Who would win in a fight, Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent?
Who would win in a fight, Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent?
Kent was raised on a farm, he can take on any spoiled city boy
idk but clark is velma tier without his glasses so that could be an issue then again that always works out in her favor anyway somehow soo....
Pretty much this. Kent looks like he wrestled bulls growing up
Well, I wouldn't be surprised if Bruce also wrestled with bulls. Black bulls that is.
I’ll let you in on a little secret. It’s wayne, because he’s actually Superman.
That's insane,but I do think that Kent is actually Batman. Think about it, he has great journalism skills which could be because he's a detective. He's never around when danger is around. He vanishes into thin air, sounds like Batman to me.
Sounds pretty bullshit, Kent lives in Metropolis, Batman fights crime in Gotham, and even with a fancy car he's not going to get all the way across one city to another before the crime's already been carried out.
What said makes sense though. Nobody ever sees Wayne, he's basically a shut-in whenever he isn't hosting a party. And with nobody ever checking in on him except his butler, who's probably in on it, he has all the time in the world to hang out in Metropolis, which he can fly to with super speed in a second.
My bet is on Batman being a cop that they pretend isn't one of theirs so they won't be responsible for him. You can't act like Gotham PD isn't totally letting the Bat get away with whatever he wants.
you can drive from metropolis to gotham easily
the best way to protect your identity is to play vigilantly in another city
Batman's smart like that
Sure, it's not hard to drive from Metropolis to Gotham, but it still takes way too long for you to stop a crime in progress if you heard about it on the police radio from a city over. Maybe you'd have time if it was one of those over the top supervillains who's obsessed with the bat and is waiting for him to show, but for all the petty bank robberies and jewelry store heists by no named nobodies? You'd never make it in time.
what about the bat plane or the bat helicopter
Have you ever seen those in the skies above Metropolis? Hell, when has anybody ever spotted the Batmobile in Metropolis?
You get Batmobile sightings coming out of Gotham all the time, but if it was driving all the way there from Metropolis, you'd think there'd be even half as many sightings in that city, but there aren't.
shit you're right
then why the hell does Clark always disappear when danger is near
>Batman is a cop
The thing about this theory, is that Comissioner Gordon is know for been a very "by the book" guy. I doubt he would be ok with vigilantes.
That makes more sense. Especially with LexCorp being based on Metropolis. They could be easily funding Kent.
He might be a farmer and a linebacker, but the dude's still a total pussy when it comes to shit that'd actually end his life. Which to be fair, me too buddy. He probably only keeps his job as a reporter because he's such a great writer, But it's that Lois Lane chick actually getting out there and getting the scoops. The real question is how she's so fearless.
If I were dumb I'd guess she was Wonder Woman, but that lady is always going around introducing herself as "Princess Dianne of Themescuria" or something and she's operating out of- Well frankly I don't even know but I'm pretty sure she's not in Metropolis all that much.
Nah. I have a theory that Lane is actually Bat Girl. I mean, Clark and Lois, both from Metropolis, both being vigilantes in Gotham. Just connect the dots bro
Kent is like 30% more swole than Wayne
Bruce lives in Gotham. He has to know how to fight else he’d get kidnapped every day.
Clark May have more muscle, but Bruce definitely has more skill.
this reminds me of that great line in Mystery Men when they're on about their version of Wayne/Clark and his glasses.
"He takes his glasses off when he fights crime."
Obviously, that kent guy is dr. Fate.
Well he didnt really grow up in Gotham, he went on like a 15 year vacation after his parents died, probably spent most of that on private islands or something
Threads like these are the reason why I come to Yea Forums.
Wayne might have more skill, he's a pretty boy billionaire with a great body, odds are good he's been trained at least some in a martial art just in case he gets mugged coming out of a theater or something, but Kent is a Kansas farmboy that spent most of his life tossing hay bales and wrestling cattle, and now he spends his nights fucking Lois Lane, world renowned madman and reporter. One good hit from Kent and Wayne is flat on his ass.
Clark, that manmay look like a soft boy but he grew up as a ranch hand and is pretty swole. He can even uproot trees by himself.
Didn’t Superman do an interview saying he is some kind of alien?
Ultimate smokescreen
Is Bruce Wayne wearing 2 inch or 3 inch lifts?
Jesus, what do they feed kids in Kansas? No wonder my bud ran after trying to mug him
3 inches also his chin is very weak compared to Clark
Bruce wins. Kent is a little bitch who runs away at the first sign of trouble. Bruce has been seen actively running towards danger to help people. Usually he gets fucked up but at least he tries unlike Kent.
Seasoned reporter vs soft playboy. Clark easily.
You ever seen Wayne and superman in the same room together? Think about it.
Bruce would literally rape Kent, you know how rich people are.
Clark Kent works out doing resistance training with missiles. What's some soi millionaire going to do?
I-is that how they do it when someone wrongs you in Gotham?
isn't Clark a cuck
Mild mannered reporter Clark Kent? Beating Bruce Wayne? As if. Wayne probably took all kinds of martial arts classes at some kushy ivy league school.
>Pampered Rich boy vs Farm boy who's used to dealing with thugs everyday
Obviously Kent OP
Wayne is most likely messed up from his parents murder. Probably dresses in a gimp suit every night or something
>Someone in metropolis
>Ever dealing with criminals when fucking Superman lives in that city
Shoot more missiles
Bruce is too clumsy he'd trip over himself
Is Clark really so hairy?
God I hope so
Stupid cliche. Country hicks are uncultured swine and not particularly fearsome. Wayne, on the other hand, is a rich cunt who can afford to spend all the time in the world in his own very well equipped gym and I daresay he probably does. Kent's a yokel wageslave, probably arms like noodles under all those layers. And what you do see is not muscle, it's fat.
>kushy ivy league school.
Did he even go to collage? My friend that worked at Wayen E. Said he just disappeared for like 20 years after the parent murder then came back and took over moving departments.
pffft Brcue could pay Batman to beat up Clark Kent.
Bruce probably had private self defense lessons with a expensive martial arts teaches. On the other hand Clack grew on a farm, was a football player and is intelligent enough to have a university tittle.
Whoever wins would depends on whatever Bruce can keep his distance from Clack and KO him with a good kick, But if he gets tacked by the farm boy he is done.
Probably went to some prep school in europe. You know how rich boys are.
dude they both run away when shit hits the fan
even the police does it
Damian Wayne
Who the hell asks if a billionaire can fight a journalist? You don't hear people asking who would win in a fight between Bill Gates and some Huffington Post writer.
Guys what if Clark Kent was the Flash and Bruce Wayne was Green Lantern?
Kent grew up on a farm and was on the football team.
Wayne is just some alcoholic fop.
Kent was raised in the country and was raised on a farm. You think some rich orphan can beat up a former farm boy?
The flash is a fucking twig, both of them would have to drop a hundred pounds to be the flash.
GL maybe but you never see either of them with the ring and you don't just shuck that off when you aren't on duty.
Kent survived for months after the Doomsday fight and Superman died. He can handle himself especially since he is built like Superman.
Wait a second Kent went missing when Superman died.and returned the same day there is no way he could have survived unless he was.......
Green Lantern has brown hair while Bruce has black, although I guess the ring changing his hair color would be a good disguise. Why not green hair though?
IIRC, one of his insurers insisted he take karate lessons. It came out when he, the mayor and the commissioner were kidnapped.
Based Lex Luthor would shit on them both.
But he has cancer.
Who the fuck is Clark Kent?
Actually ran into Kent once. Dude is like 6'4 and jacked as fuark. The fuck do they feed their kids down Kansas?
Why is that pointdexter Kent so jacked anyway? What, does his job requirements include bench pressing stacks of issues of the Planet every day? He'd probably get paid more as a bouncer or bodyguard.
Bruce Wayne and Batman vs Clark Kent and Superman
Who wins?
Do you think he still think about his parents' death? I hear he was there when it happened, maybe that why he runs into danger now? Trying to save people like he couldn't save his mother and father.
Some prissy billionaire who's spent his entire life never lifting a finger vs. a strong built farm boy. GEE I WONDER.
Wayne is in gotham and superman is in metropolis. That's like saying you are celebrity since no has ever seen you two in thr same room