Yea Forums Cringe Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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That's a pretty funny joke

one of you fucks has the custom play pen pictures
post them you ape

there is no way this happened.

>"you thinking what im thinking?"

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I saw the tweet about the rugrats fandom
why the fuck is this a thing

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i'm trying to find the original post so i can see if it's legit. any guesses?

Already saw this on twitter
Until i get a link to the actual forum this is just a ruse.

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you know how a good chunk of Yea Forums is nuts to someones perspective but the overall community is flooded with normalfags so it's watered down, little forum communities like this don't get the back of the head knowledge that Yea Forums has, as in people who have absolutely no interest or despise us still know we exist. so there allowed to germinate in there own slop for fucking years.

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Yep... thats enough crazy for me for one night.

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this is a fake forum, right? google is giving me nothing...


>"get baby with it"

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I also didn't find it using Google, though to be fair I didn't try that hard. I think it might be fake too going by the fact one of the user's join dates is "Oct 3, 2019" (yeah sometimes forums can have fake join dates but it might be evidence of where the person who made it got sloppy). Also everything about it just reads as way too jokey

Lot of effort put in from the person who made it if it is a fake forum though.

>fake forum
fake screenshot

>Joined October 3rd 2019

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Fake or not, I kek’d.
It’s fake you faggots

Very well done though

It's just some fake screenshots made by some faggot on twitter.

He made it unclear on purpose so it would go viral.

Yea Forums related itself, the shitty horrorverse threads that plague this board to the very end

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the smurf and arthur forurms weren't

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Those are just sad though, the fake Rugrats forum looks like it’d actually be pretty based, diaperfags aside

I want to see the playpen.

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this might be fake but it still made me chuckle

Sauce, please. I never enter any of these threads, just what does make them bad.

Started out fun enough as "dude what if every horror character was in the same universe" until it devolved into arguing over whether Earthbound and Undertale can be considered horror.