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You have to go back, mutant.
Back to the grave.

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You deserved better than what you got man. Wish you stayed dead so you didn't have to suffer the world again.

What happened now?

No, he really didn't.

Bad writing and direction. Just the usual


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Well do you agree he should be dead then?


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Based savior of Homo Superior

two more weeks, then its Hickman's turn...to most likely cause irreparable harm to the franchise

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Dont worry man she's in good hands

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can you explain a little more please? As much as I love mutants I had to stop reading years ago

Well there's your answer

I guess this is Karma.

the second this guy's run over its getting dropped for the good ol' sniktbub phoenix cyke love triangle

>Starts talking using sign language
Look I know you just comeback to life but the Race War has been over for like 2 years now and please leave.

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can I get a quick rundown on Cyclops

At least it's not another time travel/alternate universe story

how do you know?

BEST versiĆ³n

I'd like to him ghost her completely. Just ignore her and Scott just does everything in his power to keep away from her.

He was right.

Poor nigger, he is going to get lost on limbo the moment they break up. Hopeful she cucks him.

Anyone seen my jacket? It's cold.

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Dude is wearing a trenchcoat now isn't her?

Sorry man, that title is for 2000s Cyke

true, I am looking forward bold new ideas that probably won't work.

skinny self loathing teen turned leader of paramilitary child soldiers for justice and equality that works up the nerve to get with the only girl (Jean) on the team. becomes stiff stern serious leader man and earns his stripes while fighting an angry holocaust survivor and constantly stopping a hairy century old manlet from fucking his wife. then he has his characterization hijacked by his relationship with Jean for the next 30-40 years, making him abandon logic, reason, and his 2nd wife and child. Then moves onto a bitchy blonde for a good ten years after Jean dies a 2nd (or was it 3rd?) time. then editorial decides to drop the mutie population down to about 200. Cyke goes radical, sticking it to the man and doing cool stuff that makes Wolverine and his faction call him "worse than Hitler" because reasons. Bendis made him break up with Emma and then he breathed some Inhuman fart gas and died. then he got better and got put in Rosenberg's run, which possibly the worst X-men ever so far.

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You forgot
>He Was/Is Right

Is this the only good moment Cyke has had in the last decade?

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wolverine shits on cyclops. get fucked pencil dicked scottriders

What's good about that shit? There are lines that shouldn't be used outside their original context, because doing it just cheapens their meaning and impact.

Shut up dork

No that's Jean and Bishop. Karma is asian.

>then he got better and got put in Rosenberg's run, which possibly the worst X-men ever so far
How's Scott characterization in the comic? Made him idiot or cuck? I expect the worst but I'll be glad to be surprised

And then her son sent him to jail.

stay dry, diaper boy


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what will his MCU costume look like?

Hopefully they'll give him the rightclops suit, and not another bland "tacticool" redesign

>Implying MCU Cyclops will be male

I'd give all the characters their Jim Lee look

Fuck Logan.

They will for sure get rid of the underwear, and the suits will look more practical. I think the Jim Lee suits are a good starting place though.

One other thing--
You forgot to mention his place in Kamala's harem.

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Can't be any worse than Rosenberg.


Jim Lee but more tacticool and without the underwear

He isn't going to be turned gay, isn't it...