This is a japanese man

>this is a japanese man
How the hell did they get away with such a racist caricature in 1999?

Attached: yashimoto_cybersix.png (1218x917, 1.02M)

Other urls found in this thread:

every ethnicity has the ugly boy and every ethnicity has the slayer, not a controversy

how is it racist ?

nobody cared in 1999
based show

>tfw no twink/dommy interchangeable husbando/waifu

You watch Rob the Wonderful as well I see.


You can *get away* with this today. Fuck off with your nonsense.

Because the show was animated by Japanese people and the Japanese are allowed to make fun of themselves.

>a single character represents the entire nation


>how is it racist?
He looks like he came straight out of a wartime propaganda cartoon like Popeye and Disney made during WW2

No fucking way you could get away with this today.

Here's his sister for reference.

Attached: akiko_cybersix.png (1057x909, 1.01M)

>He looks like he came straight out of a wartime propaganda cartoon like Popeye and Disney made during WW2

that's not answering my question

how is he racist ?

>how is he racist ?
He was created before humor became illegal.

Am I supposed to see something wrong on that picture ?

I see it's be an obtuse faggot mincing words day today

you have a brain, use it to elaborate on your claim

I am going to ask one more time: how is he racist ?

Under today's lens of political correctness, it would be deemed racist even though there is absolutely nothing wrong with the image itself.

What the hell is going on with that hair

you still haven't explained anything, you keep repeating the same sentence over and over again

I'm asking HOW is he racist, you reply by saying it's racist


It's a weird ass stylistic choice of the series
Makes me itch to look at

Inferiority complex. Mutts can't stop looking down on japanese/Asians at any given time.

Spread that view on twatter. I'm looking forward to a bunch of amerimutts saying this is the nips.

There is no answer because it's not racist. Caricatures aren't inherently racist, and I really doubt the cartoon itself is a product of racist ideology.

Argentinians and Latinos in general love racist caricatures, specially the ones about them and people close to them in this case Asians that own business in some parts of Buenos Aires

Do it yourself, it's more likely that people will say it is either racist or just one character that doesn't represent an entire nation

OP, come back here and ANSWER MY QUESTION

why did you flee from your thread ??? Either reply like a man or delete your post

NYPA retard.

asians are still the only minority its okay to be racist against
especially if its coming from another minority group

>once in a blue moon cybersix thread
>immediately nothing but a cesspit of baiting
it hurts



Yea Forums is fine with vile caricatures when Japanese/Asians are depicted as ugly as shit. But find it absolutely problematic when gays or blacks or whites, in anime, are like that.

Fucking hypocritical trashy scum board. Same goes for the American industry as a whole tho.

in a non asian country, you daft rubber duck


Not OP but it’s cuz he’s got squinty eyes, bad buck teeth and big nerd glasses. Features which were used in propaganda to dehumanize Japanese people during WW2.

I mean it’s been prevalent elsewhere as well obviously but ykwim

Attached: C24A2049-9006-48D3-91F3-C52227F27942.jpg (411x550, 45K)

Why are there so many faggots on Yea Forums

So we get to the root of the issue, some fag just wanted to cry and shit their pants about how much they hate this board. What, are you now going to try and claim that the rest of the website hates this board too?

You can easily start a genuine Cybersix thread.

Cybersix had one of the best civilian life disguises I've seen in a cartoon. I'd seen the opening a couple of times before watching the series and I was extremely surprised to find out the nerd and the hot chick were the same person.

Asians are ugly dude.

He and his sister are clearly racial caricatures based more on the 'evil gook' propaganda of WWII rather than anything based in reality?

>it’s cuz he’s got squinty eyes, bad buck teeth and big nerd glasses

have you never seen a japanese person before ? they have squinty eyes, some more than others

and I know a japanese gy with buck teeth, is he racist against himself ?

and what's wrong with the big glasses ? some people wear them

Unfortunately my purpose isnt that. You're merely an useful idiot you fucking racist.

how ? do you think it is genitically impossible for a japanese person to have buck teeth or wear glasses ?

according to you if the WW2 propaganda pictures represented japs with green hair then drawing a japanese with green hair would be racist ?

you are sick in the mind dude

>Dr. Seuss
fucking hell, really?

On another note, I get the eyes, but not so much the teeth or the nose. Did the chinese, koreans, and Southeast Asian islanders get a free pass? If we're just going by physical features, I would've imagined they all got picked on during this time.

Asians are the bugliest race tho

asians are not a race

I think there's a difference between actual racism and the stupid-ass edgemastery we're seeing here. Of course, one tends to descend into the other eventually.

still hasnt proven its inherently racist. Maybe he's just a jap accountant? He's got big nerdy glasses cause he is a big nerd. He's got buck teeth because even today only a minority of japanese bother to get their teeth straightened/fixed
What did you always think the fang-tooth in anime girls was? Its a snaggletooth in real life
its called yaeba over there. apparently its supposed to be adorable.

all you got are accusations without any of the evidence to back that shit up

You take pleasure in disingenuous meandering. Keep going, though.

>Having both spunky jailbait wanting her (probably) nonexistent dick and charming bara swooning for her
More like Cyberchad

These must be the most intentionally opaque posts I've ever seen. Congratulations user.

Japanese and Chinese are like that though . You got a problem?

>still hasnt proven its inherently racist.
That's because everything is contextual.

t. Zhang

not an argument

>to show physical or verbal hostility towards a group of people for their race

how is drawing a character ugly anywhere near what racism is ?

you're the racist one for thinking that character represents the entire japanese race

Okay funny thing, Chinks weren't considered so much except for how they might be confused with Japs and vice versa so they made infographs on the subject

Attached: US_Army_How_To_Spot_A_Jap.png (826x3247, 2.56M)

You sound like a racial realist/racist apologist

Okay. In the context of the racist propaganda pictures used during WW2, what exact racist characteristics are they applying to japan?
No. buck teeth and big glasses are not inherently racist. I'm white and I had those as a kid.

I'm talking are all japs depicted as violent and prone to homocidal rages like blacks in ww2 propaganda shit? Are japs depicted as being inherently duplicitous and prone to stealing or lying or conning people?
Any of that occurring in your picture?

These characters are drawn to represent the entire race, though. They are an assemblage of stereotypes created by the WWII propaganda machine specifically to represent the entire race. You know this, but you're pretending otherwise because you think it'd edgy and cool.

is cybersix WW2 propaganda ?


you are arbitraringly juxtaposing two completely different contexts and forcing them to mean the same thing

seek mental help

Racist board

>the chinese strides, the jap shuffles
Fucking historically recursive memes

I'm not talking about the WW2, but the cybersix character

And furthermore, the WW2 pictures don't represent the entire japanese race either, just the soldiers because they were the ennemy

oh fuck off nigga I'm not even part of this debate I just thought the charts were funny

>this is a vietnamese woman
>How the hell did Marvel and the MCU get away with such a racist caricature?
no one gives a shit

Attached: 1563161964768.jpg (1078x1071, 82K)

Uh, you do know that they drew the same way about Japanese people inside of the US? I mean even Dr. Seuss himself drew Japanese US citizens the same way they drew the soldiers overseas.

They don’t have squinty eyes, they have epicanthic folds, a trait which they have been shamed for in media to the point where many use products to tape their skin up, or even resort to surgery to remove them entirely.
I’m sure you think it’s no big deal, but the real life impact of ugly caricatures created with the intent of presenting a race as ugly and inhuman cannot be ignored. Drawing characters with completely closed, or exaggeratedly squinted eyes furthers this cycle of hatred and mutilation.

Your Japanese guy is not racist against himself, and many people do wear big glasses. You asked me what about the image appeared racist, I’m explaining to you that the use of ugly buck teeth and big glasses has been prevalent in propaganda intended to make monsters of Japanese people for many years.
You don’t need to tell me that you don’t personally believe any of those images are a big deal, I’m already well aware. You asked a question and I explained the truth of the matter.

I have an elementary knowledge of spoken Mandarin Chinese. This is kind of fascinating.

The hatred towards Japanese of Yea Forums is too fucking strong.

It's funny how things have changed so much in America. Now the Japanese are our friends and we have people here down right worshipping them and the Chinese are regarded as commie bug men.

The Cybersix character is a WWII character. It's literally all the same stereotypes and visual cues.

>And furthermore, the WW2 pictures don't represent the entire japanese race either
Yes, they do. They were used to demonize Japanese-American citizens and Japanese civilians as well as Japanese soldiers.

It just seems to be one ESL making a fool out of himself to be honest. I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually Chinese.

I'm pretty sure I've seen one or two articles bringing up that issue. It's not a big issue, imo, but it's nice to see that conversations have been held, rather than outright shut down and pretending that "no one gave a shit".

because we're still pissed we got fucked on by her grandad and his buddies in black pj's eating maggoty rice

This should be Yea Forumss mascot. It really fits this board.

>the jap usually expects to be shot and is very unhappy about the whole thing
Holy shit the fucking bants

Is this a racist caricature? I mean, the character is an alien who is played by an asian. She doesn't have any of the stereotypical traits people assign to asians in racist propaganda.

No. This is just mediocre cookie cutter garbage regardless of race

I have a Japanese friend who has buckteeth and wears glasses, is he racist against himself ?

you have as much reasoning as a donkey

If it’s any consolation, this was work he was paid to create and he regretted drawing it later in life. Hornton Hears a Who is apparently about learning to be not racist, though there’s many interpretations.

Attached: 56CCDDE3-7DBD-4148-9C65-ADFC651B1A9B.jpg (768x611, 137K)


Lol you are just autistically saying every racial stereotype in cartoon/comic is fine. My gay friend actually looks like a one from 80s comedy shows/dramas so it's still fine in a cartoon, right?

We're well past the point where we should had told the morality corps to go hang from trees like christmas ornaments and focused on putting funny and badass things back in entertainment.

Attached: tumblr_o0zdzptocV1r3h642o3_1280.jpg-1784559891.jpg (897x672, 51K)

why wouldn't it be ?

Everything is fine isnt even an argument. Just a sort of extremism like insane SJWs screaming that every white male protag should be replaced with poc or a woman or a gay. You can be a nu-hippy.

Why wouldn't they?
Is there even a problem?

Shes cute as shit

>tfw no werewolf gf

Attached: cute_werewolf.png (923x699, 805K)

Is not like they have anyone left to bitch out at, both of Cybersix's creators are dead

That picture at least is a caricature of Tojo.

Attached: 85299828_gettyimages-57510919-696x576.jpg (696x576, 67K)

>reddit spacing

OP is racist it seems.

looks like OP's image takes inspiration from it

>He looks like he came straight out of a wartime propaganda cartoon like Popeye and Disney made during WW2
But why is that particular combination of lines inherently hateful in nature?
Was the character treated poorly? Did the character act stereotypically?
Were there some kind of hateful message behind the show?
Must every character be depicted as nothing less than a generic looking everyman or be condemned for being racist?

>no tail

>to dehumanize Japanese people during WW2.
It's just a caricature of Hiedeki Tojo who really did look like that.
It's no different than representing the germans with Hitler or Rommel or the soviets with Stalin.

Weak argument like that Indian one. No wonder SJWs keep winning. According to your logic even obvious black faces still can go.

>Weak argument like that Indian one.
The what now?
>According to your logic even obvious black faces still can go.
Well why not?
1:The act of putting show polish or dark makeup one's face is not inherently meant to resemble black people (See that controversy awhile back with the photo of the miners, or any old cartoon sketch where a bomb exploded and the character is covered in soot.
2:Even if a person is intentionally trying to look like another race it isn't inherently meant to be offensive to whatever group is being portrayed (see: Cloud Atlas, Tropic Thunder, etc).

Stop you fool! You're going to give Yea Forums a new obscure waifu!

Is it OK if japanese do it too?

Attached: CI6HnR.png (497x509, 312K)

When are they going to release the full OP and ED songs? I would give my left arm for them.

Iyami was created several decades ago and based on Japanese comedian Tony Tani.
False equivalence.

Attached: britishsmiles.jpg (640x480, 38K)

>The chinese stride vs the Japanese shuffle
Memes really do write themselves

Do you even understand those stereotypes or more simply, racial slurs and such, have its own cruel history. You can't ignore the historical context as long as you live in a society.
You are just a retarded polack with zero social experience whos as pushy and socially inept as SJWs. You are just saying like "screaming nigger in cartoons is fine as long as story-wise it doesn't have an offensive background or context cause its just a word/sound." Nobody finds this postmodernism/deconsructive relativism bullshit fine. You are ironically showing the same postmodern nonsense here as those retarded progressives.

Also you are an easy target of SJWs. I'm anti SJW, Inb4 that soi image, but have come to the conclusion that anti SJW Ameticans are not worth defending anymore cause it's full of retards like you. I'm a manga reader who sometimes reads euro comics, so fuck the whole American industry. Hope SJWs totally destroy you. It totally deserves a miserable death.