Why, I do believe it's time for some Silver Age!

Why, I do believe it's time for some Silver Age!

But enough about me, how was your weekend?

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It's a DC day, so naturally we start with a Curt Swan cover.

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bumping for OP

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Why is Luthor pantsless?

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bumping for OP

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bumping for OP

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Batman at his most damsel in distress.

bumping for OP

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thanks for storytiming

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Spind the statue of justice.


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Planet Femnaz.

Oh boy.

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You know what they say, hindsight is 20-20...

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Why is he doing it out in the open in front of a camera? Was he hypnotized into thinking it's girls gone wild?

That's enough of Silver Age DC for today...

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... Robert H Justman, who directed and produced many episodes of Star Trek, would've been 93 on the 13th...

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... Patrick Stewart was 79...

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... Harrison Ford was 77...

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... Cheech Marin was 73...

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... Didi Conn was 68...

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... Tom Kenny was 57...

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... Neil Denis was 32...

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... Red Buttons died 13 years ago that day...

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... Richard D Zanuck, who produced the 2001 Planet of The Apes movie, died 7 years ago...

Attached: richard-d-zanuck-gallery-550-tcm.jpg (400x550, 160K)

Saw some old guys geek out over their vintage Aurora model kits once... it was cute

... and Cory Monteith died six years ago.

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William Hanna was born 109 years ago on the 14th...

Attached: Will Hanna.jpg (300x180, 11K)

... Harry Dean Stanton would've been 93...

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... Mike Esposito would've been 92...

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... Rosey Grier was 87...

Attached: 250px-Rosey_Grier.png (250x186, 77K)

... Sid Haig was 80...

Attached: Capt Spaulding (El Superbeasto).jpg (210x240, 19K)

He honestly looks like what you expect a cartoon exec to look like.

... Vincent Pastore was 73...

Attached: Terry (ATHF).jpg (720x480, 52K)

... Joel Silver, who produced Richie Rich and Bullet To The Head, was 67...

Attached: joel-silver.jpg (415x300, 58K)

... Jackie Earle Haley was 58...

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... David Mitchell was 45...

Attached: Mitch (P&F).png (385x204, 62K)

... Pepo, creator of Condorito, died 19 years ago that day...

Attached: Pepo.jpg (300x227, 9K)

... Dennis Burkley died 6 years ago...

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... and Dave Somerville died four years ago.

Attached: LarryMatson.jpg (700x679, 112K)

Nan Martin, who did voice acting for Pirates of Darkwater, would've been 92 today...

Attached: Nan Martin.jpg (214x317, 22K)

... as would Carmen Zapata...

Attached: Judge Maria Vargas (BTAS).png (432x346, 114K)

... Guido Crepax would've been 86...

Attached: crepax-valentina-roma.jpg (1500x2022, 1.66M)

... Celia Imrie is 67...

Attached: Miss Kizlet.jpg (379x283, 88K)

... as is Terry O'Quinn...

Attached: Howard Hughes (The Rocketeer).png (400x225, 109K)

... Adam Savage, who did model work for Episode II, is 52...

Attached: Adam Savage.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

... Jim Rash is 48...

Attached: JR Kipple (Mystery Inc).png (250x285, 96K)

... David Brian died 26 years ago today...

Attached: John Gill (TOS).jpg (593x593, 38K)

... Dana Hill died 23 years ago...

Attached: Max (Goof Troop).jpg (720x540, 22K)

... and Martin Landau died two years ago.

Well, I'm done for today. I'll be back tomorrow, knock on wood, to give you some more Silver Age silliness, as well as the usual stuff.

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>TFW No modern Curt Swan

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What would make a modern artist a latter-day Curt Swan? Their ability to draw one popular hero perfectly time and time again? To be a perfect workhorse, contributing covers and interior art for various titles? Being able to ink their own work? Adapting your style to current trends, while still being recognisable?

I'm not dissing you here, I just need to know what you think today's artists lack that Swan had.

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The Alex raymond style photo realism. Also a "flat" style (if that makes sense) as opposed to the very dynamic Kirby style

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Hmmm... those traits are sorely lacking nowadays. To be honest, I'm not sure you can even have that sort of thing these days, what with digital colouring techniques and the current comic book market. I'd love to see a comeback for those techniques, but I'm not sure it's viable now.


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modern coloring doesn't help the art.


bumping for OP
