No, Rick and Morty isnt a critique of nihilism or anything else. It’s a sniggering bit of juvenile edgelording

>No, Rick and Morty isnt a critique of nihilism or anything else. It’s a sniggering bit of juvenile edgelording.
>Egotistical white men who think their angst is deep, left unchecked, turn out things like Rick and Morty.
She's right you know

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Other urls found in this thread:

and i don't give a shit
have a good day sucking cocks OP

Only really applies to s3 which is ironically when they brought in the women writers

>writing an article about Rick and Morty like three fucking years after its cancellation
Like, being a feminist media critic isn't that hard, but I think everybody still expects you to write about shit currently being produced. What the fuck is next? An examination on Gilligan's Island?

If you don't give a shit, why do you want OP to suck cocks?

Because that's its what OP does
Every time

Season 4 comes out later this year

>Hire a bunch of women writers
>show becomes about how much can we shit on this beta male character and make him out to be the bad guy

hey I remember this thread from this morning
oh shit I am in groundhog's day

>who think their angst is deep
I mean, if you ever hear Roiland actually talk about Rick and Morty, it's clear that he's just kinda fucking around with the whole thing.

wow you found someone saying stupid things on the internet very nice thread I dont know what I would have done if I hadn't read this

Yeah well dracula said he's coming for you tonight and I told him ok.

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What a silly way to spell "at least 70 more confirmed episodes."

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Still best sci-fi in this decade probably.

A roundabout critique of Moffat's Doctor Who by way of pointing out that Rick and Morty isn't earnest, considered storytelling of unique human experience is probably the most tepid take I've seen this year.

Points for trying though.

Aren't Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland big liberals anyway? It's always funny how even left wing men are not safe from the outrage of feminists.

>he doesn't know about El Sandifer

Are you saying Sandifer isn't a feminist?

Sandifer's an opportunist. Someone who preaches feminism and Marxism, but it's all an excuse to fill her Patreon with money. Look at her R&M essay. How the last paragraph devolves into "WHITE MALES! REEE!" shitposting you find from a teenage girl's blog. She's lost her grip.

>white men

>>Egotistical white men who think their angst is deep, left unchecked, turn out things like Rick and Morty.

Something tells me whatever this chick makes wouldn't exactly be a fun romp either.

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Season 3 is bad because it lacks heart

Read and find out.

What will Dan Harmon do once he discovers this shocking revelation?

Any hope for Season 4?

I like it because Justin Roiland makes funny voices. The Dan Harmon pseudo intellectualism can fucking leave and never come back.

>Egotistical white men
I'm not sure how this is relevant to the show.

>literal who writing for a literal who website

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American liberties let such a woman exist.
When will yanks realise this whole 'freedom' experiment has come crashing down?

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When your faggot nations are in flames.

Is it wrong I want to see this thing fighting Godzilla or other Kaiju? Just... kicking Gamera with the World's Most Beautiful Leg, choking out King Shisha with its nooses and chains, and nuking Japan as normal?

>posting phil sandifer

Ahem, that's El Sandifer now.

He's a she now? That explains an awful fucking lot.

Blue of hair, drunkard

Pride mixed in with power

Of course, of course, I know, I know, Rick is not what he seems.

Decretum: A great light may yet shine

It's funny because as far as I know, the main writers are women these days

She's not wrong.

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Saying Rick and Morty bad is pretty insubstantial. I think the show is good.

>No, Rick and Morty isnt a critique of nihilism or anything else
Why would nihilism need critiquing? It's true.

How do cretins like this pay rent and afford HRT. Can't be from the terrible fanfiction they write, right?

It's weird. Whenever I see characters like Rick Sanchez, Bojack Horseman or Eric Cartman, I immediately get the message "you shouldn't be this guy, this guy is a loser". So why so many people think these cartoons are trying to tell you to be like them?

It is, actually.
>$704 a week

With Bojack it's because too many people relate to him, being depressed sacks of shit who kinda revel in their own tepid depression.

With Cartman, well Cartman exists in the wacky world of South Park and he's funny. South Park is an odd man out, or at least it used to be, back when it was a comedy that was more about absurdism than making any salient point.

The central conflict with Rick is that the show kinda makes you wonder about him. Toxic asshole? Hero? Something in between? At the very least it's true that when he says it's a big universe he's right.

Did she ever re-evaluate her irrational hatred of men which obviously in retrospect came from her discomfort of her own body or mental illness or whatever?

Lol, no. Now she thinks she has magic powers.

Rick is a spic tho

In a way, I'm jealous. My poorly thought out shitposts net me $0.

Man why do they always gotta go full Umineko

Why can't there ever be a good witch

Probably because characters like Cartman and Rick are still very intelligent and they're also often right. People who are against this type of characters don't want them to be portrayed this way because they're too challenging to their own ideals of happy-go-lucky world. With Rick this is even more obvious because he doesn't have his Kyle who bothers challenging his views, so he's the only smart guy in the show and of course nerds want to identify as the smartass.

Um actually
> There is some debate to be had over whether Rick is intended to be white, but given that Justin Roiland, when asked about this on a panel, actively declined to confirm it, saying that he doesn't see race and doesn't care about Rick's heritage, leading Dan Harmon to crack "way to see race, bigot" at the person who asked the question, well, fuck them both.

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I want to see the Atlantis Adventure and the mermaid puss

With a last name like Sanchez, i think one can be forgiven if one came with an headcanon that Rick and his family have Spanish or Mexican ancestry






>using white men as a negative
Immediately discredited.

Dude chill, nowhere i said it was relevant i just implied that one can be forgiven if they came to the conclusion that Rick had spanish origins

>that design
why do I feel like if Morty was female she'd be a genuinely better character overall. I don't mean because of Porn.

She's cute and and insecure, butt monkey female character is something you dont see that often nowadays

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I mean there is Summer.

Can someone please explain the “season 3 is bad” meme to me? What about it is bad? Please don’t point out the fact that there are female writers, point to the actual in show problems you have with the season.

I do think we got our first bad episode with Froopyland, and I do understand why the finale may have rubbed people the wrong way (especially rick power fantasy self inserters), but can you please elaborate on what you all are talking about otherwise?

I got bored. Rick yelling and getting drunk is only funny for so long before it got tired.

Alright, that sounds like a you problem and not a S3 issue specifically.

Still better than letting retarded inbreeds to rule.

>muh white men
isn't this racist to all the poc fans of the show?

post summorty
the objectively best R&M ship

>Let's have a "unifying" head of state who's automatically despised by half the country as opposed to someone who's literally raised for the job.
The absolute STATE of republicans.

Excuse me?

The following episodes are bad:
Pickle Rick
The Whitley Shirley conspiracy
The ABC's of Beth

Season 2 has a couple of real stinkers too. The Purge one for example

That's my problem with most of western cartoons these days (and hell movies). All of them must show women in a positive/competent light. They don't allow them to act foolish/silly.

Like, name someone who does comedy like oney/psychic/justin/etc but is female. I can't think of a single one.

Season 3 is also bad because it replaces humor with gore.

Bob's Burgers. Louise and Linda acts like goofs all the time.

Pickle Rick is a very solid episode. Great action, unique structure and actually the first chip at Rick in the whole series. Only reactionary fuckheads or rickfags hate it.

The purge one was written by like 2 people after all the writers left and on a crunch, so yea.

I can't believe pickle rick won an emmy cause that asian woman wrote it (with her winning emmy for having a brave female asian character talk down a super genius).

When you have a character made to explain to the audience what they are watching for the sake of explaining you know things are going wrong.

Good call, and I love bobs burgers (albeit Linda is voiced by a gay man).

>unique structure

Pickle rick is everything wrong with S3.

The comedy/humor is traded in for paying animators to animate long bloody action scenes in place of humor.

S1/S2 had many episodes where there were no deaths and instead just funny stuff.

S3 EVERY single episode had long drawn out gore/murder scenes.

>name someone who does comedy like oney [...] but is female
oney's girlfriend

And? It’s not family guy gore, it’s an action scene. Do you consider the president fight nothing but gore?

With how many people got eviscerated in that scene... yea?

It's literally family guy gore.

President fight is kinda funny, at least.
The Russian goons/Jaguar fight has nothing going for it, mediocre action in an artstyle that doesn't suit it

Like I have no problem if they had the action scene once in a while and was the center of episode.

But the series up til S3 revolved around humor, not really full blown action.

So the whole series felt changed into something else entirely which is why so many didn't enjoy it.

Hispanics can be of caucasian decent. Its a culture, not a race.

No one on the Rick and Morty staff thinks they're making a critique of anything. The show is literally Justin Roiland doing drunken improv and Dan Harmon twisting that random shit into the skeleton of a sitcom narrative.

If you love Rick and Morty because you think it's intellectual or a "critique of nihilism," you're a fucking idiot.

If you hate Rick and Morty because HURR FEMALE WRITERS or MUH FANBASE you're an even bigger idiot than the last guy.

It's a dumb show by a guy who makes no excuses for how dumb his shit is. His previous animations featured Garfield calling John a nigger and Doc Brown telling Marty McFly to suck his dry chafed balls. Looking for anything but that filtered through Dan Harmon's lens makes you a retard.

So unlike you faggots I actually bothered to read the piece.

It's a fairly pointless think piece that mainly confuses terrible fan arguments for the show's actual purpose (she spends most of the piece talking about critique and nihilism as if the show itself were purporting to be such) and dwells hard on a parallel to Doctor Who that no one but her makes.

The main takeaway when all that chaff is cut is that this person does not find cartoonish abuse funny, and since slapstick and asshole comedy is the entirety of Rick and Morty, she doesn't like the show. She's internalized it as something more objective than dislike, as a "need for diverse creators in television," but what it comes down to is "I don't like humor that relies on pain"

This thread can die now please

This is the author of OP's post. No, this isn't a meme, this is its Twitter profile picture

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not your personal army

This. I've noticed this for a long time.

I'm not the person who wrote the OP. I'm just saying, look at this thing. "Go dilate" doesn't even cover it.

Her awful face makes everything she says irrelevant. Thank goodness you showed us, or I would have gotten mad.

I see.
And vy do you hate zis person you have never met so much? Does she remind you ov your mozer?

what's with the anti-Semitic accent

>Egotistical white men who think their angst is deep, left unchecked, turn out things like Rick and Morty.
Shut the fuck up you feminist freak.

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Congrats, you have given us all cancer with this unrestrained faggotry.

i do not understand this joke

It's just a funny show written by depressed retards. It's not thst deep

She lost me at egotistical white men. It should be egotistical viewers because there are fangirls who worship the show and I don't see why the show's appeal is limited to the white demographic. Latinos seem to like the show because they're into dark humor (the most popular latino sitcom is about a malnourished street kid being verbally and physically abused). Both sides of the American political spectrum are racists, more news at 11

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>I don't see why the show's appeal is limited to the white demographic.
It's a key bait tactic journalists use to add that extra kick of spice. They know identity politics is divisive, and they want to build as much controversy as possible in order to generate clicks. So they add that extra dash of "white" under the context of an insult in order to drum up more outrage. In today's climate, shitting on white people is fine with the Left. They don't acknowledge that as racism, even though it is. However, they know it makes the Right angry, so they do whatever they can to exploit that vulnerability.

Why i am not surpirsed

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