who's the strongest GL from earth
GL Thread
Good question
The white guy.
but there are two of them
can't seem to find the other you speak of, user...
Guy GARdner
Kyle Rayner was basically a god at one point, the chosen one, the great white lantern, savior of yada yada yada...
Writers tried very hard to make him stand out as the most powerful
That’s a boring as shit question to ask. Aside from Guy and Hal, they are all shit.
Better question is who the best alien GL?
Kyle seriously lack an arch nemesis, the only one that ever came close was Major Force and that fucker is Capt Atom’s.
This makes every time he turned into a god pointless.
>who's the strongest GL from earth
Well that depends on what you want the construct to do you want creativity Kyle, construct strength then John, and I forgot the rest
Halchad reporting in, the answer is obvious user.
>Halchad reporting in
Based. Dubs confirm.
>Hal once outwilled the will entity
>Kyle's greatest feats involving getting powers other than a GL ring
>John just has really solid constructs
Alan Scott.
Alan is strongest, followed by Hal
It’s either Mogo or Bzzd
Sodam Yat. Just keep him away from pencils.
Jessica is a wild card in this. She has potential to be better than anyone but Hal.
I dropped most of DC around the point where the GL were running out of light because some fuck was absorbing it or some shit. What's the deal with Jessica? I hear good things and I think she looks nice but I have no idea what the fuck she's like.
You're all wrong.
She was an agoraphobe who got possessed by the evil power ring from Earth-3.
Once she broke free of it and (mostly) conquered he fears she earned a Green Lantern ring.
At first, her schtick was that she couldn't use the ring right because her insecurities got in the way. Her constructs would come out wrong and all she could make were abstract shapes. She got over this pretty quickly though, which is kind of boring if you ask me.
Also, her ring's AI talks very casually to her because she didn't like how robotic it was. I'm not sure writers remember this, either.
I think Hal might be more powerful
in practice we've seen Hal be stronger, but in theory it should be Alan
So she's a pretty neet?
Effigy or Nero but haven't followed what happened to them
Sodam by a mile.
Lead pencils is actually made of lead dude. Which reminds me, has the Daxamites weakness to lead ever been address in a story in a meaningful way before?
I mean if for instance: if someone like Simon Bas shoot Yat in the face, would he die?
Yes, it’s why Superboy Prime kicked his ass in Sinestro Corps War
I really hate that Harold had to die for her to get the ring. Power Ring is pretty cool.
Would have loved to see him somehow in Morrison’s Multiverse Green Lantern story
Until Johns is gone, there will never ever be anything stronger than Hal. Even if something turns out to be stronger than Hal, you can freely assume Hal is actually still stronger, he hasn't had a chance to show off yet.
Precious Hal is most precious, and DC editorial is full of silver age fanboy retards.
>t. Kyle fanboy
So has this one ever appeared in anything other than Emerald Knights.
Because I actually love her design.
Well he showed up in Bendis’ Superman. It’s pretty shit, but at least DC hasn’t forgotten him.
Why does post-crisis DC treat the Corp so fucking badly?
What comic is this?
Infinite Crisis: Fight for the multiverse
It’s a game tie-in.
I think we can all agree that Natu is the sexiest GL
If you’re a tits man
>nigger leading
Hal has the strongest will. Others might be stronger or more imaginative, but there is no one who comes close to Hal's ability to overcome his fear and do the impossible.
John is the coolest head. His constructs are the toughest to break because he's so confident in constructing them down to the littlest rivets and screws.
Kyle has an unbound imagination that creates the most powerful and unorthodox constructs capable of strength no other can match.
Guy is the most wild, and can output pure power like no one else. If Hal is a bat, John is a shield and Kyle is a pen on paper, Guy is a bull in the goddamned china shop.
Simon has the most untapped potential, and can do things with his ring that should be impossible, because he was never taught that he couldn't and willed it to be so.
Jessica Cruz.
And Alan Scott is the grandpappy of them all. Hal made a career on willpower, but Alan wrote the book on it.
Guy and Hal seemed pretty even in their fight
although Guy lost their first fight
I'll just leave this here...
Go away Boomer, everyone knows Hal is the most chaddest of chad Green Lanterns there is now.
Kill yourself newfag
he's gay now so he instantly loses
here's a better question
which GL is your favorite and why
damn we're less active then the LOSH threads
Hal, because he's a fun, tough, no-holds-barred, Chad and helps me through tough situations by inspiring me to say "fuck it, Imma wing it". Sometimes you need to jump before you've figured out how to land, and Hal's the poster-boy for that. Then it's Alan because he's the GOAT. Then it's Guy, because he's a bad-ass and fun Brad. Then Kyle because I actually "like" the poor dude, even if he's blander in comparison. Then Jessica because hot Latina booty. Then Simon because he's just... bland. The nigger comes last and I hate him. That's it for the Earth Lanterns.
>Hal has the strongest will
I guess you could argue his will got stronger, but I just want to remind people here that he and Guy were equally considered best candidates and Hal was chosen only because he was closer.
Hal, he's the cutest
god that sinestro is adorable
Is she still Evil? Have they addressed that at all? Because it pissed me off.
yes and no
Well that's gay.
I never liked the idea of pairing her up with Kyle
I did like Guy and Bleeze
He's dead
I didn't like the pairing much either, It was very out of the blue. But I still would rather she didn't go yellow.
they probably just wanted more characters for Sinestro's book
she was in Sinestro's book as a green for several issues, forcing her to yellow was pretty arbitrary
Rest in Peace
at least she didn't get frigged
Personally enjoyed the interactions of Vath Sarn and Isamot Kol.
Based Alan
The math equation, because it motivates me to do my math work
>tfw Alan can turn villainesses good just with his dicking
Truly a Hero unlike any other. They don't make 'em like that anymore. A proper American Stallion. A Hercules of the Modern Age.
If Hal’s such a chad, why is he afraid of giant spiders?
I want more of Trila - Tru!
How’s Odyssey going? Dropped it after 4 issues.
Wish we see more of his Kingdom Come version.
Uh, apparently Victor Stone died a long time ago in that lab and that Cyborg has just been a Mother Box in denial.
So they went full Swamp Thing with Vic? Well that’s disappointing.
Too much Toon Force, the others can't compete.
Bump for thicc space cops
Bleeze is for Jaime though.
Kai-Ro is superior Earth lantern.
You’ll see more of him soon enough.