

Amphibia S01E18 - The Big Bugball Game; Combat Camp

>Anne must learn the value of teamwork to win the town's annual Bugball game.
>Anne, Sprig and Polly are forced to stay at a day care center that turns out to be more than it seems.

MEGA link (temp):

Zippyshare link:

Attached: Amphibia S01E18 - The Big Bugball Game; Combat Camp.mp4_snapshot_16.27_[2019.07.15_21.33.23].jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:!qa5BjKLY!-8avaSRZKJTY1Hur8jSQFw

based and f-annepilled

Attached: based and f-annepilled.png (1280x720, 470K)

here we go


Thank you user, God bless you

thanks a ton user, specially for the zippy share link, fuck mega.

Excited to see wtf this ep is about.


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Oh boy here we go

I made this for someone in the last thread but then it died, so here it is now

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Thanks, bruh

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thanks mega-user

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Hold up lemme get a snack!

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Toaded and Frogpilled

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thanks meganon

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Finally! Thanks, man.

>the fucking D A B


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this is the reality we live in

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I admire their dedication to giving Anne cute new outfits.

D A B mind

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please post one more dab screenshot, I'm not sure if I've seen it yet

thank you you great user. may your balls stay hard and your dick dipped in the hole of rich people!

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I made a bad edit for shits and giggles

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As always, thank Mega OP

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>Hop pop once again wanting death in his rich future fantasy in "Fiddle me this"

Even funnier than the last time

Ah, the superioreserest version


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Anybody have one big Pastebin or link that has the links to all the episodes so far? I've fallen behind because they're coming out so fast.

I've been thinking, which sport is the hardest to animate? Baseball is probably the easiest, right?

I fucking love this kid

Attached: HE DOES IT.png (314x281, 79K)!qa5BjKLY!-8avaSRZKJTY1Hur8jSQFw

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MEGAanon has single-handedly saved Yea Forums
a thousand blessings upon you for all time

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transparent dab

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>two wacky adventures a week

Oh Hop-Pop...

Reminder Japs are only going to make art and porn of Sprig and Sasha

Look at this fucking autist

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>Enigo Montoya as the villain.
I like

I think I might seriously be in love with Anne

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Despite of their believes.
Anne will be well received in japan because she is Anne., I must have hope.

>You have my word as a newt.
>No good. I've known too many newts.

Please be patient with her, she can't help it

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>didn't even turn the sound off
Truly INT 2

Embrace it. Be free user

Ok honest answer Yea Forums is this the best show of 2019 y/n?

holy shit what a brainlet

last dab edit

Attached: welcome to dabphibia.gif (1280x720, 393K)

between this and Mao Mao, yes

I think it just might be.

Newtopian Treasury...
I think the hints/theories on newts being the uppeer class are becoming true

change pepe to sprige and its kino


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gonna need a drawfag to edit sprig then

What years is that? That is clearly a gameboy color. Why would she even want to play on a Gameboy if she has a phone?

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excelente ya esperaba los episodios estuvieron muy buenos

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“Ok user, my blindfolds on. So what’s that surprise you were talking about?”

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I-I've found my husbando

Attached: Amphibia S01E18 - The Big Bugball Game; Combat Camp.mp4_snapshot_16.41_[2019.07.16_00.13.13].jpg (1280x720, 100K)

i can't think in something better this year so far desu

>nobody was even thinking about Amphibia two months ago
>comes out of nowhere and blows us all away

Has anything like this happened before on Yea Forums? When's the last time a show we weren't expecting turned out to be of such high quality?

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newts = elves
toads = humans
frogs = ??

She wants to be a frog so badly.

Attached: Anne pretends to be a frog.webm (800x448, 672K)

>Why would she even want to play on a Gameboy if she has a phone?
uhhh, because gameboys are cool? it's 2019 and i still use my old gba from time to time, emulators got nothing on the real thing


Fucking loving every single episode.

I'm amazed how the first sneak peek was a bit off putting but all the characters are so likeable.

Also, even tho i don't like sports bugball was a good ep.

Hobbits, duh.

Wouldn't the toads be orcs or trolls?

Calling it now, he grows drugs

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my name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father prepare to die.

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last week i saw a thing that looks exactly like a gameboy but emulates NES and SNES games. Such cool device i actually want for long traveling.

Gameboys are cool and she wants the authentic GBC experience.
Emulation on a phone ain't nothin' compared to tapping actual buttons.

and the dwarves/Jews
makes sense

Literally the most overrated movie quote in the history of cinema
I don’t get it

This show is great. So far first place this year. Carmen Sandiego is the second runner.

Sure, you and I can appreciate the old games we grew up with, But a teen from 2019 with a Phone that plays movies? She must have 10 times more game that the entire GBC library.


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So Amphibia is now the second cartoon I've seen this month that has the Master Sword in it

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newts = elves
toads = orcs
frogs = dwarves

the fact that she even tried, Anne is getting lewder and lewder

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Boner no..

Attached: Amphibia S01E18 - The Big Bugball Game; Combat Camp.mp4_snapshot_09.39_[2019.07.16_00.15.41].jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Also I'm pretty sure the weapon above it is a nail from Hollow Knight

Literally me in University. Got expulsed
I love/like Anne.

Trust me dude. Teenagers love that retro stuff. I had classmates who played Pokemon with GBA's.

She's going fucking native is what she's doing. She already eats bugs like it's no big deal.

His name was Inigo Montoya, He was looking for the murderer of his father, and trained all his life to face him even practicing the words he was going to say.

You can even see the Hylian Shield next to the training dummies.

i am going to punch sprigg

Boner yes

Attached: hop poppy.png (1280x720, 276K)

Which is the other one?

Anne is one of us, i see myself in her, she's dumb as a rock yet not a bad person per se. She's great and i wish for the best in her future.

and the megazord powersword from power rangers

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You fuckers want anything drawn? I'll try and get as many done as I can

Well hello.

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>scythes are considered legit weapons
>dat swank-ass lance sword
I don't even know what it's called, but I love its simplicity.

>"Good; good! Great to know we definitely didn't have TWO wacky adventures."

I wanna know what happened on the trip

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Boner yes!

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This is the first dab I've seen in a carton.

Maddie wearing Sprig's clothes while embarrassed

you don't watch much cartoons, uh?...

Requesting Polly face down in a swimming pool.

killer locusts

I'ts the Nail, the protagonist's weapon in Hollow Knight

Attached: Nail_2_Sharpened_Nail.png (36x162, 5K)

Anne wearing a pretty dress please

Something lewd with blindfold Anne

Sprig and Bird Anne doing the pose in Banjo-Kazooie’s Smash Ultimate render.

Not him, but I haven't been watching a lot of modern stuff.
So this is the first time I've seen a dab in a cartoon.

Anne in her underwear.

It's definitely the least subtle one I've seen.

>Anne's pits

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Anne puts sticks and leaves in her hair as a fashion choice, it's canon now

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kino cartoon referencing kino game

bugged and frogpilled

More of this good shit.

Human Anne swallowing a giant worm

Anne recreating a famous basketball moment of your choice

Maddie with magic robes and a staff plz

Sweaty Bugball Uniform Anne.

Super episodes of today

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Patrician taste

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>hidding anne training montage with fun episodes

I never want this ride to end!

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pretty sure i could find more examples if i look for real...

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possible goodbye, user.

She wants to tongue Hop Pop?

>Amphibians have to deal with a pygmy race of sapient bugs who can smith as well as they can
Amphibia really is a spiraling death world.

I went on a trip last week and i just came back, so i've missed plenty of episodes. Is there a place where i can find the previous ones? Preferably in Zippy because Mega has the stupid data transfer cap.

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It's nice that the Plantars' abilities are established early on and kept consistent so they don't have to pull any deus ex machina out of their asses later, I hope

Bird Anne and Furry Sprig doing the ohhh pose from Regular show.

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>3 more eps till hiatus

Its been an honor friends. At least 12 Forever and Infinty Train are coming in the next few weeks

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To be fair I don’t think this particular Anne pose is a dab

>Bloodborne reference and a Hollow Knight reference
Hot damn, the animators have really good taste

Anne in a wedding dress

It's more of a henshin pose.

this low key could happen with how easy Anne is to manipulate, girl doesnt even have the basic concept of team work. we all think Sasha was manipulating Anne but I think she was just being her normal self and threw some casual compliments at Annes direction and Anne was hers forever

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I love this shot.

Attached: Amphibia S01E18 - The Big Bugball Game; Combat Camp.mp4_snapshot_16.17_[2019.07.15_21.33.00].jpg (1280x720, 96K)

I gotta get faster at this

These two comin up

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>At least 12 Forever and Infinty Train are coming in the next few weeks
i have no interest at all in 12F (No Shane, no show). i dunno 'bout IT, it still irks me how dissonant the gourgeus backgounds look against the character design. i'll give it a chance i guess...

aw shit, based drawanon.

>Beer bottle
Did you read my mind?

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I love this noodle

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Yeah, good thing we got a proper dab tonight.

>ywn trick Anne into committing indecent acts

Attached: annecrying.png (908x719, 381K)

>At least 12 Forever and Infinty Train are coming in the next few weeks
The only interest I have in 12 Forever is just drawing potential tomboy taming art.


Monster tiddy Anne

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I would never trick Anne, I paid Sasha very well

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Anne being a problem child in the real world is still going on, I'm glad it's not one of those "fake flaws" some shows have that only last for the first 2-3 episodes

You could easily edit this to make it look like Anne is getting railed.....

she just free spirited, also
>See me after school for special detention
>Again, I still cant get the taste out of my mouth
no wonder she ran

Attached: Amphibia S01E18 - The Big Bugball Game; Combat Camp.mp4_snapshot_12.54.171.jpg (1280x720, 166K)

So much of Anne's armpits were exposed this episode. I approve

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why is she playing with an old console instead of playing with her phone and why is she playing it out loud

is she autistic

do it

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>is she autistic

too brainlet

tried my best

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Don’t forget my requests drawanon!

I don't remember the last time I was blindfolded. Oh wait, yes I do. Sasha slumber party.

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is there a mega for the rest of the season

Also this one has potential

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chinga tu madre, aborto de vaca

I hope she keeps the sword

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Live ones seem to be a deal breaker.

>Blue sword
Do I even need to say anything?

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well, her hand are in the perfet position for an edit

How else will she fight Sasha

In due time

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Damn I was missing the red moon.

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so who are the top 3 most powerful characters in amphibia

dejen de hablar español culos

Requesting you don't do anything of this beggar requests

She ate ants off of the ground. I bet she's at the point where she'll instinctively grab whatever is crawling in her periphery for a quick snack.

Just dumb.

3. Ms. Croaker
2. The Mayor
1. Sasha
Fight me


Attached: braindamage.png (1865x981, 1.1M)

tell that to the attention-whore, first

Maddie lying on a mattress


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this is the scene she is talking her bu t t .

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The animators have fun

Oh yeah. I saw a post commenting on how being a bird might have ease up Anne on live-bug eating.

Hop pop > Sasha > heron

could be that her phone is actually pretty new and her poorfag familly didn't let her have one until now

Well she's already eating ants off the floor.
I think if the bugs are big enough then it's a deal breaker.

Casual reminder: Eating insects isn't too uncommon in Thailand

And Anne has likely gone to visit grandparents or something.

>Attention whore for talking in spanish
>In Yea Forums
¿Por qué tan sensible, hermano?

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The Mayor's just big. He's also prone to get fat-tired.
Also, I life that for such an antagonistic role he plays, they really are depicting him as going through the motions, as in the social status quo of the Toads in the Valley. It really hit me on a lot of his dialogue in Hop Popular.

while I agree, yours isn't even transparent

For whatever reason, it feels less charming when SCI does it

What was more based? Toadie Throw or that Anne-Hop Combo?

>team work:? the fuck is that?
is worse than we tought

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>youtuber KANOTOOO FACE clickbait epic video
That shit is just racism at this point


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I was referring to influence. Despite the fact that he has bad ratings, he still managed to become Mayor. He scammed his citizens and he's still Mayor.

Ms. Croaker is just strong and Sasha has both influence and raw physical strength

Way to miss the point of Anne getting more and more comfortable in her adoptive home.

Everything that SCI does feels "less".

To be fair, it was a tiny, tiny character in the background of a very wide shot.

>Desperately wants validation of others
>Doesn't like to work as a team

She only obeys Sasha. She is a good wife.

Anne is such an angry little muffin

>no racket

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>Toadie Throw
I'm a sucker for the fast ball special

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You have promoted unit MADDIE from class DARK MAGE to SORCERER!

I'm doing this one next and then I got shit to do

Attached: MageMaddie.png (476x570, 102K)

user really missed the point where they literally stated that she's not into eating any kind of bugs before ending up in Amphibia. It's in the first episode. If only they'd give us visuals and sound for this. Too bad.

Relax, I'm just pointing something out most people wouldn't think about.

I just picked a random video user.

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I would post a racket Anne if there was a fucking racket anne.

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>No scythe
its shit

alright waifufags how's the porn of this series?

Sorry F-annes. I'm the worst and dumb.


>Asking for superior version

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Attached: maddiestare.png (1280x720, 422K)

Eh, most of it isn't good but some gems here and there

find out yourself

>Doesn't like team sports
I know you people like to shitpost here first, and then watch the episode, but come on. You forgot about the part when she didn't like feeling outnumbered? You saucy slut.

It's fucking horrible.

Attached: suspisious Anne.png (368x410, 268K)

The koreans are ruining it with abuse shit. Not enough tongue fucking. Not enough Sasha.


Attached: Anne _co_stanza.png (500x500, 160K)

>It's fucking horrible.
that makes it even better

I don't think I'm "missing the point" as I am thinking a different way to look at it.
Anne strikes me as a picky eater in general, even back on Earth.

I could go into headcanon stuff, but I don't really feel like it right now.

answer the question please :3

Ah shit that happens often, I may take a look myself.
Do you rec any artists?

give me a sec

she prefers individual based sports or as she calls it "me" sports which makes sense because if she's good at said sport she gets validation for what she does

>is worse than we tought
This and when she's was totally find breaking up for other people? Fucking rough.
They like dropping shit like that when you forget how bad her relationships were back home.

reeee Marcy when


Anne loosing it is great.
Any body has that part where she screams in the Moss Man episode?


Anne is James Harden?

So the "even though i'm wrong, i'm still maintaining i'm right" approach.

this reinforce the theory that Anne killed for Sasha before, she lunged at that newt with no regard

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>this reinforce the theory
yeah, bro
so epic

Why are you being like this?

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Didn't you see the moss man

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show dropped

fatty face

Attached: 1553569802701.jpg (600x400, 25K)

Sick dubstep beat "dropped", or you'll stop watching it "dropped"?

I can't decide if I like this or star vs better

This is better then that show

there is something wrong with you

You're a dumb bitch, honestly.
I feel sorry for your mother.

>Debating whether anything is better than Star vs.

Attached: 1559769578972.png (792x768, 112K)

Welp. One's over and one's on hiatus. You decide.

>the skull hoop makes a net sound when there is clearly no net
show dropped again

the fuck you just say

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So dumb you don't even deserve a (you)

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It seem pretty obvious now that Anne was somehow feminine version of a dumb sport star. With Sasha being a cheerleader is pretty obvious that Anne is used to do everything in her power for her approval and private "cheer"

Shit. It's this Thursday, and that's that for a long time, huh?



Now all we need is a scythe version and this mess can truly be over.

>Even considering Cuckqueen show has a chance against Amphikino

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Are you ESL? Just curious, really.

How long will the hiatus take?

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I can't decide if I like this or Mona the vampire better


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>scythe version
Sorry, simp it's time for the sword edit.

I want that Midnight Thursday thread to be just MEGA-user's OP post, and at least 499 posts of "possible goodbyes".

She needs heart eyes.

we just escaped the trap of the tennis racket!

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Wasn't this already renewed for a second season though?

I literally don't know what you're even on about with whatever that is, but that other user is so dead-brain stupid, that even your shitpost is better.

Sharing a fave

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Let me help. Star has some of the worst writing in animation history.


You weren't here for Snow Day thread, were you?

Cute and edgy, just like I want em

The lowest form of thread content.
Just behind greentext.

Attached: IMG_20190716_013621.jpg (3500x2500, 525K)

>Star is one of the worst shows in animation history

I was referring to a drawn version. Preferably with the same face as

Attached: IMG_20190716_013532.jpg (4096x3277, 991K)

Both will be inferior to Owl House once it hits the scene, desu. Sorry, Amphibros.

can someone post the colored versions? I forgot to save them

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por que no los dos?

I think orcs must be nearby

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>Both will be inferior to Owl House
Not with Cotugno in charge...


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A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush user

Dana, please leave this thread.

>Stop right there, Townies! You guys are smilin’ now, but not for long!
>‘Cause this year, us Farmers are taking the cup!

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What's the name of our fandom?

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Serious question. How badly did Cotugno do as a director for Star vs.?

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How do you like my oc?

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Great frustrated screaming by Brenda Song.

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What kind of frog is this?


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Multiple people already made that reference in earnest compliment, shitposter. You're too late.

Is Froggots taken?

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Brenda looks like that now?
needs to be a bit thicker and she'll be perfect

I can't decide whether her voice acting is good or not.

>I know the names of the show runned on twitter, this show is BETTER
how deep into bootlicking can you fall holy shit

Great voice range.
Among other things.

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What about being called the "French"?

it fits perfectly for the kind of character Anne is.

i can't see her doing another role beside that archetype.

>hop pop sneaking a taste

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Is that a chicken? She’s holding?

>i can't see her doing another role beside that archetype
I don't blame you for not being aware of any live-action show from Disney, but you're still wrong.

>1 more episode of 2 segments + 22 minutes season finale left
I'm not ready bros

Attached: Sasha the bitch.png (198x143, 26K)

rotisserie chicken bag

>this is worse
This fucking show.

probably, it was my completely personal POV.

Damn, cape sasha owns.


Aaand that's a wrap

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>yet another show I like discussing on Yea Forums goes on a break right as I get into the meat and bones of the threads
b-back to /rwbyg/ I go

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time-skip anne, right there

based drawanon, came out great

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Wait, so you're lamenting not being able to get in on all the "live threads" for this, but you're going back to the cesspool that is /rwbyg/?

It's more like

Newts are nobility
Toads are military
Frogs are commoners

>didnt take sasha long to find decent clothes
im gonna need the 2int anne pic here

The lore will be the death of this show. Mark my words.

Speaking of time. How much of it would've passed up until the point of Reunion?

>Frogs are commoners

So Anne is a kid who has trouble focusing but is really good at a couple of things she's obsessed with, has problems with conforming and authority, and is easily taken advantage of by friends who use her to get out of breakups while she mentions no relationships of her own, as well as easily pressure her to do things with regularity. She also has senses that can work blindfolded with essentially no problems.

She is super, SUPER autistic. She has literally every single symptom from social problems to obsession to sensory processing.

Marc my worse.

I'd say about two months.

I like Froggots.

I like to write shitty smut

We're already seem to be beyond the 2 month mark, unless they drop some more hints we can't be too sure.

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I know what this is about, and I also know it's real stupid, but just how stupid is it? Someone willing to read that shit tell me, please.

I’m going to say 3 months.

> hp originally said 2 months
> numerous delays


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I kind of want to get confirmation of this really probable animation error, but I don't want to be rude.

Do it!

>anne trusts hop poppy
that trust is about to be shattered

Fuck you, and yours.

We better see some battletoads in the season finale

this is not autism

It's most definitely just an error, we've seen other flashbacks where Anne doesn't have the leaf or stick.
If you want to explain it in-universe you could just say that Anne just remembers that moment with herself from the present, if that makes sense somehow.

Not the point of your posts, but I love how in HP is about Anne just being another one of his kids. They could've just said it in one episode and left it at that, but they kept on dropping these really sweet moments like that through out multiple episodes.

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probably, but I hope they roll with it and Anne just used to put leave in her hair sometimes

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>if that makes sense somehow
Yeah like still-here Nurse Anne, and still a baby future Polly in Hop Pop's daydream.
But it's 100% an error, though.

pipe down, fatty

Just watched the Cursed episode today, and noticed that Anne named her crow Kir. Nice touch on the references.

Battletoads? No, man.
Plantar: adjective
relating to the sole of the foot.
"the lateral plantar artery"
Anne went and joined the Foot Clan.

pretty good, but her voice is a little too mature to play a young teen.

I'm in Hell aren't I?

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don't joke about that

fuck I didn't see that at all
A Gocomma is $13.99 plus a dollar or two for shipping and holds 400 games before hacking. A cell phone, which Anne does have, can cost anywhere from $100 to $400 bucks. Less if it's pawn shop or just stolen.

Where do I go to catch up with this show? Is there a MEGA folder or a vimeo channel with all the episodes?



lmao youre like the fourth person to ask that in this thread

Not any more or less than dipper

love you drawanon, gonna treasure that maddie.

More like 8 a week. Nothing ever goes right for HP.

Mordeanne and Sprigby?

i love 'em both

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Batman on Gameboy was my fucking jam.

Sprig doesn't.

Let's try and predict the finale
>The banquet is actually a ruse that was designed by Sasha to lure out Anne
>When we get to see Sasha again, she'll be decked out in armor
>Montage of Sasha and Annie being friends as the latter explains to Sprig who the former is
>Incoming conflict of interest between Anne and Sasha
>Frogs get continuously mistreated by the Toads throughout the episode but Anne gets special treatment
>Ending has either Anne rejecting Sasha's proposal to join her which leads to Sasha sperging out which in turn leads to the burning of Wartwood and the enslavement of it's inhabitants
>Or Anne joining Sasha after learning HP purposefully sabotaged her only way home which still leads to the burning of Wartwood and enslavement of its inhabitants
>Marcy teaser at the end or as a post credit scene


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Or the burning down of Wartwood is at least prevented but the situation is still bad.

What's with the Blood Moon?


This was my prediction from a couple days back that I'll just condense and edit a bit.
>Anne, Plantars and Wartwood citizens attend the banquet hosted by toads (Sasha is put in charge of hosting)
>lots of tension between frogs and toads
>at the banquet, Anne reunites with Sasha, big happy moment, the two catch up, etc.
>Sasha invites Anne to join her, says she can be treated with respect and live comfortably until they devise a way to get home
>Anne isnt sure, Sasha starts manipulating and guilt tripping Anne into joining her
>Anne reaches her boiling point and explodes on Sasha for being a shitty friend in front of everyone
>tension between frogs and toads overflows; fighting and chaos ensues
>Anne reaches out to Sasha but Sasha ditches her and escapes
>episode ends with a heartbroken Anne comforted by the Plantars, relations between the frogs and toad as messy as ever
>Marcy teaser at the end
I get the feeling we might not come back to the music box for the rest of the season. We don't know a whole lot about what this banquet entails but the writing is on the wall for how Anne and Sasha's reunion will turn out and it doesn't look like it'll be pretty.

Also, have a webm.

Attached: this deflates the frog.webm (760x420, 251K)

Just part of the decor, for now. On other nights the moon looks relatively normal. Would be interesting to see them bring it into the plot somehow, though.

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>only 2 episodes left
I-I'm scared guys.

>Your friend blindfolded you?
>Oh, yeah. But it was all in good fun, you know? I mean, we had been fooling around every time we slept over, but Sasha said she wanted to "spice things up a bit"
>Gosh Anne, it sounds like your pals were taking advantage of you!
>What, no! If anything, it was a big step up! Usually Marcy would always get carried away, and I'd have a bit of trouble walking around at the diner the next day, but Sasha convinced her to take it easy. Said the blindfold made things more "stimulating", whatever that means.

Damn bros we got btfo time to pack it in

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There's just something fucking magical about their little wide openfrog mouth shapes. It's instant kino. It almost feels like cheating but I don't even care. Gimme more.

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Autism is associated with an inability to read social cues, sensory overloads, and obsessive tendencies. Obviously it's a spectrum but these generally occur frequently.

>"... Anne, did your parents ever talk to you about Stranger danger?"
>"Silly Hop-Pop. Sasha and Marcy were not strangers, they were my friends."
>"Good Frog, I think we need to teach you what true friendship is all about. Polly, get me those "my small equine" storybooks Sprig is too ashamed of admiting to read."

That smug fuckin' smile on Sasha is just perfect.

Not only feels but heals. Is anyone else slowly feeling their heart unbreaking after the Star Vs. fucknale? Healing just a little? Almost ready to love again?

Love our frogs and our autistic little Thai brat?

This show basically gave me trust in cartoons again after the dumpster fire that was season 4 of Star vs

>Star: user, do you hate me?
>user: Nahh. I don't hate you. I was just very disappointed in your ending.

thinking about the sprig siren from snow day always gets me

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Wait is this real where'd you find it?

If you wanted it transparent you just had to ask, friend

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I just realized, Anne turning into a bird would have actually been nightmare fuel over the long time.
There are birds that eat frogs. So who knows what would have happened if the curse went on and her mind had become even more birdlike

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Whoops forgot some stuff.

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any word on when season 2 will start?

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AnneXTritonio best ship

Is this show going to heal the wounds Star Vs left? It feels like it.

Was Star Vs really that bad? I didn't like Pilot enough to follow, so I have no idea.


yes, Star starts "mediocre with potential", but then burn out said potential in mid run and after that the writers didn't really know where to go, many plotlines were started then cut nearly immediately, or forgotten/retconned by a finale made out of 90% exposition/twist/deus ex. You can't even pretend some part of it where "good" like Korra and the animation/secondary characters plots. Star just crashes and burns

Anne being the dumb as rocks straight girl in the group of horny lesbians is fucking hilarious.
I like the idea that she's so straight and dumb that Sasha and Marcy were unsure whether the other is gay or just as straight and dumb as Anne at first. Then as soon as they found out they both started taking their sexual frustrations out on her.
They probably make it into a game, the first one to wet Anne's sexual spaghetti gets to wear the strap.
They are probably waiting on Anne to have a sexual awakening so they can all go down the yuri rabbit hole together.
Anne probably gets all hot for boy bands and shit, and the others just nod along as they eagerly awaiting the day she starts talking about girl groups in the same way.
This shit writes itself.

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Ostia que chulo

at least that ransomgram imp was cute

Oh,I saw what you did here

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Cool, that episode gave me some RS vibes.

Why was the guy who embezzled taxes was re-elected?

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Wait, where was the Bloodborne reference?

Eyes glow blue
Sword glows blue

Allies with Grime who has a glowing green eye
I bet she'll get her own green weapon

Which leaves Marcy as purple.



In the background of here:

Election process in Amphibia is fucked. For some reason the entire island gets a vote on who gets to be mayor instead of just the citizens of the actual village.

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Yes, and I can't wait for it to open up some fresh new wounds to replace them

Post Sasha.

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Is it possible to see this in the future episode?

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>anne and sprig kiss
>sprig turns human like the frog prince
>worlds merge
>anne no longer has leaves in her hair
>human sprig and anne rush to the chest
>chest explodes
>all hope is lost until they see each other and say hi to each other
Holy shit!!!!

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Hi Dana

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>first DC Super Hero Waifus
>now Amphikino
Why its life so cruel

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Pic from the season finale

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Last episode I watched was 41, was that a good place to just stop?


fuck dude, you ruined the whole show to me

One thing i loving about this show is the complete lack of romance drama with the main character.,

>a sword that's been in my family for generations
So he stole it
If there's people looking for it, Anne will certainly be in trouble

Sprig's got plenty of romance drama, though.

Annie with a sword and the Hollow Knight (pic related) making a battle pose

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>when she sees your dick

It doesn't have much focus and only Ivy seems like an option at least.

But it does not weigh hugely to the major part of story. Ivy and Maddie are more like Sprig's normal friends rather than involving them into romance drama.

Matt seems to be a Nintendo nerd. He used the reference of blue shell from Mario Kart before.

Yeah, both Star Vs and Gravity Falls constantly had this fucking tired 'main character pines after another character' will-they-won't-they bullshit that was never resolved satisfactorily and usually distracted from the other actually good aspects of those shows.
Amphibia has done an excellent job of sidestepping that entirely.

That's a pretty based approach so far. Why even indulge the shippers, they can work just fine with whatever scraps of chemistry they find. And if you hardly develop the relationships in the show they won't complain about their otps being ruined.

Romance bad
Nintendo references good

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Glad we can agree.

>wahhaaaa why can't cartoons validate children sexuality, people must know children can give concent! especially to me!

there have been like two references and we had a whole episode used to establish Sprigs romantic interest, stop being such a faggot

>No female MC will ever get cucked as hard as Star did
Star left a big legacy. Amphibia made the right choice in not trying to live up to it.

Why not just keep your back straight?

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fuck maddie

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that's fucking great

Is Titonio supposed to be Arya's teacher from Game of Thrones?

So we agree then.

legitimately kekked at this moment


>Anne in Sprig's outfit

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>sometimes it feels like we have two wacky adventures a week!

Thanks, Disney scheduling

You star fans need to leave and never come back

>swimsuit without shorts

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>Anne gets the Master Sword and keeps it at the end
Wow, that Rayearth user was actually right in a way.

Also since were close to the next to last episode, decided to post this dumb idea I drew earlier this month on here before these threads go into a deep hibernation.

>inB4 somebody questions me on how this would even work
I figured Pure Heart Valley would be in the same universe as Amphibia, just very far away.

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Just confirmation the team did intend to have one episode a week.

>Ah, who am I kidding, I’ll eat it
Great delivery on that line, and Anne enjoying eating bugs more and more is one of the funniest running gags

why is always showing off his chest he doesnt have a shirt on just an unbuttoned jacket

You forgot Rise!Leo. He was always hittin em with the dab.

Finding out that Anne is athletic gives more context to her personality and why she has some tomboy mannerisms and wears boxers and a sports bra but is still plenty girly in a lot of other ways. Was pretty typical of basketball-playing girls I knew, at least the ones who weren’t full-on lesbians.

>the sword
>the blindfolds
sorry I can not hold back

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Yeah I knew a lot of soccer players like this. Super athletic but also girly

Anne is going to use the Moonlight sword and defeat the moon presence to escape Amphibian.

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Where do you get umbilical cords in an amphibian world?

I wonder how many times they had Brenda say that "no, don't hurt mommy!" line?

When will she get her bf Macaulay Culkin and his lover Rich Evans on the show

I was going to as for pic related with Anne, but it really doesn't make sense, since all the shitposts have her as wanting to be the Mommy.

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take a wild guess

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Who can complete that unholy union with her, though?

From the countless mammals this world also has?

They have mammals in their world.
The town could just group together, kill some, and gather the cords.

We had Christmas, Thanksgiving and the Cannibal Inn was Halloween, right? What the fuck is Disney TVA thinking?

They're supposed to be immaculate conception umbilical cords you heathens.

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Fuck you, bitch. Launch party everyday.

change it to the girl from owl house

Considering this world, that could happen in the wild.

>She might be gigantic but she is also a child
>Anne: Hey!!!

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RATINGS: Disney Channel's AMPHIBIA Scores Strongest Week Yet

>In its 4th week (week of 7/8/19), Disney Channel's "Amphibia" grew for the 2nd straight week among Kids 6-11 (+1% - 137,000/0.57 rating vs. 135,000/0.57 rating) and for the 3rd consecutive week with Tweens 9-14 (+15% - 99,000/0.41 rating vs. 86,000/0.36 rating) to its strongest week of the series.

>Thursday's telecast of "Amphibia" capped off the week with series highs among Kids 6-11 (160,000/0.67 rating) and Tweens 9-14 (114,000/0.47 rating), ranking as the No. 1 program in its 10:00 a.m. time slot.

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user, the concept of red moon is older than civilization itself, Star Vs Cuck didn't create it. Fuck, have you ever seen a Moon Eclipse?...

I don't know anything about how ratings work but I'm gonna assume that's really good news.

it means if anyone ever comes to one of our threads and asks "do kids even like this show?" you can point to this and say, "seems that way, chief".

Frog show STROINK

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Season 3 all but assured.

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>that face

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Doing god's work user.

Feels good being superior

Let's not get ahead of ourselves chief. Better to let things end on a high note than force plots where they don't belong, like a few certain other shows

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Better a two season wonder than a Star Vs. Bad Writting.

>Anne and Sasha reunite amid the tension between the toads and frogs
>barely an hour passes before they come into conflict over their new social dynamics
>Sasha is having none of Anne's willfulness, has her taken to the dungeon (or analogue) while the amphibians start to have it out
>Anne asks why Sasha is doing this, why she doesn't value her real self
>Her pleas go unanswered as Sasha begins to tease her, first verbally, then physically
>She taunts that Anne was so willing to follow her lead before, and that no matter how much she's "learned" from these animals, she's still got plenty to teach her

>Steve Wolfhard left after season 1

It looks like the ratings are consistently better than those of e.g. Big Hero 6 but not as good as Big City Greens. The question is, how important cable ratings are these days since they keep dropping every year.

Did the plot start yet?
Should I even care?

I think you're better off watching something else.

>Did the plot start yet?
Man, there have been plot in the entire show, it's subtle, not in your face. If you want a heavy focused plot cartoon, you're looking in the wrong place, Amphibia does has plot yet it's prefer to give the audience something actually funny and entretaining to watch.

I guess the netflix format worked then?

Proved me wrong I guess.

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>Ending T
>Meaningless [T]oad

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It isn't Netflix format per se tho, as the season was gradually broadcasted in 5 weeks. Netflix format is dropping an entire season in literally one day.

Fair enough. I still just assumed that the season was aired so fast that it would go over everyone's heads because it was a new series and wouldn't have the time to establish a following before immediate hiatus. Nice that it did alright though.

i kinda like this format Disney used in Amphibia, it's fast enough to get consistent material to talk about with no getting tedious, yet slow enough to don't get into Netflix levels and killing any possible discussion in no time.

Yeah, that's often referred to as the bomb format. Apparently if worked pretty well for CN with SU so it's no wonder that other networks want to experiment with that gimmick themselves.
It looks like modern viewers have no patience, loyalty or time management skills to keep track of new episodes weekly like we used to. Series with even a little bit of continuity might end up airing exclusively like this.

>Before Amphibia
Ravioli, ravioli, we want to lewd the owl house loli.

>After Amphibia
Happy, happy joy joy, turn Anne into Sasha's sex toy.
noe one

Steven Universe fucking bombed with its schedule.
Oh sure, ratigngs were still in, but thanks to overinflation. If anything the bomb format just showed the peole how shit the show was cause people had for months to wait for plot resolutions and then those would suck monkey dick.

The SU bomb format is broken as fuck, as it doesn't drop an entire season but just a relevant section of it. So the entire show ends feeling disjointed, fundamentally broken.

Is Anne part bird now?

That sounds like ADHD, which Anne seems to have.

The bird is her fursona.

>Tritonio's voice sounds familiar
>Double check credits
Thought so, but I assume he was trying to make it sound familiar on purpose.

Who was it?

Matt Chapman.

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