Does anyone else want to see more stories about this guy? Commie Smasher Cap was an interesting concept

Does anyone else want to see more stories about this guy? Commie Smasher Cap was an interesting concept.

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Unironically more relevant than Superman Smashes the KKK

But the only commies in the united states are just college students.

Bernie Sanders and AOC aren't commies?

Why do Americans consistently get dumber when they go to college?
If its not Marx, its Ayn Rand.


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Cap is a Commie-Loving fucker. Stark is a real, Commie-Smashing Chad.

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People tell you it’s a place where you will experience new ideas. It is actually a place where they try to convert you into one way of thinking. In other words, it’s where alternate viewpoints come to die.

You are aware that Antifa is unashamedly anarchocommunist. Ironically, the vast majority of them are upper middle class white guys who want to LARP as revolutionaries, bash people in the head with bike locks and throw milkshakes filled with quick drying cement at gay immigrants. While KKK and Nazis are violent, they do so are much lower rate and they are rightfully called out when they do so. Major news outlets and colleges will defend Antifa violence as nessesary to stop “violence” of words. Hell, many college professors actively encourage their students to be, at best, obnoxious twats who blare music, repeat mindless chants and block streets.

I can no longer see cap as anything more than a propaganda tool for the lefties running Marvel.

Sup Ben? How's your sister?

Antifa Smasher Cap when? Can we get this story please?

> It is actually a place where they try to convert you into one way of thinking.
I went to college to get 2 bachelors degrees and a masters and I nearly stayed for a PHD and let me tell you that I met 1, maybe 2 far left professors. If universities were actually these far left brainwashing facilities than I must have missed that class

Lol I went to a literal art college and it didn't have any of that.

I went to a college in the south and it did. It's almost exclusive to shit like sociology though. Had a professor make everyone rights essays on white privilege and how they have benefited/suffered from systemic racism.

Most classes are completely unaffected though.

You know what the say when you assume user.

>Does anyone else want to see more stories about this guy?
no there's enough propoganda thanks

What's funny is, Marvel tried to retcon this Cap to be an impostor since it became established that the real Cap froze in the early 40s.

Thing is though, that means Steve Rogers was only Cap for a few shot years in the early 40s (some writers have him freeze as early as 1941), where all he did was fight Scooby Doo-style masked mystery villains, a few saboteurs, low-level gangsters and had a few missions with The Invaders that were kept from the public (and only had two actual encounters with the Johann Schmidt Red Skull). Honestly, not that impressive a career.

The 'impostor' Cap's timeline, while a bit ambiguous (supposedly he's the Cap seen in Young Men #24 and onward, but that Young Men issue keeps continuity from post-war 40s stories that have not and cannot be attributed to Jeff Mace, the other Cap impostor) still has him function as Cap for an equal, if not longer (if you consider the late 40s stories canon as well) period of time and he spent it battling actual commies, terrorists, spies, engaging in missions overseas and on the battlefield.

So basically, the ''impostor'' not only did more than Steve, he actually functioned much closer to modern Cap stories (and the movies) than the original ever did. All those patriotic posters, flashbacks, pin-ups of Cap leading armies, charging battlefields and fighting the enemies of America? Those are the impostor's actions, not Steve's. The image of Cap that Marvel promotes is of the version they treat as a villain.

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Isn't Commie Smasher Cap just U.S. Agent?

And yes U.S. Agent is great, has he done anything since he was the meta human prison warden in Thunderbolts

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I hate that kike

>but that Young Men issue keeps continuity from post-war 40s stories that have not and cannot be attributed to Jeff Mace, the other Cap impostor

What did they reference?

Steve Rogers becoming a school teacher at the 'Lee School'' and wearing glasses in his secret identity. It was treated as a big turning point in the late 40s, and was retained for the revival in Young Men #24.

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Huh, that is pretty weird. Looking at wiki Marvel's still going with the "Jeff Mace was the schoolteacher in the 40's while William Burnside was the schoolteacher in the 50's".

Guess you'll have to wait till those comics go into the public domain to make the 40's and 50's stuff all the same character. That be decades, though.

Yes. Him being a teacher was a consistent thread throughout the late 40s-50s era stories. It's a good argument that he had a longer career than Englehart later retconned him to have had.

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Because they go to college to fit in and get invited to parties. When college became more about the “experience” than education it lost all purpose.

>Public domain of a Disney/Marvel property