Two New Tales from the Dark Multiverse One-Shots Announced

Kind of pointless posting about these now since October solicitations are coming in a day or two, but whatever.


>In a broken world much like our own, Lois Lane, twisted by rage and grief over the Man of Steel’s death, becomes the Eradicator, taking revenge on those who let Superman die and the corrupt world he could never defeat. Now, with the power of a god, she’s going to end the “never-ending” battle by any means necessary, halting the Reign of the Supermen before it even begins.

>Co-written by Scott Snyder (DARK NIGHTS: METAL, JUSTICE LEAGUE, THE BATMAN WHO LAUGHS) and Kyle Higgins (DEATHSTROKE, BATMAN ETERNAL, NIGHTWING: THE NEW ORDER), with art by Javier Fernandez (JUSTICE LEAGUE) and a cover by Lee Weeks (BATMAN), this one-shot takes place in a Gotham City 30 years after a broken Bruce Wayne failed to take back the mantle of the Bat. In his place arose Jean-Paul Valley, also known as Saint Batman. Under his iron rule, Saint Batman has turned Gotham into the city of his dreams – killing has become commonplace and criminals live in constant fear—all in the name of justice.

>In a broken world much like our own, Lois Lane, twisted by rage and grief over the Man of Steel’s death, becomes the Eradicator, taking revenge on those who let Superman die and the corrupt world he could never defeat. Now, with the power of a god, she’s going to end the “never-ending” battle by any means necessary, halting the Reign of the Supermen before it even begins.

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Other urls found in this thread:

But there was already a book called Batman: Knightfall


>The Dark Multiverse takes on the highest-selling comic book event of all time, courtesy of writer Jeff Loveness (Rick and Morty, DC’S NUCLEAR WINTER SPECIAL, DC’S MYSTERIES OF LOVE IN SPACE), with art by Brad Walker (DETECTIVE COMICS) and Andrew Hennessy (SINESTRO, THE DEMON: HELL IS EARTH, TITANS), with a cover by Lee Weeks.

>In a broken world much like our own, Lois Lane, twisted by rage and grief over the Man of Steel’s death, becomes the Eradicator, taking revenge on those who let Superman die and the corrupt world he could never defeat. Now, with the power of a god, she’s going to end the “never-ending” battle by any means necessary, halting the Reign of the Supermen before it even begins.

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Aww I wanted Hal or Clark stuff, or even Barry.

>implying DC solicits are coming tomorrow or Wednesday


>Co-written by Scott Snyder (DARK NIGHTS: METAL, JUSTICE LEAGUE, THE BATMAN WHO LAUGHS) and Kyle Higgins (DEATHSTROKE, BATMAN ETERNAL, NIGHTWING: THE NEW ORDER), with art by Javier Fernandez (JUSTICE LEAGUE) and a cover by Lee Weeks (BATMAN), this one-shot takes place in a Gotham City 30 years after a broken Bruce Wayne failed to take back the mantle of the Bat. In his place arose Jean-Paul Valley, also known as Saint Batman. Under his iron rule, Saint Batman has turned Gotham into the city of his dreams – killing has become commonplace and criminals live in constant fear—all in the name of justice.

Attached: TALES_DARK_MULTIVERSE_BM_KNIGHTFALL_1.jpg (781x1200, 828K)

>These are the first of several titles in this new line; additional one-shots will focus on other events such as INFINITE CRISIS, BLACKEST NIGHT, NEW TEEN TITANS: THE JUDAS CONTRACT, and more. Each of these prestige format one-shots is 48 pages long at a price of $5.99. TALES FROM THE DARK MULTIVERSE: BATMAN: KNIGHTFALL #1 will be available at comics shops and participating digital retailers on Wednesday, October 16. TALES FROM THE DARK MULTIVERSE: THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN #1 arrives at comic book shops and digital retailers two weeks later, Wednesday, October 30. Timed to the release of each TALES FROM THE DARK MULTIVERSE title, fans can also purchase a one-dollar reprint of the original comic each story is based on, BATMAN #497 (October 16) and SUPERMAN #75 (October 30).


I do not find the dark multiverse what so ever to be interesting.

Probably won't read it legally but I absolutely love the design

I forgot the last line:
>But just when all seems lost, a new hope for Gotham rises: The Son of Bane.

Here's the rest of Federici concept art for this version of Azrael.

Attached: Azrael_conceptl_full_figure_color_Federici.jpg (848x1200, 959K)

Same. It's basically the same idea as "What if" stories, if each one was, "What if this sucked?"

Attached: Azrael_conceptBat-Cowl_colorstudy_Federici.jpg (848x1200, 614K)

Dictator Lou’s Lane is arguably more interesting than Injustice Superman

Explain how

Oh boy, more of the Batwank Multiverse that the normalfags will still buy and praise even if it's fucking shit just like every other story set in that cesspool

Exactly and they're so convoluted too.
Eradicator Lois?

The #DCeased #5 horror homage cover by Yasmine Putri is beautiful!

Attached: D_bLigGWsAAB2To.jpg (781x1200, 160K)

Love it.

Lois’s conservative attitude/military upbringing mixed with grief of her husband combined with her access to Kryptonian technology to give herself powers makes more sense for a What If? than Clark going off the deep end to create a one world government

why do liberals think that releasing the same sjw garbage over and over again about angry "empowered" women is ever going to be popular?
they have released the same shit for the last 4 years and all have failed.
meanwhile they have made it impossible to release classic comics with actualy likeable and sexy female protagonists that actually sell because thats "sexist"
do sjw writers have a death wish?
do they want to die of starvation?
I guess that would make sense considering how many sjws love communism even through that always leads to mass starvation

>Eradicator Lois?

holy shit even harley quinn has to wear pants now?
this industry is so fucked by feminists

I want to agree with you but you sound like such a retard

I hate SJW pandering as much as the next guy but I think you’re jumping the gun on this one


Because Harley Quinn's best costume isn't possibly a full body suit amirite
Fuck off Arkhambaby

>Lois’s conservative attitude
Is your only exposure from lois that one panel from an 2008 election special?

at least it not suydam. Also Jon + Damien + Harley could be an interesting dynamic

Does she molest Jon?

it literally looks like every other female lead comics of the last 4 years.
reminds me a lot of the female furries title which got released not so long ago which had amazing dialogue like this

Attached: you have premssion to touch me in a life and death situation my love.jpg (1988x3056, 1.19M)

Are you a casual who’s only read New 52 Lois and onward?

everything can look on halrey if the artists is allowed to draw her sexy.
but since comics only panders to sjws these days she is made unappealing on purpose.
her as well getting a censored outfit just shows this further

So, both have the same premise. Character becomes edgy punisher due to a hero not being there.
Can we have something better than this? Punisher is boring.

>In a broken world much like our own

>only panders to sjws
Depends where you look.

And you're just a tourist who only knows about that one panel from that election special where Lois identifies as a conservative republican because nothing in the special is character accurate.

if you look at a womens breast or butt it certainly is so. they all now get drawn like sticks and are covered up head to toe
meanwhile male heroes have to get topless at least once every weak these days to show of their muscles

Explain to me how Lois is a liberal

The thing is that we already know how lois reacted towards the death of superman and it wasn't to give herself superpowers to take revenge.
The dark multiverse works ass backwards where it's a railroad plot to a bad end. Characters are gonna act unnaturally, things are going to unfold inorganically and ultimately it's gonna go nowhere.

>she doesn't worship the military
>she doesn't hate the poor
>she exposes corruption

Like what OP did.
and they're all set in that same fucking nightmare universe while we're at it!

I could have sworn this was a thing already; Jean-Paul staying Batman.


Glad to see my man Lee Weeks getting work, even if just covers. There are really nice.

sounds like treason

That's a lib for ya.

We could've had tales of the regular multiverse instead of this.

>No Paralax Hal
>All written by Snyder
Fucking cringe.

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You have a very warped view

can you not read?

Attached: CE76F696-FCC0-4265-9CA1-6F6BEC955EC4.jpg (546x562, 27K)

>Dark Multiverse opens up whole new realm of potential Elseworlds
>Squandered by Snyder
For fuck's sake even Yea Forums has made better Dark Multiverse prompts than this.


My first exposure to comic books was Knightfall, so, for me, this motherfucker will always have a special place in my heart.

>In a broken world much like our own, Lois Lane, twisted by rage and grief over the Man of Steel’s death, becomes the Eradicator, taking revenge on those who let Superman die and the corrupt world he could never defeat. Now, with the power of a god, she’s going to end the “never-ending” battle by any means necessary, halting the Reign of the Supermen before it even begins.
that's super gay

>Other stories include The Judas Contract, Blackest Night and Infinite Crisis
Deathstroke and Terra's story is about to get reaaaaaaally dark.

I was about to thought Slade was a pedo BEFORE...:)

Tbh, it's most likely just going to be that Beast Boy/Changeling joins them and they murder the rest of the Titans.

>Blackest Night
Love Hal.

>Dark Multiverse opens up whole new realm of potential Elseworlds
It was never gonna do that because the dark multiverse is built entirely around the ideas of bad endings. There was never any potential here

I love Loveness

An actual competent writer could twist the Dark Multiverse to mean something that actually makes SENSE to DC's cosmology: they aren't doomed worlds because they're bad endings. They're doomed because they HAVE endings. Contained stories with satisfying conclusions belong there because the story is over, and thus the world that encompassed it serves no purpose.