Erotic Comic Recommendations

I'd like to start purchasing a collection of erotic comics but there are some caveats that are making things difficult.

Must be:
1. Available in print.
2. Female-friendly and fun to share (no rape or cheating).
3. Mostly straight (nothing against LGBT stuff in theory, just not our preference).
4. Modern style.

Any ideas?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>(no rape or cheating)
But females love that.


Thread ruined. Fag.

Underrock does a good one.

Sunstone from volume 6 onward focuses on a male-female couple, try that.

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Fantagraphics/Eros Comix

>3. Mostly straight (nothing against LGBT stuff in theory, just not our preference).

You've lost me

>(no rape or cheating)
Kudos for whoever set that rule.

Got excited for a fap comic thread but these rules completely ruined it.

>Any ideas?
Get better taste in porn

Just fire up any random hentai site. There are shitloads of female mangaka and stupidly adorable fluffy happy sex stories.

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Have sex, incel.

>litral cucks


>you’re a cuck if you don’t want to be limited to physical print, “modern artstyle” (whatever that means) and vanillashit


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Love & Rockets ain't erotica but it does have a lot of sex.

Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de 2-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki desu ka? It's just isekai trash, but the art is done by Pochi, a female porn artist.

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After 700 generic foreplay -> generic positions -> cum inside -> profess love comics, it gets old.

>cucking himself out a quality stuff because he fears his own sexuality and what questions he won't be able to answer if he operated outside his safe space
Enjoy your hand holding

>this thread

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Every time wew

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>XXXenophile is an American comic book series, published by Palliard Press and later Studio Foglio. It is an anthology of short, whimsical, erotic fantasy and science fiction stories, written and penciled by Phil Foglio. Each story is inked by a different artist.

>The series' general emphasis is on the enjoyment of sexuality as a playful activity.

>Foglio cited rape, mind control, pedophilia, "classical necrophilia", excretion, snuff porn, branding, piercing, heavy sadomasochism, and spanking as topics that he did not find appealing and would not write about.
Oh no, not spanking!

Vanilla is fine and good, but a man who stops there can never truly have taste. Explore your boundaries.

Sounds like a decent guy.


more an art book than a comic - hardly any story/plot. Also probably breaks your rule 2 (some groupsex, cuckholding) and rule 3 (mixed sex groups, lesbian), rule 4 (80s, heavily stylised), but not seen any complaint other than it's kind of boring. I'm checking my folders for better candidates

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sameanon as here's another mostly art book, just flipping through I doubt it has any sex at all, mostly just erotic I found pic reklated. Also one vampire scene, and a few violent non-sex scenes. Depends how triggerable your readers are I guess.

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another one, that mild though it is, probably breaks your rules

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yet another one (Les Melons de la Colère - Melons of Wrath) that breaks your boundaries, but some people like (some of) Bastien Vivès' works, but I don't find it erotic, merely curious

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>Demanding recs rather than just creating a thread where shit can be discussed ad hoc

You could have created a fun thread to discuss Erotic comics and it would have flourished op but you had to fuck it up with your asanine demands to conform to whats makes you want.

I'd actually the answer the question if I haden't lost and forgotten the names of the two decent Porn webcomics I liked so yeah

There's always Moebius if you want a bit of story, but again not really erotic

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Love that guy.

Is THAT why there was no spanking? I KNEW something was missing from it!

Birdland (hardcore porn drawn by Gilbert) is recommended reading.

I don't read much physical porn comics, but plenty of webcomic or online material.
Alfie, and pretty much everything by InCase in general, is pretty great.

>Mostly straight
... define "mostly"

Attached: alfie.jpg (1024x465, 90K)

taboo (Studio Proteus)
super taboo (Studio Proteus)

Yeah no that one's fucked up, definitely doesn't fit.

>more an art book than a comic
That made me think of Wonder Woman: Earth One, but it's just a cheesecake artbook.

Manara's stuff is nice, try Gullivera.

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Isn't that a huge pedo? Almost sure they make rape shit, too.

No it's just a halfling, so unless you hate Dcup midgets nothing wrong there.
No rape, hell I don't think any of his work includes rape, unless you count that mindrape one where some evil diety manipulates people.

The cocks all look grossly over detailed and the situations are too silly to really get off too. Only part I found even mildly arousing was when she started lezing out on her friend while she was on the phone.

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I didn't mean in this comic, specifically.


Huh.... I never noticed that Shadman is in there.... right next to Doom Guy's leg.

Fuck yeah, porn discussion thre-
>muh rules
Fuck off back to reddït and fuck you.
Porn is the single topic every board can discuss civilly and with great expertise. You don't get to set arbitrary bullshit rules on that.

Where is consensual sex in the missionary position with the lights off for the sole purpose of procreation while holding hands?

Also the real kinky shit is so fucked up you can't even tell what you're looking at.

Seems like you mistook Yea Forums for Yea Forums

>2. Female-friendly

OP try Cavitees. They draw some good porn comics, and they're cheap too.

There's some 2 or 3 names practically unreadable there.

I totally recommend Esmera, but I don't know if its available in english. Otherwise it's pretty great. It's about a woman who can turn into a man when she orgams, there is one scene of cheating but the rest fits all your criteria

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The only one I can't deciper is the one above Tomboy. It looks a bit like Toddler, but I'm not sure. I'm mildly surprised there's both Gore and Guro which is pretty much the same thing, but no Ryona.

There's a disturbing lack of yuri and loli but I'm guessing that's intentional since it's only absolutely disgusting fetishes that's assaulting him.

>pregnant isn't vanilla

The only one I can't read is the one above tomboy. I think it's toddler, but I can't be sure.

It's not even an uncommon or niche thing. Your ignorance only encourages female sexual repression.

Again, I don't know if this one is also available in english but Happy sex is a collection of funny sex stories that I really love, there's also a sequel in the work

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Milo Manara art is pretty good. No idea how 'female friendly' it is. Women seemed pretty triggered by his Spider-Woman cover but I guess the context explains that.

>I'm mildly surprised there's both Gore and Guro which is pretty much the same thing
Gore and Guro are not the same thing. Guro comes from grotesque or gross. It includes shit like conjoinment which involves no injury whatsoever. Common misconception that guro means gore.

sure, most women will have sex while pregnant, but having a pregnancy fetish is not vanilla. the thing is that most pregnancy happens in spite of the pregnancy, not because of it.

most pregnancy sex*, didn't proofread.

I like the artstyle and wouldn't mind flicking throught that, but if it's not at least Peaches Mignon tier, I doubt it has an official english version, let alone one in print.
Speaking of, I'm fairly certain Peaches has an official translation, but fuck if I can remember the english title.

Zep is one of the most popular artists in france, he's the creator of titeuf, so even if there isnt an official translation there should be some fan ones

Well what do you know, I learned something today. I don't remember ever seeing it as anything but varying degrees of dismemberment or straight up gutting.

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>but having a pregnancy fetish is not vanilla
But pregnant sex IS vanilla. There's nothing extra about it. It's a consenting adult in a natural state.

Oh, that's why the style looked familiar. If I want to read about degenerate kids being degenerate, I'd rather read Petit Spirou.
Fan stuff isn't going to cut it for pic related though, since >muh print.

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Probably because there's nothing upsetting about yuri. But yeah, the other one tells a lot about whoever made the pic.

They're better off repressed.

yes, that's why i said having a fetish for pregnancy is different.

Whoever made that pic is a biased faggot. Yaoi doujins are just as vanilla as straight and yuri ones, I've found. Hell they're probably more vanilla on average.

I don't think incase has ever done loli or rape much less in Alfie

haha yeah I get it, I prefer prints too. Anyway For the love of God, Marie!, is a comic that I think you'll like, the main character is pansexual and does have relations with woman, but she mostly has relations with men, also her best friend is a drag queen so while there is a lot of gay stuff, i'd say its still pretty hetero. Its in print and in english

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Omaha the cat dancer
Little Ego
Colleen Coover did something I forget the name of.

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The art is terrible tho.

>Colleen Coover did something I forget the name of.
Small Favors.

Found some of this in english online. I don't know how much of it though.

I'd recommend Empowered and Menage a 3.

>Menage a 3
for OP?
>Oh my!

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Being a fag is not vanilla, unless it’s two cute girls.

Eh, I thought the het stuff balanced out with the gay stuff, but I could be remembering wrong. Personally, I'd just recommend anything with Gisele Lagace's art, but she's drawn quite a lot of SFW material.

>Swing (it's ok, not nearly as good as Sunstone)
>Celluloid (erotic silent comic by Dave McKean, it's great)
>Ironwood (by the author of Fables the Veritgo series, he writes and draws it and it's fantastic)
>I Roved Out in Search of Truth and Love (VERY hardcore but all sorts of sex, every character is basically bi)
>Unnatural is a current one, more just light nudity.

I also have a few rec's that are not in print at
I highly, highly recommend The Jade Door, it's a bunch of ancient Chinese erotic stories made into comics.

Anybody wanna recommend me some good stuff that don’t follow this retarded list of demands?

How about "The Cummoner"?
Magic is sexy right?

You suck!

This. It's straight up half of yaoi and borderline rape is in the rest of it. Usually a female lead that serves as a self insert will be actively pursued by and forced down by an attractive male or two or three. A lot of times she'll forcibly take a cock in every orifice by a guy she'll later end up in a romantic relationship with. Then her first lover and her will take a dicking from a new antagonistic guy. And the trend continues until you have the regular one girl gangbangs with half the guys taking it from the other half.

XXXenophile was made in the 90s but it's pretty timeless