NTH METAL MAN Leads New METAL MEN Title Coming This Fall

>DC's Metal Men are returning in a new 12-issue maxi-series fueled by Nth Metal. Avowed Metal Men fan Dan DiDio (DC's co-Publisher) is writing a story with artist Shane Davis that will tie the characters in with Nth Metal - which was recently retconned in the Dark Knights: Metal event.


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>Nth Metal Men

Ugh. When will they learn halfassed gimmicks isn't what will make MM sell?

This is now a Superman Smashes the Klan thread

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do they need to tie everything into synder edgy shit from over a year ago?


Then what will? Even the original Metal Men volume only reached 56 issues, which is pitiful for a 60's/70's Big Two ongoing.

Fuck off

>being excited for a Didio comic
Alright, retard

They did the same thing with the new age of heroes line up and look where it got them.

Why you gotta be like that?

>not being excited for a Dan Didio Metal men comic
Double retard

Strong storytelling. Why would I give a shit about Metal retcon?

Maybe they should amp the slut factor up for Platinum

Well of course!

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>Strong storytelling
Oh yeah, all well written comics sell gangbusters, of course

DiDio is a better writer than Geoff Johns

Wonder Twins and Dial H managed to go from 6 to 12 issues due to its good word of mouth. Meanwhile this shit with Nth Metal Men will probably get the book axed at issue ten.

I wouldn’t go that far but I did enjoy Sideways

Is Nth Metal a new book I just never heard about? I remember Nth Metal shit in Snyder’s Metal but that’s it

Rude and unbased.

Nth metal is the alien material that allows Hawkman's wings to fly. It played a prominent role in Snyder's Metal but it already existed long before that story.

Yes I know that, I was asking if there was a book out called that for whatever reason leading into this

The return of Veridium, huh?

>forever people
Get off the internet kid.

No, the connection to Snyder's Metal is in the OP. I'm pretty sure the book is just called "Metal Men" and not "Nth Metal Men"
Regardless, this sort of thing has been done before , like this user points out I'm just annoyed that Copper keeps getting the shaft.

I would say I enjoyed Sideways despite dan didio.

Copper was the only living Team B Metal Men that lived in the New 52, are they going to try and incorporate her in this one?

Fucking finally!!

Wonder what Nth will be like

>Brave leader
>Tough bruiser
>Nice but dumb
>Hot-headed jokester
>Insecure coward
>The Girl One
Platinum sucks

>not making a Batmanium Man so you can have Batman in this team too

You're right, they should all be cute girls instead

>Nth Metal Man
>New Metal Men maxi-series
>Written by Dan Didio

Man, there's so many things here that sound contradicting on being hyped for this.

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Platinum is the cock hungry one while Copper is the clam hungry one

Copper wants to fuck Gold though

Not anymore she doesn't

This. Marquez is being wasted on it too.

DC is just going full retard at this point. Iconic!

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How does Nth Metal make sense? Like it's a renegade metal man MADE of Nth Metal?
Or are all the metal men gonna blend with Nth metal???

They literally say it's a new Metal Man made out of Nth metal

Honestly. If they were going to do this they should've committed to the bit and done a team of "Divine Metal Men".
Hell, that's actually not a bad pitch for a team of villains. Real metals versus fictional ones.

its been done before

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Might be cool, though I expect it'll end up being a badguy.


I'm actually interested

Okay? Do it again then

>Nth Metal Men

What a retarded gimmick title.

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It's just called Metal Men though

how much you wanna bet its gonna feature faggot romance?

Eh the dark multiverse is an amazing opportunity to tell edgy elseworlds.

That's quite the jump but sure

I’m excited about this cause Didio wrote a good Metal Men in wednesday comics which I realize was a decade ago and I’m turning to dust

Yes, because that's what the world needs more of.

Is it time for solicits?

More like around the time for SDCC

I wouldn't mind getting some lead poisoning, if you catch my drift.

She's in the shame closet.

>Tfw Yea Forums will complain about the nth metal man even though Morrison introduced the concept as far back as multiversity

>The Girl One
She's the thirsty one

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>morrison did it so it's okay!

Didio is an awful editor but has decent sparks as a writer

>Doomsday is a Supergirl
>Bane is a Batman
This is madness.

that means it's a bad idea

Lois didn't kill Superman, she's possessed by the Eradicator after he dies. The other Batman is obviously Azrael, I can't believe I have to explain that one.

Sure are a lot of people in this thread that can't read but are quick to complain about the smallest thing they misunderstand.

Didio is trying to make him the new Johns since he really likes him and hates how popular Johns is.

Mmmm, "insider" e-LARPing

Oh boy can't wait for the endless delays

>not posting the #1 release date
>not uploading the Phillip Tan variant cover for the same issue
OP is a summerfaggot.


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>poster doesn't know who azrael is
>bothering to reply
user, Yea Forums doesn't read comics don't fall for their stupidity.

hey that's my berfday

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We couldn't possibly know who Azrael is but try to have some fun in this thread, could we?

Nothing will make Metal Men sell

It's what sells

You fucking idiots, that was an alternate univere where the Justice League were metal men and Hawkman was the Metal man made of Nth metal.

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How are they going to ruin Platinum this time?

It all depends on the Platinum/Doctor relationship

Where have the Metal Men appeared before since New 52 started?

Didio is a shit editor but a decent writer. His recent comics are pretty ok actually.

Hopefully with his marriage, the guy would step down from being an editor and get back to his writing job.

You know how people always ask
>Why don't company's do more anthologies?
Well, DC did put one out during the DC You time period.
The Metal Men was one of the four stories in the "Legends of Tomorrow" anthology. Sugar and Spike by Giffen was amazing.
Len Wein wrote their story, in one of the last things he did before he died.

Hopefully he will allow the characters to move on and not be so dependant of the status quo.

Watching doc no way fag his way out of Plat's thirsty as fuck approaches never gets old.


keep the thread alive & I'll try to make that.

Alright, but if the thread die anyways just post it on the drawthread.

I hope so, she was my favorite.

I want to go mad as a hatter, if you know what I mean.

>hotheaded with ponytail
All the best fetishes.

you know tin is just a cute shy little girl
& dude platinum is an omega 3 leveled chad slaying that gash

Heh, I think THIS Lois Lane could find a soulmate in the Injustice's Superman.

Is that her fetish?

>When MM inevitably doesn't sell due to dumb gimmicks.

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>Mercury is the fiery tomboy with an obnoxious ego and an even more obnoxious sense of humor
>Lead is the easy going chubby girl
>Iron is the athletic jock, proud of her physique and strength
>Tin is the awkward, shy, short and skinny girl with a low self stem who frequently worries about not belonging in the team
>Gold is the level headed leader who keeps the team grounded
>Plat is the 10/10 stud who has serious mommy issues and can't let go of his awkward crush on his "mother"

It's a damn shame that Metal Men isn't more popular.

I guess we can have one for each main heroe of DC: Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash and others.

I guess for Green Lantern we could have "Emerald Twilight".

>Why does DC only publish Bat-shit?
>Well, did you buy Martian Manhunter? Freedom Fighters? Metal Men? Female Furies (though it was shit)? The entire Young Animal line? Jimmy Olsen or Lois Lane?

They seem like an interesting team. Might give it a go if the previews don't look to cringe.

It's great for the interactions and clever usage of powers. It's sorta like if Cyborg 009 was about a dysfunctional group led by an asshole scientist with a tough love attitude.


I'm not a metal men reader, did they ever personify the rest of there periodic table?

Do you even read marvel garbage or just watch the mvoies?

uh i'd never even see this
kinda cool
lee weeks is a god

Is the Silver Age stuff in print anywhere? It rules

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Didn't they already try that and quietly retconned out of existence in their next run?

Yes, and it was stupid then too.

There were stories about other elements turning into metal men like a seventh team member (copper) and an evil team of metal men.

Correction: it was a team of evil gas robots made by Magnus. You really have to appreciate the simplicity of such concepts.

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Yes because Synder gets paid too much money along with his artist and Didio will be damned if they don't get their money's worth.

Damn that OMAC was a great book.

They have confirmed they are also doing ones for The Judas Contract, Infinite Crisis and Blackest Night.

I feel a tingling deep inside my pants.

More like their advertising department being utter shit. Most of their ads are for Batshit or Bendishit while most other titles get thrown under the bus after the first issue comes out.

Morrison’s GL and other good books only survive through word of mouth alone and usually can’t last longer than 10 issues.

Not only that their reprints are just as shit and can’t work in tandem with current books, selling absolute shit runs that no one wanted.

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>Female furries
That was complete shit!

What did they do to Azbats?!

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Literally nothing will make Metal Men sell except replacing them with various Batmen

You mean inevitably doesn't sell due to being a D list team nobody cares about.

Ruined his design that’s what they did.

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>design specifically made for an alt-universe
Pick one

They fucking butchered one of the best designs in comics.

Seriously, what's up with the yellow vagina on his face?

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I always liked the mask better than the helmet on Azbats.

His armor always looked goofy, and that's meant to be an AU version which is why it's different looking.

>Morrison’s GL and other good books only survive through word of mouth alone and usually can’t last longer than 10 issues.
>Morrison's GL

I like how you mix A-list books like GL to Z-list books and pretend they're the same.

People buy thibgs like Batman Hush and Identity Crisis. That's why they keep reprinting them. They sell a lot of copies. It's stuff like Ostrander's Spectre that nobody wants, and they at least try to give it a shot.

Yeah, Morrison's Green Lantern is at 40k+. Not really an explosive success, but far away from low enough numbers to get cancelled.

The original run introduced many B-Team/Evil Counterparts and then had an arc where the Metal Man adapted human identities on top of the whole "Shapeshifting alchemy robots of questionable science facts".


>Co-written by Scott Snyder (DARK NIGHTS: METAL, JUSTICE LEAGUE, THE BATMAN WHO LAUGHS) and Kyle Higgins (DEATHSTROKE, BATMAN ETERNAL, NIGHTWING: THE NEW ORDER), with art by Javier Fernandez (JUSTICE LEAGUE) and a cover by Lee Weeks (BATMAN), this one-shot takes place in a Gotham City 30 years after a broken Bruce Wayne failed to take back the mantle of the Bat. In his place arose Jean-Paul Valley, also known as Saint Batman. Under his iron rule, Saint Batman has turned Gotham into the city of his dreams – killing has become commonplace and criminals live in constant fear—all in the name of justice.


>The Dark Multiverse takes on the highest-selling comic book event of all time, courtesy of writer Jeff Loveness (Rick and Morty, DC’S NUCLEAR WINTER SPECIAL, DC’S MYSTERIES OF LOVE IN SPACE), with art by Brad Walker (DETECTIVE COMICS) and Andrew Hennessy (SINESTRO, THE DEMON: HELL IS EARTH, TITANS), with a cover by Lee Weeks.

>In a broken world much like our own, Lois Lane, twisted by rage and grief over the Man of Steel’s death, becomes the Eradicator, taking revenge on those who let Superman die and the corrupt world he could never defeat. Now, with the power of a god, she’s going to end the “never-ending” battle by any means necessary, halting the Reign of the Supermen before it even begins.

>These are the first of several titles in this new line; additional one-shots will focus on other events such as INFINITE CRISIS, BLACKEST NIGHT, NEW TEEN TITANS: THE JUDAS CONTRACT, and more.

Kind of interesting how Infinite Crisis is part of this too. I wonder what will be the alternate scenario?

Neck yerself, ya simp.

This is amazing, actually.

That’s where I put my chair

Sadly most of those books (except for Furries because it’s shit) are in my pull list. And I only get annoyed because their sales are shit.

Man, I actually love the Gas Gang, their episode in The brave and the bold was one of my favorites.

Never knew that they actually existed in the comics (I thought they were OCs like Music Meister).

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Only Hydrogen (the green one) is, apparently.

>It's a "Metal Men fight aliens" issue

Isn't it a huge power up for them tho? Being made of (magic super metal) should boost them waaay up the power charts

Some folks on Yea Forums like being shitty for the sake of being shitty

Good shit

If read that if you catch my drift

I would love to see more chemistry based villains. Just go full Megaman with a mad doctor who makes his own robots to counter the metal men, who need to use chemistry and teamwork to win.

That’s most of their comics really. Most of their old comics have them fight robot ayy lmaos like this civilization of sentient rockets.
They pretty much have that as well with the Plastic Perils and the Gas Gang.

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Not really, they used to fight Eclipso back in the day and that guy’s op as shit. Really hope that this run will bring back Copper.

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