Hasn’t history proven that Marx’s vision of an egalitarian utopia is unattainable, inevitably creating an oligarchy more oppressive to the proletariat than the bourgeoisie it vilifies?
Hasn’t history proven that Marx’s vision of an egalitarian utopia is unattainable...
why would anyone care about politics when cute girls exist
hasn't history proven your threads barely stay up for thirty minutes
And I'm regular Stormy!
See, that's why I'm a Bakunin fan
My favorite threads are like this, a quote that angers every single asshole here and they can't just not reply. All people need to do is just not reply, but they are too mad to stop.
We've gone...
back in time.
Take that subspace!
Shut the fuck up, Boco.
Fuck off robot freak
I am bizarro stormy
True, but at least the bougie heads will roll.
Based black cyborg
I've got something for you, Yea Forums.
it's just a sealab thread retard
Oh, Bakunin huh. Yeah, you gotta be a fan of the guy who inspired Hitler. Yeah, great guy there. Shrinking markets, my ass.
I'm going to Grizzlebee's, you guys want anything?
Capitalism works fine if not for a handful of corrupt high earners in the 1% abusing everyone below them, and those people arent going to just stop being rich and influential if we switch to communism. They'll just keep the inequality only then the people will have no chance of bettering theirnownnsituation.
That's not how you write Hindenburg
uh oh
You seem to be equating dystopian single-party socialist states with the only real implementation of Marxist thought.
While the Soviet Union, China, and their allies indeed resulted in totalitarian, repressive societies, they are far from the only examples of Marxist influence. What about the creation of minimum wage, the 8-hour work week, and the abolition of child labor laws in Western countries? Are they not a product of aggressive socialist campaigning, or are you saying that paying people an affordable living wage is "oppressive"?
Uh, I mean...which Loud girl is best and why is it Luna?
Is this Yea Forums's way to weed out the newfags?
No, it's how every Yea Forums Sealab thread starts, so it also draws in actual Yea Forumsmmunists to argue with OP's quote until the thread gets deleted.
Attention all hands: uh oh. Uh oh. UH OOOOOOOOOH!
Hey Quinn, what's that thing that we have where we put people? I think it starts with a "G'.
>those people arent going to just stop being rich and influential if we switch to communism
Are you asking for a challennngee????
>my guy's an egg? wha-OOOOH DEAR GOD!!
I have literally no idea what you're talking about.
Guys whats your favorite flavor of Bebop Cola?
Bear in mind Mingus Dew is for shitters.
He's saying he's going to kill and eat the rich
>those people arent going to just stop being rich and influential if we switch to communism.
I agree. I think this is more an issue with our political system encouraging lobbying. This wouldn't really change if we switched economic systems.
That's a part of what I see as the overall issue which is a lack of proper regulation. Corruption occurs when oversight is unsatiafactory, and an unregulated free market is what's created the ruling rich class.