Yea Forums here. Is it true that this here is considered the peak of Yea Forums writing?
Yea Forums here. Is it true that this here is considered the peak of Yea Forums writing?
No, Brian Reed's Ms. Marvel series is.
Fantastic Four/FF is Hickman's best work. East of West is a close second but might fuck up the landing.
No, this is
>Fantastic Four/FF is Hickman's best work
And this Hickman is the best Yea Forums writer ever?
It's not even Peak big 2
If you want peak Yea Forums writing look at non-Big 2 works
Fuck off Tommy
Post the edit.
Nah that's Morrison
Tommy, knock it the fuck off.
>Yea Forums here.
I doubt you ever opened a book that didn't have illusrations of Batman in it, Tommy.
Kill yourself already, Tommy
Adelante muchachos, best comic coming through
Is this Doomfag's final form?
>i found it beneath me
That's a reference to the infamous discussion between Smerdjakov and Ivan, that would lead to what happens to Fedor.
You would know, if you were really Yea Forums. Instead you are just a retard.
Oh look, here comes Tommy's go to opening line. /Lit, my dick.
Oh look, here comes someone perfectly responding to Tommy with exactly the subject and the opinions he hates most! How convenient!
And here comes Tommy, trying to set up the "if FF is Hickman's best work and hickman is best writer, then Doom is the Apex of writing" off of his mysterious certainly not samefag post! Why, Tommy will be sure to screenshot this completely organic exchange for future arguments in which he claims that "Marvelfags" think that "Doom becoming omnipotent every year" is the "Apex of writing"
Thanks for playing, Tommy!
You have to calm down.
This isn't the peak of /o/ writing, then? Was I lied to?
No. You weren't lied to. Because no one ever said that to you. Or maybe one person did, but it's just one opinion, calm down, and doesn't justify this months long obsession of yours.
The irony of you telling someone to calm down, Tommy.
Did Bendis ghostwrite Heroes in Crisis?
Tommy, your falseflagging and samefagging would be more believable if you changed your speech pattern.