Anyone remember reading Boys Life?
Anyone remember reading Boys Life?
This guys art style really helped me with simple stuff in my own comics growing up.
Holy shit I had been wondering where that mental image was from.
Jesus Christ I haven't seen one of those magazines in years.
Hell yeah my dude, it was always good when Think and Grin snuck in a dirty joke
AUGH my brain
Pedro's current design sucks.
Yeah it's complete trash, kind of reminds me of the new chucky cheese design.
Wait, does Butch Hartman draw him now?
>Boys Life
Now you mentioned it, I did have it. Distinctly remember having the Sept 1993 issue, probably more around that era. I didn't remember Issac Asimov doing writing for one of the comics in that issue.
fuck yeah
What a trip, I remember this nigga. Always after alfalfa shakes or sum shit right?
Hell yeah. Grandma got my brother a subscription to it and I got some girly shit, so I always used to steal it from his room to read.
Holy shit. You just awoke a memory that's laid dormant in my mind for over a decade.
Eagle, Silver Palms, Troop 258, Otetiana Council, Black Creek District
Fall in boys
Eagle, Troop 457, Moraine Trails Council
Eagle, 115, Baltimore Area Council
Eagle, Troop 40, fuck if I know what district it's been a while since I was in scouts.
eagle, troop 98, can't remember rest.
2nd class, Troop 99
Camping was a bitch.
Eagle, Troop 725, Greater St. Louis Area Council
camping was fun
i liked making hobo food.
I'm an Eagle, but I'm not outing myself on this shithole.
Vividly. The comics, games and ads by themselves made it worthwhile to me.
>Anyone remember reading Boys Life?
I'll just leave this here...
I only know it because of that joke in Airplane.
I'm also not a boy so the only magazine I read as a kid was highlights and stone soup
I would have assumed those neurons would have died by now. Nope. Nostalgia. Hard. I feel 8 years old.
>Last time I saw this was over 15 years ago.
>Maybe have thought about it 2 or 3 times in all those years.
>Just talked with my brother about this comic a few days ago.
>See this thread.
Weird coincidences aside, I have a few questions. First, is this comic still going? And Second, I vaguely remember a plot line involving Pedro going to an alternate universe or something for whatever reason. Would anyone be so kind as to remind me what brought him there and if and how he got back to his own reality?
Eagle, Troop 116, San Marcos area council.
Eagle, Troop 107 florida.
Had a bunch of great times in the scouts as a whole.
Eagle too, but I've watched too many seasons of rick and morty to know not to reveal personal info on here. 's got the right idea.
I was never a Scout, I just have the trappings and abilities of one
>master pyromancer
>building shit extraordinaire
>plant trees all over hell's half-acre
>official bugle that I inherited
My brother had these magazines as a kid. I always liked the comic with the scouts that visit alien worlds/had aliens visit them more for the art style and outlandish looking shit rather than it actually amusing me. The rescue stories had pretty great art too.
The actual skill set that makes Eagles attractive to colleges is the ability to check things off lists. Their statistics on how successful their students are is based on ability to eat shit and check lists, they don't get any feathers in their cap if someone drops out and becomes a billionaire.
Thanks user!
Eagle Scout here
Eagle, Troop 116, in either the the Alamo Area Council or the Capitol area council.
My troop didn't last too long after I attained eagle unfortunately.
AND NOW it's time for:
The Wacky Adventures of Pedro: The Blue Ice Cream Saga!
yes and I remember Nickelodeon magazine and it was far superior
What a pile of shit
Well, thanks for the memories.
goddamn i remember that exact comic
jesus what a trip through time
Eagle, Troop #nope, some southern california council i don't remember
Never made Eagle, forgot my troop name, can't even remember why I left. If it wasn't for the fact I'm damn good at starting a fire and can still tie some good knots, I'd assume I just hallucinated the entire affair.
Flint River Council Eagle
Eagle, Bronze Palm, Troop 135, Aloha Council.
Did some time in a Venture Crew in my current state, Crew 408, Tidewater Council. Haven't been involved in about 6 years now.
My dad thought scouting was gay. He just took us camping.
Denied Eagle. Qualified as Eagle, troop was disbanded before officially recognized. Moved shortly after and new troop would not recognize any of the work I did to qualify as Eagle.
Just tossed all the old issues I had from the early 90's out last week. Scoured each one looking for an old video game ad that I can't find anything about. The ad claimed you could play as one of 12 different races in a vertical map, and you had to conquer the other levels. One of the races were giant purple worm people, and the ad ran on a page across from clay fighter 1 ads.
That makes it sound miserable.
Daaaaamn, why to take me back, user. Way to take me allll the way back, Jesus.
>What a pile of shit
Yes, you certainly are!
Dink and Duff were also pretty prominent too
Reminder that Tom Eaton's been dead for almost three years now.
Aww damn
He had a pretty unique art style that I havent seen anyone do before
>tfw dropped out at Webalo
>never got one of those kickass war arrows to become a Scout
Did i miss out, boyos?
wow i remember that ad
now i feel like i'm going crazy
Eagle, Troop 88, Mason-Dixon Council, Tuscorora District. If any of you fuckers went to Sinoquipe in 2013-2016 I probably taught you Chess.
Eagle, troop 184, Pittsburgh area council.
Hells yeah I remember this shit.
Ain't saying anything else, I'm not retarded.
no rank, I gave up after a shitty camp out, troop i don't remember
Eagle, Troop 181, Circle 10 Council. Golden Arrow District
Ehh. It was okay. It became hard when I joined wrestling and became quartermaster . But I hated the younger edgy middle schoolers who thought they were the best
Eagle, Troop 4241 Last Frontier Council
Star, Troop 1776, Circle 10 Council, Golden Arrow District
>the Air Israel joke
How can one movie be so based?
I really wish they'd print the Pedro and Pee Wee comics into hardback volumes, I remember the comics and jokes section pretty much being the only section of the magazine I looked at as a kid
An amusing part of getting "Boy's Life" (for scouts) and "Scouting" (for dads) was reading the differences in advertisements. BL was a lot of toys, and increased in volume every year. In the dad mag were always ads for millitary boarding schools. I guess if you're looking for a way to communicate a pricey offloading option to worn down dads of spaz boys, that would be.
Troop 266. Left before getting Eagle since I'm a huge shitlord.
Didn't really like Scouting all that much
I completely forgot about it until the instant I saw that donkey, thanks
I got my Arrow of Light and I can’t remember what happened next
Eagle, Troop 228 (now dead), Omaha, Nebraska
Same; I think I was Troop 921 or something. I dunno what district I'd have been in.
Eagle, Troop 39, and there's no way in fuck I remember the council name or whatever.
Holy shit never thought there would be so many fellow Eagle Scouts, and on fuckin 4chins, of all places. This place is like the antithesis of what a good scout should strive to be. But then I remember there were a lot of weird autistic kids in scouts and it makes sense, of course there would be a crossover here.
>was scout
>working way up ranks
>troop disbands due to lack of scouts
>gotta travel an hour each way to new troop
>keep working way up
>that troop disbands for same reason before I reach Eagle
>nearest troop is now 2 hours away
>give up and stop being a scout
I don't even remember the details anymore.
wolf Fairfax VA, troop 1865
i couldn't attend past wolf because i cheated in the pinewood derby, im sorry Matthew
My troop disbanded because the scoutmaster fucking died
well, isn't there a first aid merit badge?
Eagle, that’s all that matters
Gold Award here...
Depends on how much help you get from mommy and daddy. Most rich boys had Eagles handed to them on silver platters while some people actually had to work part-time and raise their siblings because their alcoholic single parent wouldn't as they were earning them.
I quit Scouts when one of the community service projects involved the scouts telling the Mexican workers the father of the guy who needed it for his Eagle requirements hired where to dig holes and plant things. None of the white kids who were supposed to be doing community service broke a sweat.
What did you guys do for your Eagle Project?
I made a garden in front of a school that was bulldozed a year later
It's a liability now in a lot of places. People raise eyebrows at why you're proud of something you did as a child in a sexist organization if you put it on an application. In the last decade or so before the organization became gender-inclusive and became completely pointless on college applications, the only institutions that were accepting Eagles at a higher rate than the general applicant pools were service academies.
I genuinely don't remember.
is that like the girl scout equivalent of eagle?
uhhhh I think I donated a ton of soup to a shelter or something
>is that like the girl scout equivalent of eagle?
Higher college acceptance and hiring rates when mentioned than Eagles, too.
Yeah but nobody knows what it is.
Which is an advantage, because then I get to talk about it during interviews instead of getting skimmed over as yet another Eagle
Star, Troop 858. After my older brother and his group of friends turned 18, I was left all alone and the rest of the kids were 3 or more years younger than me, so I left.
Look at all these folks who were in scouts, yet failed so hard in life that they ended up on Yea Forums.
My brother did shelves for a church which were taken down a year later. Seems to be a common theme here.
How soon until Girl Scouts folds now that BSA accepts girls?
>Girl scouts sells cookies
>Boy scouts sells shitty popcorn
I don't think it's the Girl Scouts who are in trouble, user.
I wouldn't want to go on coed camping trips.
What's wrong with scout popcorn?
LIfe, never could get the physical merit badges for Eagle, Troop 86(disbanded)
The fact that the fuckers never gave us any up front to sell, instead they gave us and order form and told us to ask our family and teachers and shit.
I did better selling ONIONS than all the years of popcorn. Best thing I ever hocked for the Scouts was Mistletoe that my mom had shot out of trees. Sold it during the Christmas parade while the rest of them were back at the fire station selling hot chocolate. sold onions?
For the life of me, no one in either of the Troops I was involved in (I moved) could sell any fucking popcorn. We were perfectly functional Troops, we could do the flag presentation and take down ceremonies, put up tents and knew the proper way to build a fire, but we were all shit popcorn salesmen.
I sold dozens of popcorn every year at my church. Atheists btfo
Just 'cuz you're on Yea Forums doesn't mean you're a failure. Browse /fit/, /gd/, /diy/, /out/, and /trv/ more than the entertainment boards
You talkin' shit about onions?
shoe drive.
Sounds boss, all we ever did was those shitty little wooden cars on slopes.
but like...individual onions? on the street?
I was always the top popcorn seller in my troop, and even got to sell it again when I was in college, since technically I was a part of a Venture Crew started by my fraternity
I outsold everyone by a wide margin there too
Fuckin hell man, go work for Orville Redenbecher.
I remember buying a bunch of shit out of the back and feeling ripped off. Not a cool thing to do to kids you're trying to instill virtues in.
Not to mention they were selling shit like stink bombs, joy-buzzers and x-ray spex.
I told my mom I wanted one of these fucking pens for Christmas. Boys Life advertised it as being able to write underwater. I tried it once and the pen never worked again.
Your parents let you fall for that scam and didn't explain it to you? My dad told me straight up that shit was overpriced and poor quality or complete scams, and not to waste my money on it. I can't remember what I wanted. I do remember he pointed out an ad for some knife, said he ordered it when he was a kid, and the fucking thing arrived with the handle cracked. He said he made a handle for it, only for the blade to break two weeks later on hardwood.
Seriously, why did your parents let you fall for that?
Huh, you weren't kidding. Pretty much a different comic now, seems more slice-of-life with all sci-fi adventure elements gone.
Should've just made an entirely new comic and just continue reprinting the classic Pedro pages
Aw, that's cute though. And well thought out. Murphy's Law in action kinda deal.
Eagle, Troop 553 WC
If anyone's interested and feeling a bit nostalgic, they have an official archive of every issue up to around 2012
I did. I also had a Boy Scout Handbook from the 1950's that tells you not to do anything impure in the shower.
Where my Boxwell Summer Camp nibbas at? I had the skeet range high score in the summer of 2000.
Troop 123, Western Kentucky
Holy shit, I had forgotten about Pee Wee Harris
He was my favorite comic in the magazine
Is Boy’s Life seriously still a monthly magazine?
I thought every magazine moved to quarterly or stopped publishing long ago
>Troop 591
>Utah National Parks Council
Would've gone eagle if I didn't became a foreign exchange student.
That's really weird. I would figure being a foreign exchange student would fall under 'doing your best to do your duty to your community' by being a good representative of it outside of your community.
Believe me, that and the whole point of the 'Citizenship in the World' merit badge was the hook was angling for, but the real reasons were both physical problems and circumstantial ones. I survived a heart attack while abroad and when I returned to the states I found out that only a fraction of the classes I took online could be considered acceptable by my school. I had to work my tail off to catch up and graduate while still having energy to make it through the day. I just had too much stacked on me at the time.
Goddamn, dude. That really blows. Sounds like God Himself was opposed to you being an Eagle Scout. Just be glad you have your health.
Thanks for understanding man. My heart still affects me, but life's good and even though I have to take life one day at a time I'm glad to have survived.
I really hope you have a good week user.
They were Vidalias and I don't know how it happened, I guess the Scoutmaster knew a guy.
Do a good turn, man.
Eagle, Troop 647, Golden Empire Council. Cool to see so many other Eagle anons in here too.
Wasn't Pee Wee originally drawn more realistically and not so cartoony?
user, I think you were scout raped.
Gee, Cerebus is looking a lot jollier than usual.
Eagle, silver and bronze palms and religious merit (I think that is what its called) troop 50 redwood empire council pomo district.
Eagle, Troop 51, not sure of council but from middle GA. Didn't realize there'd be so many other Eagle Scouts on a Cambodian clam husbandry forum.
>pomo district.
I misread that as Porno...
I wish I lived in a Porno district...
Holy shit I remember this page.
Thank you user
Eagle, Troop 400, Southeast WI Council
This isn't even webcomic tier trash. It's lower than that.
congrats. you just made me get the magazine milkcrate from the garage. I used to love that shit
troop 36 star. I got bullies by my tentmates because I was the youngest and was always used as a fucking chore monkey
thank you so much for bringing back the great memories
Anyone else remember? I've been looking for years and this guy is the only other person who recalls it.
So Boy Scouts actually sold snacks? I thought it was just Girl Scouts and their cookies... Pardon my ignorance, I've never been a scout (was never interested)...
I remember when the most expensive thing to sell was a $30 three-way tin
Now it gets as high as $50 for the same thing
Thanks I hate it now
Norby's other Secret was my jam
It was the rank after Tenderfoot, can't remember what it was. Ended up quitting because the three friends I joined with quit and it felt weird to go on without them.
I still have a vivid memory of another scout "sterilizing" the very dirty benches at a campground we were at with a home-made flamethrower. I still have the burn scars too, now that I think about it. Fucker had terrible aim.
God, I barely remember. I had to look it up. I was a Webelo. I quit because there were no more dads in the troop. Remember the episode of King of the Hill where Hank is disgusted at how pussy the scouts got? It was like that but worse. I think the straw that broke the camel's back was when the moms who ran things got mad at my troop because no one even started the essay they assigned. Such a shame, both my brothers did scouts and I remember waiting what felt like an eternity to join so I could be like them.
Sounds like you were a sperg desu. Webelo means you were what, 13? You would have probably been insufferable at Philmont.
Man, I never knew how much I missed these
Eagle 317 Naperville
Tenderfoot, Troop 88, Nj
What the fuck is up with all these fucking eagles?
Whoa, that takes me back.
They do, but the girls have cornered the market. Nobody waits all year for popcorn season. It’s all about those Thin Mints
2nd Class, Troop 79, didn’t do shit for advancement myself but helped peers in their projects, aged into actively being an Asst Scoutmaster for a few years while in college.
AND NOW it's time for:
The Wacky Adventures of Pedro: The Mirror Machine Saga!
This is damn good cartooning right here.
Star, El Camino Real District.
Troop 667, Arvada, Colorado
Got my Arrow of Light but never went on to Boy Scouts ;_; I did get to help my friend with his Eagle Scout project though so that was cool
Star scout
tfw quit the scouts because the new patrol leader for my patrol decided he didn't want me and "voted" to kick me out of the patrol and the scout masters said that was ok.
I wish some user would do a good turn and make an archive of all the comics and illustrations Tom Easton produced for Boys' Life...
Holy FUCK I haven’t thought about Pedro for years. Boy Scouts was based. Is there a place to read them all?
Extract of morning glories.
I remember seeing an issue at my friend's house when I was, like, 5, and feeling genuinely confused as to why the story of Joseph was in a non-Jewish magazine because I was under the impression all goyim were essentially pagans.
Eagle, Troop 88, Colorado
No, it’s the same artist who draws Pee Wee Harris
Life scout, Troop 365, the council named change so who knows...
I want a delicious clover frappe.
A thousand thanks!
I remember BL from the days when the artists could DRAW. The plots even made sense -- occasionally.
When I see it in libraries today it seems like it's aimed at a much younger demographic. It used to cover topics for Boy Scouts; how to whittle a neckerchief slide or survive in the woods.
It's been dumbed down a lot. Can't even call the humor "sophomoric".
This is from the period when it was important to beat the Reds to the Moon. A crew was sent and we'd worry about returning them to Earth later.
But the era and the technology varied wildly. The writer never thought far ahead. There'd be "factual" scientific lessons, space pirates, and at least 3 "first" landings on Mars.
Finally, they jumped 1000 years ahead, introduced FTL travel and completely abandoned plausibility. Very Flash Gordon-ish; tribes of alien lizard-men ruled by human princesses who wore minimal clothing.
My subscription ended when I left the Scouts and, by that point, I wasn't even curious how the story came out.
Eagle, Troop 837, Circle 10 Council, Texas. Fucking shame what Scouts has become.
Troop 279
Eagle, Palms are for suckers, Troop 15 Marin Council.
Actually knew a couple of posters from my own troop, though they never went beyond the newfag boards. I think that parents use the scouts as a way to get the weird kids with no friends to socialize.
Didn't Heinlein write a few short stories for Boys Life back in the day?
dropped out when I moved and didn’t feel like going through the effort of joining another troop. Star.
Did anyone ever wish they would encounter somebody in mortal danger so that you could save them and be featured in the Scouts In Action comic?
>And Second, I vaguely remember a plot line involving Pedro going to an alternate universe or something for whatever reason.
Shit now I remember this too. It seemed like that plotline went on for a really long time or something?
I guess that makes sense, since Pee Wee is Boys Life other big comic
Is Dink and Duff still a thing?