Salty Gravity Falls shills incoming

Salty Gravity Falls shills incoming

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Gravity Falls gave me a waifu which is more then what Phineas and Ferb ever did for me

Phineas and Ferb is a funny show but its a repetitive show. Its not rewatchable funny compared to something like Ed Edd and Eddy

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Pale Dipper is hot

Your inner Shota fag is showing.

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>Gravity Falls gave me a waifu which is more then what Phineas and Ferb ever did for me

You can't blame the show for that.
It gave us Candace, Vanessa, Stacy, etc. It's not the show's fault they weren't good enough for you

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>for a show that ended years ago

I have a fetish for Alpha Bitches with high incomes its not my fault Standards and Practices didn't want a character like that in that show

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Creating controversy that doesn't exist

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The ONLY reason Phineas and Ferb got popular is because Disney barely had any cartoons around that time it came out. Most of their shows were live-action shit until 2010 where we got Kick Buttowski and Fish Hooks, but shows failed, so we had to wait to 2012 for Gravity Falls, an actual good cartoon.

Phineas and Ferb was already 5 years at the time GF came out.

I would honestly say that Kick Buttowski and Chowder are on the same boat for shows you don't learn to appreciate until later in life

Kick Buttowski is an absolute chad protagonist

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A thread died for this thread to exist.

What happened in this man's life that he pays people to draw this so he can get off on it.

He stared into the abyss. Also Wonder Bread reminds him of his Ex's tits

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So his ex had a bunch of tumors?

Gravity Falls and P&P are fundamentally different shows.
Why would you directly compare them? It's like apples and oranges.

I dunno what OP was trying to prove these 2 examples aren't even within the same league of each other

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It's the same thing with GF though, only several under the radar shows were good then and GF brought out a "mystery" vibe that got huge fans. This despite all subsequent Disney shows, even really goofy ones, having more consequences and maturity
It really isn't a good show it just came out the right time on the right network

They're both great at what they do, but they're fundamentally different.

OP wanted to make a bait thread and he succeeded after you replied

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But P&F is unironically better then GF

The only thing the two shows have in common is Dipper would fit right in being Phineas and Ferb's friend because they're all genuinely nice people with a fondness to build things

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Debatable. I love Gravity Falls for completely selfish reasons.

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Why not make an actual good comparison between Phineas and Ferb and something like Milo Murphy's Law

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Same logic as the power level fags I suppose

Gravity Falls has better waifus

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>Its not rewatchable funny
I'd say it's more funny rewatched due to the background continuity and evolving jokes

I suppose that's fair to each their own.

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What's the rotated V for, OP?

Sorry not my type.

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Both were pretty good shows, tho GF was way more interesting to watch. P&F was just something I used to watch on TV when I had lunch.

Compare and Contrast

OP just had a shit opinion and wanted to share it

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Perry and Doofenshmirtz wreck Bill Cypher in 5 minutes
Says the man who wants to fuck an underage Latino boy in drag

It's a greater then sign

Yep. The best fucking comparison for Phineas and Ferb is its like Recess the perfect show to watch while you wait for better shows to air

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>even really goofy ones, having more consequences and maturity
What ya mean?

Its OP trying to be controversial with his shit opinions

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The future is now old anons.

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He's talking about how Phineas and Ferb is a better show then GF despite the fact one has a plot while the other is written like a PSA

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Even show like Ducktales 2017 have more consequences and actually surprising twists compared to GF. It's a all hype no substance show which is heavily degrading in quality over time. It's really showing its weaknesses when removing the fandom aspect

and even then Yea Forums said Three Caballeros was a better show that had better waifus then Ducktales

Everyone ITT is a fucking retard

They're different genres
Is Gone with the Wind better than Blade Runner?
Not really no, and to imply otherwise is the mark of a true retard

Gravity Falls is funny, sure, but at it's core it's a mystery series
P+F is a comedy musical
Different genres, you guys are idiots because you think they are the same because they are both cartoons.

Phineas and Ferb aired in fucking 2007, It's more than ten years old, goddamnit.

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>Everyone ITT is a fucking retard
This is a Murlogic thread by metastasis we are becoming retarded just for the mere fact of posting here.

To be fair, GF wasn’t really great. Quite cookie-cutter

The P&P characters have fucking vivzie anatomy and look uncanny as hell. How do you even find them attractive?

>Phineas and Ferb
Bland as fuck main cast. Followed the dreaded "segmented with b-shows" thing like Dexter's Lab. Too many songs. Dragged on far too long and pretty much no one noticed when it ended.
>Gravity Falls
Main cast was generally entertaining. Full length episodes. Things only got bad towards the end, but the general complaint is that it ended too soon.

Not even a competition. P&F was just Disney Channel's answer to status quo heavy, everything goes awry Seinfeld for kids type shows like Dexter's Lab or FoP. Don't get me wrong, it was a big success (mainly because Nick and CN were at rock bottom at the time), but Gravity Falls eclipsed it in every manner.

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I would like to congratulate Dan Povenmire and Swampy on creating a way better finale than that hack Hirsch ever could

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the only good thing about Murrlogic is that he likes Padippica

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Out of Phineas and Dipper, which one is a better crossdresser ?

Hypno or no?
If so, Dipper.
If not, Phineas

Phineas and Ferb is still the superior product.

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