Disney Developing Pocahontas Remake, To Star Native American Actress
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Yes, but will she be 12 and rapped on the boat that brings her to Europe?
Yes, rapped. By sailors.
rapped is when a company black-washes a character
I fucking dislike Disney remakes but on the other hand you dont live actions movie with Native Americans that often.It's rare enough to make me curious, good job Disney
They've quickly become one of these sites to avoid if you want legit scoops. This is fake as hell, pretty sure they already said it wasn't happening.
When are they making the Robin Hood remake starring actual furries.
Stop fucking citing them
So how long can they drag these remakes out before people really stop going? Tarzan or Atlantis?
No, in this case, Rapped is when a bunch of sailor fuck a 12 year old native on their way back to Europe.
Until the generation that grew up with these animated movies all die, which is when they’ll remake these live action movies for this generation’s nostalgia. Repeat ad eternum.
I always thought Pocahontas was hot so if Disney can usher in a new age of fuckable natives I'll say it was worth it.
Make her an american redhead with emo hairdoo you cowards.
>This year, Roy Disney decided to release an animated movie about a Powhatan woman known as "Pocahontas". In answer to a complaint by the Powhatan Nation, he claims the film is "responsible, accurate, and respectful."
>We of the Powhatan Nation disagree. The film distorts history beyond recognition. Our offers to assist Disney with cultural and historical accuracy were rejected. Our efforts urging him to reconsider his misguided mission were spurred.
>The true Pocahontas story has a sad ending. In 1612, at the age of 17, Pocahontas was treacherously taken prisoner by the English while she was on a social visit, and was held hostage at Jamestown for over a year.
>During her captivity, a 28-year-old widower named John Rolfe took a "special interest" in the attractive young prisoner. As a condition of her release, she agreed to marry Rolfe, who the world can thank for commercializing tobacco. Thus, in April 1614, Matoaka, also known as "Pocahontas", daughter of Chief Powhatan, became "Rebecca Rolfe". Shortly after, they had a son, whom they named Thomas Rolfe. The descendants of Pocahontas and John Rolfe were known as the "Red Rolfes."
>treacherously taken prisoner by the English while she was on a social visit,
I like how they ignore the fact the tribes had been attacking and taking prisoners and stealing the English’s guns prior to them taking her hostage to trade back.
why not a black actress?
>I like how they ignore the fact the tribes had been attacking and taking prisoners and stealing the English’s guns prior to them taking her hostage to trade back.
Taking invaders prisoners instead of killing them seems reasonable to me. especially if what they asked for their release in the first place was for them to go away.
Even fewer roles are given to native than to blacks.
>starring Native American actress
They were able to find one?
Steven Seagal
Natives had slaves!
>native american character
>native american actress
nonono that's just ridiculous
And? Those slaves were Natives too, not black.
SLavery is a black issue
>fuckable natives
There’s no such thing anymore. If you meet an injun who is attractive, most likely she’s mixed, pure blooded ones are just above Aussie Abos in ugliness.
Not when the slaves are not Black.
For me, it's Sharon Lee.
>If you meet an injun who is attractive, most likely she’s mixed, pure blooded ones are just above Aussie Abos in ugliness.
Source: your ass.
That's white revisionism
Tell that to the entire history of colonization in Latin America.
the brazlians genocided their black slaves after they were done with them
So that's why the black population in Brazil is so high, huh?
Also not what I was talking about. The Caribbeans were ripe with both Indian and black slavery.
>In December 1609, Ratcliffe and 14 fellow colonists were invited to a gathering with the tribe of Powhatan Indians. The Powhatans promised the starving colonists would be given corn, but it was a trap. The colonists were ambushed. Ratcliffe suffered a particularly gruesome fate: he was tied to a stake in front of a fire. Women removed the skin from his entire body with mussel shells and tossed the pieces into the flame as he watched. They skinned his face last and finally burned him at stake.
Who was in the wrong here?
European Imperialists who used their own desperate population as weaponised poverty to conquer other lands.
Not their fault savages traded land for beads.
It is. They knew they were conning them.
Wish they make Pocahontas European white because fuck SJws of Yea Forums
They made the trade. Buyer beware.
Fuck off
Most of them didn't.
Go drink som Listerine and calm down, big chief firewater.
could you be any more tankie?
Get off the American continent,illegal migrants. You didnt bring your best, y ou bring your rapist,tour thieves and some i assume are good people
Pocahontas needs to be a young girl this time. The real story deserves to be heard
Is all the Remakes this generation's version of Direct to Video Era Disney?
No takesies backsies. They're yours now.
t. Europe
>You didnt bring your best, y ou bring your rapist,tour thieves and some i assume are good people
The proportion of criminals among immigrants is actually lower than in the US population.
>The proportion of criminals among immigrants is actually lower than in the US population
Even if you exclude niggers
Centrists are irrelevant trash, though.
I mean, what are you gonna do, threaten to vote third party?
Voting for a centrist primary candidate
Now this gets me wondering if they'll give cameos or something to the surviving Native American actors from the original movie.
There is about zero chance that a substantial amount of centrists even know the date of their local primary.
Good luck fighting the millions that progressives are throwing into your race.
I doubt Pocahontas live-action gonna happen because the issue is very sensitive politically and easily causes backfires when it's not handled properly.
All the way to Frozen. Then they're going to re-remake Beauty and the Beast live-action but with every major character replaced by black actors.
They also traded land for horses. Horses were introduced into America by European colonists.
>I like how they ignore the fact the tribes had been attacking and taking prisoners and stealing the English’s guns prior to them taking her hostage to trade back.
This movie has been made already en.wikipedia.org
>Who was in the wrong here?
Natives were getting slaughtered due to their own general incompetence/stupidity and settlers were by and large okay with genocide because lmao these fucks can't even write shit or build houses. History's more interesting when everything's gray instead of black and white
The democratic party will always be a centrist party unless you kick the conservative and moderate minorities out
Is the US the only country in the Americas not embarrassed by what happened to their natives?
I don't understand why they chose that guy in particular to be a villain. I don't understand why they turned history that was also kind of bleak into a fucking Disney princess movie.
I didn't know Elizabeth Warren could act.
>invade another continent
>waaaah they're treating us bad
How Anglo can you be?
They'll have to make a completely new story. The original was absolute trash.
>live action frozen
user i can only get so triggered
Does anyone else feel that this current trend of live action remakes is simply for the sake of preventing future generations from criticizing the company?
Like, with live action remakes replacing the original animated versions in the minds of their fans, they can avoid people criticizing the IP/brand (ie, Song of the South).
It's not about bringing the property to a new generation of viewers; it's just retroactive damage control.
they were peaceful refugees!
No? Doing this cover their ass in absolutely no ways, so I don't see how you ever came to that conclusion in the first place.
I wonder if it will be less or more terrible than the original.
>"We're so creatively bankrupt we won't even pretend anymore."
No, they're doing it to update their IPs and to get them out too the general population again while feeding on nostaliga.
The casting of minorities has nothing to do with it, they're just getting with the times, and since Poca is their most racist animated movie of the 90s it makes sense they wanna change some stuff in major ways.
Yeah it is pretty racist. Both Ratcliffe and Pocahontas were victims and terrible lives. John Smith was a douche of the highest degree.
souless and no ball
Yeah the whole "lets make John Smith a handsome dude that Pocahontas falls in love with" is really creepy when you actually learn the history.
Ratcliffe probably didn't deserve the potray he got but we got a banger song out of him
see how he glitters
There was nothing racist about Pocahontas without going deep into SJW arcana and insisting on historical accuracy which wasn't the point in the first place.
All of this shit is just Disney showing that there's not an iota of creativity left in western animation. I can't stress this enough. That's what's important here and that's what should be pointed out whenever a live action or remake is talked about.
See how I glitter
Disney is not good for casting beautiful women
The fuck is Disney retarded, they’re just asking for identity politics controversy.
Shut up pedo. If anything you should be happy for the remake. There is a chance for them to cast a 12yo Pocahontas.
Not only do Black Brazilians still exist, Brazil has the highest Black population outside of Africa.
Honestly at this point that may be the only way for them to stay "relevant" just like basically every other franchise.
So will they cast a ginger for this?
Anglos. duh
I can't wait for live action Meekometer
Ask Canada.
No one gives a shit because "muh white devil". Fuck natives were raping, killing, and pillaging their own kind for centuries before the Europeans but fuck ever acknowledging that humans regardless of background have been cruel savages to one another.
What Native American actresses are there? Amber Midthunder is all I can think of.
It's for copyrights. 75 year rule will hopefuly stand, except if Mouse does it again.
The bitch from Roma?
I didn't think Disney was going to remake Native American Genocide: Fairy Tail Edition. Can't wait for the shitstorm.
what if Pocahontas wanted to go to England because she was sick of living with shitty out of date Powhatan technology?
I'm pretty sure the chick in this movie is Hawaiian.
It is a plausible explanation for older movies like Snow White but doesn't work for newer ones like Aladdin or The Little Mermaid.
Isn't she a little old? Besides, she's Native Mexican.
They were fishing for an oscar.
What I don't understand is why they made the Scots wear kilts in Braveheart.
they're all men too. Look at those shoulder to hips ratios on all 3 of these linebackers.
Huh...never thought of it like that.
>The proportion of criminals among immigrants is actually lower than in the US population
You know that statistic only counts for legal immigrants? You fucking tard. Every illegal immigrant is by definition a criminal.
"Illegal" doesn't always means "criminal", you tard.
>live action remakes of 2d films
How the hell can there be any demand for this nonsense?
What do you mean?
Of course we are, we just unfortunately heavily neglect them. Even the SJWS don't even care about them or mention them
Entering the country illegally is a crime. Ergo people who do it are criminals, tard.
>Illegal" doesn't always means "criminal"
>Contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.
Are you literally retarded?
There are more laws. Criminal law is not the only law. Educate yourself.
Illegal immigration is a criminal offense, though, so your hair splitting is meaningless.
I never understood it either.
seen that video where a jew and a native starts trying to out-victim each other at some lefty rally?
feels fun, man
Yeah as much as I really am absolutely tired of these remakes coming out, this one MIGHT actually have potential to see adapted, wonder if it'll be a straight adaptation of the movie or possibly and more interestingly a more historically accurate film, only time will tell how this will turn out.
It's frightening an idiot like you has the right to vote.
We used to have films with Indians portraying Indians all the time during the Western craze.
Indians playing something other than someone from their ancestor's tribe is the actual rarity.
The only reasonable answer so far.
>Indians portraying Indians all the time during the Western craze.
mexicans and italians mostly...
>To Star Native American Actress
Really? Why don't they just make her black like everyone else they are casting these days.
German and Peruvian
Hollywood usually has asian girls play native girls and mexican guys play the men because actual native americans in the US are basically extinct. They could always get Kelsey Chow from yellow stone to play Pocahontas
northern natives are pretty much extinct so it would be hard to even find a native actress, unless they dig up some goblin looking motherfucker from south america, as those things breed like cockroaches.
*tips fedora*
They're not extinct, they just don't shove their ethnicity in your face. They just look like mexicans/people mistake for Asian.
she should be black
cause there are black native americans
Why? This movie was pretty mediocre at best and boring most of the time.
I remember watching it as a kid and leaving the movie theater feeling "Huh... somethings not right..." I wasn't aware enough at the time to recognize that I felt unsatisfied, compared to the other smash Disney smash hits that happened before.
And every subsequent review of the film has only deepened the sense of disappointment this film is.
That's not what happened she was older and married to John Rolfe at the time.
She had had one son, Thomas, and he went on to become one of the first wealthy planters and the progenitor of the American Elite.
Most of the Founding Father's were descended from him.
>invade country illegally
>waahh they’re treating us bad
How Central American can you be?
Pocahontas to be a white red hair girl and John to be a asian/latino.
Maybe black just piss off /pol/
They're so mixed you just need 8% native ancestry to qualify for tribal membership. They're extinct in the US
No they were black.
When Emancipation happened they booted then out of the tribe and all the half breeds.
>Native American Actress
Does that even exist? Or are they going to cast someone who's 1/32 Cherokee and call it a day?
>not changing her race
What? That's not very progressive of you, Disney.
>1/32 thats too ethinic
they need someone at least 1/64
There weren't that many despite what people will tell you.
Also North America is very big and to treat them all as a single group would be wrong.
"The Five Civilized Tribes" had mostly calmed down by the time the US army started dealing with the Plains People. A lot of them were recruited as scalphunters and guides.
>John Smith was a douche of the highest degree.
When you've beheaded as many Turks in combat as the Captain you tend not to give a shit what people think.
Stop with the whataboutisms, for God’s sake. What is this? /pol/?
There are fucktons of people of African descent in the Latin America
The hypocrisy of the invaders that stole a full land
>Not having Pocahontas played by a black woman.
Everyone had slaves.
You're confusing Brazil and Argentina.
I don’t care about any of these other crappy franchises but if they touch Lilo and Stitch somebody is going to fucking die
Why is Disney making the same mistake twice?
Why don't they fucking make, I don't know, a movie about the goddamn Lewis and Clark expedition instead?
Not a black woman RACIST!
That movie was actually not that great so it has the rare chance of being interesting.
The only one of these I'm ever going to see is the Black Cauldron one though
Basically this
>Why don't they fucking make, I don't know, a movie about the goddamn Lewis and Clark expedition instead?
Because its Native American woman got COLONIZED by a Frenchman, can't have problematic relationships like that user
Not exactly sure what this has to do with my argument? I'm well aware.
Who asked for any of these terrible fucking remakes?
because they're the only ones still complaining about it virtually every other group that was widely enslaved has moved on
they've actually been shooting it for years but by the time they can get everyone made up, on set and they start rolling film, the scene's already devolved into an orgy
>Tarzan live action
won't ever happen since they can't replace him with a black guy
well the same can be said for just about every other group at this point
white people it's always white people
the us and canada are the only countries in the americas without a high admixture of natives dumbshit
and why would we be embarrassed? they were a worthy adversary and we beat them that's nothing to be ashamed of on either end
that was going to happen anyway, live action or not
of course not beautiful women are not and don't get *woke*
>Snow White
blacked when?
most of them aren't really camera friendly either
yeah this is exemplary of the absurdist decision making process at disney thanks for the demonstration
nah that was a valid point
every other group that was widely enslaved has moved on
The ignorance is outstanding... user, the indigenous tribes that were enslaved were also genocided en masse during the conquest, they can't complain because they no longer exist or are in such small numbers they're basically irrelevant in some regions.
>the indigenous tribes that were enslaved were also genocided en masse during the conquest
no they weren't
Why are you denying this indisputable fact? en.m.wikipedia.org
>It is estimated that during the colonial period (1492–1832), a total of 1.86 million Spaniards settled in the Americas and a further 3.5 million immigrated during the post-colonial era (1850–1950); the estimate is 250,000 in the 16th century, and most during the 18th century as immigration was encouraged by the new Bourbon Dynasty. In contrast, the indigenous population plummeted by an estimated 80% in the first century and a half following Columbus's voyages, primarily through the spread of Afro-Eurasian diseases.[1] This has been argued to be the first large-scale act of genocide in the modern era,[2] although this claim is largely disputed due to the unintended nature of the disease introduction, which is considered a byproduct of Columbian exchange. R
Involuntary plagues are not genocide. Do the Mongols own reparations to Europe for the Black Death?
Here it is.
This is the exact moment where Disney overplays their hand.
It wasnt a black mermaid, it wasnt emotionless lions, it's this.
There is absolutly no audience that wants it. At least BatB, Aladdin, and Lion King were originally highly praised Disney movies.
Disney fans hated the original Pocahontas where even the most drone like of fans will call it one of the shittier renaissance movies.
There is already live action fatigue.
The audience of today that Disney would hope to get brownie points from would be disgusted that they chose the story of Pocahontas and tear it to shreds.
This is a movie for no one.
Dude don't get fixated on the last part, holy shit, they didn't peacefully arrive, they went and massacred the natives while displacing them. Ridiculous to pretend it was just the diseases when the vast territories of the Americas suffered such a drastic decline in population over a short period of time
Before your rant you could've checked to see if it was true, protip: IT ISN'T. They already said they wouldn't remake it.
>bro don't get hung up on the part where i contradicted myself
>wikipedia as a source
Wanna a more biased source there retard?
Nah, fuck you.
>Nah, fuck you.
ah yes clearly you've won now
>to star an Amerindian actress
Those exist?
as soon as they hit 19 they hit the wall if they weren't already bloated alcoholics before then.
They need to do the original story of loli Pocahontas being a curious troublemaker that takes a liking to John Smith and begs her dad to spare him.