Questionable Content
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Hey, that one user was right. Hanners had a "breakthrough" off-panel that completely changed her character so now she has the same personality as the entire rest of the cast.
A white boy who moved to Canada chasing a woman he isn't even with anymore while living on like four hours a weeks worth of effort is judging literally anyone else's travel plans. How the fuck does Handstab think he has that kind of moral superiority?
How does Jeph come up with such amazing plots? He's like a competent JJ Abrams!
This is what Jaques-oph thinks is deep: a shit metaphor.
I like how in the same time period of 1 week ago or whatever the fuck that Claire's mom wanted the dog, Hanners has somehow been on adventures for months.
he fucking ruined the only good character he had left
Wow I'm so surprised he mentioned she's a rich
girl. So deep Jeph. Just so deep. This is POWERFUL and not at all insufferable sjw gag-inducing faggotry.
Yeah his lack of real world experience really makes the comic hard to read. According to him work is a place you hang out with friends and kick out customers you don't like.
remember when he thought raisins were a rich people food?
How come Jeph doesn’t spend his excess wealth trying to help people as much as he can?
>According to him work is a place you hang out with friends and kick out customers you don't like.
It's not?
My god, everything about this is awful.
I like how he turns to run the other direction, but she teleports behind him.
Doctor Jeph Jacques nomimated to win a Nobel prize for discovering the cure for OCD.
International psychiatric super star Dr Jeph Jacques discovered the cure for a mental disorder that used to plague and severely impair thousands.
"Have you tried getting diry and not caring?- Jeph Jacques, PHD.
Lauryn Hill is okay. Saying she sucks is fucking stupid and admitting you don't have a soul.
Let's not go all crazy because she had a "week" award. Nobody needs to put her on a pedestal.
Filth-covered Hanners is... doing things to me
Because helping people out "doesn't fix the system", whatever that means. Sounds like "dog ate my homework" to me.
Does every webcomic feature an /r/thathappened story in a music-related venue?
Nothing personnel, kid.
Even if someone does think that, who looms over someone browsing in a music store lambasting their music taste? I mean it's probably happened at some point, but often enough to make a relatable story? Speaking of relatable stories, who has shopped in a music store since 1999?
I've come to think that Jeph hates the comic as much as we do.
Yeah you don't want to share your power level in public.
In highschool my mall and a F.Y.E (For your entertainment) closed down. Fun times
>Blue Yeti
>Serious piece of hardware
Maybe, but it doesn't give you the right to attack them
i kinda like qc but this was just too dumb
I remember FYE. They were in the mix with other now dead mid-sized mall music chains like The Wall and Sam Goody.
$100 is srs bsns in the audio gear market.
>and I'm not a little girl. I'm fourteen.
You can do acceptably with $100 if you buy a real mic and not a USB piece of shit
Hanners was the only character I liked in this shitty comic.
What neckbeard shit is this? I need sauce
I shopped at a local place until it shut down last year. Now it's a liquor store.
thanks, I hate it
So Hanners goes off and does a bunch of rich white girl tourist things, realizes she's doing a bunch of white girl tourist things, instead does a bunch of "this summer in the Peace Corps will look good on my internship application" college kid things, then thinks, along with Dora apparently, that just because she did basic farmwork that she has discovered some deep and hidden truth about the universe for growing desensitized to shoveling manure? That's the most "rich white girl finding herself through a pretentious vacation" thing I've heard in awhile, and I've read Eat, Pray, Love. That's not even getting into the fact that Hanners has legitimate mental issues that have seemingly been completely handwaved away. I know it's a bad word on Yea Forums, but this strip is legitimately problematic on multiple levels.
Sure. Well, not Shure. But Audio Technica is a good bet.
>she did basic farmwork that she has discovered some deep and hidden truth about the universe for growing desensitized to shoveling manure? That's the most "rich white girl finding herself through a pretentious vacation"
Truth is everyone at some point in their life should do hard labor. Real work makes you think differently. That's how I see it.
Not that any $100 range mic should ever be referred to as "serious hardware". You have to get into Neumann price range for that.
Well, Jeph is a fucking idiot, and this is probably the closest we've gotten to another handstab-inducing incident, if his fanbase is still made up of the same people. You're right though, even as someone who doesn't give a fuck about SJW politics this shit is offensively bad.
>and this is probably the closest we've gotten to another handstab-inducing incident
Is Jeph reacting poorly to the fanbase?
Didn't a few of his readers demand he put in a transphobic character because everyone in the comic were too supportive and therefore not "realistic"?
So is Hanners tanned or has she been retconned to have been brown and blonde all along?
Because if I don't get to excavate my tanline kink then we're gonna have a FUCKING problem here.
Please just stop posting these. Please. There are better things to do with your lives. Stop giving him views and money.
It didn't used to matter when Martin was a 20something vaguely dissatisfied with his office job and BSing about Arcade Fire before they got big. Now that everything has to be high stakes Jeph never having done anything "real" shows.
I remember being in college and a Blue Yeti WAS a serious piece of equipment to us. When you're flat broke a 100 dollar mic is serious compared to the 20 dollar or even lower mic you can get if you need one. This is however a justifiable question since most 12 year olds don't really care about the audio difference anyway.
Lauren Hill does suck, not because her music is bad, but because she evaded taxes, mistreated studio musicians and stole their music.
Jeph Jacques sucks, not because he's progressive, but because he'z lazy, his arts bad, his storytelling is bad, his jokes are bad and his characters are bad.
I'm mostly still reading the comic because it's been part of my daily routine since 2006.
it makes more room for robot sexuality. it's slowly sinking in to him that he can't write for shit...but robots, no one understand robots so he can fake it more successfully especially if there are tits and ass
No, remind me.
Like and subscribe to Questionable Content.
I distinctly remember the first comic I read being one where Hanners was standing in line at CoD and got caught up in her musings. One panel had a fisheye lens look at her face.
In looking for it I found out that there was QC cosplay and I don't know how to feel. Sad that it's let them down?
Of course he does. It’s his prison, the albatross around his neck but also the only thing keeping him afloat.
>Sales = Quality
Writing out Hannelore was punishment for not accepting agender Tilly.
>tanline kink
Man of exquisite taste. Imagine that porcelain white skin hiding beneath her clothes.
I think I started out somewhere in the 650s, which apparently was July 2006. I feel old.
By posting them here, the main site is deprived of views. And I'm getting the patreon pages from the email account of an idiot who actually thinks giving Hef a dollar a month is a worthy use of their money.
This is stupid. I’m not grossed out by poop just because of how it looks. I don’t wanna get pink eye or get particles in my mouth and die.
>people who don’t understand everything immediately deserve shame and death
Yeah we would never get a comic like this nowadays.
So why did you stop going?
It's not that it's expensive. It's that Blue Yeti is overhyped and that much of that $100 is spent on sponsoring "influencers" in a (successful) bid to elevate the product to be the default YouTube mic. Blue Yeti is basically Beats masquerading as a value brand. Ironically, Blue offers actual decent value alternatives, like the Snowball. You can get it on sale for $50 and it's competitive at that price, assuming you can get away with omni and/or cardioid. If $100 is a lot of money, you can probably learn to cope.
All that said, I just noticed the Yeti is currently going for $90, at which it's not that bad of a deal. Its MSRP is $150 and $115 or so is or was a common price to pay. The Audio Technica 2020, the sorta go-to alternative is $75, but it's cardioid-only. Still a very good mic for the price and for USB.
Look, a Raven! It's like a fucking unicorn by this point
Raven was last seen in 2011. Don't worry, she just went out for some smokes. She'll come back.
Theoretically she is still employed by the coffee shop, along with also never seen Penelope and Steve's girlfriend Cosette.
In this strip Raven looks like your 40 year old aunt who's trying to look cool but isn't pulling it off.
>Why be grossed out by poop?
This is leading to something perverse, isn't it?
>oh noes
When was the last time a band got namedropped in the comic?
Guess I don't have a soul then.
But for real tho, I don't see the appeal in the music, I think it just comes down to personal preference at this point.
>who looms over someone browsing in a music store lambasting their music taste?
Unless the guy is approaching you for other reasons, I hardly see this as a possible thing to happen in real life. The only scenario this would work in, is if you are with your friends and shit talking to each other about their shit taste in music.
Make your bets; just how is this strip finally gonna end?
Hanners is going to beg for her job back but Dora can't for some reason. Then it will switch to Faye and Bubbles, probably.
It will end just like any other strip because before the writer can make a proper ending he will have died of a heart attack in the making of 10982: Cartography
I've worked at best buy when I was younger and I've never seen a scene like this. Like for real, all of us were just tired dealing with customers asking the same retarded questions 24/7 and all we wanted was to get them out as fast as we can and make a sale.
its funny because you know jeph has never done any serious hard work in his life, thus having a poorly informed opinion on all of this.
It will trail off in an undefined, unsatisfactory, tentative manner. Six months from now someone will passively mention Hannelore doing something off-screen.
Suddenly I'm reminded why I hate the concept of character growth.
They better just forget this ever happened and not ruin my turboautist waifu.
Yeah when I was running audio in college I'd use a Snowball and there was no discernible difference anyone on either end could hear. At worst the screw in stand was kind of unwieldy and broke easily.
As someone with legit OCD (mostly toward filth/contamination) I can't overstate how retarded this strip is. Part of the reason why OCD is so distressing is because even if you realize what you're doing is irrational you still feel compelled to do it. You don't just suddenly think "what's the point of being grossed out in the first place?" and CURE yourself of OCD. You CAN'T cure OCD. You can work to minimize the symptoms and definitely improve a lot... but true OCD is something you will always have to live with.
Even if we go with the stupid premise that spending a week cleaning shit would somehow magically cure Hanners of her deep-seated OCD, WHY would Hanners agree to spend "a week ankle-deep in poop"? WHY would she ever do such a thing? The Hanners I knew from previous strips would never do such a thing.
Jeph just haphazardly removed an intrinsic personality trait of Hanners for no reason. He just ruined her. Going from "unable to give hugs" to "literally covered in shit" isn't good character growth it's terrible writing. I imagine Jeph's gonna get a bunch of messages on his twitter and the QC forums from pissed off OCD sufferers... wouldn't be surprised if we get another handstabbing incident and he backpedals on this hard.
By posting them here, user is denying him views. Every strip posted here is one more we don't have to look at on his site.
Rocks fall; everyone dies.
Isn’t this completely dismissive of real mental disorders which usually persist even if the sufferer knows their actions are illogical? Won’t fatty’s hardcore fan base be pissed about this comic?
On the one hand, exposure therapy for OCD is a thing. It's obvious Jeph has no clue how it works however. But the fact that he blew through it in a way that so thoroughly neuters Hanners' characterization is worse.
Not a music store, but I was in line at Gamestop a few years back and the girl working there was berating the guy in front of me for picking up his preorder of a shitty Walking Dead game. I would have told her never mind and left the store.
Well, I have to give him credit, this is exactly the kind of thing a mentally ill white bitch who never actually had to work for a living would consider "deep" or meaningful in any way.
>is judging literally anyone else's travel plans
No, he isn't.
Yes, it's completely absurd and offensive and I would absolutely love to see him try to walk this one back if people get up in arms over this.
I give it a week before Hanners goes to live on the space station with Tilly.
So does Jeff actually want to be a tranny or does he just have a sexual fetish for them?
It's basically the same as having a depressed character say that they realized that sadness was just a feeling and that they're all better now.
But the problem isn't that Hanners is just a pampered rich kid who needed to be humbled; she's had crippling issues with OCD and anxiety and literally took years before she was even capable of functioning on her own, and only started making friends on her own when she was in her mid-twenties. The idea that all of this could just be magically fucking cured by shoveling shit for a for a week is laughable at best and borderline insulting at worst.
Women really are terrible creatures, gay space communism(with robots edition) when?
Not Terrible.
Scat porn?
This makes me think Jeph has never bought anything from anybody. What retail worker second guesses a customer who wants to buy something?
>first panel has fetish shot of Faye with her boobs out and big gut exposed like Jeph sometimes hinted at
Truly this author understands Jeph's psyche
>Isn’t this completely dismissive of real mental disorders which usually persist even if the sufferer knows their actions are illogical?
Jeph might as well have Faye say she's cured of alcoholism because she rationalized her alcoholic cravings away. She realized drinking too much is silly so she'll just drink responsibly from now.
An alcoholic will always be an alcoholic even if they stop drinking. Someone with OCD will always have OCD even if they can get their symptoms under control.
this is why I come here
Holy fuck the cringe
Well done.
Imagine if the comic was actually this good.
If you guys actually wanted to take Jacques down a peg, you would push on Twitter about how this comic is insulting and dismisses real mental illness.
and yet here you are, still posting it, every night
But Lauryn Hill does kind of suck.
She might not be ear-rape but she made one okay album then went crazy. That's literally one hit wonder tier.
The funniest part about this is that the blue yeti is the most basic bitch entry level brand-heavy condenser you could possibly buy.
Tbf, exposure therapy surely has worked sometimes.
OCD people don't just spontaneously decide to spend a week bathing in cow shit, that's not how exposure therapy works.
people who do that are even worse though
omg the filename pun is the best part
Next strip we're going to learn that she's carrying the child of a Mongolian firefighter.
But poop isn't gross just because, it's gross because it can transmit disease. Isn't that the whole reason she's a neat freak?
>Guess I don't have a soul then.
>But for real tho, I don't see the appeal in the music, I think it just comes down to personal preference at this point.
Fair enough. Also I think nostalgia also plays into. I grew up with listening to her on the radio
What this user said is also true
>Isn't that the whole reason she's a neat freak?
No, she was neat freak because it was cute, but since the readers rejected the authors new precious snowflake he took that away from us as an act of revenge.
I just realized that OCD Hannelore would be the most logical character for a human/robot romance. At least more than Faye. Think about it.
She can't get close to human men because they're all human and sweaty and dirty and poop and etc. But robots in comparison could be nice, clean, and sterile. Jeph could have had Hannelore keep her OCD and hook up with some firefighter-bot. Even works into her family background.
would _have_ been the most logical. Now she's apparently OCD-free, and free to jump on the next available dong, robot or otherwise.
For better or worse, we live in a world where you can't beat people up for having shit taste in music.
OCD was the mental illness that was cool to pretend to have way back when she was introduced. Now OCD is passe and you need to have some weird combination of gender and sexuality issues to be hip.
way back in the first thousand strips, Hanners dad sent her a prototype humanoid body for AI (before it was retconned that they’ve always existed) and they mentioned how it would make a good boyfriend for her but she didn’t want to go along with it. then, later on, she turned down Station, the AI of her fathers orbiting space station . Jeff just prefers to do the opposite of what makes sense
Hannelore didn't just do that out of the blue though. When the comic bothered to show it, she's been gradually overexposing herself to stimuli, like hugging people or working at a coffee shop and get sweaty and dirty.
It was a couple pages before that one, Redhead asks brown girl if she like raisin bread and she says shes never had raisins before because she's poor he tries to point out that raisins are super cheap and she insists that they are too expensive for her.
But Jeph has basically already done that. Faye went to a single AA meeting and was cured as a result. When Jeph realized he never actually brought up the alcoholism again after a long period, he made a single strip where Faye held a bottle and cried a little, but didn't drink. And since the sudden escalation from "party girl who binges occasionally" to full blown alcoholic, that's about all he's done on the subject. You'd think Jeph at least could handle something he has direct experience with, but, if I didn't know differently, I'd accuse him of having no idea what substance abuse is like and making it up as he goes along.
Oh, right. They went to a bar and Faye was very mildly uncomfortable. I guess that counts.
Is this archived anywhere?
>Is this archived anywhere?
In the achive
This shit is exactly like ctr alt del except they all make this face instead of B^U
What is she, some sort of anti-robite?
>you dont see fully humanoid robots running around everywhere
about that....
>You're...you're not gonna make out with a robot, are you?
My, what bigotry! Might as well call her a circuit burner.
And thats how he/she/it/they/xir developed a scat fetish. Poop is just poop after all
>dear daughter,
>I wasn’t sure about what you were looking for in a boyfriend as far as the downstairs plumbing.
>so I have sent a sample collection
>please select your preferred penis or penises from the bucket
Given scatological references are this comic's most consistent aspect, it's not out of the question to assume Jeph has a fetish for real.
Thank you.
The Station AI that’s known her and looked after her almost her entire life.
Robot or not that’s still creepy.
Which also reminds everyone of the fact that one of the other oldest characters in the comic only became part of the cast by thrusting herself into a friendship with a guy who could not even form a complete sentence in her presence.
Might as well be 'uncle Station'
>Hannelore recounts fond memories of playing with his hard drive as a little girl
not terrible
a rabbit anti-robite
this strip made me smile. When do the strips officially stop being worth my reading time? I'd like to go through the old ones again but be able to stop before it gets megacringe
Improves steadily until around the breakup at 1800 then steadily declines. People started barking around the space station arc and introduction of the interns, around 2100-2200.
It kinda breaks down at panel five.
I figured if it hadn't been for the Tilly thing, HannersxWinslow would have been on the horizon.
It'd actually be super funny if people ironically no longer wanted to hug hannelore because she now smells like yak shit all the time. Hacks would never be able to pull of a joke with actual humor though.
like sinfest, you can pinpoint the exact strip the comic died. everyone memes "this is me", but this one is the death knell
>You beat OCD and then went back to work at the coffee shop?
Finally, Dora's brother can fuck Hanners.
Fuck that Marten dodged the biggest fucking bullet ever here. He did fuck up with that brown girl though
>Faye and Bubbles
I'm sorry, what? The butch robot?
>time to add 11 new characters
he really will, too. and then promptly drop them for the robutts
Comic's been going 16 years and these people are still in their 20s.
yeah dey fucked like a hundred comics back
Another thread said that only two years have passed after the last 16 years of our time.
And again, that's still better pacing than Dumbing of Age. That's gone on for at least 8 years and they haven't even gotten past six months.
Imagine breaking up with your girlfriend and then your boss starts dating and eventually marries your girlfriend within the course of like 4 months
Also, the girl you actually like falls in love with her vibrator after fucking your ex girlfriend's brother
It hasn't started yet, but the first guy she makes goo-goo eyes with, it begins.
Buddy it was more than a year ago
But... they are fucking everywhere.
In cookies, cakes, pastries, dishes etc.
They are ubiquitous to the point that people demand versions of food specifically without them.
That shit makes no sense!
Raisins haven't been vaguely high class since WW2.
Reading comprehension is hard
Its ok, you'll get it someday
go eat a dick jeph
Sorry your disability gets in the way of reading terrible webcomics?
>I've been gone for 2 weeks doing some meaningless feel good activities when I could have just paid money to have contractors come in and build indoor plumbing for these impoverished people and not spent even a small fraction of my wealth.
what a fucking retard
>I started reading this comic in 2007 when I was 14 and I thought the characters were so cool and I wanted my life to be just like Marten's when I grew up
>It's now 2019 and I'm almost 27
>The art has somehow gotten worse than it was when I started reading
>Marten is a background character in his own comic
>Wears Carly Rae Jepsen shirts
>Never fucked Faye
>Dating a tranny with gauges and a septum piercing
>Exclusively hangs out with a gaggle of bitchy lesbians including his ex who dumped him and is now marrying his boss
>Deathmole is dead and Marten has no hobbies outside of his dead-end job that even he knows he could lose at any time
>Steve and Jimbo haven't talked to Marten in literal years in real-time
>Hannelore is now a normie because she went on a rich white girl vacation
>Sven still hasn't gotten his fucking shit together
>80% of the "plot" now revolves around multicolored lesbian robots that look like a kid with Down's syndrome tried to copy Steven Universe
>Soon I'm going to be a 30 year old kissless handholdless virgin who has been ghosted by everyone I've ever loved and the characters in Questionable Content will still be in their mid-20s
I am literally fucking begging you guys to stop posting Questionable Content. I can't take this shit anymore. It has to stop.
Imagine getting mad in a QC thread
You should email this to jeph, might make him finally kill himself
Literally this but with gross stuff instead of sleep
Questionable Content is therapeutic. You WILL read it.
Jeph's cure for insomnia: Just lie down and fall asleep
I always thought Home Movies was boring until I learned Paula Poundstone was a drunken child molester.
should I hate myself for getting this reference
shes just trying to make an argument for anal
Watch things if you want to, even enjoy things if you want to, the trick is not being a cunt about it.
Of all the things to recognize from the show, that bit was definitely one of the highlights.
I mean, it was drawn by the chick that does that cat comic Bittersweet Candy Bowl. What do you expect?
Melissa and Coach McGuirk always lead to really great bits
Anons, I get what you're saying. But this shit doesn't even deserve the attention. It just needs to be forgotten. There are better things in life.
"This thing is supposed to be your 'boyfriend'"
"Ooh, Bubbles"
to be fair, dried fruit is always just a bit more expensive than it needs to be because of the processing
grapes are relatively cheap because they have become so ubiquitous, but if you've tried to source dried blueberries you're shit outta luck
QC may be irredeemable, but you're not, user. I believe in you. Get a Planet Fitness membership and eat well or I will crawl in your window and skin you
switch panels 1 and 4
user, I'll hold your hand and kiss you if it'll make you feel better.
Just don't set off the lunk alarm or eat the free pizza
this is actually more poignant and relevant to current events than the original
This comic is terrible.
Walmart has a store brand of dried blueberries.
Look at you, all high society with your Walmarts. Not everyone can afford such luxury!
It does not matter. The tumtards love it.
The only good thing about this is that if she's okay with touching people now, she might be able to have sex.
You shod only care about what’s in someone else’s pants when you’re trying to get in their pants.
based satan
>And thus began the legend of Hannalore, the Blowjob Queen of Northhampton
The way this is being set up, I think you mean the A2M Queen.
I just want Hanners and Winslow to have a cute, "we're not dating, we just go everywhere together, live together, and say we love each other" sort of relationship.
I want them to have a cute Winslow gets cucked by a rubber dong and a hammer drill relationship.
>naked Winslow, except for construction safety gear, using a hammer drill sex machine on Hanners
When will real AI get to the point it can draw what we ask it to. Or better yet, animate. Or better yet, VR simulate.
Be the change you want to see in the world. Or see if Liquid is up for a commission.
If you wanna see this stuff depicted with stick figures I'm your guy, don't have any talent beyond that.
and if you meant making the AI, that's not my area either, I'm just a lowly web dev