Yea Forums sings ruber
Other urls found in this thread:
I didn't know you niggas were doing this wtf
I want to die and I haven't even clicked embed yet
God forgive us for these sins
I went with the shittier version. If you guys would like me to re-edit it to only include the people who were on-rhythm (or edit to to only include people who were actually good) I can do so. But it's up to you guys.
If one of you would also like the files I used, because you think you can do a better version yourself (probably true), just ask and I can supply that, too.
this audio violates the NAP
I like it
my fucking god
Please do an edit and send the files.
to who?
Can't you upload the files to Zippyshare?
That was absolutely awful and I love it.
It's perfect, i love how out ofsync it is.
>Entire video isn't a compilation of Ruber edits
I would like to hear a better version. Even thought i love this
>not a goddamn one of them holds on PRIIIIIDE long enough
Oooh! I'd never even heard of this website!
Sure things, user! Just give me some time to upload it
Holy fuck, uploading to this thing takes forever.
I hope I don't get kicked out of my wifi hotspot before we're done with this
Yeah, I would have preferred for it to slowly zoom in on ruber's face as it went on
Or my original idea: Ruber on "Ameri/co/ Idol", with the other, disgusted round table knights as judges.
But I don't have any video-editing software. If y'all would like to try it yourself, then again, I'll be posting a zip of the original audio files in short notice
This was awful come on co you guys can do better
>Or my original idea: Ruber on "Ameri/co/ Idol", with the other, disgusted round table knights as judges.
That sounds fun, but it might be a long video. I can't edit for shit, so, seconded.
Dial C for Cringe
No, It would just be a still image. Something you could request in a drawthread.
And Ruber would have used the witch's potion to fuse the mic to his hand
Here's the zip containing all the audio files I used
Yea Forums here. What the fuck this is terrible but I love it.
Its as disorganized as the actual song
I dont know if that was intentional or not but i'll give you one thing, its faithful.
And here's the project itself!
You guys can edit it more if you want to. There's definitely room for improvement, but I've tired of picking at the thing.
Well, it's a nice late birthday celebration of 1 year of Ruber
>whispering into the mic so mom doesn't hear
I don't even need to click the link to know a third of you niggers did that.
It's actually pretty loud, so you barely hear wispers except when they're way too out of sync
>Yea Forums here
Leave faggot
This a Yea Forums milestone. We actually finished a project.
>the sync totally falling to shit when he starts talking
Beautiful. Can't make out my voice out at all /10
>When you can't decide whether to cheer for the achievement or throw up from the nauseous ramble-mumbling invading your ears.
It's so awful. Just as God intended.
It's so fucking awful. Like some kind of fetal alcohol incestuous rape baby that survived three separate abortion attempts.
Press P for PRIDE
Between this and LMAC it would be nice for this to be the point in time where Yea Forums started making more original content
there has been literally constant threads about it for like 3-4 weeks
pride bumping
I thought this was abandoned. I would've submitted.
I know how you feel I only uploaded some chanting
I'm sure they'll be more versions
This should be more prominent so people can edit it as they wish.
Do both
are u ok retard?
full movie redub/reanimation when
This might be the worst thing I've ever heard.
It's perfect.
Well looks like Yea Forums did something for once. I'm proud of all you spergs.
Putting in my vote for a nicer version as well.
the fucking eyebrows on this nigga will never cease to split my sides
keep the pride burning
>This is complete
I can't begin to describe what PRIDE I feel for contributing to this rollercoaster of a song. Great job, anons.
I legit have no words...
It sounds like the inside of hell, except the singing fallen angels on the balconies have downs syndrome
Alright now howbout Yea Forums animates rubers song?
Maybe if it was more organized it'd be better animated. Otherwise, the animation would have a hard time keeping up with everyone.
You fuckers actually did something for once, I'm proud of you.
>this guy wasn't around for LMAC
We should really try and make something bigger, perhaps redraw a comic?
What comic? The trick to these things is to get someone committed to finishing it's through.
Yea Forums sings the samurai jack intro when?
It's much simpler so it should go much better...right?
Hellfire from The Hunchback of Notre Dame up next
Yeah, preferably more than one "someone"
I've worked on collaborative Yea Forums projects in the past (well, ok, I worked on ONE collaborative Yea Forums project in the past), but I've never been the only person organizing things like this.
In the other project, we used Discord to communicate. Everyone seemed to recoil with disgust when I proposed using it for "Yea Forums sings Ruber," so I didn't. But I'd recommend it for future projects. Even if it wasn't necessary, a Discord probably would have helped.
It's always better to be working with more than one people. They motivate you, bounce interesting ideas off of you; allow you to bounce your own ideas off of them. I probably would have gotten this all done a lot sooner if I knew there were people who I didn't want to let down. So given our own tendency to leave things unfinished, Discord would definitely be a boon on the next project.
I dunno. Hellfire isn't quite as discordant as Ruber's song.
Part of the reason this thing works is because Ruber's song is already so disorganized and terrible. Hellfire is of much higher quality than that.
Maybe we could single out the submissions verse-by-verse. So instead of just playing everything at once, we could have one user sing the first verse, another user sing the second, and have everyone at once for the chours and "mea culpa's".
There were only eighteen submissions last time, so there'll probably be room for everyone to get a verse in. We could have everyone submit themselves singing the full song, and then figure out who does each line best.
I say we should do an animated LMAC in this style
In terms of other collaborative projects people could do, another possibility is comic dubs.
We already have people doing shit in vocaroo threads. Perhaps we could hold an audition and come up with our own versions of certain famous scenes/stories?
I don't know. Vocaroo threads aren't doing so good right now. Not a lot of VA's on Yea Forums. But this project actually happened so what am I to say?
Really? What happened to all the VA's, do you think?
Well some of them are overseas (timezones), some are in college, some have jobs, and I think the rest are just bored of it.
Maybe I should move the time slot again.
Oh shoot, are you the guy who usually starts them?
Just got lazy
This sounds like it could work. The question is, what comic (or scene from a comic) would we pick?
It would have to contain a lot of different speaking parts, but also be well-known enough to interest potential actors on this board.
Does anyone a capeshit story that'd work good for that? Maybe a webcomic?
Its gloriously terrible
Issue 6 or 8 of LMAC would be perfect.
Well shoot! I've always had a fondness for voice acting, so I'll try to contribute next time you start one.
In fact, now that this project has taught me to use Audacity, I might even be able to edit my submissions! Who knows...
If you insist. 12pm PST is when I usually start the threads.
Jesus fuck, you actually pulled it off?
I don't get home from work until 7:00 pm, but I'll be sure to contribute if it's still up by then.
Oh, "Let's Make A Comic!" I didn't realize we had an acronym for that.
Sure, that could work! I don't have issue 6 or 8, so somebody post it to keep the thread alive.
Also post Ruber.
The problem with discord is that it never leads to good things in any project, you can do most things on Yea Forums like we've always done in other boards, hell there were people making threads wondering what happened to the project during your absence
You don't think?
We did it for "/h/ makes a hentai", and it turned out pretty well
Stardust is in LMAC
Was the hentai as good as let's make a Yea Forumsmic?
i'm not sure man, i've had some bad experiences before, but if you want to do it then i guess it's fine
We should do America, so the C.O. letter can go full circle
Reminder Yea Forums did an entire mosaic of re-editing or drawing panels from Dio's World and got through all 19 parts so we have no excuse
Can we do it bros?
Yes, and I still say we should adapt LMAC. Or make a new LMAC.
this is awful, I love it
Oh man, I'd love to see this place try to make something like orchestr/a/ just to see how appropriately terrible it turns out.
I feel, it'd be better if we did an actual pre existing comic first.
voting for a better version!
LMAC is a real comic
Fine i meant a comic that wasn't made on Yea Forums, remaking LMAC seems pointless
Yeah... sorry about that, guys.
To be honest, though, seeing that you guys still cared about it helped motivate me to get it done. There weren't that many submissions, and most of the threads I started died after a few posts. So I felt kind of alone in this. But realizing that some of you out there were actually waiting for me to finish it made me want to complete it faster.
But anyhow, to address your point: the fact that people were making threads wondering where the hell I was (did they actually make entire threads? I only ever saw solitary posts in Ruber generals) kind of proves my point. That probably wouldn't have happened if people had a direct line of contact to me. They could have written "wtf happened to you post more fagget," and I likely would have responded.
On Yea Forums alone, it's hard to keep track of these things. People disappear into the ether. A Discord would help us keep track of one another, and the channel would be readily accessible to all Yea Forums users, so long as someone kept posting the link
Embarrassingly enough, I haven't actually read LMAC. So I wouldn't know. The end result of the collaborative hentai was a little disjointed, but quite a bit better than you guys would probably expect.
Honestly, I feel kind of guilty for contributing ideas at the beginning, and then never showing up again until the end. There were some directions the project was going in that I didn't like, but I didn't want to criticize anyone else's stuff. It would have felt like a dick move to do so unless I could suggest some improvements to address those criticisms. And I was too un-talented to do anything of the sort.
But all told, it's still a terrific end effort. Y'all should read it, if you wanna fap and be inspired.
It's appropriate because
A. It originates from Yea Forums and only has to do with Yea Forums characters
B. It's actually funny
C. With good execution it could get a lot of views
user, thank you for blessing us with this masterpiece. I appreciate your hard work.
>so long as someone kept posting the link
That's a problem, Mods don't like discord links, you can't keep posting it, you'll have to post it using clues.
They don't? Why not?
We were always able to post it in the past. Maybe we could explain to the mods our situation?
No advertising means no advertising
The fact that it's barely even synched up just a complete mess makes it even better.
10/10 I'm loling
>only has to do with Yea Forums characters
It has a bunch of non Yea Forums characters though
>We were always able to post it in the past.
No, you just didn't get caught or was let off the hook, mods are always deleting discord links
We should do a vote to see which comic shall be done
The clip just keeps on getting crazier. I expect it to end with every new ridiculous facial expression but it just continues, then it ends with that fucking eyebrow wiggle and I fucking die.
Aw... shucks. Thanks, user.
It honestly wasn't as hard as I made it out to be. I feel like I could have done it better if I'd focused just a little more time. But I appreciate your appreciation.
Since I can only see this thing for the monstrosity that it obviously is, it's nice to know others can enjoy it more than I do.
Hmm. Fair point.
Given the fact that this is a Yea Forums community thing, I think we should at least try it. If the start tearing our posts down, we can always just use coded messages, like that one user said.
You don't even need that many people for the Discord, anyway. It only really requires a dedicated few. So it won't be that much of a problem if the channel is sparsely populated, so long as we have more common, postable links where the general population can submit stuff.
I like the idea of an intentionally shitty rendition but yes. I would prefer a more on-rhythm version.
Apparently faggots aren't so good at song performances after all.
At least they made something other than pretty nice trips
This is awful and I loved every second of it
Good job Yea Forums we've got something to take PRIDE in
Prefect. Start submitting panels faggots
You gotta read LMAC, it's the only some what passable as good thing Yea Forums's ever made.
For me it's the sequential eye twitch about halfway through.
Note the extra finger joints/knuckles in this piece
Tails Gets Trolled.
I say we do this.
Besides, imagine the MASTER PLAN redone by Yea Forums
Bumping for the """better""" version
How pridefull
I think whole shit version already exist and it feels its quota of cancer, how about we go with a better aids version if possible?
I find it mildly amusing for reasons I cannot explain that toy Ruber has more detail on his armor than the movie version does.
Someone was asking for this in the last thread and I found it.
>Baffled 4chandom by continuing to deliver
Workin' on it!
It fills me with joy that people delivered on this project, so I'm happy to take a whack at the timing.
I am filled with PRIDE on your behalf.
Hope you deliver friend!
Holy shit, Yea Forums finally delivered something for once. I am in awe
The only ginger to have a soul
10/10 y'all should sing I'll Make a Man Out of You next
Does this mean he's safe from blackwashing?
>Several anons attempt racist Chinese accents
Animating all that detail would've been a bitch.
But it's interesting to note that the breastplate has some pseudo-Celtic knot designs on it. It gives him just a hint of real-world background.
Look at his movements. He goes from pensive to grabbing the thing without cutting himself. A stone blessed by the powers that be was the only way he could be taken down short of waiting for him to die of old age.
here. I synced them all up as best I could, and I put it to the original scene for good measure!
Thanks to everyone who helped this monstrosity happen.
this is so fucking funny
>Ruber sings with the voice of the Legion
Now all we need is some *really* obsessive user to make a third version where the recordings are spliced instead of everybody all at once.
This is an awful cacophony unfit for human ears. So pretty fitting for Ruber
This is a thing that needs to be sung again.
Reminder that this is a thing that exists.
I never watched Quest for Camelot, apparently its one of those movies which doesn't know of it wants to be serious or a funny parody.
I really was not expecting that voice out of Ruber, it doesn't fit him at all, plus it sounds amateur tier.
The actual voice work for him is pretty good. The actor was clearly told how crazy he was and did a good job showing that crazy. It fits well.
Another thing that makes Ruber a great character is how he avoids the trope of "villain sends out his goons, then just chills in his lair until the climax."
It says a lot about Ruber that he'll chase headlong after the heroes right into dragon and ogre country, despite having indestructible lackeys he could send instead.
They were desperately trying to ape the '90s Disney formula, meaning serious but with a dash of humor. They just didn't know how to execute it properly.
I agree on Ruber's voice, Gary Oldman absolutely does not sound like a hulking brute.
The fact that the the song is completely incomprehensible 90% of the time somehow makes it even better.
There's a Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff-like quality about the existence of Ruber
How can one user be so goddamn based? Bless you.
>fucking lose against a blind man
Ruber is one of the most patetic villain i ever see in an animated movie.
Dude it was all part of the plan.
You think Ruber would lose to someone like him if it weren't on purpose? We just weren't included on the details of the plan
Note the bottom right excerpt.
Absolutely prideful
Oh hey, that's me! I also made pic related
Cool, it's terrible. Holy shit, this is really fucking awful.
so it has the Yea Forums pure raw essence nailed down then, perfect
These appear to be from late in the design process. Ruber's chin isn't quite so large and he has a cliche scar over one eye, and his shoulderpads are much less stylized than in the final version.
Who do you get to voice black Ruber
I vote Terry
>making me listen to this shit again
oh god just shoot me
I listened to both on the surround sound, and now I think the cops are coming.
They should play it on loop at the Korean DMZ