What do you guys unironically think of this show? Is it worth watching...

What do you guys unironically think of this show? Is it worth watching? I put it on one day out of boredom and it seemed like it managed to be even more reddit than Rick and Morty. Only made it like two eps in though.

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>Ash's backstory gets absolutely dabbed on by Olan's horrendous writing

Why can't this be a serious space drama with light hearted comedy elements y'know LIKE IT WAS IN SEASON 1

Season 1 grew on me
Season 2 lost me after the 2 first episodes

Killing the Lord Commander was a mistake

Completely devaluing HUE as a character was an even bigger mistake Jane Lynch legit sounds like she is phoning it in

I liked the first season, still need to start on the second.

As for the first season it stayed a blend of space drama and silly comedy, but the more invested I got in the story/characters the more I noticed the drama and less the comedy. All around great first season.

Exactly within the 1st 3 seasons of Season 2 its like the show progressed backwards

Give me more Todd H. Watson please.

First season is ok. Second season is pretty shit so far. I don't care for the new characters at all but it's animated nicely. Shippers will keep the threads alive as always. I'll watch it because I don't know why.

Literally the best new characters are Ash and Todd H. Watson

Eve, Clarence, and the dude with the machine gun arm just meld into the background that is how forgettable they're as characters

See,I don't like ash but to each their own.

I love Ash. I made my decision in the debut episode where after she straight murdered one of the racing ship guards she immediately goes "FINGER PAINTING"

My waifu has autism and I love her

So I’m only up to episode 4 and I need to ask:
Did they make the MC less annoying in season 2?

No. In Season 1 the best variation of Gary is between Episode 8 all the way to the Season 1 Finale

If you hate Gary as he is now in Season 2 they double downed

Haven't watched season two yet, but I thought season one was worth a watch.

I like that there's a solid direction of plot and that Gary has an alright blend of comedy and drama as a protagonist rather than being a one-note dumbass for the entire conflict. Didn't think the leading lady had any reason to be interested in him, so the romance angle was a bit forced, but I thought the bromance was on point.

The difference between Season 1 and Season 2 is almost night and fucking day

Gary commanding HUE to go to Yarno to find a safe hiding spot for Mooncake is still more emotionally enticing to watch then literally anything that happened when Gary went to Ash's home planet


>season 2 is shit compared to season 1

Im sorry but didnt everyone shit on the first few episodes of season 1 as well?

I enjoyed Season 1, still waiting for S2 to finish before I watch it. Gary was insufferable, but its kinda mitigated in my mind seeing that he's brain damaged/deranged from his solitude.

Hes a lot better in season 2 but theres not much to him yet. The intro for the upcoming episode is pretty wholesome though

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No one told me anything about it, I just put it on because I was bored. All I knew was that it was a thing that existed and that I had seen clips of it and thought it looked pretty. Like I said though, that first ep was insufferable.

I liked the cold openings enough to continue binging the first season to see where it goes. It definitely gets better after each episode and moreso towards the latter half. Season 2 is kind of meandering, but I assume it'll get good when the plot kicks in again.

The first few episodes of Season 1 are fucking awful. It gets better.

Anyone got the link for the stream?

Gary's immense insufferability is so legendary the start of Season 2 has Gary's recap lampshade it.
He's definitely better than he was in early Season 1 but it's going to take time for shit to go down so he's reverted a bit from where he was at the end of season 1.


15 more minutes.

I think there's a good chance the second season is following the same formula as the first and going to get more serious as it goes. It may reset every season.

thats what I think as well.
if I were to choose which episodes were better


Fucking Loggins


Is Little Cato BIG Cato now?

fuck, i miss avocato



Mooncake sounds like Judge Fudge

A lot of piss being thrown around this season.

I hope mooncake keeps the voice

wtf KVN

C'mon he wasn't REALLY gonna do it...

well fuck, they killed a Titan...or atleast beat it back into Final Space

He imagined the whole thing

well fuck

>60 years
Damn I'd have shot myself after 2

Pow, right in the feels.

kinda expected tho, you can't really move on to the plotline with gary dying and the missing keys never to be found

haha wow it's like that StarVs episode
I give it a 0/10

Oh fuck, so he imagine the whole thing including the titan or what?

>Cato goes back to regular age.
>But still remembers the 60 years of loneliness

Damn, pretty rough.

Which one?

I hope this show handles the ramifications of an aged mind in a young body better than Star vs. did.

Yes. He was alone on his side of the ship when they crashed. He imagined everything

the one where Marco spends 30 years in another dimension comes back and remembers everything

being that its an adult show, most likely. Man they really gave Little Cato's development an upgrade this season.

Next episode:

The Notorious Mrs. Godspeed:
>Gary reconnects with the mother who abandoned him; Mooncake misses Gary's attention.

What are your predictions?

Spends 30 years on a quest but has fun and meets long lasting friends along the way
>Little Cato
stranded on another side of a ship for 60 years alone and hallucinates all of his friends being there
Jesus christ being Little Cato is suffering

another disappointment

>little cato alone with hologram avocato for 60 years
>finally puts it away after he comes back
AAAAAAAAHH my Little Cato I just want you to be happy!!

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Mooncake accidentally kills Gary's mom at the end. She was a cunt. Everybody has a laugh.

spends 5 years alone on a prison ship but has robots to keep him company
>Little Cato
spends 60 years alone on a ship with no one

why wasn't LilCato imagining Ash? I thought there was something going on between those two

technically ash is into LC more than he is

It seemed like he did but she "died"

Now waitin for mega

Little Cato has officially suffered more than Gary

I think the comic relief was served well this episode because it was a hallucination. When you think about it, the comic relief was what made Little Cato comfortable and then when you see it was all in his head its just depressing as shit.

Any mega/torrent of today's ep?

I miss him bros

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>lively shotacat is now a grumpy emo 75 year old man
thanks I hate it

the less furfags the better fandom

what fandom

everywhere else but here, no wonder the threads always die

that was quick

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yea there is not really a fandom for this show on Yea Forums anymore. they all moved to reddit or twitter.

Probably went to the early screening at RTX

This episode hit a lot harder than I thought it would. Soon as little cato took out the hologram my fucking heart sank.

But I wonder if little cato really did age mentally and if we’ll see that in later episodes.

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Is the ep available anywhere else?

I do enjoy the concept, but I'm not really sure if it was a good idea to implement it this way. Little Cato DOES remember the 60 years he spent all alone, so he posesses an aged mind.
I don't like this development, because it affects the coming-of-age portion of his story. It feels we're skipping stages in his development, basically, 'cause now he should have a significantly older perspective about things.

The guy who voices him is seiously good.

We gotta either wait for mega-user to post links or to be put up a streaming site, could take 20 minutes could take a couple of hours

why is this faggot dressed like Saturn Girl

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Guy who voices him is a total chad

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Prison uniform

Ah ok, thank you

>we will never have Avocato and Gary get together and raise their damaged physically 15 year old but mentally 75 year old son.


I'm doubtful they'll be renewed for a third season

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would this show be better if little cato was the main character?

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But user.. he is the main character

who got a link to tonights episode

Still isn't up anywhere yet apparently

>that reveal
Holy shit. Was he actually trying to kill himself? Was the distress beacon response real? Was the Titan real?

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It's a shame he was killed off because the voice actor was new to the industry

Bump for MEGA.


calm down Olan

How is this still not online anywhere yet?



Thanks based meganon, you're the hero we want, but absolutely not the one we deserve.

No, you couldn't make a more insufferable main character if you tried, and it's all due to the terrible voice acting, second season somehow has worse voice acting but for different reasons and it suffers from "lets put in all the characters in every episode every time all the time" fatigue so no one gets fleshed out and no one is interesting and no one matters.

Like you couldn't make a more paint by numbers level 1 is forest level, level 2 is lava level, plot summary. It's so inorganic and so awful and so amateur it's insulting. I've seen better more organic plot progression in porn comics that don't get updated for years at a time.

It looks pretty though

Is it weird that I only watch it for the animation

Enjoying the ride
season 1 was better, but season 2 is still reasonable enjoyable

I mean, it's terrible. If you wanna look at it critically, it's corny, hackneyed, it's been done thousands of times. But it's kinda fun and if you turn that part of your brain off well enough it's watchable.

Why is being a cat suffering in this show

Marco spent 30 years hunting down hot chicks on his dragoncycle while Little Cato only had his own peepee to play with.

Honestly 2nd season is much better than the first so far. better animation
less mc faggot being a faggot on screen by himself

Season 1 started somewhat okay but the shitty jokes, awful music and terrible writing turned season 1 into complete dogshit. I Did not watch season 2 but so far the comments are that it is bad.


episode 4 is included

I'm actually okay with Gary being an insufferable misanthrope who operates on his own value system and, due to that, becomes an unlikely hero.
Too bad they've kind of shit on all that and it feels like the writing is constantly undermining itself and the interesting parts of the universe it establishes.
Also think that over doubling the cast was a fucking mistake. I don't think that Ash, Fox, AVA, Todd, and Tribore should be on the ship at all. Especially Tribore. Fuck that guy. There's just too many annoying shit characters like KVN.

I seriously don't understand how anyone can like this show. It's so PAINFULLY unfunny and bad.

It has nice animation.
It grew on me through the first season, but season 2 has been pretty much awful.

Well, back to TT Go and Spongebob then

finna hijack this thread

What did you all think of episode 4?

It's the first one so far that felt like season 1 imo, heavier on the drama and all. idk why the show has to rely on the bullshit gross out humour instead of this

100 and 10 percent.

He's more likeable + has better motivation and a better design than Gary. Imagine if gary and the rest of the crew had died at the end of season 1 and we followed Littlecato for the rest of the series fighting against the titans and the LC to avenge his dad, and his friends?

I liked that it was heavier on the drama, myself.
It made me realize I really miss Avocato and that his VA did a great job.
The Loggins opening was cool but the episode otherwise reminded me how little I like all the new crew members. Also, someone's continuing to cram their piss fetish into the show and it's disgusting.
It feels really cheap for the Titan defeat to be imagined when the whole scenario happened in a timeline that Little Cato has been recovered from anyway, but fuck it.

Yes, a million times yes.

His voice is so much better.

This season has ten episodes like the last one right?

There are 13 episodes this season.

No. The time anomaly still happened; the reveal was that ONLY Little Cato went 60 years into the future, and everybody else was still in the present with Gary the whole time.

I don’t think that was too expected.

At least we still got to hear him in this episode.

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>almost executed by father
>used as a hostage by fathers employer since father turned against employer
>possessed by fathers employer and was made to try to kill father
>father is killed shortly after they are reunited
>denied revenge against fathers employer
>ends up as slave to asshole con man
>gets trapped in another dimension for 60 years
>spends 60 years alone on half of a ship hallucinating friends and talking to a text to voice hologram of his father

Christ are we still doing that suffering/deserving chart? His suffering is easily a 90 and his deserving it is definitely a 10 or 0

Forgot to put in related pic

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>better animation
I still don’t get where this is coming from. People were saying the animation looked better as far back as when we first got those S2 trailers. It all looks exactly the same, with maybe more scenes having dramatic lighting/colors that S1 usually saved for epic battles or chase scenes.

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No, not at all. The writing has major issues with balancing drama and [generally weak] comedy, and there are several characters who are more annoying than entertaining.

The visuals are still the best thing about this show. Jam Filled does amazingly smooth character animation, the CG spaceships always look cool, and the show’s art direction (color palettes, backgrounds) is fucking jaw-dropping.

I wish all this artistic talent wasn’t being wasted on such mediocre writing. Final Space really is the poor man’s Rick and Morty.

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it alright

god i love piss

t. Clarence


Not enough piss

This show is shit. The art style is too cute, so there are no waifus.

Olan Rogers is undeniably the weakest element of the show. His voice acting and writing and just overall comedy style are just so annoying and feel like they're still hung up on early 2000s web humor. Every line out of Gary's mouth is some wannabe Invader Zim shit like "holy silky smooth titty-booger barf nuggets." I can't believe anybody ever laughed at that stuff but judging from people's reactions to the show it seems like they agree-- the drama and visuals are good but the comedy... the part he is actually involved in... always falls flat.

Really? Because it felt like despite brief moments of levity they kept Gary fairly close to his demeanor from the later half of season 1.

He imagined them "dying" to set up the reveal that he was imagining everyone else since they were the only three the viewer saw not caught in the time fuckery.

You won't really age mentally if you're alone for 60 years without any real sort of stimulation.

> the comedy... the part he is actually involved in
Pretty sure he’s responsible for the drama, too

How's season 2 so far? I was gonna wait til it was on Netflix but I kinda want to watch it now


The main character is one of the most annoying, unlikable characters in all fiction.

>Gary is anywhere close to this bad

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Every time Gary said crap I had to physically stop myself from turning it off.

I'll have to take your word for it that he's that insufferable in S2, I haven't caught up yet.
Damn my faith in Olan making him more likable this season.

I don't know what everyone else in this thread is even talking about.
Compared to Season 1 Gary, especially early Season 1, Season 2 Gary has been really subdued.

this. Gary is actually really great this season. Hes not doing his overdramatic way of speaking and is actually talking like a human being.

Pretty much this.

i see S2 hate which is strange, i had to force myself to finish S1 i was bored out of my mind because almost every episode was the same episode over and over and the lord commander was a shit character and theyre going to bring him back? Fuck that, one really dumb thing that annoyed me was the entire space force joining him with what looked like without question.

This S2 is actually getting character story development right from the get go with Ash and the series became a space journey going to other worlds. I dont like what they did to HUE he was decent as a background voice now hes a punching bag , glad that one bitch is gone, her less talkative older version is 20x better, Gary is less annoying.

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All I wanted was some Quinn fanservice...

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Was this picture of Gary real, or was Little Cato just imagining him shirtless?

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Episode 4 was amazing. However I felt intense tonal whiplash when the episode was over.

Little Cado must be protected. How can Episode 4 be so good but Episode 3 was so painfully awful

>’I want some fanservice of this hyper-simplified, noodle-armed character with no curves’

You know why

I actually like robot HUE.
While I prefer his ship form, I think he's kind of adorable as a bumbling robot who's just trying his best.

>Look out, I'm gonna cut loose!

it sucks bro

Damn his voice is so sexy

why are you comparing a show to a website? rick and morty is what it is, same with final space.

personally I thought it was great and I dont think I'd really compare it to Rick and Morty.

i tried to like it. the world it has built in is cool but good fuck is the writing atrocious.

Just saw the latest episode, Little Cato is really fucked for life after that

it's really bad and doesnt get better, i watched the whole thing. the writing is so bad and the VA has negative charisma, but there are a few ideas in there

pretty much. its gonna be awkward between him and Ash now since hes mentally 75 and shes 17.
I hope they don't sweep it under the rug like Star Vs.

I really wish you weren’t absolutely right about that.

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What the fuck? Second season has started?!

Netflix shows nothing new, and adult swim doesn't even have it listed, is it just another "Fuck you Canada" situation?

i got u

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>adult swim doesn't even have it listed
What did he mean by this?

>that first "I" when Little Cato has him say "I...believe in you"

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Maybe he's playing 4D chess. Maybe it's bad because he dislikes Burch.

Also, daily reminder that you are not Anthony Burch.

You waifu faggots need to shut up.

its good, just stop letting olan make decisions about important plot points.

Like have him be voice actor and producer and let the actual writing team do their jobs at making the series a non tone deaf mess

So Clarence is basically Frieza?

love it.