If this is legit, Disney will remake Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Here is Disney's choice for Milo

If this is legit, Disney will remake Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Here is Disney's choice for Milo.


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It's not legit.

>remaking a flop instead of pretending it never happened

Remaking flawed movies > Remaking movies that are already perfect

i agree with this in theory
but never seems to be the case


I'd actually pay for this,the film would look visually stunning,and making Kida black is ok.

In the unlikely event that this is legit, this would be the only live-action remake I’d be interested in besides Treasure Planet.

UniroUnironically a film that works as live action so I'd watch it. Heck,make Mole gay because he already is. Also,it already has a DIVERSE cast

Whoops. I guess you are right. Sorry Everyone.


Stephen Lang for Rourke? Scarjo for Helga?

He’s alright for a Milo to be sincere

>emulates Michael J Fox in the MCU
>cast as live action Michael J Fox



He's not nerdy enough, Milo is supposed to be a lanky dweeb and holland is in good shape

Yeah and Mysterio is supposed to be ugly but instead we got the sexiest man alive

eh, they look kinda the same

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When will he come out as gay ?

something I found while googling this

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When they recast Kida as a chocolate ottermode guy


(You) first, laddie.

Too short, too.

Starting threads using this website as a source should be a bannable offense.

Kino if the get Isabela Moner as Audrey

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Remaking flawed movies means risking the chance that they could fail again.

Remaking perfect movies means banking off the success of the original and milking nostalgia bucks from knuckledraggers.