It keeps getting worse
It keeps getting worse.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If I wanted to see real lions, I'd go to the fucking zoo.

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Real lions don’t preform Shakespeare

Neither do these!

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Oh ho ho ho ho!

I get it now.
I mean i always knew that the live action remakes were souless.
But i never had a personal connection to any of the movies being remade.
Ive watched the lion king several times over and this makes me feel nothing but pure disgust .

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The zoom-out on Simba looks way better than I expected

m8 the nigga looks like this fucking cat

Also Mufasa falls like a fucking ragdoll

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>he never saw it
They must not have liked you enough, user.

That's exactly what I thought.

This is the final test, I give one more chance to normies, if they actually end up enjoying this crap I can guarantee that they don't have a soul.

some reviewers were literally calling the film soulless


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I felt that same way about the Jungle Book one, yet my parents go absolutely nuts for it.

Well maybe your parents are robots

>Donald Glover
Why does he keep getting casted?

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I'd just go to the regular zoo.


They have eyes but they live in a drunken state so they never observe and criticize, just consume. If you want a normie to understand you must make them sober.

He's not in that scene though

I feel like this movie will just come off as boring to kids

These movies are aimed at nostalgic adults who don't want to feel embarrassed that they like a "cartoon movie for kids" so here's the "grown up" version.

Just like live action capes?

I hate thinking about how this might be the first Lion King movie this new generation of kids get introduced to...

All because their parents want an excuse to go see it but are also too good to see an animated movie.


It was bizarre in how it had the makings of a good movie, but absolutely failed. It had an all-star cast with some good choices (Murray as Baloo, Idris Elba as Bagheera) but they were just phoning it in, the events and songs just flowed together out of nowhere, and it felt like a directionless cgi mess.

It's literally just banking on nostalgia. Kids want colorful shit, not colorless environments and emotionless characters.

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What a bunch of fags.

But they are seeing an animated movie. Just a shit animated one.

Idris was Shere Khan, Bagheera was Ben Kingsly

my bad. Still decent casting if they actually tried. The lines fell flat without any emotion. It was like all the actors had only the script in the soundbooth and had no idea what was happening in the scene.

Jungle Book at least had cool tigers and giant monkeys.

I just want to see it because I've wanted to see "Lion King but with real animals" since I was like 6 or 7. I'm 31 now.

I dont care about their expressions because I know animals dont have vast facial expressions and the western philosophy of MUST SHOW MOUTH AND EYES OTHERWISE THE CROWD WONT KNOW WHAT THEY'RE FEELING is fucking retarded. The only thing I truly hate from what I hear is the lack of Be Prepared, outside of that I'm sure I'll enjoy it if I dont treat it as something that's supposed to be exactly like the original animated movie.

Yeah, but to people who think cartoons are childish, they consider CG animation to be "adult" for some assinine reason.

When in reality it's ALL just animation made with different ways of manufacturing.

>still in Yea Forums


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They used the exact same scream for Mufasa in the new one, but they decided to go with Chiwetel Ejiofor for Scar instead of based Jeremy Irons? For what reason? Jeremy Irons sounds like such a scheming bastard whereas Chiwetel can only ever pull off kind-of-upset straight man.

I think a big problem is that the people voicing the characters were fine actors, but not voice-actors, they are used to being present in the scene and working from there, but voicing is a bit more difficult for them to get into the scene.
But that's the nature of movies these days, need a big name for something as simple as a voice, despite them not having proper voice-acting skill

Don't worry, most kids will drag their parents to Toy Story 4 and not this dull looking shit.

Like I can respect Jungle Book's efforts to inject some of the book's tone and more of "Mowgli's Brothers" back into the movie story.

Lion King has nothing to bring to the table, it's just a pointless tech demo.

I don't even think the photorealism in itself is bad, it's the fact that they're fucking expressionless. They didn't have to be. I mean, they were able to make Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia movies emote, so why couldn't they here?

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I thought Murray as Baloo was a bad idea because I just kept seeing a bear with Bill Murray's voice, I don't see the character. Same with Walken and Johansson, celebrity voices are always really distracting.

Their autism had them so stuck on projecting the idea that these were real lions, they forgot that they were making Hamlet with animals

>I dont care about their expressions because I know animals dont have vast facial expressions


It'll happen to you

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Man... just looking at Aslan compared to the new Lion King makes me depressed.

I will always love based "God as a lion" Aslan.
He was easily the best part of The Chronicles of Narnia.

>he isn't friends with a Koch brother and can't go into the fucking zoo where we wear spooky masquerade costumes and rape sedated exotic animals
You fucking pleb.

But it looks so REAL, it has muted colors and a dark atmosphere.
It's obviously made for grown ups.

Aslan still looks amazing for a movie that came out over 10 years ago, it actually feels like Disney has regressed

They can have facial expressions but nothing near the scale of humans. A cartoon can exaggerate the facial expressions of animals to seem more human like but IRL a bird simply can't frown no matter how "sad" or "angry" it may get

6 or 7 you had shit taste, sad to see that never changed

Somebody cap this.

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Wow, just the delivery of the line is like day and night

>need a big name for something as simple as a voice, despite them not having proper voice-acting skill
They got the idea first from their ghibli dubs. Those were the patient zeroes of celebrity voice acting.

So is James Earl Jones too old to scream? Is that why they reused the soundbite?

wow how clever and original good thing there isn't another thread exactly like this one with that post word for word

>A movie from a decade ago with a smaller budget made a better looking Simba then the actual creators of Lion King

Wake me up, wake me up inside


That's the thing, like so many people are pointing to photorealism as the culprit behind the general awfulness of it all and it's It's been done before, and done WELL. They also could have made each character's design more distinct without sacrificing realism (lions actually vary a decent amount in colour and size) but NOPE.

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I thought it was Aladdin with Robin Williams

I will be fair with them when it came to Scar though, because dark haired lions in real life are like the alpha lions, so scar being dark haired and a scrawny bitch just doesnt work

Why are all the main voice actors black?

Sometimes I walk past one of those character posters for this movie where it's just a meerkat and it says "TIMON" above, and I just crack up
What a strange world this is

Do you really need someone to answer that for you user?


A combination of the film taking place in Africa (so black voice actors kinda makes sense) and Disney being WOKE

The same reason that Emma Watson played Belle in Beauty and the Beast, because they wanted feminist woke points and if anyone finds a reason to dislike the movie then they're a racist and a sexist

It's not wokeness, and no, not all 0f the actors are black, idiot.

Does this mean animated animals in Europe should alll be voice acted by white people?

watson is who you think of when you think brainy brunette, though. it had that millenial draw.

Oh come on, why pretend this isn’t intentional

Are only black people allowed to voice lions now?

Because... why?

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Only if it's to Disneys advantage, or if they decide to half ass the thing then they'll add POC to help deflect criticism

>spending millions just to animate a carbon copy of an irl lion
>getting rid of the sex scenes but keeping the death and fight scenes because "sex and attractive women are bad" and your an edgy kike
also this

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they usually are so eh. timon and pumba are white guys.

Watson is also not pretty and cant sing and ruined the yellow dress

you wanted more animal fucking in this movie?

can't sing, but she is hot. sorry.

seems like it'll be like Aladdin I guess
didn't see that one either but there's a pattern of remaking masterpiece's in a watered-down censored live-action

So hot

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The lion king is a valuable part of African American history so fuck off

sure? why else would I bother?
if I wanted Julius Cesar, I'd see Julius Cesar. If I wanted lions being edgy, I'd watch national geographic

She's average as fuck

How did the fuck it up this bad.

I especially love the way Jeremy Irons says "Long live the king" the way he says it, you could almost hear that he says "lived", which just adds to the feeling of betrayal and terror that Mufasa feels.

This new movie is as lazy as the slap he does.

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>I know animals dont have vast facial expressions
they do though

>she is hot
I honestly feel that people just had a crush on Hermione and are just projecting.
She isn't ugly but she isn't anything special either.

>Do this
>Do a complete 180 when it's time to cast a red headed white woman for your next film
Literally what did Disney mean by this?

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They're both jews though

what the fuck is that stilted line delivery? it sounded as robotic as scar's facial expression looks.

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>the only sorta white actors are the comic relief characters.

Really makes you think huh?

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i think you're all desensitized to beauty by watching too many cartoon women, but i'm not going to argue with bad taste.

>white British

>rape sedated exotic animals



Yeah, as you see from your own pic that beak doesnt move at all to make a frown.

>Mufasa looks like a stuffed animal being thrown over the edge of the cliff
fucking kek

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But the eyes still give off the feeling of an expression

You all need to watch the Lion episode in Dynasties and treat it as a prequel about Serabi

Non-threatening nigger cuck who you can hire to put on social blackface for diversity cred.

But there remains no frown because animals dont have the facial expression range a human would.

Hylics 2 when?

Guardians of Gahoole managed to give owls proper expressions while still looking like owls

This summer (but it's looking more like August now I think)

Animals also dont have Shakespearean tragedies and musicals, limiting expressions for "realism" in a story that is no where near realistic is foolish

This is America.

Expecting human like facial expressions when the entire cast are supposed to be "real" animals is equally foolish.

If you want to fuck Emma Watson that's alright.
But Hollywood has seen more beautiful and sexy women.

Except they arent real, they are animated and limiting yourself to realism in a story that isnt realistic only cripples the story

Why is every shot of this movie beige? I know Africa is dry and dusty, but it's also very colorful. Why does every shot of this movie look like it was shot in west Texas at noon? Such flat lighting.


>Seth Rogen and Billy Eichner

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Remember when we picked on Zack Snyder for the same reason?

>Emma Watson played Belle in Beauty and the Beast, because they wanted feminist woke points

Wait, how does that help?

Luckily I'll be at home watching the best lion movie.

Don't you remember the PS3 era?
Reality = Brown

Watson has been a vocal advocate for feminist causes, but I'm not so sure that's the reason they chose her. It's more likely they chose her because she's a big name.

Emma Watson is an active member in a lot of political feminist stuff

They let her make changes to the movie and Belle as a character to make her more empowering, it's why she became an inventor and tried to teach girls how to read and why the town was against her, it's also why the dress doesnt have a corset or much of the flair the animated version did

The catch was supposed to be Lion King except with realistic animals.

That's all it pretty much was supposed to be and now people are actually angry because they look too real. It's retarded. Go watch the original cartoon again if you want exaggerated expressive range.

and rightfully so.

The problem is that they can look realistic and still give them expressions, because none of this is real, nobody is going to go in and be like "Aw man the lion vaguely grinned, immersion ruined"
Disney can do expressive lions, they did it 10 years ago flawlessly with Aslan

Nice to know that disneyfags are fair after all or simply btfo

>if I deliberately do something stupid and shitty then it's okay that it's stupid and shitty!

No zoomer, no.

I dont think you're getting the fact that, not giving them expressions, no matter the excuse, is a bad idea

>Go watch the original

Good idea!

>hercules won't ever get a live action remake
Feels good when your favourite Disney movie isn't loved by plebs

Good on you, user. I too ignore choreography, shot composition, color balance, and conservation of detail so long as the sheer amount of stuff and the quality of it is impressive.

It's called Man of Steel.

>hercules won't ever get a live action remake

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Imagine being traumatized by this scene as a kid.

This scene, mind you. Not the animated film's equivalent scene, but the new one.

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If Clark sang "I can Go The Distance" after the bus scene- the movie would be a lot better.

Honestly the new jungle book movie not by disney did everything better

What if Gary's a robot?

Oh come on, there are tons live action movies for kids with cute little animals doing things.

>Get JEJ back.
>But not Irons.

NONE of this is real!

They don't have talking lions in Africa, making the virtual puppets exagerate a bit more in order to have a better movie isn't gonna ruin everything

You're not wrong.

I feel, again it's simply the very unessesry western philosophy of needing to show eyes and mouth to portray emotion so when you get something like this movie it feels awkward to fans who are used to this same philosophy in film (i.e. needing to show Tony's face every 20 seconds in the iron man suit) and over expression in a multitude of videos across media.

Like there is so much that can be complained about in this movie. Realistic animals not emoting as much as actual humans or emoting as much as their exaggerated toon counterpart should not be one of them and yet this is what I hear the most and is complained about the most even though you knew this was supposed be realistic Lion King.

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>realistic Lion King
but it's not realistic, they look like robots. You've never seen any actual animals, have you?

How can a cat have the fucking Soi smile?

Clearly you're in the minority opinion of this as reactions over the lack of emotion to the characters have audiences feeling mixed about the film

>western philosophy
Reading emotion off faces is not a western concept

You know what this movie looks like? like thedirect to video Buddy movies where they give peanut butter to the dog and vaguely animate some bits in order to have the animals "talk", the fact that they actually animated all these creatures, ut couldn't be bother to go the extra mile of animating them properly for the rule of cool, makes this whole movie look cheaper than it actually is

Don't you fucking talk shit about the Super Buddies.

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>Soi smile

It's actually a compliment because those movies acomplish the same as this one, on a waaay lower budget
forced 4channel meme


Having it be fully necessary to showcase emotion to the point where you have to show it or the crowd won't know what the character is feeling at all is.

This fucking terrible meme

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user, it looks fucking stupid without expressions, it looks stilted, the singing is terrible, the delivery is terrible, expressions go a long way to carry a line
If you cant understand this, then you may have legitimate autism

Imagine trying to do Shakespeare without giving any facial expressions and only the most basic of body movements

Heres the thing, it's not a forced philosophy

So long as you are staring into 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth, even if it has a lion face, if you have a character talking, singing, mourning, telling jokes, or on a quest for revenge and justice, having him display these complex emotions properly is key, otherwise the audience dont connect

You may et a free pass on this if the character has his face covered with a mask or stuff, but we expect actors, even digital actors, to properly emote, thats hy people suck the dick of shit like Smeagol or Thanos

Otherwise it feels wooden and it's a sign of shitty acting, remember people shitting on Brie Larson because she only has one face the whole movie? it's the same shit

and it's something easily avoided hen you use animated characters, no matter if they look like realistic animals or not, expecting them to properly act while they sing, laugh at jokes, fall in love and do all kinds of clearly non-animalistic shit, isn't that far fetched

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Oh cool are we bringing 8U back? I love that meme!

He's good when used correctly and has had success with his own projects.

Hollywood throws him into projects and crosses their fingers for that "Glover magic"

He laughs and takes their paychecks and goes back to DJing in small clubs and dabbling with maybe making more Atlanta.

Hollywood producers have a big issue with throwing shit at the wall and hoping it all works out.

Going back to solo for example, they hire two comedy directors and are upset when what they get is a comedy, instead of using their heads they threw the project these guys and hoped that "lord and miller magic" would come through.

In this situation they've pulled in favreau to get the lion king to be the next jungle book when the jungle book and the lion king are very different stories from where the meat of it is. The lion king is more game of thrones to the jungle books buddy adventure.

I have not seen it yet, all I see are people complaining about realistic animals not being expressive enough.

Imagine telling Shakespeare with realistic animals

Also to add onto this, realistic talking animals was maxing a couple of years ago, the gimmick aspect is blown now and the lion king needs to stand more on its own feet than the jungle book did.

Coupled with this year's already growing Disney remake fatigue I'm not surprised this is starting to look bad.

The moment a freakinglion presents his firstborn on an elaborate ceremony with music and a monkey-priest and 50 different animal species reunite to greet him and bow to the prince, the "realism" card goes out of the window...

People are confused on the intent bihind remaking shit like TLK or JB, it wasn't about how realistic the animals could look, these where fables, complete fantasy stories that never happened on a real world, the fact that Mufasa and Scar looked real and had a trillion individual rendered hairs was secondary to the fact that you needed to tell a surreal history with them, and that's where the other shit like comedy and music also came into play

No one asked disney for a remake of these in order to be more grounded in reality, they just wanted their old fairy tales in better resolution in order to share them with their kids

POW right in the kisser!

It came out 5 years ago.

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For whatever reason the realism angle has also been applied to the cinematography of the film. The scene where Simba witnesses his father's death? Both the original and the remake employ a zoom-out from Simba down to the stampeding grounds to emphasize his shock and horror. The original, however, further emphasizes Simba's position as a witness by having the zoom out begin from an extreme close-up of his eyes to the grounds. The remake doesn't do that at all; it starts at a static position with Simba in full view, a brief and somewhat uncomfortable pause before the zoom out. It's like a speed bump, rather than maintaining the momentum from the previous shot of Mufasa falling to the ground after Scar slaps his shit.

>French Poster

There is only one "Hercule" to me.

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>They dragged James Earl Jones out of retirement for this shitshow
This will never not make me sad.

Don't worry, Aslan will soon be ruined by Netflix.

If it bombs I could for sure see this being the last time Disney will strive for a realistic style it's weird to me they don't do what Nintendo does with having the cartoon characters wearing highly detailed cartoon clothing

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But user, Phil Harris was a well established celebrity in his own right when he played Baloo.

>Hentai haven

>This is America Man
>Current Year Man
>Eric fucking Andre
This cast is cursed

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And the snooty know-it-all bird

Is there anything live action? I thought all the animals were CG.

Listen, I get what you're saying and I agree- Dwayne Johnson must play Poirot.

Hey, anyone stupid enough to go see this movie in theaters, please start laughing hysterically when they get to the death scene. See what the rest of the audience does.

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glass houses, user

How did we reach a point where half the casts are comedians with no music background?

Resting bitch face

This. A good bunch of cheap easy kids movies are ones like Beverly Hills Chihuahua; Cats & Dogs 2; whatever that show dog movie was released last year with the police dog going undercover.
So really live-action is just something pussified adults lean on thinking they're so mature and cool, when in reality they're just lying to themselves about what they really like.

Robin Williams was good though.

Based Otokojuku poster

>They took out Be Prepared
Fuck this movie.

It would trigger too many people with its nazi imagery.

Exasperated snooty know-it-all is a comedic archetype. Also comic relief.

Why are statler and Waldorf so damn based?

That seems strange. Scar and the Hyenas are villains.

Actually I think it's still there, but neutered to where they're all probably just standing around, doing nothing. No charisma, no goose-stepping hyenas, bland and stale.

They're old enough that they can get away with not giving a fuck.

Shit. Meant for

Donald is a young black male with attitude but not too much and he is in no way THREATENING. The new "get woke" culture loves him becuase he is black but like them beta and nerd like. He isn't funny he just has enough balls to try on the Mike and repeat awkward conversations he has.

...But does Shenzi have her dick or no? It's a legitimate and important question

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You my mugga, user.

Good one guys.

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they're white when it's convenient.

>Nazism is too serious to be used lightheartedly
Morons. If you're unwilling to laugh at something it gains power over you. That's why Mel Brooks did The Producers for fucks sakes

Because he's extremely popular.

If the original created an entire generation of furries will the remake create an entire generation of zoophilies?

>Disney makes animals 100% realistic to avoid accusations of furry pandering
>zoophilia is legally actionable in the US
This is the only upside I can think of for the remakes.
The other possibility is that without any human connection nobody wants to fuck any of them

The lines in each movie are delivered appropriately for what's on screen. In 1994 that meant closeups of one very expressive lion about to murder another. In 2019 it's a shot of lions who can't emote at all and includes a silly looking paw slap.

the problem is for the lack of expressions to be justifiable they need the body language to make up for it, something the CGI version absolutely fucking lacks to convey.

Stop acknowledging these trashy cashgrabs you useful NPCs. Leave mouse hype on twitter and reddit where it belongs.

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nu-jungle book was shit but the original wasn't great either so based on that depending on how you look at it the nu-jungle book was an actual improvement in some ways so at least from that perspective I can understand why people would like them. The Lion King remake on the other hand just took everything about what made the original so special and made it so much worse and every bit of hype that surrounded that shit made me fume immeasurably..

Yes, because we have immeasurable amounts of great content coming out in both comics and cartoons and we're totally not a perpetual content drought!

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Thanks for reminding me I still need to watch that show user

If they end of do the remake of hercules I will be immensely angry if they bring back james woods for hades. Not just because he is neo-con human trash but that he will get to reprise his villain role when jaffar and scar got fucking neutered so hard in their remakes

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Reminder that the comment section on every negative review has Disney zombies acting like its physically impossible to criticize one of their holy movies. I blame tumblr women, disney can do no wrong in their eyes

Apparently they've asked that the ppl dubbing it are also black. Heard that they did it gor Brazil at least

lvl 36 wizard here

I think the internet has watched too many cat videos to take this scene seriously.

>people keep making shit because you keep eating it!
>but i'm so hungry and there's delicious feces everywhere!
Don't delude yourself. Remember, whatever happens, you chose this.

is this really that much cheaper than just making it a cartoon movie? What is wrong with cartoon movies? Who wants this realistic shit?

really wish these meme "actors" would fuck off already.

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What's with the shitty font? Couldn't they spend a $100 to get some shitty contractor to mock up something slightly less lazy?

Black people allowed rap and production software destroy their once enviable musical talents.

>that fucking pause at 0:27 before it zooms out

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I didn't choose this. I just shitpost here with anime and manga, which is honestly a bigger boogeyman for this board than calarts and tumblr at this point.

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I know he's black royalty like Beyonce, but Donald Glover was an awful choice for Simba

Yeah but disney took full advantage of posting his name on all the advertisements for the movie, which went against what he wanted

>But Hollywood has seen more beautiful and sexy women.

I feel bad for my sister. Lion King's her favorite movie. She even had a crush on Simba when she was little (don't worry, she's not a furry). She's going to end up watching this dreck and have her childhood butcherd right in front of her eyes. How sad

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Nala looks so god awful. What the fuck is up with her eyes?

Taking the roles of otherkin actors.
CisSpecied scum.

Even Jonathan Taylor Thomas does a better "NO!" than the new kid. Taylor screams, as you would in that situation, the new kid squeaks.

>The only good characters were the white guys
That's ironic. Honestly putting talent above anything else is something Hollywood needs to do.

>She even had a crush on Simba when she was little (don't worry, she's not a furry)
Fur or no Simba was fucking hot.

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thats a new one

because they aren't frog faggots replying to them with BASED.

they are the ORIGINAL shitposter fuckers, they take your shitty frog meme and wreck it simply by existing.


I fuckin hate this word now, glad I never used this garbage meme language

They grew up during racial segregation.

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Scar sounds amazing. Chiwetel is a good actor.

Genuinely great post.

Scar's new voice is terrible, i get they wanted an all black cast, but Jeremy Irons sounds so much better

Put me in the screen cap.

Why does Scar sound like he is holding back fucking bitch tears? Fuck is with this weak ass fucking voice

Christ, Yea Forums, can we at least wait until this thing releases until you start dogpiling on it? Didn't Aladdin humble you into submission now that it's approaching a billion?

Disney needs to come up with new IP, but I swear you all make it seem like these movies raped your dad or something.

>they renamed Banzai and Ed
for what purpose

Fucking SAVAGE.

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Voice is one thing, performance is another. If they had a similar performance then it could be fair to judge the difference in voice. However, the issue here is the difference in performance.

And Ejiofor's performance, at least in this scene, pales compared to Irons' performance.

Africanization. Banzai is a Japanese word and Ed is a name of English origin.
Still, it's a shame they didn't go with some other obviously silly name instead of... I dunno, Azizi is who I'm guessing became the new Ed. Disney execs probably saw the "We'll Be Right Back" memes and thought "Let's get this guy to be the new Ed."

Are there even any clips of the hyenas yet?

What did James Wood do to make you so angry, user?

God those fucking eyes. Scar doing it himself. Delivering the final words Mufasa would ever hear. Decades leading to this point. Victory quite fucking literally in his grasp. The claws he never retracts sinking into his brother's flesh. Wounding him the only way he ever could--through deceit. Mufasa's wandering confusion. Searching for mercy and understanding.

And then the CGI version Scar just kinda bats at Mufasa like a playful housecat and that's the end of that. Just kind sucker-bops Mufasa off the cliff. How flat. Long live the bitch slap.


Simba's face is fucking hilarious, even in scenes of tragedy he has that blank realistic stare

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You can't wake up

Also how the FUCK do you miss the entire god damned point of the Jungle Book and have Mowgli stay in the jungle at the end?

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>I feel, again it's simply the very unessesry western philosophy of needing to show eyes and mouth to portray emotion
That's part of being a fucking human being, you god damned autist.

This shit is downright cynical. I'm trying to imagine at any stage of the process, from conception to final product, someone looking upon this and thinking "this is alright". And for it to happen at EVERY stage, I cannot even fathom. If this is the best they could do then that's just sad. If they were just unwilling to do better, that's just offensive. Normies should feel insulted by this.

>Sakigake Otokojuku

>when you get crumpled in Skyrim

Someone's never been to the zoo.


>"Long... live... THE KING!!"
I fucking knew it. Chewy Elijah never speaks in anything more than a hushed whisper in every movie I've ever seen him in, so now he's overcompensating with EVIL VILLAINOUS SHOUTING!! in all of Scar's iconic lines - "RUN AWAY! And NEVER RETURN!" being another - whereas Irons was subtle and sinister. Fuck this fucking movie, man. Fuck all of these movies. Literally all Disney had to do with this remakes was a shot-for-shot remake of the original, but in live action.

I only recognize 2 of these people.

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Disney's The Lion King (2019).

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>"RUN AWAY! And NEVER RETURN!" being another
Got a clip?

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its set in africa

Oh ho ho ho ho!!!!

at least capes had a history of being for all ages.

Ah, I never watched the trailers.

I'm going to assume that the new performance has Scar being more scary and loud than sinister and icy.

>It had an all-star cast
that is absolutely always a mistake
an all star cast basically means the studio expects the stars to carry the movie so they don't actually care about making it good, and the actors already have made names for themselves and they know the studio isn't going to give a shit, so they don't give a shit.

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>I'm going to assume that the new performance has Scar being more scary and loud
Which is fucking stupid because if that's how Scar behaves all the time then how the fuck did Mufasa not see that shit coming.

>but IRL a bird simply can't frown no matter how "sad" or "angry" it may get
idk man, i've seen that crow of judgment. it looks pretty damned pissed.

fucking gg. thats a wrap

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>CAN'T WAKE UP!!!!!!

This movie is the definition of Soul vs. Soulless.

See, there's one or two scenes where Scar shouting works.
>I'm ten times the King Mufasa was!

On the other hand, if they do too much like the original animation, then what point is it instead of the original? I dunno, fuck.

What? user, don't be racist. Black people can be european too.

>everyone is black except for three jews
The fact they aren't getting Irons back to play Scar is an act of supreme injustice. One job, one fucking job, and they fucked it up.

There was never an actual point, it's just a cashgrab.
You don't think there's some kind of artistic integrity in this? That they felt they truly had a some kind of personal vision to add to the story, or that they're just so respectful they want to recreate it in their style. It's just about money because it's a massively popular franchise and all the hype will get asses in the seats.

I mean she used to be kinda pretty.
but time and feminism are not kind mistresses...

didn't you hear/read what one of disney's "subsidiaries" came out and said?
"Danish people can be black."
I mean, debatable, but not in the time period the movie takes place in...

what so funny about this post? don't get it

Lions aren't people though. If you're going to use the excuse that Ariel can be blackwashed since mermaids aren't real, then what's the excuse for this shitshow of a movie only casting niggers?

>I mean, it is really, really, really shit.

>so black voice actors kinda makes sense
No it doesn't. Lions aren't humans.

I wanna be in the screencap too!

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>>I'm ten times the King Mufasa was!
He didn't even shout during this scene, he was just angry.
Simba was specifically telling him to shout this.

They're white.

it doesn't

o fuckin hell

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"Hold on brother, you have one hell of a spider on your snoot. Let me just-oh shit, oh no, oh fuck, I am so sorry"

didn't she keep stripping off or removing parts of the costume constantly? like they had to watch her like a 3 year old and she still managed to rip things off half the time?
like, if you don't want to play the part, why even take the job?

These people need to die. Danish people are not black, never were black and never will be black.

slightly improved cap

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>That's all it pretty much was supposed to be and now people are actually angry because they look too real.
except it doesn't look real. it looks like it should look real, but there's all these unsubtle edges to everything. like sure, animals don't have human levels of facial expressions, but the do have some and they have a lot of body language (that people could figure out because a lot of people have cats)...but they don't do any thing. there's nothing there, they're meat puppets who aren't even doing the slightest bit of puppetry.

>if you don't want to play the part, why even take the job?
So you can fix their mistakes of course


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>I feel, again it's simply the very unessesry western philosophy of needing to show eyes and mouth to portray emotion
bitch, have you even seen an anime? It's not a "western" thing.

You will probably call me a butthurt soiboy libtard anyway no matter what I say but fine I will take your obvious bait. I could bring up how he scapegoats a whole group of people by flaunting how he "tried to stop 9/11" by profiling Arabs who he so subtly called "ragheads" while ignoring the obvious israeli connection and supported every act of war America starts in middle eastern countries that had nothing to do with 9/11 anyway which of course like one of those moral conservatives when their homes and livelihoods were destroyed by America's heroes he would pretty much call them subhumans on a daily basis. I could even mention how he recently voiced support for a senator in Austrailia that has called people that were killed in Christchurch as invaders that need to be expelled. I could also bring up the accusations that he sexually harrased underaged girls. you likely would have every excuse or justification for him anyway because he has your nationalist views anyway. Aside from all of that though he has proven time and time again that he is one of the biggest hacks in hollywood with one great performance under his belt with Casino and since then his legacy will be "that guy who was on family guy" and doing voice work for kingdom hearts yet he is sustained by unpleasant boomer fucks. If he actually refuses to be in any of that live action remake I will admit I am wrong but since he happily accepted a paycheck for the simpsons family crossover that is par for the course for him. It would be one thing if it was just his views or personality that I hate but people that unironically claim that he is a "man of great integrity in the lions den of liberal hollywood" are ones that I have the least respect for and are likely the ones to eat up live action garbage for what is already a sub-par Renaissance movie anyway. Oh yeah and anybody saying that his role in Hades is anyway near equal to Robin Williams' Genie is a brainlet.

>one makes you feel the characters pain
>the other just makes you laugh as it's a shitty version of a already existing meme.

tl;dr James Woods is based

i will be honest
i liked and enjoyed that movie.

You may not realize what you did, but this is an underrated post.

Take a look at this...

>only three tabs

>Regular appearance on family man
Why am I not surprised that it is the response

I very much want to see this. let's make it happen.

Attached: i see you are a man of culture as well.jpg (480x360, 25K)

He stopped doing Family Guy

31 years old and you're still a manchild.

>no irons
>no "be prepared
jesus fucking christ they just can't stop fucking it up can they?


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>That's why Mel Brooks did The Producers for fucks sakes
i'm just waiting for the day he gets beaten up for being a nazi sympathizer for that movie...

fuck you, two wrongs don't make another wrong okay. they better bring him back!

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did you even watch the clip?
he sounds deader than the brother he kills.

i think Idris might, might have been able to do something equivalently good, but honestly this didn't work out at all.

>my uncle murdered my dad
>i was pretty bummed about it
>but then i figured my uncle was probably happier to be ruling our family than I was sad to have lost my father.
>net happiness in the world increased, so, whatever.

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>There are people who are praising this shit
>This shit will get almost 2 billion at the box office

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It's his eyes. We read emotion through the eyes. His look like a doll's.

Am I supposed to assume that it was out of principle or some bullshit? Where was that self respect when he was in the family guy/simpsons crossover? If the thought of James woods reprising Hades in one of those soulless Disney remakes making libtards mad is appealing to you then be my guest but the fact that he would jump at the chance proves my point.

well...those are reasons...
most of them are shit, but i guess they're reasons.

Attached: eye see what you mean.png (223x236, 68K)

>That delivery from Scar
I miss Jeremy Irons like you wouldn't believe

That's already ten times better than the actual movie.

If you care to make an argument be my guess. Something tells me that you can't really make it without talking about how hating foreigners are justified though, which is pretty much par for the course on this site.

Long... live
>stops to look at script
The king

i mean, i could, easily, but i'd rather not derail the thread just to satisfy your political butthurt.

>which is pretty much par for the course on this site.
I'm pretty sure that the idea of disliking people from other countries and cultures predates Yea Forums by a shitload of years.

cartoon scar
>emotes clearly
>bad ass jeremy irons voice
>violently sinks his claws into mufasa's paws

real scar
>is 10 billion dollars of CG but is less expressive than a puppet Jim Henson could have literally pulled out of his ass in 5 minutes.
>stilted as fuck line delivery by someone who clearly doesn't get it
>lol tiny house-cat bitch sap at the end

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>be my guess
what did he mean by this

Holy shit it looks like they threw a plush toy down the cliff, loooooool

Fair enough reason I guess not that you really had an argument anyway. But tell me this, Give me one good reason why James woods of all people deserves to reprise his role as Hades while Scar and Jaffar got absolutely fucked.

>Give me one good reason why James woods of all people deserves to reprise his role as Hades while Scar and Jaffar got absolutely fucked.
Because Hades was great and it could mean that Disney realized that they fucked up the precious movies?

>I dont care about their expressions because I know animals dont have vast facial expressions and the western philosophy of MUST SHOW MOUTH AND EYES OTHERWISE THE CROWD WONT KNOW WHAT THEY'RE FEELING is fucking retarded.
Maybe you're the retarded one. Who care about the shit animation good, just as long as you get your soulless cgi rehash.

I think you mean:
>Long... live
>stops to look at script

Disney made Family Guy change the name of James Woods High. They're never touching the man again.

It looks like he's watching something hilarious. Like this clip.

His voice isn't theoretically that bad. It's just that he has to live up to JEREMY IRONS while his Be Prepared song didn't even let him actually sing until the final 10 seconds. It reeks of bad directions given to him somewhere but that's what happens most of the time in the VA industry nowadays.

>Give me one good reason why James woods of all people deserves to reprise his role as Hades while Scar and Jaffar got absolutely fucked.
because them getting fuck over is not a reason he should be fucked over.


But there are plenty of things they could have done while still looking photorealistic. Raising the eyebrow dots above his eyes would have made them look wider. They also could have chosen to give him irises that would contrast more with his pupils so that they stood out, and contracted them to also make his eyes look wider. Maybe they did and it shows up more when it's not captured on a phone, but they eyes have all looked pretty dead from the HQ shots of other scenes I've seen.

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>Fair enough reason I guess not that you really had an argument anyway.
no, i have plenty of arguments, i just don't want to derail the thread like i said.

So Disney basically stumbled deep into the Uncanny Valley having forgotten the benefits of the exaggerated hyperreality of cinema? There comes a point where realism comes with diminishing returns, and it's when the map starts to become too much like the territory.

if they were so sold on having an all black VA cast they should have gotten this guy to voice Scar, he would have done a good job.

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Did they reuse the same JEJ scream? I mean the guy is 88.

Feature animation doesn't use professional voice talent anymore because they can't slap a celebrity name on the posters that people will actually recognize that way.

Hades was a lawyer/agent archetype villain which were dime a dozen even at the time it came out but because there was already so much weird, bizarre shit in that movie already he ultimately stood out which admittedly did work to it's advantage but his character was absolutely disposable in that movie and isn't enough to carry the movie, at least not for me. Whereas in scar and the genie are undeniably irreplacable and the fact that hades is considered in the same tier as frollo, scar, maleficient just baffles me.

So social justice retards give them good press, but oops they forgot to make a movie that isn't shit too.

but he's Morgan in The Walking Dead, I guarantee you he's more well known than chiapet emojimovie or whoever the fuck

>western philosophy
Why are you saying this? You're acting like "the west" are the only ones who do expressions. If you hate the west, just say so.

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>chiapet emojimovie

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Any normalfags I've heard talk about it think it looks amazing because OMG IT LOOKS SO REAL. When the Sonic trailer came out normalfags seem confused as to why people hated it. A lot of people suffer from a "new = better" bias unless it's for things (largely music) that boomers have spent decades weaving into being considered integral parts of the societal fabric. To most normalfags this is fancy realistic CGI while the original was a 2D cartoon so it's obvious that the new version is just inherently better.

Chiwetel Ejiofor is an academy award nominated actor. He was the lead in 12 Years a Slave.

What planet are you from

pretty much.

about him being a hack or his political views being shit? because you are right that the latter would end up derailing the thread and arguing over that is pointless but James woods being a hack is a documented fact.

that honestly sounds more like a personal problem.

Jungle Book at least had cool art direction.

Like, all the animals sorta looked like their voice actors. King Louie had Christopher Walken's eyes, Baloo looked like Bill Murray, it was a neat take on things.

This is literally just some lions without eyebrows.

yeah well so was that fat bitch from precious, don't mean shit.

>chiapet emojimovie
>He was the lead in 12 Years a Slave.
did anyone actually give a shit about that movie? honestly? like it came out, everyone raved about "how horrible slavery was!" (i mean, his story was literally the same as any shanghai'd sailor desu), won some awards and...everyone has literally forgotten it.


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He was also the weird government assassin guy in the Firefly movie. What's your point?

>but James woods being a hack is a documented fact.
i mean, not any more than millions of other actors, so it seems odd to single him out over it. I mean, john oliver is an even bigger hack but i don't see you bitching about him getting his role over the original actor.

I'm just saying, it's the kind of prestigious bullshit Disney wants attached to this movie.

Anyone with sense went and saw Django and lied about seeing 12 Years

Calm down raghead, your towel's getting sweaty

'Born Free' (1966) was much more entertaining.

Watson draws the Harry Potter crowd

and if it is? I didn't think that the film being a mess and Hades not being enough to carry the film is unreasonable

Both Timon and Pumba VA’s are still acting, why recast? The same for Zazu

i doubt Nathan lane want to touch this shit with a 10 ft homo-pole.

because yeah he's literally only 63 and he looks great.

Real animals don’t talk or sing. Tell Disney to come up with a better spin. Maybe a “it’s not for u” angle,

They already spent half the budget on Beyoncé and the future song royalties

To be fair, Rowan Atkinson didn't even voice Zazu in Lion Kings 2 and 3.

I'm surprised they didn't try and get Woopi back.

>a hack
This is how you outed yourself as a casual.

I hate that they went and gave Ed an actual African name. THAT DEFEATS THE ENTIRE POINT/JOKE OF THE CHARACTER.

Who said I didn't hate John Oliver as Zazu? Moreover I hate fucking lmao weed dood with a passion as a person and as an actor and he has left wing views too yet he was also in the lion king remake. Not to mention that I already ripped Family Guy which was run by a well known liberal douche who I actually loathe more than James woods believe it or not. If somehow disney makes the decision to offer the role of hades in the live-action remake and james woods tells disney to go fuck themselves I will have at least more respect for him than any of the other cunts I just mentioned. But like the "based" man he is he will jump on the chance first thing he gets and you have a sub-iq if you believe that it would not be a shit movie regardless.

What's the chances this has a giant second week drop? Even the normies are laughing at it

>He was the lead in 12 Years a Slave

That's not a compliment. And anyway, he is a shit voice actor and that's what matters.

Mike looks like Jerry Lewis here.

I may not have faith in humanity or this movie, but you guys still got it.

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calm down retard, lmao.

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This is my favorite kind of autism.

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Needs a Wilhelm scream.

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>It's CG and realistic so it's mature and nostalgic!

Gettin' real sick of this shallow garbage that unsurprisingly sells every time.

Best post ever!

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Boop the snoot.

I'll remember this fondly whenever I think of this movie.

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Out of the park.

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Thanks, fellow ananumous.
This will get me so much gold on r/Yea Forums :D

How do they screw up such a basic scene? Scar literally sinks his claws into Mufasa's skin so he can rip him off of the rockside. Did these guys even watch the original?!

>did anyone actually give a shit about that movie?
No because it's a boring movie.

Attached: thispleasesares.png (261x279, 130K)

Beyonce has a last name? I thought she was one of those Madonna "one name only" celebrities

Young? He's in his mid 30s, and is slowly starting to grey on his beard.

That wasn't that bad. You people are overreacting. Sure, it's not nearly as good as the original, but it's not bad.

>Give me one good reason why James woods of all people deserves to reprise his role as Hades while Scar and Jaffar got absolutely fucked.
Because other people getting dicked over doesn't mean everyone should have to be.

What the fuck happened?

Jungle Book had CGI animals that were expressive. This had NOTHING. It's by the SAME FUCKING DIRECTOR TOO.

What was the idea? Take everything they learned from Jungle Book and throw it into the garbage bin?

They realized people would spend a billion on it no matter how half assed it was.


Why'd they make it realistic?

The fucking Bumblebee movie had more color and expression

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Omg ew

okay I laughed because Mufasa looked like a plush doll while falling


Do you think these remakes COULD be good in more effort was put into them, or is the idea of them in general not good? Could there be a great live action Lion King/Dumbo/Aladdin/etc.?

Dude got a couple of replies, then started to reply to himself to add to it and the idiots who thought this was screencap material started to reply too hoping to get "witnessed".


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Could've had a Big Hero 6 sequel, but no....

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Im pretty sure that's the name of Simba's mom

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Does this version still have Zazu being sat on by the fat rhino?

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Because even people that shit on hercules admit that woods basically carried the film.

Also they should still be drawn and quartered for excluding Irons.

There's been shockingly little "nuh uh, new thing is better than old thing, git over it grampa" comments in regards to the Lion King demake. Guess even autism has its limits.

There was a sex scene in the 2D Lion King movie?

Lions are from Africa and Africa = black

Lions aren’t people you retard

By your logic any European based animals should be voiced by white people. Peter Rabbit fucked up

desu I didn't realize Aladdin was already released in theaters

Who ever posts this on reddit will get all that sweet karma

I personally liked the new Lion King, didn't love it or anything, but it was nice. The voices could've been just a bit more expressive, especially Scar, but it was a fine movie with some incredible CGI and animation that really captured those little details in the animals, not just look-wise, but in movement.
Anyhow, while I liked it, I understand why this might be a let down for many, but what I really DON't understand is why are some people laughing their fucking asses off at this movie?

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there might as well have been
i got a boner from Nala at least

>why are some people laughing their fucking asses off at this movie?

I'm not laughing my ass off because Disney will make bank with it, just like they always do with these souless nostalgiagrabs. I do wish for all of these Disney de-makes to burn in fire, however.

>"Actually, user, it would technically be physically impossible for a lion to throw another lion in the way the animated cartoon showed. This new remake fixes that by being grounded by real world physics and changed it for the better."
>*snorts to clear sinuses*

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sometimes you all remind me why I come back to this shithole

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33 here. I still remember in 08 having a long conversation here with someone in their 50s who still kept up with the comics that he liked as a kid.
said that Yea Forums was the only place where they dont pretend everything in the comics is gloriously perfect every time like DC/MARVEL forums.

Oh it can't be that ba-
>mfw after seeing that twitter clip
That scene was so bad that I unironically laugh at it.

Attached: hahaha.jpg (179x282, 7K)

>People who want to see this are still mentally 7 years old
Makes sense

And I wasn't aware Beauty and the Beast made as much money as it did until last year. The point is that these speculation threads are pointless given what has happened in the past, there were countless threads dumping ass on Aladdin, some because there were legit concerns, but most was bandwagoning shitposting, yet here we are, again.

Good goy.

I want to fug the pale lioness.

Don't put me in the screencap friends


I knew there was a reason I kept going to this fucking website.
Bless all y'all fuckers

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Haven’t kek’d like that since I got cucked. Thank you, user

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Fucking got em boys.

So Promare or Weathering With You is getting that Oscar, right?

>Made by white people
>mostly white cast
>Inspired by Hamlet (also made by white people) and Kimba the White Lion (a Japanese anime)

Should I also mention that black people did not invent animals?

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>why are some people laughing their fucking asses off at this movie
Because it's so much weaker than the animated version

Oh wait this ones animated too, they had control over everything and it's still visually dull

name the lass movie (foreign movie) where the protagonist wasn't a stoic but had their face covered the whole time even in emoting-scenes.

Attached: roope.png (995x993, 144K)

Imagine the tears if a low budget Netflix show has a better CGI lion than Disney.

This is even better than Danny DeVito playing Detective Pikachu.

Heh, white lion

>Scar no longer sounds smug and devious
>just shouts "long live the king" like he's having a temper tantrum

>'s reaction

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I read somewhere that Woods put in his contract for the original Disney's Hercules that only him will voice Hades in any future Disney appearances

>Lions are from Africa and Africa = black

actually deserves all the replies

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Based Momotaro, Kenshiro's second son.

This just in, all of disney on suicide watch

Some things will never change.

Fucking hell

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Another note on the editing of Mufasa's death:
In the animated original, you have Scar pulling up Mufasa's paws, sending him falling backwards into the stampede. This comes in three cuts before the zoom-out from Simba: The shot of his paws, a shot of Mufasa falling backwards, and a shot from above showing his descent as he screams. In the live-action version, however, you now have five such shots. You have the now-infamous bitchslap, a quick shot of Mufasa grasping at the rocks and slipping, a third shot of him falling from the back with Scar looking down at him, a brief fourth shot of Mufasa from above as he falls into the void, and a fifth shot from the side as he descends, which leads into the Simba Zoom.

Why point this out? Because the original death scene is simpler. You understand that Mufasa is falling to his death, you outright see it, and from this you understand that Simba has seen it all as well. It's not a lot of pure visual information but it's enough to get you to see what's happening. With the live-action version, the additional cutting is less meaningful and a titch more distracting. With more focus on Mufasa falling, you now begin to focus less on the gravity of the situation (no pun intended) and more upon how Mufasa is falling in the scene instead.


I hope Disney dies, and takes the Copyright Term Extension Act with it

It’s fresh now. Almost unheard of to recover two days out at 55% but somehow Lion King remake did it and is now at 60%

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simba's face:

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I thought these thing were aimed at China since they never experienced the original Disney renaissance

Yeah nothing says sex appeal than this.

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>this thread

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It's like a roast chicken


Really makes you think...

Shut it, Yankee

but that's SO RACIST!

I'm sure you'll get over it, user.

I've seen 50 year olds in star vs threads lol

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This chain of posts is more entertaining than the entire fucking movie.

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