Classic disney has the best anima-

>Classic disney has the best anima-

Attached: son-of-the-white-horse.1_f.jpg (800x450, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Looks it up
The fuck did I just watched OP?

the fight with the 12 headed dragon is my favorite scene in animation ever

But at what cost?
Were the fruits of state funded art worth all the suffering?

Attached: Budapest 1956.jpg (960x640, 229K)

Glad to see all the love for Feherlofia recently.
I'll also say that Marcell Jankovics has easily become one of my favorite animators.

Attached: jankovicsquote.jpg (910x679, 134K)

I wish Janos Vitez and Tragedy of Man was also on you tube.
All of Malkovich work is worth watching.

Nice to see you again Hungarian user, although I wouldn't say this animation is better because they're both very unique and artistic in there own right, comparing them isn't fair.

Ups I mean Jacovich


Hey dude if you're actually Hungarian, can you tell me when The Adventures of Candide is hitting the States?
It looks like good shit

Attached: candide001.jpg (1200x800, 237K)

I know you want to shill Feherlofia and it seems that associating it with Disney shitposting works, but I still hate thread reposts.

It's good but to think it's better then classic Disney is laughable

It beats another Lion King thread.

Attached: TragedyOfMan1.jpg (800x578, 209K)

Attached: TragedyOfMan2.jpg (800x578, 254K)

Sure, but not by much. At this point I realized that people here who like obscure animation are a tiny minority and the rest aren't interested in changing.

Attached: TragedyOfMan3.jpg (800x578, 180K)

On the bright side at least he's sharing these works on we can know about them more, in fact I had no idea until recently that the Hungarians had unique animation styles. I don't see any harm in that at all.

You have witnessed the epic of a true hero from antiquity. When heroes were just powerful assholes who beat up more powerful assholes, and did some sordid stuff in the process, like feeding their flesh to a griffin, so they have the power to fly them home.

Please post more cool stuff. I crave good shit.

Attached: animation whitepill 2010-2019.png (811x3771, 3.67M)

God bless you bro

Also the Annecy trailers are neat too and have animation from all over the world

Is there anything like this for older movies too?
Oh hell yeah I love these. Any idea when will they start posting more?

literally who cares about that shit

There are a few charts floating around for "non-Disney animation" but I made that chart myself. I suppose I could try it but the amount of notable feature films goes down the further back you go.
Actual global animation has only recently opened up.
They're typically done a couple of months ahead of Annecy so you're going to need to wait another year.

>t. oscars voter

There's this one but it's pretty limited

Attached: co recs.jpg (1142x1920, 311K)

What the fuck am I supposed to do when I've already watched all of these

hunt down animated shorts? that's an impressive accomplishment user

Then you can get started on the thousands of hours of animated shorts that exist all over the world, wise guy.

>the waifufag version that includes the worst Asterix animated movie because of some fat titty redhead being in it