Ok guys, hear me out

Ok guys, hear me out.
The first episode the first season of spectacular spiderman has the vulture as the villain.
The first mcu spiderman movie has the vulture as the villan.

The first episode of the second season of spectacular spiderman has mysterio as the villain.
The second mcu spiderman movie has mysterio as the villan.


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It also had the same exact plot as the mysterio episode too.

dont try and give me hope over absolutely fucking nothing

Are you saying we're going to have the blandest versions of Rhino and Sandman in every movie now?
At least there's not as much shipping bullshit and no vomit-inducing artstyle.

Never ever.

...so the MCU is also going to get cancelled?

>Spectacular's Sandman

>Spectacular anything

Yeah okay.

All other animated versions of Rhino and Sandman sucked tho

I wish meme magic would revive Spectacular Spider-Man.

They're literally generic mooks who appear in almost every damn episode but get no development.


>Sandman turns a beach and saves the city from the explosion of an oil tanker
>not before saving the crew
>he could have died doing this
>"no development"
I'm going to blame this on you either having a bad memory or not watching the entire series rather than calling you stupid. If season 3 had happened I guarantee you that he'd have become either a mercenary, an anti-hero or even retired from crime.

He has a redemption arc and they where always consistent about his Profit>Revenge mentality.

Nigga, did we really watch the same fucking show?

I really actually wish there was a way to make Sandman villain in next Spider-man movie, what Raimi was trying to do with him and how it tied to Spider-man's arc is nothing short of diamond in the rough. The more I rewatch the movie and ignore Venom, the better it gets. Sony is the murderer of Spider-man 3.

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>NuMarvel would more than likely make them shoehorn Spider-Verse stuff into a Season 3 instead of letting them do their thing
I'd rather it stay dead.

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Sounds like someone didn't see Spectacular Spider-Man

Nay.....this shall not stand any longer! If my dubs be worthy, The Man of Spiders shall indeed get another season. FOR MIDGARD!!!!!!!!!!!

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They did this to write him out of the show, especially now that he was so powerful that not even water stopped him anymore.

>best friend of Peter Parker gains super-villain identity, goes nuts in a self-destructive manner and turns on him
I'm curious where they'd have taken Harry without retreding what they pulled with Eddie. He follows a lot of the same beats from Harry's comic downfall.

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Underrated comment.

Also what where the planning with her and her silent, intensive steak eating?

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She was going to be voiced by Demona, because Weisman's gotta remind you "I made Gargoyles" constantly.

Probably more reluctant and tragic. Just heartbreak after heartbreak leading into psychotic break.

That slimy as fuck ending where he made Gwen stay with him out of pity was a decent starting point.