Is there a reason why cosplayers usually look better than official TV versions of comic book characters?

Is there a reason why cosplayers usually look better than official TV versions of comic book characters?

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Love and Passion

>cosplayers usually look better
Because you cherrypick

Different goals and priorities for the production process.

She looks like she’s looking for a white boyfriend.

Cosplayers have actual thought in their designs while executives and clothing designers only care about the paycheck they'll receive.

They aren't wearing hockey pads.

They don't need to take filming conditions and needs like lighting for scenes and shit into account.

Because they love the source material and try to emulate it as much as possible.

Because they have to throw a dart at a board in order to cast for a movie/TV show right? It's not like you can pick and choose whoever you want to be in your own show or what their costume will look like. That's a total pipe dream

Cosplayers only have to worry about the aesthetic. They also do their own hair, costume and make up.

Actors are at the mercy of whatever the production’s department decides.

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TV/film have to balance acting ability with looks. Also the actor/script sucks, they often do extreme redesigns to distract away from this. Cosplayers need only achieve the look. While there is plenty of bad cosplay, they are generally ignored or taken as a joke. The best need to look good or they don't get paid.

Because most actors are bratty faggots that don't want to put up the hours of makeup needed to pull off a good costume

Because you can't have post production photoshop on a television budget. Any amateur can edit a single pic, try doing that on an entire video.

.>Starfire looks like a hooker and fans say that
Show creators & white knights: How DARE you say that you bigots!
> Starfire in the Titans is a hooker
... please end me

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Because they also have to have low enough self-esteem to suck a casting director's cock.

everyone knows black cosplay thots are bedwenches. pretty based desu

A cosplayer just has to look good for a couple of shots. An actor has to work under bright lights or outside for 14 hours a day. Overly elaborate costumes that don’t stretch properly or have too much on them or are too hot to wear for extended periods all have to be considered.

Costumes can be pretty deadly in fact. The original actor for the tin man in wizard of oz nearly died because of a reaction to the silver mouth paint, and the cowardly lion nearly died in his suit. Even recent stuff like Star Trek TNG had to do a costume redesign because the one piece suits were fucking with their backs.

A cosplayer is making a costume that has to look good in some photos (with the benefit of digital touch-ups) or at a convention. They will probably wear it for a few dozen hours at most.
A film costume has to be worn frequently for extended periods of time. People will have to put it on and take it off. It may be used in physically intensive circumstances. It has to be maintained by a production crew. It has to fit within a budget that also has to pay for a dozen other costumes, and everything else that makes a tv show or film possible. If your costume involves any significant makeup component then you can double these concerns and then add at least half an hour of extra prep time before every shoot.

Yeah the people who go to conventions only wear their costumes for a few shots and not literally all day. Oh wait, you're just retarded


god i wish that were me

You wish you were looking for a white boyfriend? I don't think anything's stopping you.

>Is there a reason why girls look better on Instagram than real life?

Same answer

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This is real good. Props to her.

No jews to ruin things with demolishionist propaganda


Based demolishonism retard.

Because you're cherrypicking the ones that get shared the most on social media. Venture outside your basement and attend a con, you're lucky if half the cosplayers are above a debatable 5.

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Hollywood decided pretty girls are sexist.

the point is the official TV versions which are not cherry picked shouldn't also look like the shitty cosplayers from a con

built for white cock.

Cosplayers can't get their design choices vetoed by some random asshole with no idea about what they're doing. Hollywood has to basically make a version that doesn't piss off any of a dozen other retards all throwing their weight around because they're investors which they think means they have 100% ownership of everything.

Cause some casting directors and costume designers are basic as fuck and just want to get paid

While some cosplayers are photogenic and caring individuals who are passionate about what they create, but aren't in the field of acting.

>Months of filming a show/movie = a few days of a con at most

This, especially since most cons take place at perfectly air conditioned hotels or halls.

they actually care

The "point" as it has been explained already, is that TV and movie versions aren't purely aesthetics but based on many other factors that go beyond perfect accuracy. Not every available actor is going to look exactly like the comic counterpart, and costumes aren't always going to look pristine like in those photo shoots during filming conditions.


Actual fans have true passion for their hobbies, whereas Hollywood producers only care about profit and their bottom line. It's pretty simple, honestly. Not rocket science.

actresses arent allowed to have boobs

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Because cosplay is often a labor of love and very brief.
While an actor has to do a performance in their design several hours for each recording session.
It's easy to look good in a single image (example: any actor's headshots), it's harder during a moving visual performance (example literally any screencap used to make an actor/actress look unappealing).

Also probably someone in the production wanting to make it "my vision" so they take some unique liberties that others don't like. Probably some of that too.

something tells me Yea Forums would have no issue with black recasts if they all had breasts the size of those.

False equivalence.

Cosplayers go for comic book accuracy. TV and movie producers go for their interpretations

>people like attractive people more
Congratulations you win the smartest comment of the day award!

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funny you'd say that, because I feel like TV production would at least have a higher budget than instagram whores.

Because, for most of the big companies, it's not about pleasing the audience, it's about pleasing the execs. That's why capeshit shows get better in season 2, because after a season specifically designed to appeal to the execs, they then start focussing on the fans.

Also, because it looks good for walking around in, doesn't mean it'll look good in action.

Also, fuckin' sauce on who this QT3.14 is.

Well, lads, i've found how i want to die...


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>shows up with the dot

Hey, she's trying.

She's not that ugly. What went wrong?

Because they're actually fans that care and love the source material and know how to be faithful to it.
Also greater skill and talent and passion.


Cringe and Retardpilled

Based and Informedpilled

Is there a reason why she's not my wife yet?

If Cosplayers don't look good they make no money and they get no attention.

If Hollywood makes a character ugly they have a million other things to fall back on. Sountrack, Cinematography, Script, acting, special effects etc

hope she doesn't cut herself anymore

Because Cosplayers, especially ones that are recreating very form fitting costumes, often face the challenge of actually pulling these looks off. A few ways they get around this are
>Using a boobplate, but unless you're flat these are very uncomfortable.
>Using multiple pieces of spandex (or latex) to work around the shape of the breast, and maybe ass, somehow. But these require extreme precision work.
>Vaccuming out the air to the latex suit, but this makes wearing the costume and moving around incredibly painful. I speak from experience here, I could barely stay in costume for 15 minutes, much less a few hours.
>Using shadows on the dyesublime printed suit to emulate a more form fitting suit.

Actors and the process of making movies are very different. And plenty of these superhero costumes are pretty damn hard to get in and out of in the first place, Captain Marvel's suit takes Brie Larson a good 30 minutes to get in and out of. She explains this in that interview where she plays with puppies. And given that these actors are in these costumes for 10 hours at the least, as opposed to a convention that goes for maybe half that time, it probably leads to pretty exhausting bathroom breaks. Heck, when Christan Bale was giving advice to Ben Affleck on Batman, he said, "Make sure you can piss in that suit."

Cosplayers, who do this solely for the fun, have very different priorities to actors and movie producers, who have to play a character, move well, and plenty of other things.
Also, for every ounce of good cosplay, there is a metric ton more of bad cosplay.

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Does she have some white in her? Would she like to?

>People wouldn't have a problem with black recasts if the girls were hot and talented instead of ugly wastes of space
Woah, what a bold statement. Next you're gonna say that the reason people are upset when most female characters get design reworks to look more conservative is because the only thing they originally had going for themselves was fapbait, and without that they're all unlikable cunts since the original writing strategy before the early 2000s was to make a bunch of unlikable women with bombshell bodies that appealed to people with hatefucking fetishes.

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The wig was too curly and the wrong color

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Cosplayers are more likely to care about the source material.

>why does this thing that photographs well look better than this thing that films well?

Cosplayers WANT you to look at their tits and/or ass.

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>She looks like she’s looking for an asian boyfriend.

cause you havent disconnected yourself from reality enough to the point that you find fiction more attractive than reality you dummy dum dumb

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still photos and photoshop


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1) You notice the good ones out of thousands of far less quality ones. Actual show only gets one chance while cosplay get thousands.
2) Cosplay is zero stakes fun so they're free to take chances and do things that end up working well, while the actual show is under tremendous pressure to do it right and not fuck up, plus subject to executive intereference / guidelines, limiting and even sabotaging the final product.
3) We tend to be more forgiving of amateurs and more critical of professionals.

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Investors making decisions because they think they know best but they have NO FUCKING TALENT.

t. (((hollywood producer)))

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99% of cosplay is worse. But there are 100000 times more cosplayers.

post an example please


Fuck off shill.

No shit, I want to see pretty people in my escapism if they are going to have shitty acting chops.

thats only the Thotsplayer

you could say she's looking for dick