>trey and matt actually defended big Tobacco
Trey and matt actually defended big Tobacco
When are they going to do a special apology episode, like they did for Global Warming/ManBearPig?
They were defending people right to smoke.
I like a little cigarette every now and then. It helps me get calmer when the day is at an end. And if it gives me cancer when I'm 80, I don't care. Who the hell wants to be 90 anyways?
The only person that wants to be 90 is an 89 year old.
Basically tobacco is incredibly addictive and governments around the world, instead of making it illegal, exaggerated health effects and started taxing the shit out of it pretending it would curb smoking. Because tobacco is so addictive, sales don't go down and the government makes more money while keeping the middle class even less well-off. Think about it.
Rob Reiner was never that fat.
Are people going
"Matt and Trey actually advocated for XXX" fucking serious?
Are they just bullshitting to get threads started or are they just that unnuanced and one-dimesionally minded?
When they hear the cigarette song, do they go "wow! Trey parker actually thinks cigarette factories are awesome!" ?
Jesus fucking Christ. It's sad.
I just wonder why cigarette companies have never actually tried improving their products to be just as addictive but with fewer carcinogens. Like, there HAS to be some chemical out there that makes you want to smoke but doesn't cause The Negro Lung(s).
I want to live in a society where we get cigarette ads on the television again, goddammit.
>Are they just bullshitting to get threads started
This is just how people think you're supposed to use Yea Forums post-2015
gotta own those libs
>Like, there HAS to be some chemical out there that makes you want to smoke but doesn't cause The Negro Lung(s).
Probably but it most likely cost more to produce. They got bottom lines to think about.
As if smokers don't already pay out the ass for cigarettes. Just add a gimmick like "two extra sticks" or "tastes like pussy" and you'll maintain the numbers even after adding three bucks to a pack.
"Matt and Trey advocated Iraq War in Team America!!! Reeeee!!!" Degenerates are the worst kind.
I know almost all Yea Forums communities are deep deep inside the
"corporation jews control everything. Wars are perpetuated to make lockheed martin rich lol get woke"
"Murica exceptionalism bad, indifferent pacifism good."
Kind of sad and mediocre nihilistic cultural masochimsm,
but how uncultured and dense do you have to be to watch Team America and go
"WOW this movie is promoting America's right to police the world!" ?
But why not increase profits more and raise prices and keep the cheap deadly materials?
What do you think vaping is nigger?
>ban addictive plants
>current year
Based governments.
It sounds like you're making shit up.
Because then you could potentially make MORE money by advertising on TV about how healthy your cigarettes are.
>No more nicotine! No more cancer!
>Pall Mall cigarettes are now the answer!
Vaping stuff still has those stupid warning labels.
This they are grabbing both markets.
I saw them saying that just days ago here.
America is exceptionally good at killing people in mass for WMD that doesnt exist.Also learn to format your post
You can't make cigarettes healthy. Even if they got rid of the tar and nicotine, at the end of the day you're still inhaling smoke which is bad for your lungs.
It's not big tobacco's fault your an additicted faggot that needs a burning plant to feel happy.
Cigs keep them poor, Weed keeps them stupid. God Bless America.
Maybe, but it's easier to bounce back from inhaling smoke than inhaling tar.
The size of packs and flavors are extremely regulated in most places. Governments keep doing bullshit little things like banning flavored cigarettes and extra large or extra small packs to feel like they're accomplishing something.
This was the episode that made me go from being an edgy South Park shill to realizing how fucking stupid the plots were.
It was the part where the kids were taking a tour of the plant and they tried to put a positive spin on slavery by saying something like “wow, without tobacco- my black friends wouldn’t live here today! Thanks tobacco!”
I was just a kid but even I knew that was pants on head retarded.
All drugs should be legal and taxed to absolute shit, at much much higher rates than now. Milk these degenerates for all they're worth.
I think alcohol tax should stay the same and tobacco tax should go down as with both you can remain functional but I agree otherwise. (although if the black market offer a better deal and there's less social stigma around drug use you would probably end up doing more harm than good.)
The most mediocre and sheepish response.
Saddam Hussein did have and used WMD, namely meduim-threat chemical and biological weapons. The whole "WMD WMD WMD" thing is so misleading and pathetic thing to discuss. The real questions are what kind of weapons, how much, and do they intend to make them deadlier and bigger.
Not to mention WMD was only the one of many serious reasons including attempted annexation of a UN member state and killing hundreds of thousands of Kurds for ethnic cleansing that already brought Saddam on the table for justified outside regime change. This has been noted not only by UN, but by presidents and congresses of the past before W. Bush
Saddam kept his power after invading Kuwait and got pushed back, only by agreeing to keep some promises and behave himself in the future - He broke almost every single one of them
You should listen to Saddam saying the only mistake he ever made was that he invaded Kuwait before he got the nuclear weapons.
You know what other kinds of objectively good things that would've never happened if it wasn't for the war and the general growing pressure over the region after 9.11? The A Q Khan netwrok is just a start. Speaking of which, fuck Pakistan and North Korea too.
The thing was a fucking complicated piece of history. Don't summarize the sensible people's opinion for us after reading a few Chomsky proses and internet blogs.