Will this be any good?

Will this be any good?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yes. Very cool you keep doing this OP.

Why wouldn't it be? It's a historically significant story and the talent behind it is solid.

>Historically significant

Don't tell me SJW revisionist history is trying to include Capeshit in it's BS now too

>smashing undercover CIA agents

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Da Cherry Klan. Are they related to the Wu-Tang Klan? 'Cause ya know, their first album was the BAERMB! In fact, you don't have a copy of "The 36 Chambers" in there, do ya? 'Cause I'd love to listen to it right now! Ya mind if I come in?

Based retard

Does it matter?

Capeshit has always been an arm of the US Government and whatever social programming it has going at the time.

This is a lazy, uninformed take


It's made so casuals can REE and people are are slightly less casual but still don't but comics can tell them it's an adaptation of a famous story... From the radio show.

The creative team is terrible, the art is hideous, and they clearly did make it with an eye on the cultural zeitgeist despite the fact that they'll say that's untrue. Because they know damn well review sites and people with pronouns in the profiles on social media will take the 6 panels if superman sticking it to racists and post them with "take that!" And "superman hates drumpf!"

So, now being against historically bigoted groups is, "SJW?"

>based faggot who thinks the CIA being behind the KKK means the racism wasn't wholly organic
You're the retard

>hello my fellow non-sjws
At least try.

It's about the Klan. Where does it talk about Trump?

Not him and not interested in the back and forth. But if you've let the meme usage of SJW cloud the fact that beating up nazis is literal social justice warrior activity you're an immense retard.

Absolutely. I love the original radio story that it was based on. The only thing that I am dreading is how all of the Anti SJWs are going to spam endless threads about how fighting the KKK is white genocide or some bullshit.

You don't have to play stupid when you're already braindead.

You're retarded if you need the line drawn. I suspect you just want to bump the thread.

People here are really desperate to
>Be contrarian
>Be anything that the SJWs aren't

Not really you're just retarded and came here with expectations of getting your jimmies rustled while shilling this trash.

Seems more like people chaffing against your oppressive social ideology. How dare they express themselves in a way against your political goals.

>Supporting Nazi or Supporting the KKK is now a good thing because it goes against social norms

>revisionist history

How is it revisionist? It's literally a story that turned the country against the Klan and took away their mysticism.

Because DC and SJWs are picking on a small group of people that haven't posted a threat to anyone in years in order to win some brownie point$

Are... are you seriously crying that publishing this story is akin to Klu Klux Klan being bullied?

>It's literally a story that turned the country against the Klan
They hadn't been relevant for thirty years at that point.

Picking on > The Klu Klux Klan

You okay buddy?

It's attacking me and my political views by attributing my views as evil and vile and the same as the KKK. Because I voted for Trump I am somehow evil and aren't worth listening to.

A better question is, why does DC think this is relevant? It is not as though there is any systemic anti-black/anti-catholic (everyone forgets this part) vigilantism. The sitting government doesn't have any particularly racialist policies as well, and if anything, there are more niggers in prominent positions in the media and government than any time since Reconstruction, when they were given a few states for free.

So why is this relevant?

unlesss your a klansman, this aint about you bro, stop taking it personally you anxiety-ridden autismo

Will Trump be the final boss?

Because the KKK are easy villains and it lets some literally-who twitterposter shit on ORANGE CHEETO HITLER BLUMPF and the half of America that voted for him.

Actually, it very much is about him, as he is the demographic the comic are trying to provoke.

Because racism is one of the biggest issues in the country right now even though it’s like 1% of the population and for every 1 nazi you have 100 sjw’s acting like they’ve taken over the world

Are you seriously telling me they won't compare the KKK to Trump or the current political climate at all? This would be a fine enough story before 2012 but they aren't using this story for fun. They are making it to attack people like me,my family and anyone that disagrees with them

>superman is a republican
jeez DC stop pandering to Comicsgaters.

Why would they have reason to?

Lois is traditionally the Republican. Clark is a New Deal Dem.

The KKK are republicans, this makes supes kiberal

gene yang?? might be good. weird that the girl superman is protecting is a QT white girl instead of a QT Black girl but maybe thats based on the radio show I guess.

>KKK are republicans

How is a story about the evils of racism not relevant today? The past two years have brought to the surface the ugly casual day to day racism people liked to pretend no longer existed.

Because the racism of today has a point when refugees are raping everyone and colored people get advantages they don't deserve

The leader of the KKK, David Duke was a republican senator

Why do you automatically associate the Klan with Trump? I first and foremost see a classic story about prejudice and racism, I don't immediately start looking for modern day allegories.

>Racism is okay when it's repeating racist fear mongering sentiment that I happen to subscribe to

But don't you dare to call me racist!

The more you use that word, the less it means. The reason now there is an actual racial dialogue (as in people telling you to back the fuck off) is because no one is afraid of that word anymore.

that was 1990

Do any of the DC heroes have canon political beliefs besides Green Arrow being a 1990's liberal?

I unironically see Bruce Wayne as a Republican.
>Uses his vast wealth to improve his community through charity and job creation instead of shilling for welfare.
>Active practitioner of "fix it yourself" instead of waiting for the govt to fix it.
>First hand experience in knowing that the govt can be heavily corrupt or negligent, but fights for reform and putting away the bad guys instead of just making lawless anarchy.

no that would be the kkk.
no because it was written before trump becauseee

Why no strong woman of color on the cover? Fuck this racist rag

>It doesn't mean anything anymore!

Yet you seem awfully flustered just by the association you draw with yourself and a blatantly racist group

How are the KKK a threat to superman at all? Surely this would only be a page long.

The real question is why you think concern for one’s race is a bad thing.

They probably bring up the legitimate argument that Superman never properly naturalized.

Concern =\= wanting other races to die

Yes, because everyone who doesn’t love forced racial integration is a genocidal supervillain.

They're not, but no Superman story just has Superman making a b-line fly through every villain hideout.
Story will likely follow the soon-to-be victims, the villains plotting, Superman seeing the act and going to interfere (or someone like Jimmy Olsen noticing the act and finding Superman for help), and then Superman showing the youth the error of the way of thinking the villains had and saving the day of tomorrow by teaching a lesson.

usual sjw-bullshit

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I like the team behind it and know its golden age radio origins but I know that threads are going to be shitfests. Like everything that seems political nowadays. I'll read it when it comes out.

wasn't there Superman vs Spider-Man comic already?

Back to your cage, you hideous virgin incel

Superman : I came to stop you
KKK : but Supes, why 13% of population commits 50% of crime
Superman : I....
KKK : why 90% of bank and media, and military industrial complex owned by people that is 1% of this country
Superman : .....
In The Next Issue! (pic related)

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yeah, curse the slow troubled integration of multiple races over the course of 200 years.



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Why doesn't DC reprint this? It's a classic about serving your nation.

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Not raciest enough.

Look up the Superman radio show.

How many times has this thread been made?

Opposed to the forced, discriminatory, oppressive, systematic segregation of an entire section of the populace?

>They hadn't been relevant for thirty years at that point.
Historically speaking you're wrong.

Who’s the girl supposed to be? Shouldn’t he be teaming up with a black girl to fight them instead?

Same reason why they don't reprint that issues where Superman of all people tell a bunch of Aliens looking to live on earth that they are there illegally and should leave.

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Have you ever actually read that issue? Because it's not actually about the Japanese.

Are you really going to sit here and praise JMS Superman just to win some kinda political brownie points?

Superman has always been in revisionist history. How many times has he single handedly captured guys like Hitler, Musolini, Hirohito and Stalin?

And who can forget the time he carried all of the Jews out of Egypt?

No, just pointing out some funny semi related thing that happened in Superman.

He doesn't tell them to leave

But that's not what happens.
Why you always lyin?

Yea Forums itself doesn't even read comics, so why should I?

No, but he is rude and tells them to do more for the community where they live that the actual natives that live there.

I read that comic which is how I know that it's not actually about the japanese.

And that's where JMS fucks up in the characterization of Superman. Superman isn't gonna demand refugees prove their worth to justify not being oppressed.

Shit argument is shit. A better argument is they're going to use this comic to try and conflate Trump Supporters as racist KKK supporters. There's is literally nothing wrong with Superman fighting against a hate group. The problem is trying to call half the country members of said hate group.

>society has gotten fucked up to the point that hating the KKK for being the goddamn KKK is "too political"
I miss the 90s.

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>A better argument is they're going to use this comic to try and conflate Trump Supporters as racist KKK supporters

This is what we call projection.

It's not even fucking out yet. Bitch all you like when you can post pages proving your conjecture, but right now you're basing it on literally nothing. The cover has nothing Trump related at all, and you have a Jew-level victim complex.

So, the left doesn't call anyone who supports Trump a racist Nazi? There isn't a group called Antifa that fights "facists"?

Honestly I'm hoping that it stays true to the original story and tries to keep current political conjecture out of it. But I think that's wishful thinking. I mean the latest Lois Lane comic reeked of TDS.


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That's not even the same art.
If you weren't such a cowardly faggot you'd post the entire story.

Now thats the Superman I know and Love.

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Of course it's from a different story, one where Superman does tell aliens to fuck off of Earth.

If you fully support him for his racist policies and speeches, that does make you racist. But that has nothing to do with a comic about the Klan and Superman. There is literally no proof that the comic will conflate Trump supporters with the Klan, unless you yourself already identify the two groups as being made of the same people.

>So, the left doesn't call anyone who supports Trump a racist Nazi?
Just the racists who support him and honestly, it's pretty self evident that Trump himself is a racist.

Way to prove user right with that reply, bud.

How is it self evident, user?

This isn't tumblr faggot. Out of context panels are not welcome here.

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Superman himself is an alien so I think there's something more to it. And no user, you can't equate comic book villains to the migrants at the border seeking asylum or the illegals already living in america.

Borders are racist now?

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From all the racist shit he does and say.

This shit is why you have the battle in the popular consciousness. You and your side doesn’t have the strength or will to back up any of the tough talk you constantly spam.

If you use them to try and attack hispanics then yeah, it's racist

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Racist just means white to you dumb fucking niggers.

What has Trump done that is outright racist?

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>There's is literally nothing wrong with Superman fighting against a hate group
Why is there no comics about Superman fighting Black Panthers?

How is enforcing standing law attacking anyone? It is not exactly like illegal immigration being illegal and therefore dangerous to one’s prospects is a big fucking secret.

You're in a thread complaining about how you feel attacked by Superman fighting the KKK.

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Not all illegal immigrants are Hispanic. That assertion is racist itself. Why are you so racist?

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>How is enforcing standing law attacking anyone?
Segregation was a standing law too but it was still used to attack black people. Just cause something is legal doesn't mean it's right.
Superman totally understand that.

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>Superman himself is an alien so I think there's something more to it.
Don't tell me, tell the writers.

>And no user, you can't equate comic book villains to the migrants at the border seeking asylum or the illegals already living in america.
You're right, comic book villains aren't a threat to us.

Thank you.

It's not my fault that half the country calls me a racist for supporting the President. I'm still waiting to hear exactly what racist acts Trump committed.

Why is Superman throwing a truck at a bunch of Federal agents?

How does segregation attack anyone? Limitations are not violence.

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>Not all illegal immigrants are Hispanic.
You're absolutely right. So why is it that all your border talk is directed at Hispanics?

Surprise! Turns out the moral of the comic posted out of context is that immigrants can improve a community and industry when they're not living in fear of deportation.
Gee, I wonder why he had to rely on a single panel instead of the entire story?

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It isn't. But we don't have people clamoring in from the Canadian border so we focus on the one where they do enter, the Mexican one. Not all those migrants are Hispanic though. They've caught a number of Syrians for example trying to enter through the southern border.

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Because Canada isn’t a failed narco state and can be trusted to police their side up North. If Mexico wants a lax border policy, they need to clean up their own house.

>It's not my fault that half the country calls me a racist for supporting the President.
It's definitely your fault for identifying with the KKK.

So it's about hispanics.

Are you implying Hispanics are naturally lawless? That’s ludicrously racist.

Give me the issue number, coward.

That's my problem user. I don't identify with the KKK. I do not, in any way, relate to racist members of a hate group. I'm not a member of a hate group myself nor would ever join one. However your post exactly proves my point. You're claiming I'm projecting when clearly I'm not and you're the one calling me racist. How is it projection if you're the one identifying me as a racist when you don't have any corresponding evidence?

>Are you implying Hispanics are naturally lawless?
Are you?

>I don't identify with the KKK.
You kinda are because you feel like this story is directed at you.

You're taking an attack on the KKK as a personal attack, even though there's zero evidence it has anything to do with you. How the fuck are you not projecting?

If you don't identity with the KKK why be against a story about them?

I literally state here that I hope it won't conflate Trump supporters as KKK members, but given the track record of shoving Trump into random books I'm not hopeful. In fact my issue isn't so much the book does it, but people reading the book will conflate the KKK members to Trump supporters.

List DC books Trump has been shoved into with a negative light. Cite pages.

I'm not. I just hope the original message isn't misconstrued and half assedly related to current the current political climate.

The media feels the need to include current day politics in everything nowadays. Why should I expect an inheritantly political story from half a century ago to be any different?

The only one conflating the KKK with trump supporters with this story is you buddy.

Did you ignore my original post? Lois Lane #1. The last three or four pages.

So I wasn't called a racist based on literally nothing?

I appreciate you proving my point, but I'd like you to try and understand it now.

Assuming you mean the 2019 run, I just checked and those pages have her in a white house press briefing, yes, but Trump isn't there, isn't mentioned, and it's not even Sarah Sanders at the podium. In fact, it makes me wonder if Trump is even the president currently in the DCU.

Try again.

All this political shit and I just want porn of the girl.

Still seems dumb to be preemptively upset about posts that haven't happened yet that are semi-related to a comicbook that hasn't been released yet.

I mean it is believable that there would be someone out there that would take it as a Trump/MAGA allegory, even if it turned out to be. But get annoyed about it when it actually happens, don't be upset at what CAN happen.

>based on literally nothing?
Well no, it's because you self identify with the KKK.

Just look up porn of the Maps girl from Gotham Academy. They look similar enough.

Attached: 1929650 - DC Gotham_Academy Maps_Mizoguchi ktdraws~2.png (970x424, 223K)

Last three or four pages? The entire book is Rucka's autistic screeching about politics. It's trash.

>But get annoyed about it when it actually happens, don't be upset at what CAN happen.
Who do you think you're talking to?
Where do you think you are?

nah it´s going to be liberals wanking themselves off about how evil drumpf is.
considering what is going on in america right now a reamagine called Supderman Smashes Antifa would have been more fitting since they are little the brown shirts of the democratic party. using violence and intimation to crush free speech, lawful gatherings of people and none leftwing opinions.
at my university when ever the republican club tries to invite a speaker antifa cancels the event with violence. you can´t even go there without getting pepper sprayed or your head smashed in with bricks.
as somebody who studies genetics the modern left are easily the most anti science party america has ever seen.

where are the comics about antifa and blm protest then?
smashing people with bike locks and saying "kill all cops" has no place in america after all right?

Talking to a little bitch getting mad about stuff on the internet.

Call me racist all you want. I'm not going to any KKK meetings. Are you deliberately proving my point or are you doing it in accident?

I'm not seeing anything that backs up your statements. Post proofs.

So the administration at the end wasn't a blatant stand in representing Trump's policies? Just because he wasn't physically on oage# doesn't mean they aren't referring to his administration.

Try harder

Seems like you're trying very hard to take offense when nobody's talking about you and yours. You might want to figure out why that is instead of being a bitch.

Well he just tweeted (people will try to nitpick abd say that he didn't name anyone specifically but we all know who he meant) that people like AOC, Ayanna Presley, Radhida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar should go back to their home countries and fix them before talking about how the government in the US is run.

He said this, when they're, apart Omar who emigrated as a child, native born American citizens and they're ALL people elected by the citizens of the United States to represent them in Congress so that they could run the government and make decisions for the American public.

That's pretty fucking racist to insinuate that if you're not white you don't belong and should have no say in how the government is run.

Saying something racist != Doing something racist. To be fair what he said was pretty bad but I kinda took it as "if you hate America so bad, why don't you leave?" And honestly who is really willing to defend those 4? They're literally splitting the Democratic party down the middle. Even Nancy Pelosi is at war with them.

Well you're entire argument is invalidated. Have a nice day. Go be stupid somewhere else.

>I'm not going to any KKK meetings.
Then why do you feel attacked? You see a story about the KKK and you think it's directed at you and you immediately go on the defensive.

>Saying something racist != Doing something racist.
Like taking out a full page ad calling for the deaths of black people after they've been exonerated from a crime by DNA evidence and a full confession from the actual culprit?

>you are entire argument
If you wanna live here you gotta speak the language properly, bro.

The book is about how an unnamed sitting US president is conspiring with Russia to kill Mexicans and reporters. Also Lois Lane is now an alcoholic liberal bitch instead of an alcoholic libertarian bitch.

Dude, if you don't think his policies and speeches are racist, you could have said so. You could have also said you don't condone his racism but support Trump for his economic policies or whatever. But instead you didn't even bother to address any of that and just started crying about how you're called racist, implying you do agree with everything presented in the argument and got offended because it meant you had to admit being a racist.

>Well you're entire argument is invalidated.
First of all, it's "your" and secondly he's absolutely right, you're taking it on yourself to be offended on the behalf of the KKK.

>no one is allowed to criticize America
I guess everyone against the invasion of Iraq should have just left, eh? Even though it destabilized the middle east, caused ISIS, and cost trillions of American taxpayer dollars?

He’s right though.

Lois was never a libertarian user, it really wouldn't make sense for as a journalist exposing corruption to be one.

>Then why do you feel attacked?
I think you misunderstand. I don't feel attacked by this book in particular. I feel attacked by all the liberals who keep calling me racist just because I am a republican.

Please cite when and where this occured. If it wasn't within the last 50 years, fuck off.

Your entire argument* I apologize for making a typing error and your smooth brain was unable to understand what I was saying.

>Dude, if you don't think his policies and speeches are racist, you could have said so. You could have also said you don't condone his racism but support Trump for his economic policies or whatever.
This was implied when I clarified I wasn't racist. I guess I have to explicitly document every little thing that can be inferred with context clues.

He's factually wrong as their all american citizens and more importantly are elective representatives so it's literally their job to help run the US government.

>but I kinda took it as "if you hate America so bad, why don't you leave?"
So if you're (which is the proper usage by the way) so eager to get mad when people think the country has room for improvement why are you defending a guy whose entire mantra is based on the idea that we're not great anymore?

She explicitly states it on multiple occasions through the 90s and early 2000s. It was DC’s “fairness doctrine” style balance to Green Arrow.

>I don't feel attacked by this book in particular.
This thread speaks to contrary.

>Please cite when and where this occured. If it wasn't within the last 50 years, fuck off.
89, central park jogger case, 85,000 dollars spent on running an ad in four newspapers.

>She explicitly states it on multiple occasions through the 90s and early 2000s.
In what comics?

And that’s race based how?

The president in his official capacity tweeting racist messages from his personal account, which by courts has been deemed as being an official Presidential channel from which he dictates and announces government policies on a regular basis, isn't racist action? Wtf are you smoking? Yeah he isn't physically hurting people with his tweets but he's literally promoting racism as being an okay thing. His words have consequences, they do not exist in a vacuum. He is actively condoning and legitimazing racist rhetoric aimed at minority women.

Well what solutions has the Freshman Four even come up with? What actual policy have they tried to enact that will actually benefit the American people? Please say the Green New Deal.

At least Trump has improved the economy, lowered the black unemployment rate, and implemented sweeping prison reform.

>She explicitly states it on multiple occasions through the 90s and early 2000s.
Post it then.
Kinda odd how you guys keep making claims and at best can only post single panels while the people you disagree with are posting the entire issues out there for everyone to see.

>Please cite when and where this occured. If it wasn't within the last 50 years, fuck off.
are you retarded

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They "looked" like bad dudes.

Look up the Decisions issue from early 2000s.

>muh black unemployment
Literally who cares about minority employment? I'm white, I sure fucking don't.

that's not racist though he didn't burn a cross on their lawns
that was his dad's hobby.

You said multiple times throughout the 90s.

I like how that lists whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians.

If you're literally taking personal offence from a comic that condemns the KKK being published, then yes, saying "btw I am not racist" is pretty weak sauce rebuttal that doesn't cut it and doesn't convince anyone.

I like the artist, and the writer. The writer's bit in New Super-Man on the meta narrative of the first issue of Detective Comics with Slam Bradley in China Town gives me confidence in how he'll handle this.

Re-read the post cock smoke. I don't feel attacked by this book at all. I feel attacked by liberals.

You and I are friends now.

>I don't feel attacked by this book at all
Then why are you even complaining?

uwu im sowwy your feefees huwt.
...God that felt gross to type but the point stands If you feel attacked have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up. Nobody cares.

Then why bitch in a thread about the book, and not a thread about liberals?

Because the left calls anyone who is a republican or supports Trump a racist Nazi. Look at this thread. It's been inferred I'm a racist like a dozen times.

>It's been inferred I'm a racist like a dozen times.
Because you identify with the KKK.

The exact reason the left is going to lose in 2020. No one outside your clique of fat chicks finds that shit endearing or clever.

It baffles me how you guys learned nothing from 2016.

Anti SJWs are just as bad as SJWs, even though I technically fall in the former, myself. I even support Trump and follow Right Wing Youtubers, for goodness sake.

I care. You wouldn't be bothered by someone constantly calling you something your aren't, only because of what political party you're affiliated with? Props to you my guy. That shit has gotten annoying in the 2 and a half years since the election.

>Then why bitch in a thread about the book, and not a thread about liberals?
Because you guys are doing literally what I'm complaining about. See

Leftist be like that

You're a little bitch for coming here just to whine about your victim complex. Either Superman fighting the KKK offends you and you should kill yourself, or it doesn't offend you and you can fuck off.

Thanks for proving my point user.

>You wouldn't be bothered by someone constantly calling you something your aren't, only because of what political party you're affiliated with?
I wouldn't, no. Because I'm a grown ass man.

Jesus called and he just wants you to know that you can come down from that cross.

is that... anne frank?

Sounds like you should smoke your morning joint and calm down, Jamal.

What's your point besides having a victim complex?

It doesn't. What offends me is being called racist for no reason other than I'm a republican. My first post in this thread was telling someone who was defending the KKK for not being an issue for decades that he had a shit argument.

Well, I appreciate your dissuasion of friendship and honest candor.

Sounds like you need to stop self identifying with the klan.

Glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

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Universal basic income proposal, support $15 minimum wage, preventing credit score discrimination in auto insurance act, a bill to help people with criminal record get housing, loan shark prevention act, etc.

That you keep calling me racist even though I said I hate the KKK and am actually excited for the book as long as they stick to the original story.

Keep proving my point.

>What offends me is being called racist for no reason other than I'm a republican.
Then stop putting yourself in that position Mr.Personal responsibility

We're not calling you a racist because you're a republican we're calling you a racist because someone the lady doth protest too much.
And really, we're not even doing that. We're just making fun of you for being a whiny cunt that needs to fuck off.

Why would I? I’m Catholic. I’m just no so fucking dense that I can’t recognize blatant and boring signalling.

So awful ideas all.

Wow one person who was anonymous in a whole thread. Hell it could even be a falseflagger, which it probably is with 90% of /pol/ posts because only retards would get this outraged over anything from one side or the other.

>That you keep calling me racist
Then quit being a racist and supporting a racist president and worrying that people will draw parallels between your support of a racist president and the klan.

So I should convert to the Democratic party just because people call me racist for disagreeing with their political views?

That is literally racism lol. Did you intend for it to come off as such?


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>muh signalling

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What has Trump DONE. Not said to a bunch of people who probably shouldn't even be elected officials in the first place, that is racist?

>What has Trump DONE.
A lot of things like literal discrimination against blacks.

Fuck me, you’re a dense one.

Yeah you are so big and scary the way you hide behind comic books.

Just going by recent headlines, he appointed a man who let a known child molester walk free as his Secretary of Labour?

People call you a racist because you support a racist and identify as a racist.

I love Gurihiru so much I buy pretty much anything they make.
So yeah I'm stoked

well aside from the whole children in cages thing he was sued multiple times for racial discrimination by tenants and also spent several years promoting a dumb conspiracy racist theory that Obama was from Kenya

More like he felt it necessary to personally go out and defend Acosta and call him a great guy after it was revealed Acosta broke the law to give Epstein a sweetheart deal for being a child molester.

>That you keep calling me racist
So? They're just words, right? What have they DONE?

so, the mods aren't going to do anything about a /pol/ general being on this board for two threads in a row? Do they not read beyond the bullshit OP?

How? Lowering the African American unemployment rate to it's all time lowest in history? Or prison reforms that are directly aimed at improving the lives of Africa American inmates?

That isn't racist but ok.

>well aside from the whole children in cages thing
And I stopped reading. Point invalidated.

Antifa beat a gay Asian journalist and caused him brain hemorrhaging because they thought he disagreed with him.

With them*

He did disagree with them. He's literally only known for bitching about Antifa (and a lack of journalistic integrity, and citing anonymous Twitter posts as sources). Being a gay Asian doesnt automatically mean he's a liberal. NOW who's racist?

Every single one of these threads has been a /pol/ shitshow of them pushing their new shitty meme of >kkk are all gobermint plats, it not real
That they just got from plebbit anyway.

>He did disagree with them
So they're allowed to beat him up and cause severe trauma? That's pretty facist mate.

Also where did I imply he was liberal? There are plenty of gay Asian conservatives. My point still stands though. The "anti facists" acting like true facists.

>Antifa beat a gay Asian journalist and caused him brain hemorrhaging because they thought he disagreed with him.
>anyone that disagrees with me is antifa
That's racist.

>Lowering the African American unemployment rate to it's all time lowest in history?
a statistical fabrication and also missing the point because giving people low paying jobs with no benefits while also cutting welfare and food stamps doesn't actually help them all that much
>Antifa beat a gay Asian journalist and caused him brain hemorrhaging because they thought he disagreed with him.
no they threw a dairy product at him because he's a propagandist who had previously tried to doxx a bunch of DSA members by recording a list of members.

Nope, they only look at reports. Mods have no actual presence on the boards they moderate.
/pol/tards are just better at weaponizing reports

The golden rule: "Talk shot, get hit."
The democratic candidate for president could offer to pay the assaulter's legal fees, without conceding the moral high ground.

My favorite Superman villain is Metallo

>all these liberals condoning the attack of someone who doesn't agree with the figurative brown shirts in their own party
So progressive.

So it's totally ok for me to beat you senseless because you're talking shit? Where do you want to meet? I'll bring a bat.

Amazed he hasn't been used in the movies, yet comics always think of him or others like him first (like Kryptonite Man) as easy to reveal villains for early Superman.

>Gee, I wonder why he had to rely on a single panel instead of the entire story?
because that's just One story about aliens that turned out to be good
And then there are countless stories about (for example) evil Kryptonians that Superman either sent to a place with eternal horrors, breaking their necks or poison them with kryptonite.

If DC is doing this book can Marvel do some Commie Smasher Cap books?

Did Cap ever have a cool radio story that helped take down commies IRL too? Because if not you don't really have a gimmick do ya.

Does it have to? I just like the idea of characters having stories done in time periods we don't see as much. Like we've seen how much WWII? Let's see some modern stories about Jeff Mace fighting Soviet commies!

He was supposed to be in Man of Steel 2 i believe

>all Hispanics are Mexican
Seems like you are racist

Marvel pleb here!

Does cap have villains that identify as communists?

Let me clarify, stories written by modern writers, but set in the 50s. I reread that and realized it sounded wrong.

>SEETHING keyboard warrior

I think he's making fun of seething keyboard warriors.

Don't you retarded commies have some detention centers to bomb?

I can understand the sentiment but being so fucking blatant about it just rubs me the wrong way.
I'd put a nazi and a commie and a klansmen in the ground but being an artist and going out of your fucking way to publish a comic all about superman whoopin' them just says to me you're an insecure bitchmade nigga.

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They're all busy trying to storm Area 51.

>I'd put a nazi and a commie and a klansmen in the ground but.....
Actual virtue signaling. People call it out so often but it's rare to see a real example of it in the wild.

Don't be like that! It's okay to be friendly and still disagree with me, just don't run around shrieking like Chicken Little when The Donald posts on Twitter or has two scoops of ice cream.

I wish I still believed all the retards on Yea Forums were just roleplayers. Then QAnon happened, and the retards showing up in real life.

I love this comic because it's like a litmus test to political retards who know nothing about Superman's pop culture history.

Because when's the last time you've seen an actual nazi, communist, or klansmen doing anything besides LARPing?
in america you're free to believe amd consort however you please as long as it doesnt impede anybody else's ability to do so.
The closest was those antifa riots and they still got the shit beat out of them.

>I joke about doing coke and killing people BUT writing a comic book? Ugh fucking liberals man

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We should unironically kill the larpers.

I love when people like to act like /pol/ was at any point not full of fucking retards and kids trying to find a tribe to belong to.

Oh yeah, the KKK, that's culturally relevant.

That's kind of my point. Thanks for validating it, meme man.

That's probably because you've never actually been to /pol/.

Until 2016 I thought /pol/ was a joke I was in on. Let's help the funnyman's campaign, get him more TV coverage so he'll say more goofy shit! The guy who bragged about how tall his towers were on 9-11, running for president!
Then it stopped being a joke, people were actually believing the fake statistics we were posting, and the invading redditors weren't being ironic when they reposted them.

I used to be the wheelman for three niggas out of lebanon indiana on all their coke runs to indianapolis.
six months clean now.
You want to be a cocksucking faggot still?
I know myself and hold myself to enough standards to at least be able to speak comfortably and plainly about my morals and ethics without having to put them on display in a faggy funnybook and act like its a stunning work of bravery and art.
fucking artists distemper man, turns you into a faggot.

What they represent is culturally topical and relevant. All this disingenuous "oh when did you last a Klan rally" whining is pathetic. Or you're literally a retard who cannot understand anything that isn't tangible and right in front of them.

Now THIS is a parody post. Just ridiculous enough to never be taken seriously by anyone. Parodists take notes.

Aren't you excited to see them wear MAGA hoods and other Trump references?

>I used to be a criminal, pussy ass liberal bitch!!

found the underageb&.
if /pol/ legitimately was more than just a joke and pile of fucking morons to you at any point, chances are, if you're just so fucking stupid a korean basketweaving forum with a subreddit for racism shitposts being "truth" to you, theres no helping you. kill yourself my man.

Ironic, considering this is the most reddit post ITT.

would've been better if this came when the klan was still relevant
whats the second issue of this? Superman smashes the kaiser?

It's based on the Superman radio show, dumbass.

If it's not relevant then why's it causing so much anal devestation?

Superman Smashess 1 Klansman and 9 Federal Agents.

The key to creating true art is to sprinkle in enough truth to enough exaggeration to make it genuine instead of creating retard shit like the OP comic. most artists these days dont do shit but smoke pot and drink at prissy bars and get over-socialized and live more in fantasy instead of reality. proper fantasy art is a reflection or exaggeration of reality. when your reality is all fake then you have nothing to say but the most basic of logic and thats ultimately meaningless.
>I have nothing to add and no life experience to draw upon and got BTFO
>l-lmao UMAD BRUH

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That's my point. /pol/ isnt a "tribe", its where you go to shitpost to intentionally make other people on /pol/ as angry as possible.

Imagine thinking anyone is going to read your post.

Then why do you care?

conservative guy here, sjws/liberals/feminist please continue attacking white men and destroying all their hobbies. it´s doing wonders for my political party

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Why do you guys always take the bait?

I don't use reddit, so I wouldn't know.

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And? Why would that stop them? Clearly faggots think that this is culturally relevant enough in 2019 to bother rehashing, why would they NOT fill it with cringey Trump references?

Why are we arguing about the KKK being controversial

>culturally relevant.
For the general public? You are 100% right. However, this is a story related to Superman's pop culture status. A direct reference to the time Superman radio show influenced people in real life.

Now, of course the story COULD be a dog whistle piece of shit, or maybe it will be just wholesome KKK bashing with a nod to the original. Who knows at this point?

But then you recall there are people that legitimately take it seriously. get sad for a moment. and then carry on next to the guy RPing as an israeli shill.
imagine being so booty blasted after reading a post that you try to get an emotional rise out of that poster by saying gay shit like this.

Because 4channersand comicgaters decided to associate the idea of bashing the fucking KKK in reference to a story that was relevant to the character to cement it's pop culture icon status with Trump supporters.

That's literally it.

it was all because of those dastardly sjws man. I'm sure all the years of voter suppression and gerrymandering have nothing to do with anything (also shout out to you for cherry picking a single state to prove your retarded argument)

We're not, for some reason we're arguing whether or not the KKK is still relevant in any way, when they havent been since longer than any of us have been alive.

Looks like it. This tread also has been made a couple of times already.

>when they havent been since longer than any of us have been alive.
Literally rallied a couple of weeks ago where they enjoyed police protection. So shut the fuck up .

>voter suppression and gerrymandering are the reason white men are no longer voting for republicans
are you retarded or do you just not understand english?

>a bunch of crusty old fucks and their inbred kids and needing police protection to exercise their first amendment rights since the cultural zeitgeist is so opposed to them is on the same level as they used to be before desegregation when they could hang niggers from streetlamps and get away with it
oh fuck off.

And? Upset that you didn't get to physically abuse some senior citizens?

/pol/ waggling thier small white dicks on other boards, but hey you try posting Yea Forums related materials and the mods that want to suck W.T. Snacks dick will delete it

>shekels deposited

>everyone that isnt a crazy fuck wanting to kill someone over wrongbadthink is a shill!
found the antifa cocksucker

user, you have to kill the SJWs.

no, voter suppression and gerrymandering are the main reason why the GOP is able to still exist as a major party despite all of their policies being wildly unpopular according to most polling. muh sjws have had literally zero impact on the modern political landscape, go ask your average person at random who zoe quinn is and you'll get a confused look and that's it

Maybe they are the good guys? Ever realize that?

But neither of those groups are good in any way.

Reminder that OP is probably the same person who spammed the Gwenpool threads

technically FBI, but yes.
reminds me of a story i read on here.
>guys uncle works for local sherriff's office, they decide to infiltrate local right wing militia. shit's okay, then one day someone comes up with a plan to bomb something. everyone's down, deputy logs all the info he can. They get down to when they're ready to make an arrest, suddenly door bursts open and Marshals storm in to arrest everyone.
>turns out the entire militia was made up of different agencies each trying to spy on the militia, which was founded by a couple FBI agents hoping to honey pot extremists.

This is why we should have login names and passwords tied to a social security number to post on Yea Forums.

>not controlled opposition/psyops at worst, a bunch of dumb fucking commies at best

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i mean, if we're talking groups who deserve to get an asswhooping, the KKK is further down the list than communists and antifa...

>the KKK asks to see Supermans birth certificate and taxes.
>the KKK forces Superman to get a green card and wait years going through the proper channels to get his citizenship.

Fund it.


Sure the moral of the story is that Immigrants are good if they are rich by earth standards, But Superman as a character still has problems with non superheroes Illegal aliens living in US soil.

>The KKK are republicans
jesus christ, i know this is Yea Forums, but you can't possibly be this uneducated.

Superman saves Anne Frank from the Holocaust, why has anyone done this and why I wouldn't be surprised if this caused controversy for having the Nazi as the badguys.

>the mainstream is so full of rabid faggots that people would rather join up with nazis and the fucking KKK than put up with it
i really want a second civil war in america

What part of the modern Democrap platform would the KKK even remotely be in favor of? The non-white immigrants? The secularism? The abortions? There's no way they wouldn't vote GOP in defense of their Christian values.

So they’re democrats that vote for trump?

>How is a story about the evils of racism not relevant today?
because racism is used as a club to unevenly attack people. Shit that is legitimately racist is brushed off as socially acceptable, and stuff that is completely normal is deemed racist.
I mean, look at the little mermaid thing recently. Taking a traditionally white character and making them black is okay, but if you look at say Ghost in the Shell where a traditionally asian character was played by a white woman, people screamed their heads off it was racist.
It's not used evenly or fairly. if we're going to talk about the "evils of racism" then we have to actually talk about them, but people refuse to do so. In which case, what is even the point of talking about racism.
I mean, is Superman going to face off against the ADL (an organization formed to protect a fucking pedophile), or the NAACP, or the Black Panthers? All of which are fairly racist groups when you get down to it.

I know Hawkman was a staunch right winger, and I think Hal Jordan was/is a republican because that was a big thing in the GA/GL series because the two would talk politics all the time.

checked. trips of truth.
print it.

you know, i would actually like to see that shit happen just to see how superman and the writers deal with it.
I mean, he is a kansas farm boy at heart, it would be fun to explore.

>waah waah waah muh identity politics means racism doesn't matter anymore

>There's is literally nothing wrong with Superman fighting against a hate group.
sweet, when is he gonna fight the ADL, JDIF, etc?

Because it's the people who think the KKK is still relevant who are causing the devastation.

I wanna smash the Japanese-American Guruhiru loli.

holy shit user, way to prove everyone protesting is right. god damn, it's rare i've seen an user self own that hard. congrats.

There’s already has been a nazi Superman.

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So does no one want to read new stories about Commie Smasher Cap, Jeff Mason, punching filthy commies in the face during the height of the Cold War? I do!

>the JIDF has a proud and storied history of lynching people

the democrates are always violent
as the KKK they lynched blacks
as Antifa they bomb government buildings

so...you'd be fine with his stuff it was against canadians?
now who is being the racist...

Fund it.

Don't forget, beat up a journalist just because he's right wing. They also beat up an old man that weekend too.

>You're in a thread concerned about how you feel you will be attacked by a comic about Superman fighting the KKK.

I didn't hear about those
probably because the media isn't reporting on anything antifa is doing
but we should really be worried about the KKK, they were mean years ago guys

There is nothing wrong with being Muslim
There is nothing wrong with being gay
There is nothing wrong with being proud of your own race as long you aren't a faggot about it
There is nothing wrong with sticking a pencil eraser up your ass

now you're just being pedantic
segregation was bad because it attacked CITIZENS of the country and treated them as lesser.
controlling the border and keeping NON-CITIZENS out is completely different.

Yes. I think the issue is one group of people calling people racists and then in some instances inciting violence against them.

Why are you afraid it’s not like you’re going around town in a hood and robe talking about how you want to lynch black people, right?

Yes like Christchurch

I would read Superman Smashes Antifa.

The people who write mean things on signs?

>I'm not going to any KKK meetings.
but user, you're in one right now

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>andy ngo
How's that brain injury andy?

When the Grand Wizard coming?

>Well he just tweeted (people will try to nitpick abd say that he didn't name anyone specifically but we all know who he meant) that people like AOC, Ayanna Presley, Radhida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar should go back to their home countries and fix them before talking about how the government in the US is run.
but he's not wrong. at all.
they come from countries that are far, far, far worse on almost every level than the usa. if they have the time, energy, knowledge, and skill, to make things better, why should they not do that for their homelands who are in desperate need of all the help they can get to make things better for everyone living in them?
Are you saying that those countries aren't worth helping? That America somehow deserves to have the best and brightest come here, to strip other lands of their gifted and skilled who could make their homelands better?

>"if you hate America so bad, why don't you leave?"
i mean, that's a valid question/position. hell, if america was half as bad as they all insist it is, they why are they staying? it sounds like they have legitimate reasons to seek refugee status elsewhere in the world...

There's no such thing as being an ironic racist. If you believe that white people are superior than you're inevitably going to end up repeating the 14 words and thinking non-whites should be rounded up in camps.

Regardless of who he is. Do you really think it's ok to beat someone up because you don't agree with them?

You know you can like something and still criticize it.

>they why are they staying?
To make it better. Hell, trump's entire presidential campaign was that we need to make america great again.

If someone beat the shit out of someone like John Oliver for his views you would probably be like BASED

>wanting law and order is racist
wew lad.

Right but they're conflating the US with Nazi Germany. If they really thought it was that bad then they can leave. It's one thing to criticize, it's another to outright hate

>they come from countries that are far, far, far worse on almost every level than the usa
They're US citizens, most of them were born here.

only if they disagree with me personally

This is Yea Forums. Of course I support violence against those I fundamentally disagree with. These "people" don't listen to reason. They can't be corrected. They can only be removed.

Way to make assumptions. I don't condone violence against anyone. Doing so just validates the opposing views.

Yes you do don't lie faggot. I hope someone beats the shit out of you

They are home. They are born citizens. They were elected to make the United States a better place. Implying they belong elsewhere and the US isn't their home is blatantly racist.

Trump's entire campaign was that the US wasn't a good place to live anymore. Why didn't he take his own advice and go back to Germany?

When you say they were still guilty of something after they were already exonerated, yeah, that's racist.

Where did I say I condoned violence against others?

Why did this announcement trigger this many people?

as much as i would love that, it's a terrible idea that wouldn't work
>$15 min wage
cities have tried that and all that resulted was loss of jobs and people either falling into deep poverty or basically having to take up "illegal" work
>prevent credit score discrimination
i know most people here are young, but that is literally how we had the housing crisis that wrecked the economy to virtually Great Depression levels...and you want to do it again?
>help criminals get housing
can we see about helping law abiding citizens get housing first, please?
>loan shark prevention
i mean, i too desire the dissolution of all banks, but as good as that would be in the long run, in the short term that would create a lot of devastation.

That's the Westboro Baptist Church. Christchurch is where a confirmed /pol/ack murdered 51 people.

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Where do you live? Because I swear to fucking God if I ever see you I'm going to make you a nice steak and take you out for a beer

people are sick of fear mongering

it just triggered one single /pol/tard who clearly doesn't know the first fucking thing about Superman, and he's shitposting for hours on fucking end about it.

you are aware he's won several awards from the black community for HELPING them...right?

if the law is racist or is being enforced in a racist way (like trying to execute some innocent black men for example) then yes, "law and order" can be a racist position

Think rationally. Why would you NOT condone violence against others? Wouldn't the world be a better place if you helped exterminate everyone who doesn't think like you?

but the TV told me trump hates black people

The fact you find that morally justified is both terrifying and hilarious.

No he didn't.

Comic books have ways been political and have used the current political climate to base stories upon them. This isn't new. On top of it this is based off an old radio serial

antifa is the political party of peace user

>literally asking me to play by my own rules is SEETHING
post address, i wanna watch him beat you.

When aren’t people triggered?

Usually people wait for the book to be released and then scan through pages to find things to be mad about instead of actually reading it

>Comic books have ways been political and have used the current political climate to base stories upon them. This isn't new.

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>Until 2016 I thought /pol/ was a joke I was in on.
>faggot thought he was in on the joke, didn't realize the real joke at all
you deserve the bamboozling you got.

And he was sued by the government for housing discrimination.

Youngrippa59 doesn't know shit about comics.

Captain america made Nixon a supervillain and Alan Moore wrote V for vendetta partly as a way to call Thatcher a fascist. Trump portrayals in modern comics have been tame by comparison

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>Using a nigger to speak for you

>What they represent is culturally topical and relevant.
is it thought? i mean, you're having to reach back 40-60 years in order for the KKK to be "relevant" as an organization, and as for what they represent, i mean, that would be like having Superman beat up Lenin and Troskey in order to talk about the relevant dangers of Communism. Sure, they "represent" it but you could certainly try to come up with something a bit more in the local time frame.

then feel free to prove him wrong
I don't care what skin color someone is, if they're right then they're right

How come they never did anything like this when Obama was president?

black = good
white = bad

Nobody knows that i post SNEED!!!

>then feel free to prove him wrong


what do I win?

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>this entire thread

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>not taking vengeance upon those who slander your name
Your ancestors would be embarrassed by your feminization. Destroy those who seek to destroy you.

i think we're more arguing about how the kkk will be used as a bludgeon to beat on anyone the author finds "reprehensible."
Honestly it's probably going to be Red Skull all over again.


What the Klan to this day represents is bigotry and racism. That is very topical even today. But people like you want to deflect from that and only talk about the Klan as if it was a completely isolated entity, completely refusing to acknowledge thay the Klan is an iconic American symbol for racial hatred and terror.

i would guess that it's because there aren't a lot of conservatives in the comics industry. But anti Obama comics exists, they just all suck and none of them are mainstream

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Captain America is literally a political statement about the need to intervene in WW2.

>Literally rallied a couple of weeks ago where they enjoyed police protection.
>people used their 1st amendment right and i'm angry i didn't get to have them violently beat up!
>these people are evil for thinking other people's rights should be curtailed! I want them stripped of their rights!!!
pottery, desu.

Obama was depicted to approve of the use of the Suicide Squad.

Do you think this fags read comics?

>blm and antifa are the good guys
fucking hell, has anyone seen my sides? i've lost them.

Oh look, a retarded nigger who's wrong. Keep fishing for clicks you greedy cunt.

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So? They are badass and the heroes of the book. I want shit like
Where he's naked and emberessed or having someone like the punisher sneak Into the white House to threaten him?

i mean, if you look at the modern democratic platform vs the historic one in terms of race, it's pretty much the exact same ideas and rhetoric, the only difference is currently it's "you poor creatures" rather than "get this god damn nigger out of my house." But functionally they still see blacks, hispanics, etc, as lesser beings, just useful ones who will vote for them.

>didn't watch the vid
ya no shit
oh my, a racist and sexist comment
someone ban this man

When I invent a way to kill people through the internet, I'm not telling anyone, I'm just going to quietly come to Yea Forums and start looking for /pol/ threads

This. Absolutely fucking this.

>it's ok to use violence against my political enemies
calm down antifa

>racism is bad
>except when its this kind of racism
>anyone who complains about that racism is a racist
>why aren't you talking about racism?
>and by racism i mean racism against the people i like, racism against the people i don't like isn't real racism and you need to shut up about it

But current the Dem platform is still pro-multiculturalism and anti-Christian. What could the Democrats possibly offer the KKK in terms of governance that wouldn't be better served by Republicans?

>didn't watch the vid
You're right, I didn't because Youngrippa59 doesn't know shit about comics.

girl next to superman is cute

/pol/ spawned a mass shooter that they worshipped as a hero

the JIDF has done far worse than kill people user.
when the kkk lynched a black man, his problems were over.
when the jidf shows up, your problems have just begun.