What do you think? Personally I'm gonna miss the skirt
CW's Supergirl New Look
Looks bad
It's not bad, but not great either. Would like some more red and yellow on it. Maybe closer to the Injustice 2 version
I don't dig the hair.
It'll be like when Felicity cut her hair---cancelled
She looks like chain smoking 50-year old
Looks fucking awful, what the fuck happened
The classic problem of no block of red to break up blue if you take the undies away. She needs a Gleason like red belt form.
What happened to her nose?
>What do you think?
It's bad. It's basically just Superman's N52 suit, minus a collar and has thigh high boots.
Also, her bangs look like shit.
>I'm gonna miss the skirt
Ditto. At least that helped to balance out the colors.
What happened to her face?
It's not great. I wouldn't say it's bad it just feels like it's missing something? Maybe someone will do an edit to make it more appealing?
Is she smoking crack now?
>DC wants to be Marvel but their lack of talent won't let them
So they just basically took Superman’s costume from Rebirth connected the sleeves into gauntlets and extended the boots. Wow that looks bad
One scarf away from being Absolutely Halal!
If she gets to bang Lena, she can wear whatever.
>no skirt
Helen Slater doesn't look that old.
Way too much blue. Make the forearms red, and add red to the shoulders and chest as a big "V" shaped section, sort of like what Nightwing's costume does.
It just needs a red belt desu, breaks up the blue more than the gold does, but it's pretty neat desu
simple color fix, over 9000 hours in paint
She looks fine, but those bangs? Cmon girl. Comb that shit.
I wish they would have gone with this costume instead. Supergirl should have a skirt.
>First Captain Marvel steals her outfit from Superman
>Now Supergirl is stealing her outfit from Captain Marvel who stole it from Superman
She looks so...old
The costume is fine, but holy fuck, what did they do to her face and her hair?
She looks like a midwestern 50 year old crack whore
remember when she posted nudes?
Is this show good? Or is it slow with a lot of weird and awkward drama like most live action shows I tried to watch?
...how would it look if you swapped the blue for white and ditched the sleeves?
Is that the same actor? Looks like she gained 20 years
It’s alright, just the show borrows a lot more from Superman stories than Supergirl stories.
It's exactly what you think but worse
Kara is supposed to be a teenager in the comics. So Benoist is starting to seem a bit off in the role desu.
At least give her red underwear. A blue unitard looks terrible on Supes too
it's a CW show aimed at pre teen girls
Its bad no doubt about it but Brie's look was just as garbage.
For what purpose?
Sad this is only reason fags still watch this horrible show. For a lame ass unoriginal ship. Smallville did that LuthorXEl shipping years ago and bettet.
Are you a dude who loves being preached to? Do you like topical and sjw shit intertwined in your cape shows? Then sure this is the show for you.
Melissa is a hottie but I couldn't stand the show as a whole.
Also, do you absolutely hate how comic book characters, in particular the LoSH, are characterised? Because that'll help.
This, and fuck the /cu/cks who defend this garbage of a series.
Vancouver is BRRRRR the outfit. Wish Canada would cease to exist so the CW and it's awful adaptations can die. The streaming shows are a million times better.
Looks like a supervillain
Did she age 20 years overnight?
the FUCK
No close ups of her disgusting feet so we can laugh at her feet as well as her Halloween store tier outfit?
My only real issue is with the poor lighting, but if I have to say something about the look itself, now that the red skirt is gone, it kinda leaves a lot of dead space. Maybe if the belt was a bit lower and had some red, it'd look better. Not sure.
This is just for a time skip arc, right? They wouldn't seriously fuck up one of the only decent things about the show, would they?
>Not fucking up the only decent things about their shows
Swap blue for white, and red for blue? I like your thinking.
You're absolutely right. I don't know what I was thinking...
I don't like it, but I already didn't like the show so I don't care.
Thing still looks off without trunks.
i only came back for the losh and brainy and i regret it every day
wow, it must be hot in there.
for her
Is there sneak peaks of Tom Welling?
I vomit
Costume looks like the one from the MoS porn parody, hair is terrible
Step way back
It's relatively fine if you're capable of not shitting your pants the instant you suspect feminism may be taking place.
>doesn't even have red panties on the outside
It's pretty trash. Kara should have a girly skirt outfit or be a rebellious teen girl that wouldn't just copy her cousin.
>Looks like she gained 20 years
an improvment
They should open up her midsection since they got rid of the skirt.
I think they tried to emulate this.
looks good
So they're going with a Superman-esque suit now that she's a bit older? Ehh...
I thought that she was the Homelander
Its the lighting and the fact that white women age pretty badly
They should have went with the first one.
>to make a female character "more progressive" they make her more like her male counterpart
Bad picture of a lame costume.
at least you can still see her shapely neck.
Meh, it sucks. Looks generic as fuck. They should try to use another kind of fabric instead of that shitty shit that they use everytime they want something "realistic"
And yet NOONE is talking about the BANGS!!
So, it's goodbye for me after CRISIS
she just needs a few more shifts a week so she can feed her kids, Gary, what the hell kind of asshole supermarket manager wants his employees' kids to starve so that he doesn't have to explain why his casual hires are turning permanent to his area manager
just how I like my kryptonian girls
She's still got that necc
What works for Nazi girl only really for Nazi girl cuz Nazi.
Fuck this gay earth!
it works for every alternate/evil version
terrible color balance
Would have preferred if they keep the skirt or went with a leotard
Objectively wrong
well that's fucking awful
Is that even Melissa
Looks more like Paltrow at a glance
this cant be real
Should have used a red belt to evoke the trunks.
hahaha so many triggered incels. good job cw!
>triggered incels.
>that file name
yeah, we're the weird ones
>Don't insult my waifu!!! REEEEE
>Be invincible alien
>Cover everything below your neck in pleather
I'm frankly surprised that the designer didn't go with a full neck covering, while he was overdoing it.
Based. This is the only thing that matters.
People only care about her neck. It's an outright fetish in this place.
I like it, but of course, I'm going to miss the skirt.
That's gross, how can anyone fap to a neck? maybe if you're a vampire or something...
I tip my hat to these designers.
They managed to make a full bodysuit not hot. That takes effort
user, this is blue board, DELETE
One of the episodes in season 1 was about how all costumes but the vanilla skirt suck. I reject it.
kill yourself faggot
the suit is fine. you fags just love to bitch. the only problem is her bangs.
I am going to miss those upskirts too.
Superbore is still a thing?
Do you want to get bored out of your mind? If yes, the show is for you. Otherwise no. This show is not good at all.
I guess the team behind hashtag feminism episode made a move.
Not true. Last season was pretty excellent.
If you have shit taste. Nothing about this shit show is "excellent". It's bad even by CW's low standards.
Nah, I disagree. Agent Liberty, Lex's scheme, the nuances of the alien issue, J'onn development, Manchester balancing out the bad guys, it was all excellently done.
Is there a story reason?
You have shit taste, we already figured that out.
Trunks are gay.
Eh it seems fine, but the one user talking about breaking the middle with red and improving it is bang on.
Only Season 4 is watchable, the rest is boring crap with "hashtag feminism" added on. This show managed to have boring Kryptonian villains as final bosses for three seasons through.
>The Barriest flash alive.jpg
cute pic.
If Barry can marry his adopted/step/whatever sister why can't Kara and Alex be together? I wish Kara was bi.
Let me fix that.
It managed to never have a single good villain.
>inb4 pretending that shitty Lex Luthor and Agent Liberty were good villains
Fuck off. Prometheus was a good villain. Reverse-Flash was a good villain. Those clowns were jokes.
>Lex was a joke
How is it possible to be this wrong? Holy shit. It's the most comic book-y live action Lex to date. He literally gives himself cancer just to manipulate his sister to formulate a cure that will grant him super powers. And then he orchestrates an invasion to the US just to thwart it himself so that he can become a public hero, and then tries to kill Superman with a giant laser.
i could take or leave the suit, but what the fuck is up with that hair?
Pants are fine, needs red around the waist/crotch to break up the blue.
I hate sjw puritans so much. How am I supposed to fap now?
she looks really old from a distance
that butt jiggle. She is tsunadere thats just it, you all cant look at porn unless its about her.
Fuck CW and Fuck Gay Berlanti for pushing this gay shit!
I should very much like to know where you got that picture user.
And somehow it's still garbage.
Much like the rest of the show.
For what purpose? That's just Melissa assuming the position, nothing special really. Please don't tell me you're gonna jerk off to my waifu, that's haram!
That's her mission suit.
>It's not SchutzStaffel
>on my planet it means SuperSlut
Why not just have red pants then? If you’re not going to go with the skirt or the outside undies then just go with red pants and a blue top
thank you
>give me your faggots, your queers, your transvestites
When will they have power girl?
they won't, she's too sexy for the current year
Skirt vs Tight Pants.
Choose your side.
Perfection. Then they went back to the red undies for nostalgia fags.
The CW deleted the only consistenly good thing about the show. Melissa prancing around in her costume.