The Authority creators Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch are reuniting for a 12-issue DC series titled The Batman's Grave. Scheduled to debut October 6, The Batman's Grave will give the Dark Knight "the fight of his life" according to Hitch.

"... the series will follow an iteration of Bruce Wayne/Batman who obsessively identifies with those who have been murdered, and 'immerses himself in their lives and obsesses over every detail of their deaths.'" explains CBR. "The story itself sees him looking into the victim of a particularly grisly murder and employing his aforementioned intense methodology."

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It's not Black Label? That's shocking.

seems like DC announces 10 books, 8 are Batman related

Can't say I'm a fan of anything Hitch has done in recent years -not that it amounts to much anyway.

What the fuck? Batman as a detective? Impossible.

What do you expect? Eight new Supergirl series? People like their Batshit. And it's certainly preferable to superhero but female shit.

Why not ? Read Hawkman!

Attached: 012 Bryan Hitch.jpg (891x1400, 443K)

Looks like kino is back on menu.

But it’s the 109th Batman title released this year, so less shocking

Other comic companies don’t seem to have the same problem DC has with its lack of variety. And one of those companies owns cash cow Spider-Man. So no, really, what IS DCs excuse because “muh sales” and “muh popularity” doesn’t hold any water compared to their competition (competition currently outselling Batman with C list heroes btw)

>Other comic companies don’t seem to have the same problem

Actually Marvel has the same problem, other than outliers like Immortal Hulk, most of their top sellers are all Spider-Man related. So both companies are heavily dependent on one particular franchise.

I don't really like Ellis but this sounds interesting.

You know what we need? More Batman comics. There just aren't enough comics starring Batman. Also, I think the Joker should get more comics.

DC sales are bad (like worse than ever before). So Didio and conarenoanic and throwing a hundred different Batman and Joker books at the wall to try and stay afloat.

>Another Bat Book
Even by DC standards this is way too much.

DC should change their name to Batman Comics

There are two problems.
1. DC doesn’t know how to handle their characters and universe. Didio and Harras are obsessed with making grimdark and edgy and hyper-realistic. Which is fine for some character but not all. They are obsessed with making DC the worst parts of the 90s and 00s. They made a spiritual sequel to Idenity Crisis for Pete’s Sake! It doesn’t help they keep giving so much power to terrible writers like King and Bendis, who clearly don’t give a shit about these characters, and they just make things worse. They constantly kill or divorce characters to make them “deep” which chases fans characters away. Because of this the only things that sell now are Batman and Joker.

>Other comic companies don’t seem to have the same problem DC has with its lack of variety. And one of those companies owns cash cow Spider-Man. So no, really, what IS DCs excuse because “muh sales” and “muh popularity” doesn’t hold any water compared to their competition

you didn't buy Doom Patrol, Mother Panic, Shade, Cave Carson, Eternity Girl, Flintstones, Jetsons, Snagglepuss, Dastardly & Muttley, Future Quest, Scooby Apocalypse, Sideways, Brimstone, Damage, the New Challengers, Immortal Men, the Unexpected, the Electric Warriors, Freedom Fighters, Plastic Man, Martian Manhunter, the Wild Storm, Michael Cray, Blue Beetle, Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love, Mystic U, or Kamandi

Another one?

2. DC just isn’t popular. It doesn’t help that Cartoon Network keeps cancelling all their cartoons and movies being panned. But DC is constantly portrayed as the inferior product by youtubers and media sites.

If we are going to have fifty Batman/Joker/Harley comics, can we at least get some light-hearted stuff in there? Maybe bring back Batman ‘66 or something?

DC is going to burnout readers on Batman if they keep making a hundred books about him. Then what are they going to do?