Although that is true, TMNT is old hat at this.

Size of her plastron.

the boring one

Shit Donny you're gonna fuck your landing.

You're being autistic. There is no logical or good reason to make a female painter Turtle. It would seem like even more of a shitty insert than creating a new turtle does.

>W..why do you have strong feelings and opinions about cartoons and comics, LOSER?!
This is a cartoon board. Why even be here if you don't?


>.a new turtle character with a painter name
That's not what was being complained about you fucking idiot. It was "why is this character not named after a renaissance character" not "why didn't they just make up a new turtle". Learn to fucking read, dumbass.

There's no good reason to make a new turtle character of any sort. Painter name would at least maintain the existing motif.

Isn't she also a love interest for Casey Jones? Really activates my almonds.

remember when Yea Forums would get exited for porn when a new female character appeared in something?

now people just bitch

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The complaint usually boils down to Angel and Alopex hanging out together. Which proves the complaint is twisted bullshit.

westerners are so bad at generating excitement they can only agitate

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Women aren't historically great artists, though. Better to name them after beautiful works of art, as with Venus de Milo or Mona Lisa.

The motif is they have names you nitwit.

Maybe if she looked pretty? She's indistinguishable from the male turtles.

It was another user who made the complaint and STILL you continue to treat the arbitrary fictional decision for this new turtle to be the result of an existing human character mutating like it's a real life event that must be respected. You could very easily have your retarded nu-turtle character and not explain it as the mutation of that human character.

Makes plenty of money, so yeah people care about this franchise. But make garbage no different from Disney Star Wars? No shit customers turn on it. I wonder what a Jew Jew Abram TMNT would be like. That Jewish piece of shit who ruined Star Trek.

How can you not look at this character and now feel hype

You haven't explained why what they've done is a bad idea. Jist bitch like Chris- chan.

Not upset,i couldnt read the intent behind the post.Could have fooled me,more than often ,i swa people around here taking comics and move VERY SERIOUSLY.Seriously,you should chack out how Yea Forums is "coping" with the Black 007 announcement

>Mary Sue
>Written by tranny
Its like a shit sandwich.

I agree, just arguing against this user who made some bizarre attempt at a criticism over the other user for suggesting a painter name would work better on the basis that the writer arbitralily decided to make the turtle's backstory be that it mutated and used to be an existing human character.

Wearing pants on top of a turtle shell is like wearing pants on top of a winter coat. It just makes you look retarded.

Okay you absolute fucking idiot autist, lets lay this out
>why isn't she named after a painter
Because the character already had a name picked years ago before the writers decided this
>why didn't they do something else.
Because you are a fucking moron.

>Franchise exists for 35 years
>"Let's twist things up. If it doesn't work this time we can always go back next time."
>People rage

I wonder if this is how OG Batman/Superman fans felt when they introduced people to the Bat-family/Super Family.

Probably so, but there wasn't the internet to egg people on.

>people belittling and laughing at a nerd for wanting to protect his loved hobby from being sucked completely dry before they mindlessly jump to the next fad like it always happens
>in Yea Forums
I know this place has been infested of tourists, specially for this board, for years now.
But damn, seeing the change of mentality this clearly still feels like a hit in the gut.

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If you are trying to get warm by wearing a winter coat, why would you not wear pants for extra warmth?

>why didn't Miles change his name to Peter Parker after becoming spider-man
That's how fucking stupid you sound right now.

Fuck your sekrit club

The new turtle thing is a bad idea in general because the actual ninja turtles are a classic and shouldn't be shit on with trash OCs like that.
As for why a painter named turtle without the human backstory would be better, I think the motif beimg followed would make more sense but that's not really the point being argued. The point is the other user wasn't wrong for suggesting a painter name be used and the trivia they decided to make this turtle a mutation of an existing human is irrelevant.

It's worse. TMNT has like 40 characters across five or six factions. Somehow one getting turned into a turtle is making people who don't read the book flip a shit.

>"Let's twist things up. If it doesn't work this time we can always go back next time."
Venus is no where to be found

Wearing them on top of winter coat for warmth is double retarded, because insulating your body heat doesnt work that way.

He said call her a painter name to match all the other existing actual four ninja turtles, not call her "Leonardo" you dishonest idiot.

But he is wrong. And so are you.

Why a turtle tho?


You got a kek outta me.

Problem, make too much shit for too long and your franchise turns into a failure like Power Rangers or hell Sonic the Hedgehog.

He's right and your OC will cease to exist in about six months tops.

>hurr gatekeeping baaaad!!
And this is exactly how all good communities die. Oh well, the cycle continues on.

Get fucked,nerd shit.When you are left unchecked,you get entitled and violent,incel shit.Internet is a pile of shit because it was left unchecked for far too long.You are just mad because the hours of the Far West era of Internet are numbered

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>her a painter name to match all the other existing actual four ninja turtles
Nope, try reading again.

Well Jennika canonically LOOKS like a man so it fits.

I DO read the book, and Jennika being turned into a turtle is fucking retarded.

the girl but without any girlish traits or personality to make up for it.

Literally. fucking. nothing.

Why can't you be more tolerant, like Sophie Campbell is?

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You are not worthy or have any authority of being a gatekeeper,neckbeard shit.Stay in your basement

Four more years.

>Venus is no where to be found
Hence why I don't see an issue.

If Jennika doesn't do well, we won't see her again. Remember Alopex only got into nick tmnt because of poularity.

Honestly out of all the "new characters" since the 87 cartoon, we've only ever see

>Pidgeon Pete
>Darius Dunn

Mathematically, Jennika doesn't have a chance to exist outside of IDW.

Please, if you're gonna falseflag this obviously at least punctuate properly.

The strong female character who is better and more competent than all the boys combined

Dilate,hipster slug

Honestly at this point she's not wrong. They're craven amoral gutless fucks.

I wish we could talk about the actual comic instead of just the concept of the character, can't wait for all of this to just get abandoned after a single arc like most stuff in IDW TMNT, did anyone here even read a single page of the issue they're shitposting about?

>This post was deleted for misgendering
>Yea Forumsmblr litetally has the same policy against misgendering as Twitter now

Enjoy being investigated for advocating political violence.

The TMNT comics has been consistent enough that, that there really isn't anything to talk about.

because it's not good enough that she gets to be a turtle, she has to be better than the turtles you like and care about

I love how this will never stop being relevant

Not really, a lot of posts got deleted too, that means he probably got banned so all his posts were deleted, but just in case you don't believe me ROSS CAMPBELL is a man and there's nothing HE can do to change that.

That is what those retarded commies see the entertainment industry as, a no girls club. When people who actually are comic fans says they shouldn't work in a industry that they're running into the ground those commies call them biggots then blame "nazis" for their low sales because they suck at creativity. On top of that if the book fails they still get work so its obviously being abused by a bunch of cucks. I dont care if they're a woman or a pink nigger from uranus I want people who know and love comics pump out content that is consumable and not made up by insecure tranny reddit politicians with mental issues. There is nothing wrong with putting in normal genders the problem is they replace already establish characters with nogs or dykes instead ofncreating new characters that are interesting.

Slash is fucking cool though.

Out of that 40 characters, even if we counted just the humans, there are at least 4 that would make for more interesting turtles than Jennika.
The idea that you'll automatically love her if you read the book every month is fucking laughable.

Who said anything about loving her?

Jennika is the cheese. She is better than all of the turtles combined.

The ability to kill interest.

The epitome of your thought process. Way to go champ. That'll take you exactly where you deserve to be in life.


This thread "I'm so butthurt an artist went from deviantart and became successful because I never will be!" or "WHERE ARE THE TITS! WHY WONT WOMEN LOOK AT ME RAAAARGH!!!"

There's a silly amount of many manbabies in this thread, TMNT needs to evolve and have new characters, we don't need the same shit remade over and over. I don't think we need more turtle based character but whatever, i simply just hate her name.

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Soooooo going with the lazy trash look? I think I prefered when she was goth.

Excellent bait mate, I rate an 8

shut up allio

You wanna go back to tumblr?

That's the point. that's what it makes it work.