Why did they model Norman Osborn after Donald Trump?

Why did they model Norman Osborn after Donald Trump?

Attached: Norman Trump.jpg (960x540, 57K)

Because fuck that piece of shit

Why did your parents model you after a professional cocksucker?

>white hit in a suit
>It’s trump!!
I think you mean ‘why did Trump idolize Norman Osborn?’


I'm sure sure people are going to think that Trump hasn't been parodied and used as reference before his presidency.

Obnoxious rich new yorker.
Plus trump's such a joke, you could shit on him on every piece of media, and it'd still be going light on him.

He hasn't been libsoycuck its only when he became God emporor that people started shitting on him

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Jesus does everyone look like Trump to you?

I can't take your post seriously but you got a chuckle out of me due to the absurdity and horrible spelling and grammar.

That seems out of character for Krabs.


They would have made him a lot uglier if they modeled him after Trump

If you don't see how that looks like Trump, you might be either blind or retarded.

Holy shit, how is Drumpf ever going to recover? You may have just saved America with your razor-sharp wit.

MegaMind is confirmed canon in the Marvel universe

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 19K)

Jesus christ. Go smoke a joint and take some xanax and mellow out

I mean, if I close one eye, squint and cough while I stand on my toes then I mean, I guess, sure

kekistani is triggered