Looks like Norman Osborn wasn't so crazy after all

Looks like Norman Osborn wasn't so crazy after all.

Attached: 1556592872360.webm (1280x719, 2.57M)

Other urls found in this thread:



it's just merkel dude

>Shows up at the British Parliament
>*throws saurkraut*

why does he have a gun

That seems really useless.

>It's you who's out, Merkel.

>Looks like Norman Osborn wasn't so crazy after all.

It is when it makes the person using it an extremely easy target for any sharpshooter. Hoverboards are retarded.

>You know America, I am something of a military power myself

is this the new french express surrender corps?

On a more reasonable note the French are launching five or so new nuclear subs. I don't remember the details.

LMAO at Macron nodding proudly at the hovercraft.
>an extremely easy target for any sharpshooter
You're overestimating the accuracy of a sharpshooter when it comes to moving targets.




>macron nodding
>"yeah, we can kill so many yellow vest with this babe"

LITERALLY how the fuck can you counter this?

A machine gun.


Shoot web and jump

Fuck you man, I laughed too hard at this.
Anything but this. Machine guns aren't exactly accurate either, what are you going to do, aimlessly shoot at the sky? Unless they were flying real low there's no way you'd hit it.
What you need is a lasso.

Gliders today lantern rings next year

>machine guns
[laughs in M2]

Eh, all I can see it being good for is a replacement for parachutes, or for lower-to-the-ground deployments.

Looks like flak rounds are back on the menu

Okay /k/, you've lost me. You'd still be dealing with a moving, flying target.

it's a novelty. could be useful for police, get around quickly in urban areas- but in a military scenario like most things a drone could probably do it better.

Just imagine if he had pumpkin bombs instead of that rifle he's be unstoppable

fun fact: the red fucking baron, the stereotypical ace of aces was killed by some random dude shooting at him from the ground

in WW1

a lot of lead coming at you is still scary for an aerial target, especially an unarmored one

He didn't have the nimbleness of a goblin glider tho

otherwise itd just be a guy on a not-yet-weaponized jet board

throw a rock?

this is enhanced mobility when compared to footsoldiers. Imagine an army of those fighting an army of normal footsoldiers.
the flying frenchmen have a gigantic advantage with this, especially in higher numbers. Needless to say this is masterful if its used as a scouting gadget rather than fighting

It does have practical application. Tactical repositioning, mobile infantry, great for an urban environment. The trick is knowing when to use a tool

So if Green Goblin is first, which superhero/villain are we going to try and make next?

Attached: Pizza Time.jpg (943x380, 37K)

>tacticool French policeman clad in state-of-the-art armor swoops in from the sky, all Dredd like, descending on some teenagers about to assault a guy on a bike
>"hon hon"

See, this is what happens when Nick Fury doesn't let you go to Paris

Hopefully they use this tech to shoot at least one practical flight scene next time Gobby shows up in a movie.

ya seethe bitch lmao

Same way you take down birds a shotgun.


Attached: MGS3.webm (484x360, 2.86M)

The thing about scouting is that you usually want to do it with a bit of stealth. This thing is as loud as a helicopter. And if you're giving up that element...why not just scout inside a helicopter?

These things can fly for less than 5 minutes, are noisy as hell, get more dangerous the more you have flying at once, and serve no tactical purpose.

Goddamn Yea Forums can be stupid sometimes.

What is this?

The army tried for a good while to make an infantry flying machine.

Attached: One man flying platform.webm (555x382, 2.79M)

Attached: 1438807338404-2.jpg (1432x1080, 517K)

how many birds flying at 200km/h can you shoot?

special effects.

>it took 4 years longer than expected
>but we're finally back to the future

>I played all of overwatch I could totally kill that dude myself lmao

Someone has never seen how hard it is to maneuver rifles at the speed necessary to take the shot here. You're better off with machineguns AKA the thing that was originally used for AAA

>Lol I know nothing about military equipment or why weapons have long barrels.

It was a demonstration of new military tech. There were vehicles and robots too.

Fire enough bullets and one of them is going to hit the target.
And only one of them needs to hit the target in this case.

yeah we got that part about you already.

>>Fire enough bullets and one of them is going to hit the target.


>Not "Perfect, i can finally become the French Goblin".

/m/'s already been down this road

Attached: Siegzeon.jpg (945x397, 376K)

Fuck them.Get back to work ,anarchist cunts

I'm going to do the inevitable joke because it'll come sooner or later and i rather do it myself,being french and all so here goes
(hum hum)
Gee,now the French can flee the battlefield faster with those hoverboard.Also Jerry Lewis existed

So what happens when he fires that rifle one-handed? Does he start spinning around?

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Star Wars

>the flying frenchmen have a gigantic advantage with this,
It means they can retreat faster.

Attached: 1541679135333.jpg (404x404, 19K)


I wanna see someone in large armor/a walking tank.

Holy shit it's those flying things the battle droids use.

You underestimate the sheer volume of lead that gets spewed from one. It's not a matter of all of them hitting, just enough of them

Try shooting a gun in real life before you make statements like that, you've played too much call of duty

Guns are completely useless if you cannot aim. Volume isn't enough unless you are using like ten miniguns.

Or a mounted LMG. like an AAA gun.

Been there,done that.Find something else


A very long stick.

There's no such thing as nimbleness in the face of bullets. Compared to them, you are standing completely fucking still.

I think COBRA is right around the corner

>show off wacky flying man
>no one cares about your massively increased MAD potential now

Those sneaky frogs

Then you need moar dakka.

>how to lose your fucking legs in 5 easy steps

They're supposed to be used in very specific situations, like boarding ships that got pirated.

>yellow jackets protest
>journos: "violent protests on Bastille day? who does that? do these people respect nothing?"

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I for one welcome our new frog overlords


We worked out how to shoot down airborn craft in ww1...

By not being a Frenchman

An iron sight

Attached: 1562989496672.gif (220x392, 2.38M)

Look, this thing has under 5 minutes of flight capability IIRC. Closer to 90 seconds? Note how you *never* see an extended clip of these things in action.

Has anyone shown a video of someone actually firing that gun while flying? Because keeping that thing level is a lot of effort, notice how stilted the gun is being held let alone used. Now fire off some shots and show me how even the minor recoil impacts the flight.

This is nonsense.

Now, it might not be in 5-10 years. A bigger flying platform, with some AI smarts to handle the stability automatically. Basically, the goblin glider. But it aint there yet, and tech demos of tech well before they're actually useful pisses me off to no end. Its a lie in physical form.


Macron could actually play Norman Osborn

I'd prefer that hoverboard for a non weaponized usage. Stairs would finally become irrelevant and, I pray for the not too distant future, so would traffic


Why doesn't the American show off their technology? ffs they wasted so much money on shit.

Or what, you gonna cry?

Thats about all you can do you stupid fucking faggot.

That's just regular kiowa pilots

Guided missiles, tomahawk missiles, artillery bombardment, fighter jets, generally anything that causes large-scale damage and explosions, tanks because those guy won't be able to do shit to them.

>the French Goblin
What would he look like? Other than the Baguette somewhere.

Spider blood, spider blood, radioactive spider blood.

You sue their tech against them.

That's your answer to everything, humanity. All your weapons are just increasingly complex long, point sticks.

You could argue sticks were the first tecnological developement humanity made.

wow the entire french military turned out for that

Reminds me of this.

sure, you could, but you'd be wrong. apes using rudimentary wood and stone tools precede humanity by millions of years.

scouting as in observing the location in general and also being fast and more mobile. They in fact use drones or helis for that, but this one looks more agile if it gets worked on a bit more.
Also, hypothetically saying this is only a prototye, a finished version of these are combat like superior to infantry

Then stones and sticks are ancient ape technology?
And humans are just copying it?

Fuck you.
t. Trees

Reminds me of this


Humans are apes, you dumb ape.

I don´t see this technology having any use in everyday life, but for movies, it could be amazing.
They can have the Green Goblin flying around without awful CGI now.

Bendis stop.

Nah, boiling water was. And it's still the greatest innovation.

They actually also showed off exoskeletons, but it was only the kind that help infantry wear heavy charges

>A bigger flying platform,

of course, the glider is no mere tiny disc after all

Doc ock

Backpack with robot tentacle arms. 'Nuff said.

he already has the evil businessman persona

humans didn't copy it exactly, they inherited it along with the rest of the then-current bonobo culture and very gradually improved upon it until it justified it's own transmissable culture by working and creating stone tools instead of just using sharpened sticks and found stones, at which point, according to modern anthropology, our ape ancestors became decidely human.

Emp or a fireman hose I guess, maybe rain


>the new James Bond movie set seems a bit odd

There is a Spider-Man comic from around the time when the Hobgoblin 1st was appearing when Hoby mentions he could tell Norman was insane cause he used his goblin glider to fight Spidey instead of patenting it and selling it as a personal transport device cause mass market gliders would of revolutionized transport and replaced cars and probably made Norman 20 times richer than he already was.

You guys romanticize guns the way teenaged weebs do with katanas.


>wow I got gold rank in overwatch I'm a fucking omega snipper now. DIEDIEDIE is REAL

I don't think he could pull off the cackling Gobbo part, his evilness is too subdued.

Maybe firemen can use it to save people on rooftops and shit?

Are you saying that user is claiming he could shoot one down himself, or that a trained soldier couldn't?

Just wait for the Area 51 raid to out all the ayy tech in the open.

"trained soldier" lmao

>civilians trying to invade a military base
2-3 retards will die, the other will take pictures and complain online the law doesn't ignore them

Yes, trained.
Like taught how to shoot a gun?

I hope that guy's exercising proper trigger discipline because imagine going the tiniest bit off balance and reflexively grabbing at the only thing at hand.

Gun was probably not loaded, or loaded with blanks. I know military types aren't the brightest but I hope they're not stupid enough to launch a guy with a loaded gun on an experimental overboard in the middle of the city.

Let's see that webswinger terrorize new york NOW

Overkill, but if you really need it taken out...

Attached: Stinger.jpg (700x537, 87K)

My favorite part remains they recommend "naruto running" as a way to avoid bullets.

Just imagine you're an enlisted soldier and suddenly five random motherfucker show up, arms flapping like wet noodles as they appear over the horizon.

Should have gone for the Chad Devil Stride instead of the Virgin Naruto Run.

Attached: the chad stride.gif (500x281, 2.29M)

Pointy sticks came before fire

I’ve been told on /k/ that’s actually the norm for Area 51 guards

Infiltration from above without having to use a heli immediately on the target?

Fuck that shit. If I built a glider I'm the only one using it for damn sure.

They don't teach you how to shoot. They just let you shoot a bunch of guns and if you happen to be good let you shoot some more. Nobody actually trains you.

And the guy on it wasn't even a military, he is a former jet-ski pro and the one who created the board

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The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come it's tormenting that poor soul

He looks kind of scared.

Explosive croissants that he keeps in a Vuitton bag.

I gotta say, France secretly boosting itself back to Great Power status was a twist in the storyline that I did not see coming.

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Maybe they want to reignite their rivarly with the Germans again, or the Brits.

Honestly, I think they've just kind of gotten tired of always doing everything the Americans tell them to do. It's been like that since De Gaulle was in power, but it seems to have ramped up even more under Macron. And, really, if one Western European country was going to get sick of the Yanks ordering them around, it would be the French, wouldn't it?

Did France ever obey the USA?

>the Brits
Yes, please. Scotland must be free from the UK, and France should help us.

>Did France ever obey the USA?

They are a member of NATO, which America essentially calls the shots of.

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It reminds me of that machine Yuri Prime floats on.

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The hoverboard moves relatively fast and has 360 degrees of motion, you'd need to be a crack shot to easily land a hit on them.

You'd lose a lot more than your legs if you got caught in that spinning deathtrap.

It's Easier than you think

Attached: Day of the Rake.webm (800x450, 2.83M)

That's our glider!

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Nah, Macron pushes for a shared EU defense so the fritz are safe... Albion though...

Same way you would counter a helicopter except you don't have to go all out I would assume. Hell, I would imagine a military helicopter flying even close to someone on that thing would knock them on their ass.

Didn't you guys vote against independence a couple of years ago? If you can't help yourself why should others.

Bombs weren't ready for demonstration.

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>Hey guys, stay in this union, otherwise you'll get kicked out the EU, and we'll make sure you can't get back in
>What the fuck, of course we're making you leave the EU with us, even though all your counties voted against it. What are you going to do, leave the UK?

Brexshitters have either the memory of a goldfish, the honor of a rapist, or both.

I'm not looking forward to the idea of fighting fucking spacenoid assholes.

They're only a member of NATO as long as the USA does not force them to do things they don't want
And quite frankly this applies to pretty much all of Europe these days, USA tries to strongarm everyone else to hard and the major European countries quickly decide that this whole EU army thing is looking real attractive

If I was on a boat and saw some Grim Reaper lookin' motherfucker flying straight towards me I'd probably have a heat attack.

God I wish die on this

Is there footage of them firing a gun from one of those things?

What are the chances of someone stealing the tech and becoming the Hobgoblin?

It either happens or it doesn't.

is there really people complaining about protests on Bastille day? are they forgetting what is being remembered here?

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Continue the funding.

Weird when I read it too. Shit happens literally every year.

By this logic,someone somewhere already gained Spider powers.
He just needs to make the web shooters and create a legally distinct name to avoid the Disney lawsuit.

We will be waiting for you Human Arachnid

Like Night Monkey?

Didn’t someone make full-fledged Doc Ock technology in Germany?

The most important thing to remember about Brexit vs IndyRef is that there is nothing the English love more than making every other race in the British Isles suffer. This explains every single thing about their relations with both the Scottish and the Irish. The Welsh are just gimps who enjoy pain at this point so you never hear much complaining from them.

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I can't wait for Green Goblin to oppress the Irish.

Man,Fuck Night Monkey.
I had my cosplay ready for CCSD and thought the costume really cool.
But now I'm so fucking sure every funnyman attendee will call me Night Monkey

Yea Forums once again proves that this board is Yea Forumsmblr and is completely inept at going on /o/, /k/, or even just outside.

If you look at past history it's painfully clear that the Scottish need an English ruler, the Welsh are quite docile and as for the Irish, well now a homosexual indian rules their country, they've made their bed.

If this board is so shitty, why are YOU here?

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The Human-Spider

The Irish just disgust me at this point.

>spend almost 200 years fighting and lobbying for independence from England
>get it
>proceed to throw away all your distinct, unique Gaelic/Catholic/Celtic culture and heritage and just basically become a shittier, poorer version of modern England

The most cucked people on the planet. All these decades after independence and they still can't stop letting the English tell them what to do.

Attached: 1515345114079.jpg (700x400, 52K)

just as Spider-Man is retarded for not mass-producing and selling web-shooters (and basically being House of M Spider-Man)

Raimi was right again.

Attached: s22.png (848x480, 574K)

Attached: Propellerknight.png (640x640, 198K)

I LOVE that game. Wish the other knights got campaigns too, but at this point I'll settle for finally getting King Knight's

Yes, but one day humanity will create a stick so big and so sharp THAT IT WILL DESTROY THEM ALL!

space force.

>Raimi was right again.
About the Jews?

>eh *insert moronic opinion*

Every time. Imagine being this retarded

Finally a weapon to surpass metal gear

So we're just trying to imitate comic books?
It's not practical, it's fun, but not practical.

Attached: iron-man-iron.jpg (640x497, 32K)

Underrated comment


How long until we get battle lolis?

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>AA weapon
>watch the sky rain flesh chunks and red mist

Go Gadget Go!

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That's an action packed webm, needs dramatic music

i wonder if that thing is stable enough that you could shoot this thing while riding it


Why haven't any of you made an invention like that?

the government doesn't give money to comicbook-reading losers.

Would be fucking awesome for shows at Disney

flamethrower bots were literally the most retarded things in this show, pretty sure the only successful bots that had them just used them because they were required to have an "active" weapon to prevent it from becoming wedge vs. wedge like every other fighting robot show ends up being.