>Hey guys I heard that you like Young Justice so heres another season for you!
Hey guys I heard that you like Young Justice so heres another season for you!
Other urls found in this thread:
Am I supposed to be upset by this
I am DONE with modern cartoons
I am DONE, that's it
No more suffering, no more browsing Yea Forums
I won't watch another modern cartoon ever again
I believed the last minute sudden lesbians was just a meme, I really wanted to believe this
But they just kept coming one after the other
I can't believe I defended this show for so long
Just when i thought star vs was the final nail in the coffin, THIS HAPPENS
That's it, that's the last straw
No more chilling, no more watching
Maybe no more watching ANY modern cartoon ever again
You broke me weissman, you broke what little hope and enjoyment I had
May weissman receive the divine judgment for her immoral sins
I don't think I even want to watch the yj final
I'm just too disgusted right now
can't even switch to anime, it's all swarming with yurifags
I guess it's a good thing I'm leaving cartoons for good, since I'm an adult now
But I can't help but shudder at this new brainwashed generation
I guess it is finally time for me to leave the Western world for a better place
Farewell friends.
I'm leaving Yea Forums now, probably forever
It has been an honor talking with you all
There was no one in my entourage with whom I could speak about cartoons, not my family, not my friends, not my coworkers
Only with you guys
It was the first time I could discuss with people just like me, and you made me very happy during all these years
But I guess it is finally time to let go of cartoons now
Well, at the very least, I can always revisit series from the 80s, 90s and the 2000s
These are packed with so many memories, cartoons used to be fun
But never can I ever again lay my eyes on a new cartoon series now, it will always end the same: me being dissapointed
This post is starting to get really long now, so let me say: thank you for everything
that's a she on the right?
You know that something has triggered Yea Forums when there's multiple threads about the same thing.
post the mega link
yes, this scene makes aboslutely NO SENSE
they are both straight and have boyfriends
I don't know what went through weissman's head, maybe he thinks girls IRL act the same as in porn videos
I was a fool to think weissman was better than the rest, he's just another dyke sucking cuck
europoors need not apply
>I was a fool to think weissman was better than the rest
He's a pretentious douchebag who jerks off to Shakespeare references. What else do you expect?
So it turns out that Harper Row is just a drunken slut and terrible person. Violet is like wtf and then almost shoots a cop.
Good episode except every time Beast Boy opens his fucking mouth.
Like a father like a daughter
to be quite hones, putting a slot into a slot is next level genius.
>put bag of holding into a bag of holding
>get a black hole
>put a slot into a slot
holy autism
You’re triggered by this, and not the forced anti-police brainwashing that followed?
>Retard has gun
>Officer responds to shots fired
>Naturally cautious at the dumbass not responding to orders to lower weapon
But nooooo POLICE BAD
No one on tumblr is bitching about that oddly enough.
It's all anger over bislut gospel truth.
now post the rest
What? The cops were shown to be totally in the right.
Is the one on the right supposed to be a girl?
>I have a boyfriend
>me too
Glorious stuff
so you're okay with millions of little girls watching lesbians and thinking it's normal and becoming lesbians themselves ?
you sicken me, and the day Frozen 2 will have a lesbian story is the day the Occident will meet its downfall and I will gloat as I would have already left the western world for a better place untainted by Soddom and Gomorra's influence
you'll be sorry and I won't care
you imbecilic cancer
it makes no sense for straight people to hate gays but love lesbians
more gay = more girls available since they won't go after them
encouraging lesbianism is the epitome of stupidity
the more lesbians the less girls will be interested in you and woud rather make out with the same sex than with you
all you idiotic mongrels always support lesbians, and lesbians are way more prominent in cartoons/television than gays
it is your fault, all of you, you will see the consequences
Elsa will be a lesbian, and little girls will all be lesbians because girls are very influencable
Men aren't as much influencable than females, so it wouldn't affect them to see gayness
it's your right to be gay
just don't put your homosexual fetishes in cartoons for normal people
normal people watch normal shows
gay people watch gay things
don't mix the two
you stupid fuggs ruined everything, but I'm not mad
as I said, the west doomed because of nincompoops such as you fag and I will be rejoincing to its doomsday from afar
bruh lesbians are hot. Fucking get out more and enjoy them you sad fuck.
oh no an interracial kiss how horrible
lol tldr
you sound like a christian
Dyke sucking cuck
That's a cuck-post if I've ever seen one
>replying to pasta
they try to increase the quality of a BORING series
its to little to late
show is BORING , and this will not save it
christfaggot detected
its a SHAME to bellieve in a GOD
That’s not the message of the gospels you dumb heathen.
>newfags still falling for copypastas
Never change.
It's pretty blatant she's painted as a bad influence here.
Why didn't halo punch her ? She sexually assaulted her
she will get super stoned to death
in the 50s Black people where not allowed to marry Whipe people
becouse its was against the BIBLE (for some mental reason)
same thing here just with lesbians
Religion is a MENTAL ILLNESS
children should learn to accept others no matter what skin color or who they love
if you cant handle that YOU are the mentally ill one
>Religion is a MENTAL ILLNESS
No, but transexuality is. By religion do you mean devotional religion, ascetic religion or mythological religion?
Yea Forums has more triggers than the average firing squad.
Weisman is truly a master.
seconding this
being a leaf is suffering
Best part of the new episode.
I've been reading comics for 30 years and have no idea who these two are.
Just check the archives, here's a hint: July 2nd.
I love Harper Row!
Well one of them is a racebend of a minor hero from the 80's while the other one is Snyder's beloved OC cancer.
>he thinks girls IRL act the same as in porn videos
They don't?
>becouse its was against the BIBLE
That's literally untrue
Quite literally making stuff up, to be honest.
Isn't that what the Bible is anyway
Why is Wally West with tumblr hair kissing that Muslim woman?
>Hey guys I heard that you like Young Justice
You heard wrong, Young Justice was an abomination that shares more in common with CW soaps than Justice League or other good superhero cartoons
When did Wally West dye his hair black
Why is he kissing Kamalah Khan, isn't she a Marvel character?
Why is this show getting another season
>common with CW soaps than Justice League or other good superhero cartoons
This. Remember how the only prominent romance in JL was Hawkwoman and John Stewart?
Hell if I want to be a weeb faggot, not even BnH does this shit. So dumb.
>CW Flash does well with a wide audience because it cast its villain superbly and actually had some decent arcs for the first season
>immediately descends into trash at the season 1 finale and beyond
>its initial success and its revitalizing of Arrow ensures every single fucking superhero TV show from now on will be a shitty soap opera
>Opens up with blue haired dyke drinking
>Also with her shooting a gun we know she either stole or isn't supposed to have
>Then suddenly...LESBIANS!
I didn't like it then and I certainly don't like it now.
>Both are allegedly supposed to be troubled but likable
>Both fail at it
Like poetry.
Holy shit why did my mind wander to this when that happened. Whelp guess there was a reason why Greg is supposed to only have two seasons per show.
whats with all the stupid drama shit and why is spike in the is show
>whats with all the stupid drama shit
Cheaper to animate than superheroics. Same reason they had the mind-link in season one to save on animating lips.
>why is spike in the is show
To make grown straight men argue over the sex lives of gay fictional teenagers.
To have sex with the resident homo and to see if Sunrise will try to sue DC
so, the news she dying broke Halos character? or thats a natural curve under the circumstances? felt off to me
>so, the news she dying broke Halos character
Yup. I'm sure it was intentionally jarring.
To fuck an australian girl.
Wrong, but keep talking like a smug retard
If they don't make out like Halo and the biflag girl on screen then they are not a couple. Up to now they are suspected homosexuals or bis.
Schrodinger gays.
He doesn't want his vibrating at the speed of sound boypussy boyfriend to be blacked by the black chad
>black chad
You mean the incel and Vic's bottom boyfriend?
>Dykes are unfaithful.
Listen nan. That stereotype is actually true.
Homowexual women are kind of ironic dicks.
Okey. You got me lol
Bisexuals are.
Just like what grown women have been doing for decades. Except for them the characters didn’t even need to be gay.
Bisexuals are sluts not cheaters.
Same fucking thing really.
At this point, it's a really unclear why they're only implying it.
I'm guessing homophobic subplot with the dad.
Lesbians are not cheater, they're more faithful that straight people.
It's a major divergence from her character in the comics where she's basically a shittier and more techy Spoiler.
>Lesbians are not cheater
Less cheating rates, humans are shit in general.
where can i watch it?
Put me on the screencap
Honest question, why are fags and trannies naturally drawn to western animation?
Because anime is too sexy for them. They want something worse looking, made by a sexually repressed country.
Yuri and yaoi say othetwise.
Just watched the episode. Are the writers doing some 3d chess here? making a character so unbearably unique that SJWs actually hate her?
>muslim, but not really
>woman, but not really
>straight (?), but not
>creates new powers out of her ass as plot demmands it
>dying, but not really (soon)
If you could have Spike in your show, wouldn't you?
The mind-link was good though. It was one of those things that characters never do despite the obvious advantages, but never do because reasons.
BASED! See you on Yea Forums, bro.
I'm usually okay with this kind of shit - it's whatever - but I find myself agreeing with .
Also, Clarion's an annoying faggot. Can't stand his voice.
>Also, Clarion's an annoying faggot. Can't stand his voice.
did his voice sound different to anyone else this episode? it was more nasally than i remember.
The mind of Greg Weisman is an enigma.
Seemed like it was less clear, yeah. There was a clean and clear sound to his high-pitched voice before, but now it's just grating to hear. And the teleporting bit fell really flat.
She checks off all the diversity boxes but practicing muslim. Otherwise she would have been the perfect minority.
I can confirm that the scene in the OP gave me a raging hard-on
>he thinks Halo knows what sexual assault is
Maybe Spectacular Spider-Man can stay dead
The power of her victimhood must be over 9000!
She was Harper Row? I thought she was killer frost. Was is that obscure OC doing it YJ anyway? Don't they enough characters as it is?
I loved the part where Violet tells her she isn't Muslim and she just has this confused look on her face like "Why are you wearing that, then?"
girls make out with girls all the time user, it's not just a porn thing. It's why FFM threesomes are extremely easy to get. Oh wait, this is Yea Forums no one has sex here.
>people become lesbians cause they see it on Yea Forums
you need to stay off /pol/
i bet tumblr/twitter is saying "she did nothing wrong!!"
This is what is calling infidelity and its 100% wrong
If they can reproduce themselves (like in 2050) I don't care.
I thought she was Livewire til they were at the police station and said her name
You are so fucking stupid it hurts. Can't you even bother reading this damn thread, retardo?
Delete this
Entire thread is full with "girls/girls sex/kiss are ok cuz my peepee feels fun!!
So no fuck off , lesbians are ok but this shit is so forced it hurts and its worse when they are already in a relationship
Tumblr and Twitter are upset because it upholds the truth that bisexuals are sluts.
This scene just felt so disjointed and weird. Violet finds out she's dying, so decides to go hang out with her rebellious friend from school. Fair enough.
Then out of fucking nowhere it turns out Harper likes to get drunk and shoot at shit on a public fucking beach, while making out with people despite having a boyfriend. The fuck is wrong with that blue haired bitch?
>what is wrong with teenagers
Their brains aren't fully developed yet.
I was never dumb enough to combine drinking and guns when I was 16
Which ended last, Brave and the Bold or GL:TAS? Because that's was the last good capeshit cartoon.
It sucks because it's boring
That is the most unsexy lesbian makeout scene I have ever seen. What a waste.
Klarion felt like a completely different character all together. The way he talked to Meeko was the most obvious but in general me felt like he had been taking fistfulls of cosmic stupid pills.
Also why the fuck did fate say that Klarion can't be destroyed of contained if a fucking stage magician can just contain him on fates own fucking tower? Also what was that shit with the "fight" with him in general?
Is this how we are going to do all the villains from now on?
Holy shit Static was such an asshole this episode. Did Greg even bother reading or watching anything on him? The guy is pretty sensitive to lost.
Fuck this retarded show.
>violet is an alien robot ghost in a human girls body
>has never even heard of earth religion
>"I am not muslim!"
People angry about this are hilarious. Dont even get me started on the kiss. Violet has the loosest grasp on the concepts like fidelity already, and was told this morning that she was going to die. I'm surprised she didnt go on a power trip once she got that gun in her hands.
But no, people only want "representation" from characters that face no challenges or hardships, whi everyone loves and never make mistakes.
S3 ain't exactly Dante but the shitstorms it wroughts are great
Most of tumblr is upset about the bislut stuff, which is very true.
You really have something against bisexual people, don't you? It almost seems like a personal issue
No. I just like ripping on them for being sluts. I didn't mean to offend, just stating the truth m8. Hope you are alright.
That's you buddy boy not rest of the human race
Yea but I doubt you hung out with the kids who drank and had guns
Brave and the Bold?
>This looks like pasta
I bet Haper eats the jizz out the team's holes.
Highest in domestic abuse though
Justice League Action. It wasn't a masterpiece, but it was certainly leagues above what we have now
>Man sure sucks going to school this early eh kids am I right?
>Oh btw Violet you are totally dying
>Okay have fun at school!
She told her she could have good news for her in a week or so, but yeah, between knowing that I'm going to die in less than a year and learning that I may am complicit in the death of my bf's parents, I may have done something stupid like drinking alot and let myself talk into having fun taking pot shot with a gun.
The point is there was probably a better time and way to tell her
This, desu. I love me some yuri and this ain't doin' shit for me.
It's kinda hilarious how bad this season is. Greg clearly cannot keep a show running because he sucks at basic marketing.
Why is it always fucking lesbians? Christ, and this time it wasn't even sexy lesbians like Korrasami.
Dr. Jace: Master Denmother.
Because straight women don't care, most gaymen accept it, lesbians like it, and straight men fap to it. So free diversity points.
Where as gay men would turn off almost all men which are most shows majority.
>most shows majority.
But that's not the case here. Most of the people paying for this garbage are women. Men aren't dumb to pay for this trash.
ive seen this before
>In the same scene, he angered both Yea Forums and Tumblr at the same time.
How does he manage to do it? Is it all part of his keikaku?
Illiterate, lazy idiot
So who is Harper dating?
Impotent right wingers howling at the wind as nothing changes around them is my fetish. The degeneracy will spread, the west will fall. haah waaw
The Harper Row shit was hilarious to me on so many levels. At first I wasn't even sure who the fuck she was. Then, a 15 year old girl is chugging hard liquor, has a fucking gun, is firing the gun while drunk and wildly missing bottles, randomly making out with hijabi girls and cheating on her boyfriend. What the FUCK is Harper's problem? Its comical. Holy shit it was funny. Is this what Zoomers are like?
t. Boomer
She's a Snyder character. Maybe they're just all like that
Why is it always lesbians?
gay men aren't profitable
That is nonsense.
>already too many characters
>keep adding more
What the fuck is he thinking? Soon he'll need five different spinoffs just to fit everything. And my god the VA is terrible for half the characters. It's fucking anime dub tier.
It's really the random firing of the gun that makes it fucking hilarious. If she just had it on her for protection or something I'd buy it more, but the level of insanity you're on as a 15 yo girl to be drinking and firing shots off at the beach after school on a weekday for no particular reason is just hysterical.
What's even more funny is how Dr. Jace just told her in the morning for no fucking reason. She could have easily waited until Violet returned. Jace is a traitor (willing or unwilling) anyway, but still funny.
The entire episode was rushed and surreal. Static joking about the funeral. Klarion being braindead all of a sudden. Beast Boy's acting. The Fag randomly deciding to join and risk his fucking life. This episode was so ridiculous.
Everyone needed to start taking crazy pills so the plot might start fucking moving
Isn't Cullen supposed to be the gay one?
no they don't you porn striken incel brainlet
user, you know this is going to happen. It's Greg Weisman's writing 101. Nothing happens in the middle until shit starts picking up on the last episodes. That's how Gargoyles worked. That's how Spectacular Spider-Man worked and that's how the first two seasons of YJ worked.
But that's false, fujos spend lot of money
This is a world where alien tech is easily obtained by thugs, you can probably buy a normal gun at a grocery store.
Reminds me of this
>they are both straight and have boyfriends
I guess so, but Jesus. The more you think about it, the more retarded every character was this episode. I'm laughing at a fucking camp counselor who had one faggy adventure joining an elite team of hardcore trained heroes on international missions where he risks his fucking life so some teens at a meta centre can say "Wow, that could be me getting shot at out there!". It's so fucking stupid.
Intergang is a specific sect. They're hardened criminals. Harper Row is a 15 year old girl at a seemingly decent school in the area. Why is she chugging liquor and shooting guns on a Tuesday night? Keep in mind, hanging out with Violet was unplanned. Does Harper carry hard liquor and a gun on her at all times? Does she habitually get drunk and shoot guns for fun? Kissing girls who you essentially just met who, from your POV, just renounced their faith?!Who the fuck is this girl's boyfriend? Daddy being an alc doesn't explain this. It's mind-bogglingly degenerate. I suspect she's mentally ill. Possibly a manic episode and some psychosis. This isn't how 15 year olds, even in the world of Young Justice act. It's too out of place in its degeneracy with no buildup.
What if we took all the meta kids every bad guy under the sun wants to kidnap and put them in one place?
Yaoi is a fetish for straight women, gays complain about it all the time.
Brilliant! We can make a camp and concentrate them there. That way it'll be heavily fortified. We can even create a little economy there with jobs and so on
To be fair... They could be bi.
You mean "gay men" who are actually FtM trans who want to be unique so they pretend they are gay men while they're just fujos too.
Most actual gay men don't give a shit about being sexualized, just look at the ads on Pornhub gay.
She's Bi
gay people exist and have always existed
one of them invented the computer
who knows what else gay people are responsible for that you enjoy
a gay person probably prepared a meal you ate
you cannot be untouched by us
we are everywhere
you cannot escape
>borderline retarded
>doesn't identify as either gender
What will Greg add next?
No I mean gay men in japan
is this you ?
>one of them invented the computer
I think he's thinking of Alan Turing.
Let me guess, you heard that from some woke tumblrina who can't even read Japanese?
Most gay men in Japan actually don't give a fuck about boys love genre. This is almost exclusively a Western identity politics "issue". It is literally just girls pretending they're not like other girls.
I'm not saying they persecute fujos or go on anti yaoi tirades, but when asked about it they will complain about how most gays in media are either joke characters or made to appeal to women. Yaoi books and "homosexual books" are different sections on bookstores, and the former is ridicously larger
Does this mean Impulse isn’t the gay one now?
Wait a second... I've seen this pasta before.
"I have a boyfriend" "So do I." vs Tigress telling Terra to keep an eye on her hips
this picture legit makes me sick
stop bumping this thread
see you tomorrow
go take a dick in your ass, ananamous
>yes, this scene makes absolutely NO SENSE
yes because people don't cheat and aren't self destructive irl, especially when given a death sentence
since when does being on the verge of death makes you gay ?
>Also why the fuck did fate say that Klarion can't be destroyed of contained if a fucking stage magician can just contain him on fates own fucking tower?
would you want to live with that annoying and chaotic cunt for eternity, especially when you have Order OCD?
it makes you want to try things out while you still have time
plus she isn't even fucking human she may not even realize what kissing a girl implies, she just likes it
so if you had 30 minutes to live you'd be gay ?
>fucking camp counselor who had one faggy adventure joining an elite team of hardcore trained heroes on international missions where he risks his fucking life so some teens at a meta centre can say "Wow, that could be me getting shot at out there!". It's so fucking stupid.
He fought the reach and trained his powers for combat under Lex Luthor's tutelage. Hell, he fought black beetle alongside the other runaways, he's no stranger to the dangerous situations the team faces
no fuck that, I'd pay a dominatrix to ravage my asshole, completely straight
Jesus, he created Gargoyles? What the fuck happened?
Wow, it's even terribly animated.
>doesn't know about Gargoyles fan cons where "Evil Greg" does midnight panels
nothing happened, it was always there
>Klarion felt like a completely different character all together.
a spoiled brat like he is the comics? Also he clearly says "You're not supposed to do that" when Zatanna pulls her Fate magic
I despise that woman scientist character. These kids are going through terrible trauma and she somehow finds a way to always make it about her. "I feel so helpless, I'm so lost" etc etc. Bitch you WERE Bedlam. I can;t wait until she's omega beam'd to death
>He doesn't know he was always like this.
Young Justice is pretty much what happens when you combine Spectacular Spider-Man and Gargoyles and turn it up to 11.
Why a muslism that is religious enough to wear the hijab would kiss another woman? Doesn't that goes against ther religion?
May Allah fap to it.
Really hoping he was trolling (along with the claim that there already LGBT characters in the show before season 3). Maybe he knows he won't get jack shit after this and has decided to say fuck everything. Oh well, after this crap I don't really want him to get another show.
To those who've been watching since YJ"s original run, what do you feel has changed since they brought it back? I marathon'd the first two seasons last month, and this new one seems just as unfocused and mediocre as the old ones. Only instead of Based Lad carrying the show, it's Ms Muslim.
women have it easy socially because they are believed to be fucking stupid and not responsible for their actions
>implying I wasn't posting that with a dick already in my ass
How did you get that picture?!
>Harper Row is a 15 year old girl at a seemingly decent school in the area
Did you speedwatch the episode? She obviously comes from a broken home.
it all returns to nothing
lesbians are ok, all women are bisexual. but homofaggots are degenerates and must be stoned to death.
I said this in another thread but that one got deleted so I'll say it again.
Actual ex muslim here, I don't know why the fuck SJWs want hijabis to be lesbians for some reason.
What's next, having a nun be gay but still being a nun? Cause that's what this sounds like.
Christ, if you're gonna have gays in your work, don't have one of them be religious, it's retarded.
shes not muslim dumbass
okay good point.
This is basically now late Naruto Shippuden for me. I only care about the villains and would give anything for them to win.
Isn't this a bit close to life is strange
Other than blue hair punk girl and a lesbian kiss? Not really.
“I’m not Muslim”
Since they gave me this, I’ll let them do all the other SJW dumb shit they want.