Why does Yea Forums like Kamala Khan so much?

why does Yea Forums like Kamala Khan so much?

i thought 4chaners hated muslims and brown people

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imagine her jerking you off with those

She’s very westernized, also cute.

Yea Forums is more than the screaming retards of /pol/

It's also pathetic waifufags

She's cute, nice and adorable and her backwards barbaric religion won't change that.

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Yea Forums loves brown girls. Get with the times old man.

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Shows what you know. Muslim girls/hijabs in general are my fetish. Would breed the region if I could.

She has a small but extremely annoying, screaming fanbase that incessantly make waifu threads.

I'm pretty sure even /pol/ unironically like her more than Captain Marvel & want those cute pics

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you didn't

because this stopped being Yea Forums years ago
this is Yea Forumsmblr now



>muh safe space

c-can she make her feet big like that?

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Yea Forums is very desparate.

Whatever you want.

>i will never suck her giant brown toes

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Lurk more. For every one waifu fag she has there are 3 others that hate her for existing

Raceplay fetish for me.

As a superpower, she can make her tits and ass any size she wants

>here are 3 others that hate her for existing
Maybe at first but nowadays most people are fine with her.

>ywn ask her to make her feet so big that they fill the room.
>ywn just lie with her on top of her giant feet an just cuddle.
Fuck my life.

>Draw Mia Khalifa
>Call her Kamala
Why do people do this?

Cute design, fun comics, and my favorite superpower. Can't complain!

I hate her because I'm not like those other desperate faggots. I hate what she represents: a zoomer fangirl who writes shitty fanfictions. This is a pretty accurate representation of modern Marvel fanbase full of Stucky shippers from r/MarvelStudios (except she's not overweight). She's an average character at best, but Yea Forumsmblr memed her into this waifu status with tons of lewds and weeb arts. Also for some reason they pretend like she's the best thing that came out of modern Marvel.

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Because noncon lesbian yuri

>hated muslims and brown people
Every sane person hates people which use this kind of slur. Supporting mass migration and changing society and then defaming everyone which criticizes that as hater. Worst people in human history (yes I know about the Nazis and child murderers).


>interesting power set, yet 90% of the time only making 'punching hands'
>heavily forced into every piece of media or story

Nah, I don't like her.

It's the same few morons who got pissed when "Yea Forums elected Donald Trump" and have been shitting the various boards ever since to make the place more progressive. They're the same gang who made multiple Carol threads to shill Endgame. If you want to see how popular something is or isn't look at it's sales.

would it surprise anyone if /pol/ were a bunch of hypocrites?

Because her fists are too big. Sympathy for those dying from their fists

>heavily forced into every piece of media or story
Nowadays? I don't think so.
Oh fuck off with this bullshit.

I love Kamala Khan.

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Say what you want about the shills, but comic sales are definitely an indicator of popularity. There's nothing bullshit about that.


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>Draw Mia Khalifa
>Call her Kamala
>Why do people do this?

It works

Attached: Mia.jpg (720x480, 64K)

Her comic is tanking in sales. The only ones actually buying them are libraries and schools for book fairs.

The only reason why Kamala isn't getting cancelled is because Marvel sunk too much into promoting her (Muslim, fangirl, tied to Carol), so she's in Protected status.

I buy her books.

>that one dude that nailed the voices
>that one dude who wanted it animated
>that one dude who offered to animate it and got no replies

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>The only ones actually buying them are libraries
Isn't 1/2 of the USA population libraries?


Your mistaking 4chaners with /pol/ users, not all 4chaners are /pol/ users.

Me too.
Kamala is cute, CUTE!!!


Yea Forums is filled with tumblr migrants

>hating muslims makes you /pol/
fuck off newfag

I knew that already in 2012 when /pol/ used to have weekly jungle fever threads.

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Yea Forums is tumblr. and Yea Forums loves waifus. and kamala kahn is a cute girl ready to be waifu'd.

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because it's fun(more or less)
Kamala in all her comics is badly written (her best comic is a team-up) but her sweet and cute attitude makes her enjoyable and comfy, that's why most people compare her to Peter Parker
there are those who want it in a more "physical" way and they pair it with the cap (usually for reproductive purposes and that's why they also hate bruno, for being a cuck)
but in general they are waifufag who adore her for being cute
the problem is that, yes, they are forcing a lot. Seriously, if you are going to start a thread with an image of kamala, do not do it if there are already 2 others with an image of it too

>why does Yea Forums like Kamala Khan so much?

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Tumblr was like pic related, so I got booted. I've read comics since I learned to read from the Vandersteen comics.

more on topic, i think she is a boring character from the comics I have seen her in, most people who like her are prolly people who either feel a connection or wankers

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