From a purely eugenics standpoint, Jean and Scott is probably the least effective pair of mutants to have a kid

From a purely eugenics standpoint, Jean and Scott is probably the least effective pair of mutants to have a kid.

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Mystique and Sabretooth had a baseline human

>Scott + Emma
>Diamond form is a Ruby Quartz form that can direct punch beams from anywhere on the body giving them 360 sphere of attack and flight

*Angry Sinister noises*

Supposedly mutations are random, rather than the kids of mutants inheriting the same mutations though

Yes, despite shit like wolverines kid having wolverines exact powers

And yet, their children shows otherwise.

>knowing enough X-Men lore to know about Ruby Summers
>not knowing enough lore to know that Emma cannot be her mother

That's kind of bullshit at this point since all of Scott and Jean's potential kids seem to have the same damn powerset.
>Fuck off strong Esper

It's a hypothetical kid dumbass

All their kids are omega mutants though.

Okay but who cares about eugenics?

What a coincidence then.

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Jean and Emma should find a way to have a kid

Lot of people.


Essex disagrees

Nate Grey could impregnate one of the Cuckoos

>Not all of them
They'd feel what the others feel leading to a feedback loop between all of them

>telepath that sends punch lazers into your mind

But every kid from the future they have is an omega telepath.

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>Cannonball's son has his powers
>Banshee's daughter had his powers
Which mutant kids don't have their parents power?

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