Today's episode was shit

Today's episode was shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:!aL50FKyK!YHx7VsC10-57TzcgzGxDc2fi75KC_9TtzaoVn0ddm4k

What exactly was bad about it? Most people in the threads seem to have rated it high.

Link or description. I wasn't aware loud was back. I've been on Netflix this month!aL50FKyK!YHx7VsC10-57TzcgzGxDc2fi75KC_9TtzaoVn0ddm4k

There's a tropical island in Michigan.

But that's not in the tropics. Isn't that just an island?

>whirlpools and a deserted island in the middle of a lake

another hit from Karla "No Such Luck" whatshername, today Loud House jumped the shark hard.

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>I'm going to """""""""""pretend""""""""""" to be retarded and like an Enterbot because I have no real criticisms of the episode.

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>wah user doesn't like loud house
seethe harder, retard.

Why were you expecting anything more? It's a terrible series.

It's a fucking cartoon you fucking retard.


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Just saw the episode.
Man Lincoln new V.A really sucks
Cute how Lisa thought she was being left behind and rushed out
I like how Luna continues to be sick of Laun's shit
By far the cutest moment the twins had, too bad Lisa cut in with a joke

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The V.A. is Terrible, but overall, it gets a 5/10, and Karla should get the boot.

Dracula eatin' ass!

Remember when this show used to be funny? what the fuck do you people even watch this boring shit for, the comedy is a complete failure

Well Casa Grandee took over for a while so it's good to see the family back. But this episode felt like it wanted to be a movie, especially at the end where if it was a movie could've lasted longer. Instead Flip shows up to save the day right before the credits.

the show been shit for a while

why is this kid pretending to get a rimjob from a vampire bust

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She's just twerking, the bust just happened to be there

Is this really your best complaint in a show with cloning, a super genius 4 year old and ghosts? A better one would be this episode felt rushed and would have benefited from being a half hour special or maybe even hour one if they focused on individual groups.
>Sullivan should get the boot.

But it was made by adults, which means we can criticize it all we want. Besides, I'm pretty sure the target audience doesn't use Yea Forums.
Now, if it was made by children, then it would be a different story.

>cloning, a super genius 4 year old and ghosts?
that's all gag shit. the show itself is grounded in reality, ex: sibling quarrels, relationship drama and the like. Lisa always breaks the immersion but when it's only her, it's fine. today's episode demanded too much suspension of disbelief.

of course the ending was rushed. it's still not the biggest problem with the episode IMO.

If Loud House didn't have waifus nobody would give a shit

No fucking didn't. All that gag shit happened multiple times showing they are still possible points to bring up and lisa entire character should break immersion if the joke of the setting is too much. The rushed is the biggest problem and if you want to cry about the setting being unbelievable then break out the notepad and tissues cause the list just gets longer.