What if Star lived with Steven instead of Marco for the first two seasons of her show...

What if Star lived with Steven instead of Marco for the first two seasons of her show? How would both of their respective adventures change by meeting each other?

How would you write the inevitable love triangle between Star, Steven and Connie?

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I think Steven would've gotten his powers quicker if Star lived with him. She probably would've mistaken the Gems for Mewmans tho.

Powers require emotional growth. Star is a womanchild and probably would've made him regress even further.

There would be no genocide for starters

or he'd have to mature in order to prevent her from getting herself killed, kinda like Marco

Star and Amethyst would be perfect mess up twins.

What if Star commits genocide anyway despite Steven repeatedly pleading with her not to, and that leads to their friendship ending?

Steven may be too much of a softy, but he wouldn’t stand for one of his friends doing something like that.

Connie was pretty insecure she wasn’t magical or special and he’s living with a magical princess. Maybe play off that.

I could see that


>Connie tries to get magic of her own in addition to learning swordsmanship, so she can be more appealing to Steven over Star.

Would she force Steven to kiss her pussy lips?


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>Star decides to holocaust magic
>Connie agrees because without magic on the equation she has a chance
>Steven realizes that women shouldn't make decisions and conquers Earth as the Übermensch

>Steven becomes the Thanos expy instead of Star
>his goal isn’t to wipe out all magic or kill half the universe though
>he’s realized that even when you put your best foot forward and give everything to try to convince someone that they’re wrong, sometimes it doesn’t work
>his goal is simply to force everyone to actually act like rational people and get along

I for one, welcome our new half-human, half-gem overlord

>How would both their respective adventures change by meeting each other?
It would depend on where Steven is at in his arc. If it's S1 Steven Star will have to carry Steven in most fights until he learns to use his powers more. If it is a later version they both work together fine. Steven would probably try to redeem the villains of Star VS more. Steven wouldn't be cool with Star tossing Ludo into the portal like she did at the end of S1. He would probably try his best to help Ludo and get him to join their side like he did with Peridot. Peridot and Ludo interactions would now be the best thing of either show. I know it's only the first 2 seasons, but there is no way in hell Steven is going to sign off on the destroy all magic plan. He'd probably just try to call in the Diamonds to help fight Mina.
>How would you write the inevitable love triangle between Star, Steven and Connie?
I wouldn't write a love triangle. Shipping drama was the most consistent issue with the last 2 seasons of Star Vs. I'd just continue to ship Steven with Connie.

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Star would of been pregnant by the first episode

>How would you write the inevitable love triangle between Star, Steven and Connie?
depends, is Star there before or after Steven meets Connie, if it's before I don't even see a reason why Steven would be interested in Connie, the only reason he leave the temple is to visit the town and his dad and Star could just teleport him there with the scissors, he probably wouldn't even be aware Connie was there
If it was after then, I dunno, ultimately I think it'd be more interesting if Steven got with Star, Star's another alien who doesn't quite fit in with either humans or her own kind so I could see her and Steven bonding over that and I can also see Steven having a better chance at keeping Star's head on straight and her actions in check than Marco did and Star would probably help Steven become more adventurous and assertive

Poor kid

>depends, is Star there before or after Steven meets Connie,

After he meets Connie

Then I guess Star,, might be more interesting

Even Star would probably get tired of Steven and his bitch ass crying and would end up genociding the Gems.