How do you think the MCU will end? What do you think would be a satisfactory conclusion/big final conflict for the universe?
How do you think the MCU will end...
it probably won't. There's so many characters and stories to mine
So the world ends and we all just die but Marvel Studios is in the middle of filming the Squirrel Girl sequel when it happens?
It'll fizzle out. The last avengers movie would be so-so at best at which point they'll wrap up any actor deals or worth while trilogies and take a breather before deciding wether to reboot the whole thing or focus on characters that propel their own fanchise i.e. cut the cross overs.
Secret Wars and then hard reboot.
My biggest question about the whole thing is how will it end, I think Feige is smart enough to end it at some point, it can't go on forever
They'll probably adapt that shit Hickman did and call it Avengers Forever
and btw, let's say they do 10 phases, we are approaching Phase 4, then it goes on until phase 10 and that's the end of the MCU
It has to end, it can't go on until it stops making money, it has to end on a high note
Then reboot on Disney Plus
Seems most likely
I can't imagine Disney would willingly put an end to something that could make them any money, so it'll only die when it slowly makes less money
Why are they all white except for the one token?
Where are the lesbians?
Where are the drag queens?
pretty much
they don't need to rely on just Avengers. They have X-Men, FF4, and a bunch of other heroes. Every new character unlocks new storytelling potential.
Yeah I don't think the Avengers will be a focus anymore. I'm sure it'll be a loosely affiliated name to the heroes romping around.
Disney is going to keep making them since they make money. We'll need an Avengers film to underperform and even then it'll have to happen a few times for them to cut back before stopping entirely. This is like Star Wars if they tripled the number of movies they make.
It already ended, Endgame was shitty enough to turn off a fuckton of people, no one likes anyone in the second gen enough to really get excited to see them.
They killed all their star players with no replacements.
Superhero movies have literally always existed and always been profitable. Why would there be any reason for them to end? All they would have to do is slow down the release schedule and make things less interconnected. Daredevil and Spidey can cross over for example but they don't need every new movie to set up for a big crossover again. They have enough characters, storylines and reasons to reset things to go indefinitely.
Endgame is the "end" if you're looking for a conclusion. The MCU itself will not stop until it stops making money.
Carol and Jess are right there you shitposting fuck.
Possible. They seem to have shifted from moving on to the new movie to just milking as much out of Endgame as they can.
Even Comiccon was just more Endgame shilling.
>Daredevil and Spidey can cross over for example but they don't need every new movie to set up for a big crossover again.
That was the whole main draw of the MCU. Every movie also set up the next down the line. Without it they're just like DC and Fox.
There are so many spiderman stories dealing with his secret identity. There are so many ironman and cap stories still out there. There are many thor stories before Ragnarok .
MCU is trying to change "everything" following the success of winter soldier's Hydra reveal. I am sensing a pattern.
I guess next Doctor strange event will have last days of magic and him destroying all the magic .
Next captain marvel will have SWORD getting dismantled .
Antman will destroy all of the remaining pym particles for greater good.
This, my gf was cucking me with MCU Tony Stark and she said she is done with MCU now, when he is dead.
>What do you think would be a satisfactory conclusion/big final conflict for the universe?
Endgame was that that big final conflict for me (and for others). They will keep making movies as long as the movies keep making money. As others have mentioned, the interest will eventually die out. Then they will reboot.
I'm gonna tell you how it ends.
At some point in the future, a Marvel movie won't make it's budget back. This probably won't be the first time it'd happen. It probably won't be a big name character or idea. But it'll be the last nail in the coffin. The franchise just won't be popular any more. The kids who're probably babies right now simply won't care when they turn into kids and teenagers and will be into something else. The kids and teens from now will be adults with different time and priorities. The adults from now will be middle aged or older and probably won't be into whatever new characters exist in Phase 12 when Tom Holland is too old to play a young man and gets replaced by someone who probably doesn't even exist yet as a character.
The schedule that's probably gotten less and less full as time goes on will basically fizzle out into nothing. The public won't care. The remains of the hardcore fans won't be much to write home about. The executives signing cheques will want some new project to take personal credit for. It'll be gone.
Then like 15 years later we'll get one last movie and the fanfare will play one last time. Somehow all the original avengers get together again along with all the other popular ones. It's a suitably impressive climax and the heroes all go off into the sunset to fight their own respective battles again. Except those are ones we'll never see.
They will do something bigger than Endgame which takes heroes and villains from ALL movies and comics, including the mutants and the quartet bought by Fox recently.
Honestly if Endgame had them already and all other Marvel characters not owned by them now i would have legit stopped watching them
>At some point in the future, a Marvel movie won't make it's budget back.
I can almost guarantee you this will be whenever they get around to Alpha Flight
Annihilus is really the only thing they can do
< THIS!!!
>Where are the lesbians?
Carol and Jess are right there in the middle.