Thoughts on Sundae kids webcomic?

Thoughts on Sundae kids webcomic?

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fuck off

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>continues to post misleading images to farm outrage

Third strike and he's out, puffy hair dude can't catch a break.

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What's supposed to be the outrage? From these three pages the dude comes across as a creepy "nice guy" that the chick is right to keep her distance from.

No pussy and no cake for puffy hair dude.

Attached: sundae kids puffy hair dude loses cake.jpg (800x1200, 146K)

>being kind and honestly and trying to ask someone out is creepy
Not even r9k, but shut the fuck up holy shit.

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>she expresses clearly that she doesnt want to date him
>he keeps stalking her anyways

Puffy hair is the most reoccurring yet also the most morally ambiguous male in the sappy "love is" format of Sundae Kids.
My guess is that he's a stand in for her on again off again ex boyfriend- especially because she's made some slightly more serious work and the protagonist also has that fucking bell shaped hairdo.

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post the edit where Chad is laying in the couch

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I hate how "creepy" and "nice guy" get conflated. Creepy guys are nice because they think you're a child, nice guys are just desperate and would treat you well. The problem is that it's hard to tell the difference on the surface so most people just toss them in the same bin.

Nigga's hair isn't even that puffy nigga wat ru talking about

It's clear that he HAS gotten some trim from her before.
Like if he was at her door saying "I'm trying to be the right one" and she didn't know him she'd just shit her pants and call the fucking police.

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that one's not so bad. you can be attracted to someone, even work really hard in a relationship, but just not be compatible

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I use "nice guy" to refer to empty husks who only act kind to women because they think it'll get them laid, not because they're naturally considerate people.

>nice guys are just desperate and would treat you well
Seems like you didn't pay attention the last years. The definition for "nice guy" changed to "creepy asshole that pretends to be nice only to get sex".

How Orwellian.

Yeah you would have a point if the woman wasn't such an obnoxious retard and the guy continued to try with no prompting for it whatsoever. The author for these comics is super clearly detached from reality and has no idea how people actually, properly communicate with each other.

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The comics are about characters who are flawed, but comics are cherrypicked to make people think these are 100% the author's opinions in a vaccum.

"Gay" ment "happy" just some decades ago. Language changes all the time, nothing dystopian about it.

> The author for these comics is super clearly detached from reality and has no idea how people actually, properly communicate with each other.
She's from Thailand and obviously watches a lot of Japanese/Korean drama shows.

Theoretically a woman could have upwards of 30 children. Regardless of abortions she will likely end up with 2-3. Do we make a meme for all the eggs that get flushed down the toilet because they weren't fertilized?

You fell for OP's ruse.

>it makes no sense ON PURPOSE!
>she made it less coherent ON PURPOSE!
>subversion of expectations is cool and rad!
even if thats the case, its still dumb.

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>Being illiterate
OP is cherrypicking. There are comics that have the guy in the exact position the girl is in as posted here. Ones where she is clearly right or he is clearly right. Ones where everything is stupid.

The comic is about how fickle and stupid people are in romance, laughing and getting angry at their unrealistic expectations and hypocrisy.

You've been played, nigga. You've been played.

Okay, so how do you want men who just want to get laid to act towards women then. Be assholes?

Don't pretend to be a less shitty person to get laid? If you're a cunt you only deserve to be with women who know you're a cunt.

>dany, or hermione
Stay aborted

It's retard and so are you for making this thread.

>Do we make a meme for all the eggs that get flushed down the toilet because they weren't fertilized?
No because an egg by itself will always only ever be an egg.

Cope harder, faggot.

Right. But that's only half my argument. The net live children in the world don't really go up or down much due to abortion. People will still have kids after an abortion. If they don't have the abortion, then the kids they *would have had* will not be born, because the mother already has enough children.

>125,000 abortions performed daily
>Abortions don't really make a dent in the population.
Come on user.

>subversion of expectations

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>having kids in MMXIX
Im not a fucking billionare.

Why are you accusing people of being illiterate when you are such a massive retard yourself?

>125,000 abortions performed daily
and that's a good thing, too bad it's not millions
the less people, the better

A shame they never got you user.

Nobody said anything about subversion, stop being a disingenuous cunt.

The chad edit hits too close to home.

>Im not a fucking billionare
Poor people have kids just fine. You don't need to get kids the most expensive new toys like some fucking boomer okay?

It's too advanced for Yea Forums because nobody here had a romantic interaction with a woman.

They're expensive in the long run even if you're only going for basic needs. Poor people just have better survival skills and make due with what they have.

>medical care
>house big enough for kids

An unhealthy mix of female-centric themes that piggyback off jokes made at the generalized male everyman's expense, and a format that is way too simple to give the desired result the artist wants.

It's a pile of oversimplified pastel panels and cheap platitudes masquerading as dialogue. There is no overarching story either, so it just makes each "lesson" some of the more self-important strips try to teach feel even more hollow and lacking in context. All the other strips are just sappy "I love you" sharebait for social media. I'll stick to something with a bit more depth, thanks.

Characters require, you know, character. The clothed shapes that Poysian pulls out of her creator's closet to use as reflections for her self-centered and immature life experiences are not characters. They don't even have names. Also, if the women were as flawed as you say they are, you'd see more self-awareness and more nuanced jokes about them and their actions. That would be self-deprecation, though, because obviously Poysian uses the girls in her strips as analogs for herself.

Also, everyone bitching about the "nice guy" bullshit are missing the point: the strip is just a cheap way for some art grad in Bangkok to vent about her shitty love life and how she goes about making sense of why it's shit while making an income because each one is easy to shit out. More power to her, I guess.

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>They're expensive in the long run
>in the long run
What the fuck does that even mean? Do you think children are like a 401k or something?
>Waaahhh the money I spent caring for another human life could have been spent on a vacation to Barbados in ten years waaaahhh
Hedonism was a fucking mistake

None of these are factors if you're resourceful
>Medical Care
Low-income insurance and charity cases
Public school or homeschooling
There is no arbitrary size to house kids in. That's a dumb meme.

>There is no arbitrary size to house kids in. That's a dumb meme.
yeah because who the fuck need personal space

It's not even hedonism you dumb boomer fuck.

Who indeed?

Then tell me why the fuck it matters if children are expensive "in the long run" you idiot

post the edit


>you don't HAVE to give them a good life, just keep shitting out kids
If everyone thought like you we'd all be dead by now

>Yes goy keep buying expensive things for your kids that they'll inevitably break. Maybe when you make just a little more money you can buy them an iphone so we can show them our propa-I mean, entertainment whenever they want wherever they want. That's the only way to happiness goy

>you don't HAVE to give them a good life, just keep shitting out kids
That's unironically why we're all still alive as a species retard.

Kids are an investment in the literal sense. When you're old you move in with them and let them care for your in your old age. You get play with your grandkids while they go to work. Sure they're an expense right now, but they save you money years later when you're retired.

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>>The net live children in the world don't really go up or down much due to abortion.

Look at the total number of children born each year across years in places, and put a little vertical line along the year where abortion was legalized in whatever place you're looking at. Tell me the direction and slope of the line before and after that point is the same.

You can raise 3 kids on $40k a year

They're gonna have a hard time but they'll be alive

This one I like.

People who get abortions are not people who would be able to raise a kid this way. Make her into a neglected anorectic who tries to get attention of a drug user mother, or a family who barely had the money to support themselves without a kid and is now homeless.

>having a human who will live a miserable life because of your own idiocy and selfish want for a child that you will most likely be sick of in a few years

Medium income in my country is 380$/month.

Ahh yes the old "I didn't ask to be born" argument.

I sure as hell didn't and nobody asked for my opinion. Prevented suffering has a lot more value than potential happiness that didn't happen, and most people who are capable of raising kids aren't comfortable with abortion so they wouldn't do it anyway.

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Damn, this nigga is getting yanked around and treated like a second-class citizen in this relationship. Shit's abusive, dump her ass, kang.

he should have done this.

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y'know I was going to say it was cake and not cheese, but she's able to just fucking pick that shit up and carry it away and if you tried that with cake it would dissolve instantly.

Shut up user, Most kids are happy to be born alive. There will always be happiness in life so long as you work on yourself and find a hobby you love.

kill yourself plebbit shill

Ah shit that got me

I thought creepy asshole that pretends to be nice to get sex got reworked to 'male feminist'

>and find a hobby you love

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no because aborted babies arent eggs, they are already at the stage of developing, most if which have heartbeats

You wanna pay more for welfare? :^)

Her: I am your waifu, believe in me. Please!

Him: Waifus are not real and will never be real...Just a lie we tell ourselves.

The sheer luck of being alive right now is funny. Half of pregnancies, at least half, spontaneously abort. What a world we live in.

The beginning of your point is null. The actuall comic has women in the wrong. Thanks for the blog though.

Even cunty women are fickle and picky like all women,

>have a hobby that I love
>be good at it
>so in love with the art that my own work is never good enough for my inflated standards
>have a hobby that I hate

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>name me dany or hermione
Nothing of value was lost.

Entitled bullshit.

Having said that, you cannot compel someone to love you through effort. If she isn't in love with him, she's completely within her rights to end the relationship.

Her specific reason, however, is trash. And honest response would be, "I'm sorry, I just don't love you."

The "right one" WILL definitely have to try, and he may not even exist.

Eh. If he keeps hurting her and is too stupid to stop, then she's justified. You shouldn't love yourself too much though. It's a dangerous slope to narcissism

Pure bitchiness.

Funny out of context. wouldn't be out of place in a Sunday Funnies strip. *In context* the writer is displaying a disturbing pattern.

This one's fine.

Feel free to find one. Otherwise, you're full of shit.

Didn't even have to leave the thread.

He has a type.

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But I never fight my boyfriend and we care.

this bitch is a toxic ho, highly miserable and not even that good a cartoonist

The Chad edit is far superior

seems stolen

>I'm trying to be the right one for you
>Fuck off you crazy bitch

what kind of body language is she projecting in the 2nd panel

Reminds me of an awkward Chinese girl I used to date. Whenever she wanted to cuddle up to me when we were sitting, she'd just kind of tilt over like that. It was weird.

I think the problem is the artist can't draw more than 2 characters.

>attempt causes further disintegration of the heart ensuring it will no longer fit with any previous match
damn dude that's deep

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holy shit this is some toxic relationship shit right there.

Her: I want to have your baby.
Him: I got a vasectomy after you dumped me.

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>law abiding gun owners
>gun rights

stop posting this.

All these comics just seem to be self justification to very specific circumstances of one person's relationship troubles.

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Women are hilarious

I grew up poor, it was miserable

please don't inflict an existence like that on a child.

To be fair never fighting is the sign that you aren't ready for something more serious like marriage, but at the same time fighting all the time is the sign it's not working out.

Why did this movie resonated so much with people here?

One of the most legit mental illness comics.

>Don't pretend to be a less shitty person to get laid?

The implicit idea here is that niceness is a veneer and that you trust assholes more because they're "honest."

Put Chad on the couch.

>He's just like me!


This person is going to die alone.

>dude what's anhedonia
>Why don't people just stop being depressed bro
>life is bad because you haven't tried not having a bad life
Phrases that should result in hanging.

These are all things a person should reasonably be able to work towards, but that becomes increasingly impossible if the government staples kids you can’t support to you. You shouldn’t save a life to condemn it to poverty because “at least it lived”, because life might be the ultimate gift but FUCK, is a poor one a hard one

Why have an aborted daughter when you could have an aborted girlfriend?

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Makes me want to never have a gf

Post the real one, faggot

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post the chad edit

Oh shut the fuck up

Was just about to ask for this.

>Prevented suffering has a lot more value than potential happiness
I disagree.

Did the person who makes these have some sort of a fucked up life or something? I mean, is really setting off some red flags for me.

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No offense but maybe look into this more because this is retard logic.

fuck you for bumping this thread.

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Chad plays both sides, so he never loses

That's what I'm talking about Bros being Dudes.

This is disgusting but makes me laugh

>rejected by society
>has a waifu
>struggles to interact with real girls
>outwardly reserved, inwardly unstable
>life and career feels out of his own hands
>knows he isn't special
I can't figure it out either user

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Women were a mistake

You can fall in love with the mask a toxic person wears. I loved my gf till she cheated and proved she didn't love me. I dumped her ass and even thought she was the first girl I ever loved I deserve someone who will love me back.

>Do you think children are like a 401k or something?
Do you not realize that before the industrial age, the most efficient way to increase income was by producing more children to work on the family farm? Children have ALWAYS been an investment. Having kids being a sign of luxury or wealth is a radically new concept.


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no stop I hate this

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I would continue if I hadn't lost my comics folder multiple times.

>tfw my hard drive has held out 7 years now
where do you people buy your storage?

Just change his reply to "Don't have one" and this comic is Literally Me™

Oh no, it wasn't due to HDD failures. It's because I forgot to take backups before reinstalling.

Can't Muslims women have like 5-7 kids in a spawn of a few years.
I ask because I saw such a woman once and it was depressing seeing.

I don't know, any relationship needs effort, nothing is perfect and flawless.

That makes sense, love isn't always enough if personal respect and dignity goes down the drain.

He probably already sent her a dick pic. We've all been there.

HAHAHA! Fat bitch!


Been there. Actually basically the point of Annihilation.

Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995)

Yea Forums

And then he died.

Burned the fuck out of that lame mass of cells.

I don't this is cracking me up so bad.


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Thank you.


>Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995)
He should be strangling her, not hugging her.

A woman can have a kid every 9-ish months from her first period all the way up to menopause
It's just that no one is retarded enough to actually do it

Except Muslims.

Finally someone who agrees that killing the poor is the morally right thing to do.

There are a lot edits. The one I see the most are the two muscle girl ones.

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As a child who failed my parents, it's a very shitty investment. I'm not able to hold down a job because I'm very incompetent and lazy and sometimes clumsy enough to break enough shit that I get fired. I'm living in a separate house my parents could be renting out, using their money to buy food, and hoping that the funds I'm using up don't interfere with my dad's cancer treatments.

I think the woman who writes it will leave her three figure bank account to a domesticated animal of some kind.

She’s going to learn some hard life lessons when she’s older

God I fucking hate romance and love bullshit
Thank fuck I'll never have to deal with this shit
Enjoy being thirsty forever faggots

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t. incel who'll kill a camgirl one day

No you fucking retard
The point is that Im gay and guys are bros

GAY??? I thought you were a cool fucking asexual!

You just thirst for cock instead of the tiddie! You're trapped in the same deathspiral as all of us!

The "if this doesn't work I might have to try a blowjob" pose. It forces the guy to sit there and awkwardly wait for her to "settle in" and if it becomes obvious he plans to walk away it allows a quick hob on the knob to distract him.

That's not actually true. If it was you wouldn't hear about people trying to have kids for years, but knowing that biology is more complex requires basic understanding of biology.

>Some people have fertility problems
>This means no one can ever get pregnant right after the previous pregnancy
That user did fuck up the time between births as ovulation takes a few weeks to resume but are you so butthurt about a simple mistake that you have to insult him?
I get that people here are desperate to look smart but sheesh

Chance to get pregnant while breast feeding is very low. Miscarriages early in the pregnancy are extremely common. Ability to have more than 10-15 pregnancies during a lifetime is rare, not something most women are biologically capable of and pregnancies on first try are rare especially later in life. Each next pregnancy carries increased risk for both the child and mother. Over 20 children during lifetime is extremely rare which would be a lot more common if it was easy to achieve and the record holders are questionable and unconfirmed.

You guys are getting too serious, take it to >>>/preg/

I just made two posts, one mocking someone for not understanding how biology of his own species works despite it being a part of mandatory education in first world countries, and the second proving just how deeply the failure of his education goes. A few posts about something non political hardly derails a thread.

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