ITT: Women with canon heavy menstruation.
ITT: Women with canon heavy menstruation
Other urls found in this thread:
OP's Mother.
op is adopted
his mom has a dick
Bigdad is his own canon
>heavy menstruation
what does that even mean
Peepoodo has a whole episode about it
I guess it means they always act like they're on their periods
A recent episode mentioned that her secret superhero weakness was "frequent tummy aches"
That could mean IBS.
Heavy flow, worse cramps, vomiting I had heavy menstruation all through high school and it made it impossible to move at one point
pic related she would totally have a period just for the "feeling"
>"frequent tummy aches"
by the look at her damn thighs, it pretty much shows that she doesn't eat healthily
Kamala Khan
>I had heavy menstruation all through high school and it made it impossible to move at one point
Are you cute? I mean youre a jasper fag so i already want to fuck you
naw mane im ugly as hale
dont forget her sister
>naw mane im ugly as hale
Do you think i have standards
You got a skype?
You a virgin femanon
All anons are virgins
Hey at least i took a chance to contact her, thats more then any of you chucklefucks could muster
Absolute Chad
nah u rite
you should've provided her your mail, dude
nigga are you actually trying to pick up girls on MOTHER. FUCKING. Yea Forums?!?!?!?!?!
Yes, yes i am
Also i meant to write discord so if youre still here femanon i have a discord we can chat at just need you to post yours
>we met on Yea Forums, it'll be a great story to tell our grandkids
Save the receipt, my dude.
if she posts hers she'll have other guys writing her too, you cuck
>if she posts hers she'll have other guys writing her too, you cuck
Not if i get there first
>"Picking up girls on a Japanese imageboard for cartoons? God you're pathetic."
I want to inseminate mrs bivvens
Lmao I will not be doing that sir, but i appreciate the effort, but as one user pointed out thatll be around 50 randos in my discord. Please keep this energy for irl ladies though bro
>Please keep this energy for irl ladies though bro
Yeah heh, about that....
I feel like they would be Waaay more.
It ain't nothing a heavy dose of dick can't cure. Remember what the Creeper said:
"blood is the best lubricant."
The absolute madman
Godspeed user
make us proud
>how'd you and Mom meet, Dad?
>I saw her post Jasper in a thread on Yea Forums about heavy menstruation. And I knew I had to have her
Is this what Johnny Bravo would become in the modern era?
Do it user. Make us proud.
I hope you have cyber-sex with her. And i hope that she is actually a woman.
>we are now experiencing the first ever Yea Forums couple in Yea Forums history
Reminder that this is Peter Parker in Kamala's body
I cant find your account
Nigga, plenty of people have met over Yea Forums and probably Yea Forums as well. We even have a damn experiment over to the right.
>probably Yea Forums
i expect this board finding anyone to be pretty low
What have you done?
Why is it working for you and ot me
Because God want her to be mine, loser
try it again, im talking to someone right now???
Fuck it, heres mine because discords a bitch and wont fucking let me search proper then you can find me here
She is cool, lads.
Thank you man.
You have to go into Discord's options and disable the cocksucking detector or it'll automatically filters away girls if you're a faggot.
Damn, did my boy already get cucked by another user?
Ah, true love blooming in the heavy menstruation thread.
Nah im talking to her now, its good
i dont know why you guys are shitting your pants, i literally look like this
But ill win in the end, user.
No you wont slick
Hot diggedy DAMN
Shit like this is the only reason I decide to come back to this site every day.
I can manage
what the fuck is going on here?
I am already in the second base.
I'm cheering for you user
brb getting discord
she's underage : |
A reverse harem episode
you mean men thirsting for girls on the internet?
>Heavy flow, worse cramps, vomiting
I get fatigued with mine.
Nice to meet another brown femanon around.
Post discord. Ill win you too.
*tips fedora*
>Nice to meet another brown femanon around.
Yea Forums is actually all minorities, women and gays. You've probably already met several
what an absolute chad
Only in your dreams.
this, why do you think Yea Forums hates brown people and women so much, were just projecting
>with a latino
You need a permit to be that based.
LOL, It'll nice to meet someone anyway
This is gettign stupid, seeya
She's just getting out of a lame class
Put me in the screenshot
Again, i cant find your name, what the fuck is wrong with my doscord
...I don't get it
But why point out he's latino?
"with another guy" just doesnt hit like "latino" does
"I don't understand why you don't wanna skype about all the blood coming out of your vagina once a month! This is even worse than all those times I hung out at the video game store looking for a boyfriend-free girl!"
They are now posting steve universe porn.
What a champion
I thought niggers were the preferred race for cucking
> No one hates women more than women hate women
Me too.
Damn, wanna talk to each other
Maybe another time Johnny
Based, go get her user, send pics after you dominate that catfish dick
Isn't this like exactly how that girl got her head cut off yesterday
>C32B and headburster go the gay route
The best outcome
Lel yeah
anyone got a link?
Only true oldfags will get this.
What does she smell like bros
Like milk(with chocolate) and coins.
Today is a blessed day lads
Charge your damn phone
Put me in the screenshot user
What the fuck is wrong with you people
too beta to succeed to horny to give up
god bless the united states of america
okay, you be the girl.
>too beta to cyber
only on Yea Forums..
Want to be colonized?
At first I cringed, but after you doubled down I'm convinced you're a total chad. Go get her thundercock.
66% is plenty to last the rest of the day.
Based. Hope you got her number, user
That could just mean she's a heavy brapper
This is how people get decapitated.
To be fair, if you spend 90% of your time here, may as well fucking try. Lest the total fucking strangers who are, self-professed, worst dregs of humanity that have no fucking clue who you are, might think less of you for it.
ffs desperate
Put me in the screen cap please. This shit is too good.
Hi Rich!
Read the entire thread.
we could only hope
You damn legend!
Norman Osborns face makes this even funnier
>”harry tells me youre into women, im something of a horndog myself”
this is fucking based
user reveals he has never had a sex ed class in his life
Godamn it i always miss the good threads.
So did she cuck all of you?
nvm, re read the thread. Cringe!
>this thread
well damn I really wanted to talk about menstruation with you guys
There isnt much to say even if you have them yourself.
Do yours hurt?
Are yours light?
Whats sex like?
Would you be willing to fuck a girl on your period?
What does it taste like?
You know what maybe there is somthing to disscuss.
half of Yea Forums is insecure racist betas
>what does it taste like
>Would you be willing to fuck a girl on your period?
>user goes through the trouble to get a femanon's contact
>thinks he'll get a delicious brown waifu to read comics with
>shoots his shot
>she's dating someone
>he probably would've known this before hand and saved himself the trouble if he'd asked beforehand
The suffering of the anons who thought they had a chance is like the sweetest ambrosia.
same except i wanted to talk about enid's farts. but we can't always get what we want, can we?
Considering an earlier episode mentions that she needs to take anti-constipation pills, I'm going to suggest that its more digestive tract related, and anyone disagreeing can fuck off.
She should have just mentioned it since he made his intent clear. She deserves to be decapitated like Bianca
i hope you two get married
what the fuck is gong on in here?
Oh....Poor dude
Holy shit, this fucking thread.
The fuck are you on about?
Who the hell is Bianca?
I have those huge black "booger" things in my period blood, yum
So is this a Chad Incel?
The Chad Indian flirtstyle Yea Forumsmrade
Careful not to lose your head over it
Blood clots are like candy for vampires.
she is brown probably latina, doesn't make much of a cuck move since she prefers her own race.
>high school
Mine came late and when it did it was awful. Just a couple of months back I almost fainted from the pain. Shit sucks
Holy shit
Oh you poor fool
bianca devins.
I fucking love her already
Okay. Quick rundown. Yesterday some 17 year old messed up internet chick who posted on Instagram, /soc/, and /r9k/ got got because one of the 6+ adult men she was fucking around with (literally) got too aggressive, she decided to dress him down, and he decided to cut her head off and sent out pictures of her defiled body across all of her logged-in accounts and to her mother.
Stay sane, folks. Don't let yourselves become like any of the people involved in that. Be better.
Are there literally people who are like this on the same website as we are? That's actually pretty fucking discomforting knowing that anyone of us could and will murder anyone in cold blood.
This thread is a riot, put me in the screenshot!
user you got Robots openly praising this entire shit storm.
Same user, went scrolling through and saw the other user got played like a fiddle.
read the rest of the thread dumbass
Are you kidding? People on here are.praising the killer and this is the same site where there's an entire board that considers the Christchurch shooter a national hero
Alejandra? Que tu haces aquí hablando de tu periodo? Te chicharrón tan duro que se te salió el IUD?
Como va Florida?
put me in screencap
Doxxing ain't cool.
This is still Yea Forums, you know the rules bitch
pretty sure her latino boyfriend wouldn't accept her flashing her tits user
Loco, estoy jodiendo. Suena a mi ex. Habla de la misma manera. Si es mi ex, lo siento mija, que te jodi la mente tanto que estas en Folchan.
>en el folchan oye que tu te crees
basado y rojopildoreado
It's more his fault for automatically assuming that he had a chance just because she posts on Yea Forums. She let him think he had a chance sure but it takes like twenty seconds to type, complete the captcha, and post to ask about her relationship status.
im black, and i cant believe this thread is still alive
Nunca sabes aqui. No seria algo nuevo.
It lives so that I can laugh at user's suffering. He thought he was Chad when really he was just Brad. Destined to always come inches from getting booty only to fail.
Just got into the thread, who got her? The original user? Or some orbiter that came into this mess?
>generic smash pic
Your newfag is showing.
I don't even know if I'm upset that the period thread got derailed.
Threads that get derailed like this are the best ones
Why does he draw Gaz as a fat sow.
>I get fatigued with mine.
You too? Sometimes I end up crying like a bitch over it because the pain is unbearable.
It's times like this that makes me wish I was born with a dick, fucking hell man.
Not him but every day i fantasize about killing people like bad movie directors or story boarders who i have grudges against
Alright post your discord already
But Discord is gay
He was just a good old-fashioned lover boy, lads.
Alright what do you got then? Instagram, tumblr, twitter?
Can I get my own Yea Forums gf too?
Sorry man, got none of that. I'm just an anonymous dumb ass that likes to browse Yea Forums.
I keep away from social media since it's just pure cancer, and I'd rather keep my head intact.
Fair enough, at least post your tits though
anything for you, temp. Yea Forums bf
Y-you slut, are they firm?
why do you even come to Yea Forums anyways?
Hell yeah they are, they're soft too.
I've always had a liking to animation and it's history and the entire process of it, as well as being very heavily into comics because of my dad.
While Yea Forums does get undoubtedly retarded with discussions sometimes, it helps me laugh and discover new finds in storytime threads.
can't tell if this thread was made by a guy with a period fetish or not
I never get fatigue. Wish I did, all I get is extreme pain. Almost fainted from it once. It's usually normal and the only change I can see is that I can get annoyed a day before I get my period.
Mine flip flops between fatigue and extreme pain, plus I act a huge bitch the first three days is hell. By the end im a horny mess. someone said you only have one week where you behave normally, they were right
>By the end im a horny mess. someone said you only have one week where you behave normally, they were right
Mind calling me down to tame you of your urges when that happens?
he varies a little bit between fat cow and fit bitch.
This reminds me of that thread where a guy touched his gf’s dads dick
You wouldnt want to do that...
What the hell happened in here?
Godspeed Spider-man
Some user tried picking up a femanon on Yea Forums instead of real life
She already had a boyfriend so we're all just laughing at him now
Why laugh at him? She's the piece of shit for giving him her discord just to reject him.
no you dont understand, it was an epic troll, a rustling ruse if you will
Because satan wills it
You sure you don't want this woman, instead?
Was just looking at the Catalog, and something feels off.
It's not even the weekend.
Eris a shit.
No. Eris a cutie.
While I agree with you, you have to consider the types that tend to come here.
>faggots rag on show like OK K.O. for being off-model when this shit exists
Who fucking said that we didn't like the show because of her being off model? I hate the character in general you fucking faggot.
it's not off model, they are just different periods in the shows life.
was her first appearance
was most appearances after
and this was near the end of the show's life, they made her look worse because there were complaints about her being too sexy
yeah user I like OK K.O too and may not care much for B&M but can we just not do this today?
This is now an Eris thread, apparently.
Personally, I could live with that.
I'm dumb
I'm so sorry
At least Yea Forums isn't populated by sweaty neckbeards some of the time.
Put me in the screencap
user got fuckin played
never change, Yea Forums
>user managed to get a girl's discord deets
>Still has the rug pulled out from under him
Imagine simultaneously being both a chad AND a neet loser
No matter where you are on Yea Forums. You'll never get the girls
whos this
I now want to see a special where zim captures jenny and reverse engineers his own XJ unit, while the spy team from the secret show has to stop him
Sally from a comic called Scalie School.
You know what? This user actually inspired me to shoot my shot and ask out this qt brown shortstack I've got a thing for. Thank you user.
Youre welcome, make sure to send me her nudes when you get them
Well done user.
Well roasted.
What happened to Yea Forums? Yikes.
I get those clots when my hemorrhoids start bleeding. Hate that shit. Beyond other benefits of being part of the superior sex, I'm glad I don't have to bleed out once a month like that.
Based dadposter, mine bought me my first loose comics from a Swap Meet. I remember it too, it was a crossover of Robocop vs Terminators.
First finished story was when he bought me "The Circle of Blood" Punisher paperback after coming back from the Tom Jane Punisher movie. Still have that paperback.