Attached: socuck.png (610x975, 671K)

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Are the ATLA comics any good?

Read them and find out!

God no

Sokka should get revenge on Zuko cucking him by banging Mai. How hard would it be? Sokka is a thousand times more charming and charismatic than Zuko, he could win Mai over in a day.


Honestly, no.
She would find him too goofy.

What's the joke here? isn't this a kids comic?

Sokka should get revenge on Zuko by seducing him

>constantly posting the same garbage with the same title
End yourself you obsessed fuckwit.


On the one hand, I don't LIKE "sweetie," I've never liked it. On the other hand, it's exactly the sort of lame, corny, but also cute nickname that Aang would come up with for Katara. For storytelling purposes, I don't have a problem with "sweetie."

Mai is perfect for Zuko because she's an even bigger wet blanket than him. Sokka does best with girls who actually enjoy living.

Surely not as cute or as original as Toph's pet name for Aang being "twinkle toes".

their quality is a mix of atla and korra

So the quality ranges between pure shit and pure gold? That's a rather large range there.

there are some nice Zucest moments

kind yes if you are into Tokka and Zuki fluff

Attached: Toph Sokka love pummeling each other.jpg (374x701, 87K)

Zuko is for Azula you homewrecking slut

This. Only way to uncuck yourself.

This feels
Perhaps I’ve just seen to many crops of his work

they are fine retards are mad at stupid shit and edit panels
